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The Throne of One (Open) [CLOSED]
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#51 Posted: 14:15:54 17/12/2013
Lorena nodded. "'Tis my job to make sure nothing harms ya. Or at least not too bad" She said with a small bow of her head. "It is an honor to serve ya" Lorena said with a smile.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#52 Posted: 14:17:02 17/12/2013
The vodka kicked into Alex's system as he laughed

"You are funny. How about a duel? " he asked, half drunk with his knives in his hands.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#53 Posted: 14:17:05 17/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"Please, please, no bickering Mister Alexander, Mister Mikami, me and Alexander want the same thing, the Throne...You may both call me Presto...Just as a designation though, I'd rather leave out my real name...You have both heard of the new princess right? The new royalty for the Throne? My employer wants the blood, just like you, Mister Alex? Well Mister Mikami, I've come to hire you for my employer." He said, as he spun his cane around with one hand, the wicked grin still on his face.
Tyla nodded "I see...Well, since we're going to be traveling...Tyla is my name, yours?"
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:19:32 17/12/2013 by Dark Lord
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#54 Posted: 14:31:11 17/12/2013
"Lorena, at your service" Lorena said with a joyful smile. "Nice to meet ya, Tyla"
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Vincentkoopa Yellow Sparx Gems: 1997
#55 Posted: 14:36:43 17/12/2013
Mikami smirked as he finished the rest of his wine. He put down the glass and looked at Presto. "So you have come to hire me. How much will I be paid exactly?"
Always tired~
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#56 Posted: 14:52:38 17/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Tyla nodded, her eyes narrowed, her expression seemed cold, though it was most likely because of how long she has been alone why her expression was like that, not used to giving kindness to people in the form of socially, though she was kindhearted when it came to problems with other people, even using her magic to help people "Well, don't get too close." She nodded, walking down the street, not noticing though, a red dot, laser sights, on the side of her head.
Presto smiled, waving his cane around and with simply teleportation magic, a bag appeared, black and full of money, it being real, not imprinted or fake "My employer has been waiting for this moment, and as such, owns and runs a very wealthy business, this is only half or seventy-five percent of the money, five hundred million, you'll get the same amount if you bring the Princess, though dead, and bringing just the blood is three-hundred million,, one choice will of course, slightly disappoint my employer, but either way, both choices, dead or living, will be a success to us."
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#57 Posted: 14:54:29 17/12/2013
Lorena immediately noticed the red dot. "Err… Is that dot always there?" She asked, unsheathing her sword just in case.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#58 Posted: 14:59:05 17/12/2013
Alex zoned into their conversation. He wanted the job also, but knew that he might not get it so he stayed silent.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#59 Posted: 15:06:10 17/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Tyla looked toward her, then up at the roof, her eyes widening, the quickest thing she thought of, she brought her hand up and stone came out of the ground im front of her, blocking the first shot.
Looked toward Alex, still keeping the wicked smile "I can see it in your eyes too boy...You want the job also?" He wavered his camne as another black bag appeared for him "We're hiring everyone, though, you two have more potential than most, you both are getting Five-hundred million, most of the others are just fifty thousand or more, my employer needs everyone now, this royalty." He shook his head, making a few clicking sounds "They are just so hard to kill, especially with their protectors, so we are gathering as many as we can without my employer going bankrupt of course."
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#60 Posted: 15:11:57 17/12/2013
"Im in " Alex said as he shared the same wicked smile as Presto was wearing.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#61 Posted: 15:25:31 17/12/2013
Lorena nodded "Hey, you can fight!" Lorena said, bringing her sword up, ready to strike.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Vincentkoopa Yellow Sparx Gems: 1997
#62 Posted: 22:08:08 17/12/2013
"I shall accept this job." Mikami replied, staring at Alex. "But just to let you know, I'm not doing this for you." He got up from his stool and pushed the hair away from his left eye. He looked at both Alex and Presto and said with a devious smirk, "You won't regret hiring me."
Always tired~
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#63 Posted: 22:11:05 17/12/2013
Alex then looked at presto, not knowing what to say to him.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#64 Posted: 23:21:57 17/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"Of course!. Hey, why are you doing that? He's on the roof! How are you going to reach him?"
Presto nodded, grinning happily and almost insanely "Now, alive is mostly preferred, if dead, you will both get three-hundred million instead." He said, the man putting an index finger in the long black hair behind him, and twirling, his hair being shoulder length but not any longer "This applies to both of you, so work well both of ya!" he said, his wicked grin still on his face.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#65 Posted: 23:28:07 17/12/2013
"Indeed I shall...bring her alive." He stated as he smirked and walked out of the bar.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Vincentkoopa Yellow Sparx Gems: 1997
#66 Posted: 23:50:17 17/12/2013
Mikami took one last look at Presto before walking out of the bar. He pushed his hair back so it could cover his left eye once again and began to walk away slowly.
Always tired~
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#67 Posted: 23:55:02 17/12/2013
Alex then ran back into the bar, hoping Presto was still there.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#68 Posted: 00:35:13 18/12/2013
"Quite easily, although, I myself won't be getting up there" Lorena said with a smirk. She had called for Mr.Cuddles. The small dragon lightly purred as he appeared. "Go on, go attack the guy on the roof" Lorena said with a kind tone. Mr.Cuddles flapped his little wings up to the roof, determined to fight the guy.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#69 Posted: 21:45:08 18/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Presto was still there, holding onto the top of his cane as he stood there "Ye, Mister Alex?" He said, like always, wickedly smiling.
The man, trying to snipe Tyla stopped looking through the scope to look toward the dragon, pointing his rifle over, Tyla, noticing, then spun around and as she did came out from behind her wall, outstretching her right arm and hand as if reaching toward the man, as she did, a small blizzard of snow started just around the man, causing his vision to be worse at aiming, and it made it even worse because his hands started shaking and wasn't wearing the proper clothing for this, Tyla kept the snowstorm up, only stopping it immediatetly when the dragon was close enough to attack so it only hindered the man from attacking and not the dragon, Mr.Cuddles.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#70 Posted: 22:24:34 18/12/2013
"May I show you a demonstration of my skill?" He asked quite cockily
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Vincentkoopa Yellow Sparx Gems: 1997
#71 Posted: 23:19:57 18/12/2013
Mikami began wandering around the city, wondering where he could find Tyla.
Always tired~
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#72 Posted: 00:19:30 19/12/2013
Alex waited for presto's answer
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#73 Posted: 01:22:28 19/12/2013
Mr.Cuddles purred as he went in to battle. He hissed as he clawed through the man's face.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#74 Posted: 03:28:39 20/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"Gah!" The man yelled, almost screaming, as he fell backwards, both hand on his head, on the wound, only a trained sniper, but not someone who could take pain obviously, Tyla nodded to Lorena "You have a good companion there." She said.
Presto nodded "You could, but I do not have anyone hired right now to demonstrate on, and...I'd rather not be apart of the demonstration, not that I am afraid of getting harmed." He gave a wicked smile "Just, I only fight when I need to."
Another assassin, watching the sniper fall, being hidden, took out a flare gun, firing it into the sky for any other assassins near to see it to know the location of their target.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#75 Posted: 03:35:36 20/12/2013
He grabbed the nearest person and tanked him outside.

"Come sir" he told Presto as the man he grabbed was oddly standing still and obeying him
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#76 Posted: 03:35:57 20/12/2013
Lorena nodded. "We have to move, now" She said hearing the flare. "Mr. Cuddles! Distract them while we run. I'll call you back later!" Lorena said. Mr. Cuddles followed orders as he flapped his little wings to the other assassin who shot the flare gun.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Vincentkoopa Yellow Sparx Gems: 1997
#77 Posted: 04:37:47 20/12/2013
Mikami was walking through street after street. "I forgot to ask Presto what this Tyla girl looked like anyways." Mikami muttered to himself. He continued walking through the city till he saw Lorena and Tyla were fighting with the assassins. "Probably another street fight." he said to himself. Mikami walked past them and walked into an alley.
Always tired~
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#78 Posted: 21:35:45 22/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Presto followed, he didn't mind watching, but wasn't all too keen on doing it, other people's abilities were their own, and would rather that be sooner used for his target rather than showing off.
The assassin the brought his gun down, knowing who were his enemies now, he brought out his knife and when the dragon was in sight, he would throw it at Mr.Cuddles.
Tyla nodded to Lorena, as she knew this streets like the back of her hand, but only for so far, than afterword, she would get lost as she said "Come on, follow me." and ran down an alley, knowing that it was a shortcut for getting on another street.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Vincentkoopa Yellow Sparx Gems: 1997
#79 Posted: 00:22:15 23/12/2013
Mikami heard footsteps behind him and turned around. He saw Tyla and Lorena coming through the alley, but he still didn't know who they were. He shrugged and kept on walking. "I need to find this girl before Alex does to show that he's all talk." he muttered.
Always tired~
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#80 Posted: 06:11:39 23/12/2013
Lorena nodded, running to follow Tyla.


Mr.Cuddles quickly flapped to get to the assassin, hurling a small fireball his way.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3571
#81 Posted: 21:54:54 24/12/2013
Very interesting!!! :0

Name: Blaze


Gender: Female

Weapon: A elegant sword fueled with Fire

Magic: Great with Offensive Fire attacks and has some good defense

Abilities: Quick on her feet. Swift with her long sword. Able to create a wall of fire.

Powers: A slice from her sword leaves a burn mark that slowly drains blood from the body. Wall of fire. Breathes fire. Fireballs.

Appearance: Blaze has bright red hair that goes down to the hips. She has 2 pony-tails that seem to be lighting on fire. She has a necklace with red beads. She usually wears a black dress with red at the edges. Her eyes are bright red. Her eyebrows are black. She has kind of small ears. She is the regular height of a 13 year old, maybe a little taller. Her eyes are really big. She has 2 bracelets on each hand. Her sword is attached to a strap on a belt on her back. She is also kind of shy but can be feisty in battle.

Faction: Protector

I hope it's not to late to join.
My life is complete.
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#82 Posted: 03:05:54 28/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Not too late to join, accepted.

The assassin moved but his hand was hit, he, screaming as he held his wrist and hand to him.
Tyla finally got out with Lorena, stopping and bending while putting her hands on her knees panting a bit to catch her breath, then she moved her hand to the side as her orb floated as if swung and hit a knife away, afterword, an assassin, armored in black and with a black helmnet dropped down, holding knives backhand and and seeming to kind of have a serpentine style of fighting as his stance showed so.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#83 Posted: 18:33:29 03/01/2014
Alex then waved his hand as the person collapsed. His eyes then flashed red and he growled as a ball of black and purple magic formed in his hands. He then hit the guy with it and he slowly died.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Vincentkoopa Yellow Sparx Gems: 1997
#84 Posted: 20:29:48 03/01/2014
Mikami went to a nearby vending machine and bought a bottle of water. He took off the cap and began to drink as he kept on thinking. "If I was someone important and wanted to hide, where would I be?" Mikami said to himself. He thought of several answers as he threw the bottle on the ground and kept on walking.
Always tired~
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