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whose ur favorite character? [CLOSED]
Hawaii Five o Blue Sparx Gems: 734
#1 Posted: 21:18:48 17/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Also to discuss the characters, i think that spyro is my favorite character but if i couldn't choose him id pick cynder because i do have to admit she is pretty and they had good voices for her.
~A true artist can never create his or her GOOD creations twice, but they may create their bad ones more~
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#2 Posted: 02:36:33 18/12/2013
My favorite character from TEN? Well, I think The Chronicler is my favorite one because it was a very interesting character since the beginning of the game until the end of it...
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#3 Posted: 23:39:02 18/12/2013
Gaul, no contest. Out of all of them, he's got the most mysterious and potentially fascinating backstory (that we never learn) if you pay close enough attention.
Darchangel Blue Sparx Gems: 627
#4 Posted: 20:18:17 19/12/2013
Spyro or Cynder.
>N< "Everyone knows I'm in over my head."
I'll Start Trying In September
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