Plot: It is far in the future, and the Earth is ruled by a tyrannical group, known as the Montono. They are horrible, using fellow humans for slave labor, and mining out every last bit of rock on the Earth. They are cruel, and will torture anybody planning to rebel. More blood is spilled every day, as innocent beings scream for mercy. It's very unclear what the Montono's intentions are. They are humans, but what exactly do they want with the entire Earth and human race? It's unknown to everybody, except for the grand master of the Montono's himself, Zulflex. He is an odd man, a heartless, deranged, demented, odd man. He lives in a fortress, protected every second by guards. He also has his two advisors, who are two twins, by the names of Menace, and Fierce. They are almost as sick as Zulflex himself. Every human on Earth would be overjoyed to get the chance to kill the three of them. But that chance will never come. We're stuck like this, toiling and mining. Don't expect any change soon. Sure, there is that small group of the resistance, but they're being hunted down at this very moment. They're just a ragtag group of teens. They think they can change something. Yeah right...
Two characters.
Basic RP rules.
There will be blood.
Romance is allowed, keep it PG-13
No cussing please.
Resistance Main Goal: Free the Earth
Montono Main Goal: Keep the Earth under their rule
Character sheet:
Group: Montono or The Restistance
History: (Doesn't have to be long)
I'll post my characters if this kicks off
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BrutalBash101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1757 |
#1 Posted: 01:34:09 16/08/2013 | Topic Creator
Hurrah! |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:22:14 16/08/2013 by BrutalBash101
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692 |
#2 Posted: 01:56:30 16/08/2013
Is it ok if i add Other:?
Name: Todd Gender: Male Age: 16 Group: The Resistance Appearance: Todd has short blonde hair which is usually disheveled. He has light blue eyes. His whole body is usually covered in a layer of dust. He wears a red bandanna around his neck but it's usually over his nose and mouth. He wears a torn white shirt and torn blue jeans. He is not very built, but not fat. He is about 6'1" Weapon: Bow and Arrow Personality: Todd can sometimes be a fun person to be around, or terrible to be around. As he is calm, he becomes nice and friendly, caring for others and apologizing for his mistakes and actions. Though, when stressed, he becomes irritable, being rude and uncaring. He would throw any one under the bus so he could be safe. History: Todd has mined ever since he was about 5. He was tired of it, cussing at the Montono in his head. He wanted to escape. He over heard the talks about escape, and joined to hopefully survive and take the rats down. Other: Is Gay Name: John Gender: Male Age: 18 Group: Montono Appearance: John has jet black hair and blue eyes that put sapphire to shame. He has some stubble on his chin and around his jaw. He often looks over the slaves, so he usually wears a black uniform with the Montono sign in the middle and long black pants. When off duty, he wears a plaid green jacket with blue jeans Weapon: Sword Personality: John is a sly and tricky person. He can make anyone fall for him, and trust him with their lives. Then, he strikes. He can pull off the impression that he is a friend for months. He is usually an angry soul and vengeful. He often loses control of himself when angry, often beating anything near him to a pulp. History: John has worked in the mines, watching over all the slaves. he doesn't know why he does it, but doesn't complain. Other: Sometimes he trips up and people find out who he is. He also can be beaten in his game. He is confused about his sexuality.
Gay 4 GARcher |
BrutalBash101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1757 |
#3 Posted: 12:21:31 16/08/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: oh yeah I'll edit my first post and put that in. Accepted.
Hurrah! |
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