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The 1st Annual Darky Awards [CLOSED]
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#1 Posted: 01:49:00 10/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Welcome one and all, to the least legitimate, most absurd superlatives topic you'll probably ever witness (until someone does something even sillier). The prestigious and fictitious "darkSpyro Organizational Council for Awards Committee" is proud to present its first ever year-end awards show. We'll be covering all the most important aspects of this forum in the coming weeks.

Nominations and ideas for other categories are encouraged by all and will be treated with the utmost care. Our crack team of scientists will use the latest in high-tech award-calculating algorithms to ensure fair and accurate results are made. By which I mean a bunch of walruses nudge beach balls out of a swimming pool and we flip a few coins over at the office.

Don't like the idea? That's fine. But I'm doing in anyway. SCIENCE DEMANDS IT! And now, for the starting categories...

The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award
For the user who consistently made jaw-dropping topics.

The Thinking Man's Award
For the most philosophical user.

The Lady Gaga Award
For the hyperactive people who needed three dozen avatars this past year. To be awarded to the user who wasn't content to keep one avatar long enough.

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
For the user who had the worst avatar change this year.

The Comeback Kid Award
For the unlikely return of a long-time user.

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award
For the best sudden, unexplained departure. Bonus points if the user never returned.

The Dick Dasterdly Award
For the best topic derailment of 2013.

The Old Married Couple Award
For the pair of users who did the best bickering of the year. Bonus points if they got a shipping topic.

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award
For the best troll bait topic of the year.

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
For the user who you think was active the most this year.

The Yoshi Award
For the cheeriest user of the year.

Possibly more to come!

Serious mode: This is just for fun. Don't take offense.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#2 Posted: 01:51:52 10/12/2013
HIR, are you some how trying to follow a trend? @.@

The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award

The Lady Gaga Award

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
Big Green

The Comeback Kid Award
Dark Lord

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award

The Dick Dasterdly Award

The Old Married Couple Award
Aura24 x Kappapopm

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award

The Yoshi Award
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:01:26 10/12/2013 by DummyZ
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#3 Posted: 01:53:18 10/12/2013
i nominate big green for wardrobe malfunction
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#4 Posted: 01:54:45 10/12/2013
Nominees from me:
The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award
The Thinking Man's Award
The Comeback Kid Award
Ghakimx or whatever his/her username is.
The Old Married Couple Award
Aura24XLightSpyro13 (was that last year?)
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#5 Posted: 01:55:59 10/12/2013
I nominate Eevee for the "Screw this, I'm outta here" award.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8585
#6 Posted: 01:56:01 10/12/2013
The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award
The Thinking Man's Award
The Lady Gaga Award
The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
The Comeback Kid Award
The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award
The Dick Dasterdly Award
The Old Married Couple Award
Aura, Kappapom
The Bass Pro Shops™ Award
The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
The Yoshi Award
I take offense to this
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#7 Posted: 01:57:05 10/12/2013
I think I'm the Yoshi Award.....

I don't even know if that's a good thing smilie"

Also the Lady Gaga Award....
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#8 Posted: 02:07:47 10/12/2013
All I'm gonna say is that the Yoshi award goes to Thumper.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#9 Posted: 02:09:00 10/12/2013
The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award

The Lady Gaga Award

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
Big Green

The Comeback Kid Award
Ghakmix or however it's spelled.

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award

The Dick Dasterdly Award
Seiki (I derailed so many topics into yaoi topics.)

The Old Married Couple Award
BahamutBreaker X Uncle Bob. (Not S&N, but look through half the topics in the SKylander sections)

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award

The Yoshi Award
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:11:23 10/12/2013 by Seiki
slambam104 Gold Sparx Gems: 2464
#10 Posted: 02:09:38 10/12/2013
Quote: Bash28
I think I'm the Yoshi Award.....

I don't even know if that's a good thing smilie"

Also the Lady Gaga Award....

I don't know about the lady gaga award...I think that's CrystalHero.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#11 Posted: 02:14:40 10/12/2013
The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award
For the user who consistently made jaw-dropping topics.


The Thinking Man's Award
For the most philosophical user.


The Lady Gaga Award
For the hyperactive people who needed three dozen avatars this past year. To be awarded to the user who wasn't content to keep one avatar long enough.


The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
For the user who had the worst avatar change this year.

Bash. (no offense to you or Bella)

The Comeback Kid Award
For the unlikely return of a long-time user.

That Ghakmix guy.

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award
For the best sudden, unexplained departure. Bonus points if the user never returned.


The Dick Dasterdly Award
For the best topic derailment of 2013.


The Old Married Couple Award
For the pair of users who did the best bickering of the year. Bonus points if they got a shipping topic.

Beavis x Butthead aka Big Green and Rendar.

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award
For the best troll bait topic of the year.


The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
For the user who you think was active the most this year.


The Yoshi Award
For the cheeriest user of the year.

Thumper or Bash.

But Yoshi has the name...
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#12 Posted: 02:16:11 10/12/2013
The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award
Samius or Metallo.

The Lady Gaga Award
crystalhero37 by a long shot,

The Comeback Kid Award

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award

The Dick Dasterdly Award
Seiki, lots of wonderful yaoi.

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award
arceustheprime for her "So I was _____ darkSpyro" topic.

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
Hard to tell.....

The Yoshi Award
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#13 Posted: 02:20:20 10/12/2013
Quote: Seiki
The Dick Dasterdly Award
Seiki (I derailed so many topics into yaoi topics.)

Using your example, me and DC would have won for so many derailed topics rotting in lag ^.^
But I believe HIR means which derailed into an argument or something worse. That's why Gooby takes my cake.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#14 Posted: 02:22:35 10/12/2013
@sb- OMG yes!!! CH deserves that one ^.^

I agree with Thumper too! She's really jolly X3

"Points for bravery, Stiff."
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8585
#15 Posted: 02:24:12 10/12/2013
Nobody says Brightscales or X-treme.
*Goes to corner and rethinks life*
popfizzfan4life Ripto Gems: 1471
#16 Posted: 02:27:12 10/12/2013
I'm on comeback
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3571
#17 Posted: 02:36:45 10/12/2013
The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award
HIR smilied

The Lady Gaga Award

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
Erm....I got it! AURA24!

The Comeback Kid Award

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award

The Dick Dasterdly Award

The Old Married Couple Award
Aura X Kappa XP

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award
Wicked Thumpack jig XC

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
Sky Airglow

The Yoshi Award
Bash 28!

I have some recommendations
The Naughty User Award
The user who didn't act so nice or mature.

Hunter of the Year Award
The mod who was always happy and not in a bad MOoD )_(

Activity Level: Barren Desert
User who is barely online.
My life is complete.
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#18 Posted: 02:37:49 10/12/2013
You've all forgotten about Dark Lord ;~;
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#19 Posted: 02:41:23 10/12/2013
The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award

The Lady Gaga Award
Yeah, me.

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
I dunno

The Comeback Kid Award
Dark Lord.

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award
I dunno

The Dick Dasterdly Award

The Old Married Couple Award
Matteomax X Remiu.

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
Me. i never log off.

The Yoshi Award
I dunno.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#20 Posted: 02:54:43 10/12/2013
Quote: Bash28
@sb- OMG yes!!! CH deserves that one ^.^

I agree with Thumper too! She's really jolly X3


*backs away*

Big Green Platinum Sparx Gems: 6345
#21 Posted: 02:59:52 10/12/2013
everyone is mad because their avatars arent as cool as mine
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#22 Posted: 03:03:54 10/12/2013
Quote: DummyZ
Quote: Seiki
The Dick Dasterdly Award
Seiki (I derailed so many topics into yaoi topics.)

Using your example, me and DC would have won for so many derailed topics rotting in lag ^.^
But I believe HIR means which derailed into an argument or something worse. That's why Gooby takes my cake.

Yes, but I've also derailed a topic into a yaoi topic 10 minutes after it got made, it then derailed like 2 more times after that. The topic didn't have a chance to certainly be a topic. It was one of Rand's topics.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Sky Airglow Yellow Sparx Gems: 1136
#23 Posted: 03:05:19 10/12/2013

Heheh... For being a small Green Sparx... AHAHAHAH *twitch*

Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#24 Posted: 03:06:19 10/12/2013
Quote: Troll Slug
Quote: Bash28
@sb- OMG yes!!! CH deserves that one ^.^

I agree with Thumper too! She's really jolly X3


*backs away*


Lol X3
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#25 Posted: 03:14:55 10/12/2013
Quote: Sky Airglow

Heheh... For being a small Green Sparx... AHAHAHAH *twitch*


Sky has so many more gems then MagicFizz.

Quote: Bash28
Quote: Troll Slug
Quote: Bash28
@sb- OMG yes!!! CH deserves that one ^.^

I agree with Thumper too! She's really jolly X3


*backs away*


Lol X3

Lulzy :3333

hey look its bash and *shot*
MoonDragon36 Gold Sparx Gems: 2452
#26 Posted: 04:54:58 10/12/2013
The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
For the user who you think was active the most this year.

I nominate spyro-gamer for this award.
Alt/egirl crossed with a Hippy, some days be gamer life others I just wanna dance with the forest fairies smilie
Follow me on twitch:
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5348
#27 Posted: 05:15:56 10/12/2013
Haha oh my gosh smilie

Kinda disappointed that I didn't get anything else, but oh well smilie After changing my avatar over ten times a day I don't blame anyone.

The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award
wspyro or Samius (thoughtful posts I'm assuming)

The Lady Gaga Award

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
(Like hardly change?) HIR.

The Comeback Kid Award
Dark Lord

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award

The Dick Dasterdly Award
Big Green (best topic changer? smilie)

The Old Married Couple Award
Aura24 and Kappapopm (Probably spelt that wrong)

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award
I'll think more about that one....

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
Spyro-Gamer, arceustheprime or DragonCamo.

The Yoshi Award
Cheeriest? thumper or Bash28
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 05:26:13 10/12/2013 by crystalhero37
Gooby Green Sparx Gems: 277
#28 Posted: 05:18:57 10/12/2013
I am not a troll. Why do you guys hate me
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#29 Posted: 05:21:55 10/12/2013
Quote: Gooby
I am not a troll. Why do you guys hate me

Oh hey, you're back. The nomination for that award doesn't mean you're a troll, it says you're troll bait. Not a bad thing. It just means you're naive and attract trolls easily.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Gooby Green Sparx Gems: 277
#30 Posted: 05:25:13 10/12/2013
I do not mean too smilie I always get bullied because of what I say and do it is not fair
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#31 Posted: 05:29:22 10/12/2013
Quote: Gooby
I do not mean too smilie I always get bullied because of what I say and do it is not fair

Being naive at your age isn't a bad thing.

The way the internet is, anyone on a forum under the age of 10 is likely to end up easy troll bait.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Gooby Green Sparx Gems: 277
#32 Posted: 05:30:39 10/12/2013
My age makes me like this it is not fair people need to be nicer and more u derstanding
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#33 Posted: 05:30:52 10/12/2013
Quote: DummyZ
HIR, are you some how trying to follow a trend? @.@

The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award

The Lady Gaga Award

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
Big Green

The Comeback Kid Award
Dark Lord

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award

The Dick Dasterdly Award

The Old Married Couple Award
Aura24 x Kappapopm

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award

The Yoshi Award

Quote: DummyZ
You've all forgotten about Dark Lord ;~;

Quote: crystalhero37
Haha oh my gosh smilie

Kinda disappointed that I didn't get anything else, but oh well smilie After changing my avatar over ten times a day I don't blame anyone.

The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award
wspyro or Samius (thoughtful posts I'm assuming)

The Lady Gaga Award

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
(Like hardly change?) HIR.

The Comeback Kid Award
Dark Lord

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award

The Dick Dasterdly Award
Big Green

The Old Married Couple Award
Aura24 and LightSpyro15 (I think?)

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award
I'll think more about that one....

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
Spyro-Gamer, arceustheprime or DragonCamo.

The Yoshi Award
Cheeriest? thumper or Bash28

This is like, the first time someone sauid my name in a topic (besides NINJAsk11 sometimes doing it. xD) smilie

You gaiz! I feel loved!~ :3
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#34 Posted: 05:36:36 10/12/2013
Quote: Gooby
My age makes me like this it is not fair people need to be nicer and more u derstanding

That's my point. You're young, as a result you don't know a whole lot. Not you're fault, not really something wrong, but this will attract trolls who will mess with you.

They aren't being mean, it's not bullying, it's more just messing with you. You may not like it, but it's more meant to be a little fun at your expense. Simply ignoring them is one way to avoid them.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#35 Posted: 05:50:37 10/12/2013
Is there an award for best gifsmiths?
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#36 Posted: 07:54:11 10/12/2013
The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award

The Lady Gaga Award

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
Bash (No offence)

The Comeback Kid Award
Dark Lord

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award

The Dick Dasterdly Award

The Old Married Couple Award
Big Green and Windumup

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
Uh... Spyrobaro?

The Yoshi Award
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#37 Posted: 08:06:55 10/12/2013
Is there an award for the worst puns?
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7838
#38 Posted: 08:28:15 10/12/2013
There should be an award for strangest user smilie

such awards
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#39 Posted: 08:34:05 10/12/2013
Quote: Jaggedstar
There should be an award for strangest user smilie

such awards

Oooo! Ooo! Oo! Can I have that one?!
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7838
#40 Posted: 09:20:12 10/12/2013
Quote: Rickorio
Quote: Jaggedstar
There should be an award for strangest user smilie

such awards

Oooo! Ooo! Oo! Can I have that one?!

have you not met me yet
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#41 Posted: 09:30:21 10/12/2013
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: Rickorio
Quote: Jaggedstar
There should be an award for strangest user smilie

such awards

Oooo! Ooo! Oo! Can I have that one?!

have you not met me yet

If I posted more, and wasn't so split-faced, I would win that by a landslide.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#42 Posted: 11:41:13 10/12/2013
Quote: paddyfitz
The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award

The Lady Gaga Award

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award
Bash (No offence)

The Comeback Kid Award
Dark Lord

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award

The Dick Dasterdly Award

The Old Married Couple Award
Big Green and Windumup

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award
Uh... Spyrobaro?

The Yoshi Award

Which Avatar? X3
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
BrutalBash101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1757
#43 Posted: 12:09:25 10/12/2013
The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award
King Pika
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7838
#44 Posted: 12:27:50 10/12/2013
Quote: Rickorio
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: Rickorio

Oooo! Ooo! Oo! Can I have that one?!

have you not met me yet

If I posted more, and wasn't so split-faced, I would win that by a landslide.

You're on. smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#45 Posted: 12:57:07 10/12/2013
Quote: BrutalBash101
The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award
King Pika

He got hacked.
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3346
#46 Posted: 15:22:06 10/12/2013
The "Well, this is certainly a topic... ;>.>" Underachievement Award

The Thinking Man's Award

The Lady Gaga Award
crystalhero37 (Sorry smilie)

The Janet Jackson "Wardrobe Malfunction" Award

The Comeback Kid Award
Uh... Dark Lord?

The "Screw This, I'm Outta Here!" Award
spyro and sonic

The Dick Dasterdly Award

The Old Married Couple Award
joerox123 x Pixilism

The Bass Pro Shops™ Award
Any and every classic vs. skylanders topic. :U

The "Activity Level: Richard Simmons" Award

The Yoshi Award

"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Darchangel Blue Sparx Gems: 627
#47 Posted: 20:18:04 10/12/2013
definitely eevee88 for "Screw this, I'm out of here"
>N< "Everyone knows I'm in over my head."
I'll Start Trying In September
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#48 Posted: 20:20:31 10/12/2013
Here's the trophy that will be given out to the winners.

[User Posted Image]
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#49 Posted: 20:23:16 10/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Beautiful, MH.

Also, each award will have 2 winners: a reader's choice (you guys) and an HIR choice (mostly for giggles). First award will be given out tonight! ^.^
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#50 Posted: 20:28:09 10/12/2013
Quote: DummyZ
You've all forgotten about Dark Lord ;~;

Give me a goddarn Knife and make me MAD

who can forget HIM! well?! WELL!?
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