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New Frito-Lay Promo! [CLOSED]
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#1001 Posted: 00:59:43 02/12/2013
This contest is infuriating. I hope it's not as broken as the flocked SS promo...
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
DaysInTime Green Sparx Gems: 386
#1002 Posted: 01:41:44 02/12/2013
Somebody managed to get their hands on QuickDraw Rattle Shake early:
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1003 Posted: 02:01:34 02/12/2013


Great, I now have ANOTHER thing to wait for..
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
plebeianprint Blue Sparx Gems: 676
#1004 Posted: 02:36:52 02/12/2013
Quote: Matteomax


Usually when an item like this shows up on ebay so early it's because someone stole it from the manufacturing plant, or distribution process. I see this a lot with as of yet unreleased Lego figures on ebay.

Please, no one buy this. If anything, it's a decent indication that the figure will hit retail at some point.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#1005 Posted: 03:03:53 02/12/2013
Quote: Matteomax


Great, I now have ANOTHER thing to wait for..

I'm happy to see that it will actually have it's own packaging...which makes me wonder after the promotion will they possibly offer this a la Gnarly style.

Quote: plebeianprint

If anything, it's a decent indication that the figure will hit retail at some point.

100% agreed.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:18:45 02/12/2013 by GhostRoaster
JetVac96 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1973
#1006 Posted: 03:50:46 02/12/2013
Here's hoping! I honestly hate this promo...they could have made more money if they just made us pay for him...
"Sucks to be you!" - Jet Vac
Concept Yellow Sparx Gems: 1073
#1007 Posted: 07:42:39 02/12/2013
The "retail packaging" doesn't mean it'll hit retail, although I hope it does for those that don't win one. The Halloween Fright Rider also came in standard retail packaging, hang tag and all.
artican Blue Sparx Gems: 501
#1008 Posted: 12:59:45 02/12/2013
Quote: DaysInTime
Somebody managed to get their hands on QuickDraw Rattle Shake early:

yes i contacted the person and this is what they said and i quote "I did not get this from the Frito-Lay promotion. I received it from a friend who is a developer for the game. Make an offer if you're interested.

- 3d_is_fun"

doesn't he know that he and friend could get in trouble
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#1009 Posted: 14:32:20 02/12/2013
If said friend was a developer and got it because he works there how in the world could they get into trouble?
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#1010 Posted: 14:43:30 02/12/2013
Because it's not released yet, they should wait until it's out.

Otherwise, it is taking advantage from an office gift.
artican Blue Sparx Gems: 501
#1011 Posted: 14:44:31 02/12/2013
^ not a problem if he just gave it to him but to sell before release date is the problem, but i dont think his "friend" gave this to him
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#1012 Posted: 14:46:22 02/12/2013
"taking asdvantage from an office gift" was going WITH the "wait" thing. If you sell it after anyone can get it, there's no issue with that.
Dxtra30 Blue Sparx Gems: 691
#1013 Posted: 16:20:09 02/12/2013
So what's the 'advice' or 'help' on winning this Rattler? I have 3 codes and I have several different email addys.. Been trying for several weeks (more like since it started) and I get "Sorry you did not win this time".. What is the help or advice to win this thing?
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1014 Posted: 16:23:48 02/12/2013
Quote: Dxtra30
So what's the 'advice' or 'help' on winning this Rattler? I have 3 codes and I have several different email addys.. Been trying for several weeks (more like since it started) and I get "Sorry you did not win this time".. What is the help or advice to win this thing?

Enter at around 4 in the morning.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Dxtra30 Blue Sparx Gems: 691
#1015 Posted: 16:54:54 02/12/2013
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: Dxtra30
So what's the 'advice' or 'help' on winning this Rattler? I have 3 codes and I have several different email addys.. Been trying for several weeks (more like since it started) and I get "Sorry you did not win this time".. What is the help or advice to win this thing?

Enter at around 4 in the morning.

Wow! So that's the clue huh.. I'll give it a try.. Thanks!
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#1016 Posted: 17:58:24 02/12/2013
The figure looks really nice. I hope no one spends the $250 for it, that's ridiculous at this point, there are still a good 29 days left on the contest to win one for free and the wording sounds like this figure will still come out at retail after that. Even after the contest is over and the figures are shipped these figures will FLOOD EBay with many people winning several for EBay fodder.
artican Blue Sparx Gems: 501
#1017 Posted: 17:59:41 02/12/2013
Many hours of entering and of course early morning
CTFdad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1439
#1018 Posted: 22:34:19 02/12/2013
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: Dxtra30
So what's the 'advice' or 'help' on winning this Rattler? I have 3 codes and I have several different email addys.. Been trying for several weeks (more like since it started) and I get "Sorry you did not win this time".. What is the help or advice to win this thing?

Enter at around 4 in the morning.

Yup won one for another friend - using his information to send directly to his home address. This one took a few days before I got a win, so don't give up. There is a lot of time left before this promo is over.
"Shut up and take my money already!"
zorlord333 Blue Sparx Gems: 865
#1019 Posted: 05:17:05 03/12/2013
I would also like to give a big thank you to SkylandersDad5 =) Master Eon would be proud to have you on his team.
deantjeep Green Sparx Gems: 403
#1020 Posted: 15:09:20 03/12/2013
Finally won my second figure this morning at 7:00 am PT, after 3 attempts. Been trying 3 times a day almost daily since the promotion started. Much harder than the Fright Rider promotion.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:11:02 03/12/2013 by deantjeep
Sickboy1138 Blue Sparx Gems: 817
#1021 Posted: 19:34:31 03/12/2013
Quote: zorlord333
I would also like to give a big thank you to SkylandersDad5 =) Master Eon would be proud to have you on his team.

Here here, I just won mine last night from codes he gave me.
Had a reason to stay up way later then normal and won it around 3am
AzureStarline Emerald Sparx Gems: 3539
#1022 Posted: 21:07:00 03/12/2013
Anyone feel like helping me win one? smilie
Favorites: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#1023 Posted: 21:34:43 03/12/2013
You need to play between 3am and 4 am good luck.
artican Blue Sparx Gems: 501
#1024 Posted: 21:40:23 03/12/2013
yes that is the perfect time to play
tigerdr Yellow Sparx Gems: 1976
#1025 Posted: 13:14:43 06/12/2013
Or from where it is from it's possible that some could already be distributing? Depends how early they won and where they are located. The closer someone is to the distributing of it, obviously it won't take 2 months to get them
Taking that last ride through the sunset on skylanders. Hopefully a return of more classic spyro gameplay in the horizon.
artican Blue Sparx Gems: 501
#1026 Posted: 13:23:29 06/12/2013
CS rep stated that none have been shipped that they do mass shipping in sections once the promo is over.
wgeorge111 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3774
#1027 Posted: 16:55:37 06/12/2013
I called CS rep on Monday Dec 2nd to check the status. They told me that it shows I won one but it has not been marked as packed yet. They said it gets marked as packed and then ships within a week. They told me to call back later in the week to check the status again. I called today Dec 6th and it now shows as packed. She said it will ship within a week. Looks like Quick Draws could arrive before Christmas.
artican Blue Sparx Gems: 501
#1028 Posted: 21:15:44 06/12/2013
Quote: wgeorge111
I called CS rep on Monday Dec 2nd to check the status. They told me that it shows I won one but it has not been marked as packed yet. They said it gets marked as packed and then ships within a week. They told me to call back later in the week to check the status again. I called today Dec 6th and it now shows as packed. She said it will ship within a week. Looks like Quick Draws could arrive before Christmas.

again the contest is not over til dec 31st when i called they said none would ship til after contest is over i won the very first day and called them after a few days said mine was packed also that was on 11/8 and still nothing called again today they said mine was still in packed status that none would ship til after contest is over
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#1029 Posted: 02:42:44 08/12/2013
I think I might call CS just to make sure. Not getting an email or anything had me a little Leary about getting it. I'm not sure if I have the number. Is it posted, here, some where? Also, did you have to give your email address or just your name? I can't remember which email address I used.
Concept Yellow Sparx Gems: 1073
#1030 Posted: 05:50:14 08/12/2013
If you have questions, please call 1- 877-311-8852 between 7am and 7pm CT.
AkuSparxAku Green Sparx Gems: 488
#1031 Posted: 23:00:21 08/12/2013
Thanks to SkylandersDad5. Now my girlfriend will be so freakin happy smilie
The stormchase continues... Hunting crystal clear and stone whirlwinds
TerraFizz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1484
#1032 Posted: 09:03:53 09/12/2013
I wish I had a girlfriend.

But a Glow in the Dark Rattle Shake will suffice.

Unfortunately I haven't had much luck on that end either.

I'm a bit confused about the timing. Do I wanna do this every 15 minutes on the dot like 5:00, 5:15, 5:30 and so on, or just cash in all at once on the same minute?
smilie Pop Fizz's Theme Song: smilie
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#1033 Posted: 14:20:17 09/12/2013
The drawings are random time within 15 minutes I have won at 11:06 am I have won at 4:00am I have won at 3:07 am and at 4:15am and have won 12:06 pm you never know you just have to try. Total luck involved no skill at all just pure timing when you enter you info and hit enter. Good luck The fifth one was sent to a friend that was having no luck she bought me some bags of chips and I played codes for her and after 4 or 5 days I won one for her she will be so happy. The more you play the more you try to win and its sure just luck of the draw time and no skill it's a game of chance did your chance of being at the right place at the right time win? Don't give up I have played this over and over and then I won and I never gave up it can be done.
diddy50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2554
#1034 Posted: 19:59:27 09/12/2013
YES I JUST WON ONE! 2:57 PM Eastern time. FINALLY! I am so happy right now! only took a month haha
Theo Blue Sparx Gems: 573
#1035 Posted: 20:33:09 09/12/2013
Still no win smilie
Rooibos Green Sparx Gems: 337
#1036 Posted: 06:00:13 10/12/2013
Finally won this morning at 5:03am. I think I've done maybe 30-40 entries, too. Not too shabby, I think. If only I had this luck when I was entering the Taco Bell contest for a PS4 P:
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1037 Posted: 12:42:52 10/12/2013
Raidor.. Not that I don't trust you, but a brand new user asking for personal info..?

There's another way to win, instead of giving up all of that info.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:09:37 10/12/2013 by Matteomax
Moondrake Yellow Sparx Gems: 1032
#1038 Posted: 15:31:43 10/12/2013
Quote: LordRaidor
Greetings, fellow Portal Masters!

  • Your Birthdate (or whatever day you want submitted as your 'birthday')
  • Your Zip Code
  • Your GAME CODE (only one code is required - I will reuse it until it wins)
  • Your Full Name, first and last (who the prize will be mailed to)
  • Your Mailing Address
  • Your Telephone Number



Absolutely no one should use this offer!!!!! That post and all the quotes from it should be removed from this forum immediately.

Even if it is legit, NOBODY should have all that information about you. Identities have/can/will be stolen from having less than what this new member is asking for.

Bad idea, get rid of the post!
LordRaidor Ripto Gems: 280
#1039 Posted: 15:56:34 10/12/2013
Quote: Matteomax
Raidor.. Not that I don't trust you, but a brand new user asking for personal info..?

There's another way to win, instead of giving up all of that info.

Well, wouldn't qualify for my help anyway, since you clearly stated here that you have already won TWO... ^_~


You make a valid point, and I do understand that trust is a fragile thing. I don't want to encourage anybody to do anything they are uncomfortable with. I am a completely new user here, and there is no real reason to trust me yet, so I can understand that. If it would help, I could refer you to another (board)game-based website with 44 thousand members and 1.8 million posts where I AM a long-term member in good standing. In my years there, I've been known to run a contest or two where I received 'sensitive personal information' from dozens of members, and nobody went missing afterwards or had a metric ton of junkmail dumped on their houses as a result. Ask around there a bit if you'd like - I'm sure anybody of importance there would give me a good word. ^_~

But again, the bottom line is your personal comfort and safety. If you don't want me entering the contest for you, that's fine with me. I completely understand, and my feelings won't be hurt in the slightest. ^_^

If you WOULD like be to give it a try on your behalf, I'll be glad to do so, and I promise that's ALL I'll do with your info. What you make of that promise is up to you, but I assure you I have the best of intentions.

Do what you feel is best.

Kids, please ALWAYS get your parents' permission before giving personal info to a stranger on the internet.

Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#1040 Posted: 16:01:38 10/12/2013
Btw, if I win twice with the same email in the same day, I can enter in the same address twice in one day, and it'll be fine, right?
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1041 Posted: 16:03:59 10/12/2013
Thanks for the offer, Raidor, but I'm satisfied with the two coming to me. smilie
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#1042 Posted: 16:09:50 10/12/2013
Quote: Doomslicer
Btw, if I win twice with the same email in the same day, I can enter in the same address twice in one day, and it'll be fine, right?

You can't use the same e-mail more than once a day, right? I'm not sure about the same physical address, though. I don't see anything in the official rules about it. It just says limit one (1) per person/email address a day. maybe use a different name and the same address, just in case.

BTW, the rules also state that the prize will be shipped within 8-10 weeks after verification (which I would assume is when you get your verification screen). It doesn't say after the promotion ends. Granted, 8-10 weeks is probably outside the promotion period even if you won day one, but most of these things have the 8-10 week disclaimer but ship before that. So it's possible they could ship before the promotion ends. There's nothing saying otherwise. I know some have said CS stated that, but others have said the opposite, so I wouldn't count on that. But it also looks like I wouldn't count on them really telling you anything beyond verification that you're in the system, unless they get a "shipped" status on their screen. They probably have no way of knowing when they will ship once they are in "packaged" status.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:15:00 10/12/2013 by obidawsn
SkylandersDad5 Green Sparx Gems: 351
#1043 Posted: 16:14:37 10/12/2013
There are other ways to help people win without getting all of their information.
Looking for: GITD Warnado. Have extra: Red DS, Blue Bash, GITD RS, GITD FR, Pumpkin FR, more...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:23:30 10/12/2013 by SkylandersDad5
LordRaidor Ripto Gems: 280
#1044 Posted: 16:14:41 10/12/2013
Quote: Doomslicer
Btw, if I win twice with the same email in the same day, I can enter in the same address twice in one day, and it'll be fine, right?

Nope. The contest website won't LET you enter twice on the same day with the same e-mail address. It gives you a nice friendly message that says "Limit one (1) entry per person per day". ^_^

If you want to use the 'same' e-mail more than once per day, you can 'bend the rules' slightly by using a gmail address, as was pointed out earlier in this thread. Inbound e-mails at gmail have and 'periods' before the @-sign stripped before routing. Thus e-mails to:

will all go to the same place, which is: ^_^

Signup for a gmail account and use different permutations of the periods if you want to play more than once per day.

LordRaidor Ripto Gems: 280
#1045 Posted: 16:16:38 10/12/2013
Quote: SkylandersDad5
There are other ways to help people win without getting all of their information. I've been helping forum users for a few weeks now and I never needed anything more than a zip code.

Really? I'd love to do the same, ...but where do you tell Frito-Lay to ship the prize if you win?

Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1046 Posted: 16:30:06 10/12/2013
Here's the other way..

It involves making several emails, winning, and X-ing out of the tab at the "Win" screen. The email account will get the aforementioned "verification" email.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
LordRaidor Ripto Gems: 280
#1047 Posted: 16:41:41 10/12/2013
Yep. SkylandersDad5 just enlightened me to that option via PM. So, addenda to my previous offer:

If you have a personal gmail account and would like to handle the 'validation e-mail' from Frito-Lay yourself, just PM me your zip code and gmail address, and I'll make entries from there like SkylandersDad5 has...

Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1048 Posted: 16:43:11 10/12/2013
Much better, thank you.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
7Habits Blue Sparx Gems: 989
#1049 Posted: 18:16:31 10/12/2013
Between my girlfriend, son and I we have 10 e-mails. I've been entering 10 times a day since Dec. 1st and still nothing. My luck must not be very good.
Own: (smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)smilie smilie smilie smilie smiliesmilie smilie smilie smilie smilie(smiliesmiliesmilie)smilie smilie smilie
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#1050 Posted: 18:20:07 10/12/2013
Did l get an e-mail? I didn't think people were getting any kind of e-mail from them. I don't remember which account I used, but I checked all of mine, even in the junk folders (and did a complete search through all my gmail folders) and didn't find anything. I just now called the number to make sure they had me in the system. They verified it and said I was in the last stages of processing and it would be shipped out this week, so to expect it next week. Like I said, I'm not sure how well you can trust what the CSRs say, but check one for another CSR saying they will be shipped soon.
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