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..:The Land Before Pokemon (Prehistoric Pokemon RP):.. [CLOSED]
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#51 Posted: 03:17:15 20/10/2013
Hungry and frustrated, Tyranno decided to go for an easier meal. If he couldn't catch anything, he'd look for fruit to eat. It didn't take him long to find a berry tree. He grinned and licked his mouth as he carefully landed on one of the thick, strong branches. He perched there, making himself comfortable, and began munching on the berries he could reach. Tyranno ate the fruit as if he had been starving to death, happy to have found an easy meal. The Aerodactyl only hoped that no other Pokemon would come along and spoil his dinner. He didn't want to run into other Pokemon that may possibly want to pick a fight with him.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#52 Posted: 05:42:36 20/10/2013
A calm, grassy plain that stretched for acres upon acres of land waved slowly with the warm breeze. The trees weren't crowded enough to call a forest, but sufficient in supply throughout. A Mago Berry tree was one of these trees, and right now, an unusual creature walked up to it. Now, Marowak aren't usually seen in these parts, but there was one here, leaping up and knocking Mago Berries off the branches for a noontime meal. However, his lunch would not go uninterrupted as a large shadow lumbered over to the berry-picking Marowak.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7372
#53 Posted: 07:37:06 20/10/2013
Ruby was sitting on a large rock on the mountain. The forest was pretty much right below her, and she liked eating berries more than anywhere else so she had picked a good spot to stay for a while, and the cave she was staying in was a few metres up the mountain behind her. She was looking up at the sky, trying to sense what the weather was going to do today. If it was sunny, she would probably fly around and wonder if she should move on. If it was rainy or stormy, she would stay in the cave and eat berries and sleep all day. The weather seemed to fine, but she spread her wings and dived down to the forest to pick and eat some berries anyway.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#54 Posted: 07:57:12 20/10/2013
Tyranno was fairly satisfied eating the berries he had found, but he still wanted some meat in his diet. Plus, after eating all that fruit, he felt a little thirsty. So the Aerodactyl spread his wings and took flight. He soared high above the forest, scanning the land for a source of water to drink from. Perhaps he could also catch a small water type Pokemon for a meal. As Tyranno flew, he soon came across a small lake. He hovered in the air for a moment, looking around to make sure the coast was clear. There didn't seem to be any other Pokemon around at the moment. Assuming it was safe, Tyranno dove down and gently landed at the water's edge. He hunched over the water, folding up his wings and placing his claws on the ground. He lowered his head down to the water's surface and began to drink. As Tyranno lapped up the water with his tongue, he wasn't fully paying attention to his surroundings.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
FrigidHearts Red Sparx Gems: 79
#55 Posted: 22:25:04 21/10/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Sorry for the mini-hiatus, guys. Been busy the past couple of days. >.<

As the day marched on, so did Frigid, enjoying the feel of soft grass beneath her large feet. Being as large as she was, the tundra pokemon was accustomed to thick snow, but getting away from her freezing home was a relief every once in a while. As she drew ever closer to the mountains, she came upon a small lake. Her throat grew dry as she looked at it. The incident at the ravine was much earlier in the day, and she was feeling parched from the long hike and berry-picking. Giving a mental shrug, Frigid slung her makeshift berry bag off her back, taking care to put it close by in case of any thieves looking for an easy meal. With that, she lowered her neck and lapped at the cool, refreshing water, taking no notice of the Aerodactyl close by.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#56 Posted: 23:01:36 21/10/2013
Two Raticate towered over the Marowak. "Hey, you! This is our tree!" They seemed to say. "And this is our territory! Get out!" They hissed. The Marowak looked at the two of them, turned away and leapt into the tree, picking off a few more berries. This pissed the two Raticate off and they started climbing up after the obnoxious Marowak.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#57 Posted: 09:02:00 22/10/2013
Tyranno felt refreshed now and slowly lifted his head. As he did, he noticed a large figure near him. He turned his head to get a better look and had to turn his gaze upward at the large Aurorus that had stopped for a drink. Although it currently posed no threat to the Aerodactyl, Tyranno shrieked in alarm. He flapped his wings frantically, quickly lifting himself up off of the ground. He rose up higher, hoping to get high enough in the sky to avoid the large Pokemon. However, no matter how high he went, he didn't feel safe enough. Tyranno was certain that a creature so big with such a long neck could surely still reach him. In his panic, he did something he probably shouldn't have done. As Tyranno hovered high in the sky, numerous sharp-edged stones appeared and encircled his body. With a loud cry, the stones were hurled at the Aurorus.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7372
#58 Posted: 19:10:58 22/10/2013
Ruby was sitting beside a tree in the forest. She had found some berry trees, not too far from the cave she was staying in. She reached up and delicately picked a bright pink berry hanging off a branch just above her head. "Nice breakfast," she murmured, reaching up to grab yet another berry. "I think I'll go for a flight today..." she thought, glancing up at the sky through the branches of the tree."It's a nice day."
FrigidHearts Red Sparx Gems: 79
#59 Posted: 21:42:22 22/10/2013 | Topic Creator
Frigid was startled by the loud cry of the pokemon near her. So much so that she quickly rose her head from the water's surface, concerned for her own safety. She had no way of knowing she was the "threat." Her large, blue eyes quickly found the source of the cry; an Aerodactyl was ascending rapidly towards the clouds. Curious, the Aurorus tilted her head, only to be startled when the Aerodactyl let out another ear-splitting shriek. As she saw the stones materializing around him, Frigid rose and hurried to stand over her berry bag, covering it with her body. Curling her neck and tail around so that her back was facing the Aerodactyl, Frigid took the brunt of the Stone Edge attack, which hit dead-center. The level difference didn't help her either, as the Aerodactyl was considerably stronger. However, her high defense was a life-saver as a generous half of her HP was taken away. Dazed, but not beaten, Frigid rose her head, shaking off the resulting dizziness, and reeled on her hind legs in anger. What right did that shrimp have to attack her like that? She wasn't doing any harm. Letting out a low-pitched roar, the Aurorus didn't hesitate to let an Ice Beam rip straight at the Aerodactyl.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#60 Posted: 21:54:36 22/10/2013
It occurred to Tyranno that he was being insanely stupid when he saw the Ice Beam come straight at him. He would have to be dumb enough to pick a fight with a large, Ice-type Pokemon. He only had moments to react, and attempted to dodge the attack. The Ice Beam didn't hit dead center, but it didn't miss either. Tyranno's right wing took the hit and was now completely frozen solid. With his wing encased in ice, the Aerodactyl could no longer stay in the air. Tyranno began to plummet. He stretched out his wings and held them steady, attempting to glide to at least avoid falling in the lake. He didn't exactly have a soft landing as he hit the ground with a thud, but at least he didn't have to worry about drowning. However, Tyranno was faced with a new problem. He wouldn't be able to fly until the ice melted, leaving him fairly vulnerable. Tyranno froze with fear as he stared up at the giant Pokemon. Even though the Aurorus wasn't a carnivore, he was still afraid of her.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
FrigidHearts Red Sparx Gems: 79
#61 Posted: 23:15:25 22/10/2013 | Topic Creator
Frigid was seething. Her back stung and her legs felt shaky. She was tired, hungry, still thirsty, and now she was pissed off. The sheer nerve...

However, when she saw her attack render her assailant helpless, she couldn't help but feel pity for the poor thing. He was just confused and frightened, after all. Honestly, had it been her, she would've done the same, no matter how stupid it seemed in the afterthought. Then, she had an idea. Frigid shook some loose shards of rock from her back and grabbed her berry bag by the vine between the teeth. She slowly lumbered over to the Aerodactyl; worried she might scare him by getting too close, she stopped a safe distance away. Dropping the leaf bag, she lowered herself next to it and untied the vine, allowing several oran berries to tumble out. Frigid's long tail gingerly curled around one of the berries before she stood up again and moved slightly closer to the Aerodactyl. Turning her backside to him, her tail uncurled and dropped the berry, which rolled just within his reach.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:16:49 22/10/2013 by FrigidHearts
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#62 Posted: 23:52:09 22/10/2013
When Tyranno saw that the Aurorus was getting closer, he nearly freaked. Out of habit and panic, he started to flap his wings, when he remembered that one was still frozen. Grounded and helpless, he raised his left wing to hide behind it, but then he noticed something. The Aurorus wasn't attacking him. Tyranno cocked his head in confusion and watched her curiously. He watched as some Oran Berries tumbled out of the Pokemon's bag, and saw her pick up one with her tail. Tyranno lowered his head closer to the ground as he watched the Oran Berry roll over to him. At first, he just sniffed it, as if he didn't trust it to be a good berry. It smelled like a normal Oran Berry. Willing to try it, Tyranno gently picked it up with his mouth, tossed it up into the air, and then caught it in his jaws. In one bite, the berry was gone. Tyranno licked his mouth and felt his health restore some. Unfortunately, his wing was still frozen, as a simple Oran Berry couldn't defrost ice. Still, he felt better. Tyranno looked up at the giant Pokemon. She was nice enough to give him a berry, even after he foolishly attacked her. She could have finished off the helpless Aerodactyl, but she didn't. Tyranno smiled slightly and gave a small nod.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
FrigidHearts Red Sparx Gems: 79
#63 Posted: 00:10:18 23/10/2013 | Topic Creator
Frigid was glad to see that the Aerodactyl took her offer. As he gulped down the berry and smiled at her, Frigid got slightly dizzy. Tired and weakened, she laid down right where she was and decided to take a quick rest. She felt she could trust the Aerodactyl not to attack her again, but out of habit, she laid close to the berry bag to keep its contents from getting into unwanted claws. Lowering her head down, she nuzzled the bag and pulled away with a mouthful of oran berries. Munching them down hungrily, she felt a little better as the HP began to return to her, although she still felt tired and thirsty. Reaching her long neck over without getting up, she took a generous drink from the lake, then laid her long neck back down on the ground. Stretching it out all the way with her tail curled protectively over her bag, Frigid closed the space between her and the other pokemon, looking down at him curiously with her giant, cerulean eyes.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#64 Posted: 01:51:03 23/10/2013
The Marowak promptly leaped away and ran off through the tall grass, two Raticate hot on his tail. One used Quick Attack to speed up and almost reached him, had not Kokoro seen this and whacked it away with his bone. A forest was up ahead. Kokoro darted in. The trees provided much more cover now. Yet it also made it harder to maneuver. And, to his disappointment, the advantage was now to the Radicate, much more used to the forest than he was and quickly caught up with him. Kokoro saw a flaming pokemon up ahead. Odd, but hadn't the time to worry about that as his arm was grazed by a Super Fang. He felt his HP drop significantly.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#65 Posted: 11:23:25 23/10/2013
Tyranno watched the Aurorus settle down to rest. He cocked his head as he looked up at him. The Aerodactyl had never met a Pokemon that was willing to share with him and would show him mercy when he was wounded. Most saw him as either a sharp tooth that couldn't be trusted, or a bite-sized snack. Only his family had ever shown him kindness. Tyranno never dreamed that he would meet a Pokemon that would be nice to him, even after he foolishly attacked them. He wondered if the Aurorus wouldn't mind if he took a nap beside her. After all, his right wing was still frozen, so he wouldn't be able to do very much until the ice melted. Tyranno normally didn't like sleeping on the ground, but he would have to make an exception for once. Plus, there was the chance that the Aurorus would provide some protection. He figured not many Pokemon would be foolish enough to mess with a Pokemon of her size. Tyranno sighed and then turned around in a small circle three times before laying down on the ground. He laid down on his back, with his frozen wing stretched out, and his other wing folded over him, almost like a blanket. He stared up at the sky, wishing he was resting higher up so he would feel safer.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
FrigidHearts Red Sparx Gems: 79
#66 Posted: 00:00:00 24/10/2013 | Topic Creator
Frigid sighed peacefully. The sun was setting over the hills, and she was finally starting to feel much better from the small amount of rest she was getting. As the sky turned into a rainbow of various hues of orange, red, and purple, the Aurorus' eyes fluttered shut as she drifted into a peaceful sleep.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#67 Posted: 00:20:27 24/10/2013
Tyranno yawned and his eyes became droopy. He could hardly keep them open now. As he started to fall asleep, he watched the sun set over the hills. He turned his head slightly and glanced at the Aurorus that had already fallen asleep. Tyranno wondered if he had possibly made a friend. He figured that wasn't likely, and he would probably end up parting ways with the Aurorus as soon as she woke up. The Aerodactyl yawned again as his eyes began to close. He could no longer stay awake and drifted off to sleep.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#68 Posted: 23:39:52 25/10/2013
Night time. Kokoro was still on the run from these Raticate. He didn't realize they'd still keep chasing him and he was at his wit's end. Kokoro weaved through the woods but they finally caught him surrounded, out of breath, and low in HP. Kokoro held his Thick Club out. Time to fight. It's a last resort, and against two Raticate, it would be hard. However, he still had a slight level advantage as well as an even bigger one. This would be even, but he needed to be careful. A standoff is happening right now, the Marowak's eyes dart left to right as the Raticate circle around him.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7372
#69 Posted: 22:40:56 26/10/2013
After eating, Ruby stood up by the tree she was leaning and spread her wings, before looking up at the blue sky above and jumping up, up past the forestry and into the open air. Satisfied, Ruby turned around and began to fly above the trees of the forest, diving and twirling as if she was doing a dance. She hadn't had this much 'fun' in ages.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7372
#70 Posted: 03:41:55 06/11/2013
Ruby continued dipping and diving into the forestry. She spotted some low clouds ahead and zoomed over to them. Grinning, she began to twirl and dive in and out of the clouds.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#71 Posted: 07:46:13 09/11/2013
The Marowak blinked. Suddenly the Raticate attacked! Kokoro waited, timing his movements and with a swift movement, used Brick Break! Super effective! One of the Raticate was knocked unconscious, bones broken and bruised. Probably would be easy prey for some sort of carnivore. The Marowak had no time to think about that though as the other Raticate rammed into him with a strong headbutt, sending him flying into something that felt like flesh. It was hot too! As he recovered, looking up, Kokoro saw a fiery mane billowing excitedly and the large eyes of a Ponyta he was flung into.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#72 Posted: 07:59:43 09/11/2013
Tyranno yawned as his eyes started to flutter open. He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep, but he felt well rested. As he sat up from his resting place and stretched out his wings, he realized something. He could now feel and move both wings. This meant that his right wing was no longer frozen. Now he could once again do what an Aerodactyl was always meant to do, fly. Tyranno hopped up and stretched out his wings with a big grin. He flapped them a few times before taking off into the sky.

The Aerodactyl flew up high and did a loop-de-loop out of happiness. It felt so good to soar high above the land again. As he celebrated, his attention was brought back to his ground, and his grin faded as he hovered in the air for a moment. His new supposed friend, the Aurorus, appeared to still be asleep. Tyranno then wondered if he should just fly off and go about life as usual, or if he had truly made a new friend that he could stay with.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
FrigidHearts Red Sparx Gems: 79
#73 Posted: 16:32:03 10/11/2013 | Topic Creator
As the sun shot rays of light over the gray clouds, breaking up the darkness, Frigid's eyes slowly opened. She felt stiff, as she was used to sleeping on a bed of soft ferns. Her legs gently lifted her massive body as she shook off some frost that had collected on her back. She lifted her head and gave a huge yawn. As she did so, the Aerodactyl she had helped the day prior was no longer disabled. He flew up to her height and spun around in the air, giddy with freedom. Frigid smiled. 'I really did some good for someone', she thought happily. As the Aerodactyl turned to fly away, he paused and looked back, as if wondering whether he should leave or stay with her.

Frigid knew a Rock/Flying type like him would never survive in her snowy home. She raised her long tail and used it to wave a solemn goodbye, before picking up her berry bag and setting off for home.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#74 Posted: 21:31:18 10/11/2013
Tyranno nodded in understanding. He would have to part ways with his new friend, but he would surely not forget her kindness. Perhaps he would meet her again someday. But for now, the Aerodactyl gave a joyful screech, and tried his best to wave goodbye with his wings while still in flight. Although his 'wave' looked more like excited and quick wing flaps. He then rose up higher in the sky and watched her walk away for a moment.

Tyranno figured the Aurorus was probably heading to a much colder climate. She was an Ice type, after all. As much as he would have liked to travel back with her, he knew he couldn't live in a snowy enviroment. So he would have to go about his life as usual. The Aerodactyl then turned away and flew off in search of his next meal.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
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