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Draconia School Remake [CLOSED]
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1 Posted: 18:44:49 14/08/2013 | Topic Creator
Plot: You are a student at the dragon school. You heard there is a new and principle this year. Its been ages since you had a new principle. What happened to the old one? Did he quit? Did he get fired, or did something else happen? And who is this Golda Soulwing that took his place? Does she have anything to do with the old principal's disappearance? Normally, this wouldn't be an issue. However, school has gotten increasingly weirder and more tortuous. The curriculum has changed. Since when is it required to know how to create evil plans, use dark magic, and fight like a vicious killer?
You have a few options. One, you can get to the bottom of this mystery and put a stop to it. Two, you can drop out of school and never return. Three, ignore the changes and either just go with the flow and do as you're told, or passively bide your time until something else happens. Either way, there's a decision to be made. Perhaps you're a destined hero and its your job to save the school. Maybe you're just an innocent bystander, or maybe you've got a dark side and you can't wait to see where this leads to.

Principal: Mrs. Golda Soulwing aka Scarlet Hielfire - The strange new principle that has taken over. Who is she? What does she want? Why has the curriculum changed? Will you side with her or against her?

Vice Principal: Mr. Comet Silverdash - A noble and proud silver dragon. He is loyal and trustworthy. He has dedicated his life to the school, and will do anything to protect it and its students. His elements are ice and wind.

Counselor: Mrs. Isis Snowflake - A kind and patient white dragon. She is soft-spoken, and a good listener. She is always eager to help dragons in need. Her element is ice.

English Teacher: Mr. Coal Nightdoom - A dark and mysterious black dragon. He is calm, quiet, and well-read. He usually seems grumpy and doesn't seem to like people much. However, he loves his subject, and seems to at least tolerate his job. They say you should never get on his bad side. He sometimes helps coach sports. His element is shadow. Required for everyone.

History Teacher: Mr. Branch Leafstorm - A brown and green dragon that is very down to Earth. He is very honest and kind. He can be rather strict and a hard worker, but he means well. He is known for giving too much hard work, but he only wishes for his students to do their best. Never complain in his class, unless you want more work. He is a sports coach. His element is earth. Required for everyone.

Biology Teacher: Mrs. Ivy Dewdrop - A very smart dark green dragon. She seems too smart to be a teacher, but she loves kids. She has a tendency to get too excited about the subject and wants to move right along with the lesson. She thoroughly enjoys science, and only wishes for her students to enjoy it too. She tries to make learning fun, but isn't always successful. She gives minimal amounts of homework. Her element is earth. Required for at least two years.

Magic Teacher: Mr. Toxic Snakeyes - A very strange and unique green and purple dragon. He's eccentric, hyper, crazy, and sometimes doesn't even seem to have a mind, at least not a sane one. He rarely ever gives boring work or homework. He tries to make everything fun, and usually succeeds. Punishments are rarely given. He's often a favorite teacher. His element is poison. Required for everyone at all ages.

Gym Teacher: Mrs. Fyra Lavapool - A muscular dark red dragon. She is very athletic and loves sports. She's very competitive, and will argue for hours until she proves herself right. Students love to argue with her to get out of doing boring exercises. There are also fun activities and sports to do, which sometimes Fyra herself will participate in. It is also a training class and a bit of a survival class. Only required for younger dragons. Older dragons get more advanced stuff. She is the main coach for sports. Her element is fire.

Flight Teacher: Mrs. Skye Airazor - A young and graceful light blue dragon. She is very sweet, very agile, and extremely fast in the air. Although calm, quiet, and peaceful, she can be a bit of a show-off in the air during demonstrations. She does love her job, though, and is always willing to help a student. Only younger dragons are required to take her class so that they can learn to fly. There are more advanced classes for older dragons. She is the secondary coach for sports. Her element is wind.

Art Teacher: Mrs. Violet RainbowWind - A beautiful light purple dragon. She is a free spirit and is very talented. She loves art, loves her job, loves her students, and isn't afraid to show it. Sometimes she can be a little out there and too excited about her job or the next project. But she does mean well, and she only wishes for the students to have fun and enjoy themselves. she hates giving too much work, unless its considered fun. Her elements are wind and electricity. Not required at all.

Band Teacher: Mr. Phobius Starscream - A tough black and red dragon. He can be rather strict and focused. He's not afraid to push his students to the limit. He wants them all to be great musicians, which means lots of practice. Though he can be very kind, and has a good sense of humor. Do good in his class, and be rewarded. Do bad, and be warned. His element is fear. Not required.

Drama/Chorus Teacher: Mrs. Electra Staticbolt - A bright and cheerful yellow dragon. She always seems to be in a good mood. She's very sweet and friendly. She rarely ever raises her voice or gets mad at all. However, she does have a hidden bad side. But it takes forever to get her mad enough to let it out. Her element is electricity.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#2 Posted: 19:05:54 14/08/2013 | Topic Creator
6-15 Very Young
16-25 Young
26-50 juvenile
51-100 Young Adult
101-200 Adult
201-400 Mature Adult
401-600 Old
601-800 Very Old
801-1000 Ancient
1000-1200 Wyrm


I am the GM, and Dragon_outcast is the co-GM. Think of us as the principal and the vice principal, if you wish. You get in trouble, you get sent to the office.

No Godmodding.

No Mary Sues/Gary Stus.

No Flaming/Trolling.

No Offensive Language.

No Religious Content.

Only four elements allowed.

You may have up to three characters.

You may have a teacher or evil character, but you must ask permission first, since there can only be so many.

You must have at least one student. yes, they can be evil or neutral.

Romance allowed, after all, it is sort of based on high school. just keep it to a minimum, and don't let it be the only focus of the rp.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Have fun!

Character Sheet: (delete what's in parenthesis)
Age: (most students will be anywhere between 6 and 50, although some may be 51 to 100, but no students past the age of 100. Anyone past the age of 100 at the school is working there.)
Elements: (you're only allowed four)
Appearance: (description or picture required. give credit for a picture. if you are using one of my characters, their appearance can be altered with permission.)
Other: (any additional info.)

My Characters:

Name: Scarlet Hielfire aka Golda Soulwing

Gender: Female

Age: 300; Mature Adult

Elements: Fire and Fear

Personality: She's an evil dragon that killed the old principle and took his place. She plans to rule the school to teach the next generation of dragons to be evil.

Appearance: (credit to oringinal artist for the picture)

Other: She can shapeshift, teleport, and use telepathy.

Name: Firefly

Gender: Female

Age: 35, juvenile

Appearance: Firefly is sort of a skinny little thing, not having very much fat or muscle. She doesn't look very strong, physically. She has ruby red scales, with a lighter shade of red for her underbelly and wing membrane. Her eyes are a fiery orange color. She has six white horns that aren't very long just yet, the two top ones curve up and backwards a bit, while the middle two simply curve back a bit, and the bottom two curve down and back a bit. She another small white horn at the end of her snout, curving up ever so slightly. Her claws are white as well. She has very small white spikes growing out of her spine from head to tail, but they are barely noticeable because they have yet to grow out fully. The tip of her tail is white and shaped like a blade that curves upward slightly.

Personality: Firefly is friendly and likes making new friends, especially fellow dragons. However, she lacks confidence in her abilities and isn't too fond of the idea of fighting. But she does love to read books and learn more about dragons, as she actually doesn't know much about them.

Element: Firefly has a single element, Empathy. This power allows her to have access to multiple elements, but only one at a time, and the element changes depending on her mood. For example, if she were to be very angry, she would glow a scarlet color and have the element of fire at her disposal. She can't change elements at will, unless she changes her mood or controls her emotions. Most of the time, she doesn't have access to any elements at all.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:40:36 16/08/2013 by Cynder09
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#3 Posted: 19:57:09 14/08/2013
Name: Felakkan
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Elements: Fear, Poison and Shadow.
Personality: Dark, secluded, evil.
Appearance: Black scales, dark green underbelly, wing membranes, two straight horns that point back, sharp tail blade. Red pupils. Two fangs coming out of his mouth.
Other: Is Ru's brother.

Name: Ru
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Elements: Ice and wind.
Personality: Kind, just, always wants to do good.
Appearance: White scales, light blue underbelly, wing membranes, two straight horns, tail blade and pupils.
Other: Is Felakkan's brother.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#4 Posted: 23:21:47 14/08/2013 | Topic Creator
ooc: Accepted.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4495
#5 Posted: 02:39:39 15/08/2013
Name: Maria
Gender: female
Age: 60
Elements:water ice elictricity and fire
Personality: nice,sweet,caring
Appearance: ( cerdit to artist)
Other: she has been in this school for 4 years
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#6 Posted: 03:19:24 15/08/2013 | Topic Creator
ooc: Accepted.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4495
#7 Posted: 03:24:24 15/08/2013
OOC: thanks i love dragons when do we start?
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#8 Posted: 17:21:22 15/08/2013 | Topic Creator
ooc: We will start when a couple more people join.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#9 Posted: 17:24:04 15/08/2013
OOC: I'll join too!

Name: Theo
Gender: Male
Age: 67
Elements: Shadow, Water, Fire
Appearance: Mostly green, but has dull yellow wing membranes, horns, and tail spikes.
Personality: Very shy, smart, and secretive, Theo is often picked on because he is smaller than everyone else, but he is kind and patient with others.
Other: Nero's younger brother.

Name: Nero
Gender: Male
Age: 80
Elements: Shadow, Water, Fire
Appearance: Black all over, except for his horns and tail spikes, which are silver.
Personality: Very protective of others, (especially Theo) very smart, and daring, Nero is an ambitious dragon who hopes to become a teacher at the school someday.
Other: Theo's older brother.
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#10 Posted: 18:18:22 15/08/2013
OOC: Gosh it has been like 4ever since i was in a rp. But this sounds really good so i want to be in!

Name: Red
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Elements: Fire
Appearance: Fully dark red, but has spikes from his tail to his head which are black and he has blue eyes. He is very large dragon to be at his age.
Personality: Very talkative and sometimes pretty friendly, but he might be mean and aggressive especially when he has bad days. He does not really care what is happening in the school, so he is neutral, but he likes adventures and is always listening if someone talks about some doubts which might lead to some action. He also is pretty greedy so money or something else he wants are good ways to get him to someones side or to help with something.
Other: Since from when he was a little dragon he was not interested at all about his element fire. He trained flying and melee fight all day long. His parents where trying to make him to practice with his fire skills but he did not. That is why he really can not use those even today. His massive practice whit flying and melee has made him very fast and his melee attacks very powerful, he can also take pretty powerful hits even when talking about elemental attacks so he is sustainable too. He hates everything that includes elements or magic, and loves flying,sports and melee that is why he has very much respect towards Mrs. Fyra Lavapool and Mrs. Skye Airazor. He hates it when someone says that he is a fire dragon, and likes to call himself as dragon of melee.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#11 Posted: 19:13:12 15/08/2013
Name: Aretis
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Elements: Light, Earth, Energy
Personality: Reserved, shy, yet very protective.
Appearance: Smaller than most dragons his age—almost a midget. White scales with bright green back spikes. Slightly pointed face with a hard expression always on it. Two gems adorn the back of his hands. One green, the other golden yellow symbolizing his elements. His horns do not curve in any way but stick out straight and sharp. His ears almost look like an extra set of wing flaps next to his face. The only way you can tell he is of age is by looking at his wings and tail, which were large compared to his body but only a little bigger next to his age. His wings’ leather was a light greenish-tannish color and the rest looked like pure ivory. A necklace that seems slightly fused into part of his scales (actually it's weaved into them) and hanging from it a perfectly round orb that looked like glass and glowed light from it.
Other: Aretis is a new student to the school. He came to it hurt and badly injured. After being healed, he joined the school hoping it would teach him of the world outside his own. He hopes to get stronger and be able to protect what he loves.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:58:13 16/08/2013 by Dragon-outcast
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#12 Posted: 22:00:39 15/08/2013 | Topic Creator
ooc: All accepted. I guess we can start now.

It was a new school year, and the first bell just rang, which sounded a bit more like a doorbell than a school bell. It was the bell that rang when the students were allowed to roam the halls of the school, go to their lockers, go to breakfast, meet with friends, etc. The students always had eight minutes between classes to get what they needed. A warning bell, which also sounded like a doorbell, would sound at seven minutes to give a warning to students that they needed to hurry to class, or get detention. The first period of the day of an eight period schedule would start soon.

For dragons that had been to going to the school for a couple of years, they may have noticed that something was missing. Normally at this time, especially at the beginning of the year, the old principal, Draco Braveheart, would come onto the intercom and have a 'welcome back' message or something of the sort, along with some morning announcements. Not everyone paid attention to him, of course, but it was still odd that there was no talking or anything. Oh well, perhaps it was nothing to be concerned about. After all, Principal Braveheart was an elderly dragon by now. It was a possibility that his mind was starting to slip. It was no secret that he was a bit forgetful last year.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#13 Posted: 22:29:08 15/08/2013
Felakkan walked through the hallway, he smiled mischievously as he saw a smaller dragon heading his way, the dragon was probably no more than 6. As they were about to pass Felakkan tripped the younger dragon with his tail. He snickered when he heard the dragon crying. He rounded a corner as if nothing happen.

Ru was by his locker putting the books and scrolls he needed into a satchel when he tore his gaze away from the locker, hearing a cry. He rushed down the hallway, rounded a corner and saw a little dragon picking himself off the floor. "Hey, what happen?" Ru asked, walking up to the young dragon.
"I-... I was tripped... And I fell..." Said the dragon, wiping away tears with his paw.
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#14 Posted: 22:31:28 15/08/2013
Nero was on his way to his first class, English with Mr. Coal Nightdoom. He had dropped off Theo at biology, having to show Theo around since it was his first year. He walked in to the English classroom, sitting in his usual spot, and said, "Good morning, Mr. Nightdoom."

Theo was sitting quietly, not sure what to do exactly. A few of the other students had come in, but he paid them no mind. He put his textbooks on his desk and took out the book he was currently reading, "A Hero's Guide to Deadly Dragons."
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#15 Posted: 23:19:02 15/08/2013 | Topic Creator
Coal Nightdoom had been sitting at his desk, reading one of his favorite novels. Upon hearing his name, he grunted and looked up from his book.
"Erm, eh, yes, morning, uh, Nero, was it? Er, welcome back to school." He cleared his throat, muttering a bit. As usual, he wasn't too friendly, and normally didn't bother to fully remember students' names. He quickly looked back at his book, more interested in reading than chatting at the moment.

At the moment, the biology teacher, Mrs. Ivy Dewdrop, was humming a quiet little tune as she watered the plants that were usually kept in her classroom. She was too busy tending to her plants that she didn't even notice if any students had entered the room yet.

The counselor, Mrs Isis Snowflake, was currently roaming the halls, smiling and greeting familiar students. As she rounded the corner, she paused. Looking ahead, she noticed Ru with a young dragon who was crying. Concerned, she walked over to them.
"Oh, dear, what's wrong, child? Why are you so upset?" She asked sweetly.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#16 Posted: 01:15:34 16/08/2013
Aretis stared in wonder at all that was taking place. He had never seen so many...different dragons all gathered in one area! Suddenly he started feeling very small and insignificant. Dragons passed by him, bustling about, most of them larger than he is. He walked around, trying to find his locker but was hopelessly lost. Locker 276.....where is Locker 276! I see a locker 549! Ugh...where are they! These are all in the 400's and 500's. He wandered past dragons big and small trying to get out of the way of all of them as much as possible. Aretis felt quite claustrophobic right now.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#17 Posted: 01:44:37 16/08/2013 | Topic Creator
A young red dragon by the name of Firefly was walking down the hallway that Aretis was on. She had been attending the school for a few years now, and knew her way around quite well. She also knew how to avoid crowds with ease. She then paused as she noticed someone appearing quite lost. Firefly then walked over to Aretis.
"Uh, excuse me, are you lost? Do you need help?" She asked sweetly.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#18 Posted: 02:31:15 16/08/2013
Ru looked up at Mrs. Snowflake. "Someone tripped him and he fell."

Felakkan went to biology class and sat down in a seat in the back.
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#19 Posted: 04:41:11 16/08/2013
OOC: Can I join?

Name: Calla Lily (goes by Lily)
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Elements: Water and wind.
Personality: Lily is kind, sweet, and very compassionate. She loves making new friends and is very loyal. She can be pretty strong-willed and opinionated, though, especially when her emotions get in the way of her logic. She likes to have fun, but knows when to be serious, and is a very hard worker.
Appearance: Lily is a light blue dragon, skinny with a long body, almost like a serpent. She has darker blue wing membranes, white stripes on her belly, and a white tuft of on her tail. She has brilliant blue eyes.
Other: Lily's favorite classes are English and history, and she loves flying!

Name: Rodu Redwing
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Elements: Fire and Fear.
Personality: Rodu is a bully. Enough said. He takes great pleasure in picking on those under him. In reality he does it to show himself as superior. He wants to be the best and strives for perfection in everything. He can get quite angry when he doesn't succeed and constantly blames others for his mistakes. He's jealous of anyone better then himself, but also jealous of those who are happy and content, as he hasn't found that yet, except when he's picking on others and gaining success, but that just doesn't always seem to cut it.
Appearance: Rodu is a stocky red dragon, not too big, with black back spikes, tail spikes, and four black horns on his head. He has piercing golden eyes, as well.
Other: Rodu is into sports, but only to show off! His favorite subject is magic, as it's the only one he takes seriously, and he's really very gifted in it.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#20 Posted: 04:54:27 16/08/2013
Red walked inside the school thinking "i have been here for 2 years now, and i still do not remember where everything is...... well i guess it is because i do not really care..heh"
He walked forward "what was my first lesson..... can not remember, could not be anything interesting because i do not remember". While walking he noticed Aretis and Firefly "those two look like to be in same age with me, so i am pretty sure that they have same lessons" he thought and walked towards them. " Excuse me, do you two remember what is your first lesson, i am pretty sure that we have the same lesson and i can not remember where should i go". Red asked.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#21 Posted: 05:08:27 16/08/2013
"Uhh....uh...." Aretis backed away just a little at the red dragon. She did seem harmless enough though, yet Aretis really was kind of starting to be a bit overwhelmed by all the......dragons. "Y-yeah...." He stammered.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#22 Posted: 05:16:32 16/08/2013 | Topic Creator
ooc: Accepted.

"Oh, dear, poor thing. Are you hurt?" The counselor asked the young dragon.

"First lesson?" Firefly asked, turning to Red. "You mean first period class? You were supposed to have gotten a schedule, along with a map of the school, during the open house last week. Then you would have been able to explore the school, find your classes, meet your teachers, etc. You should have taken advantage of that opportunity. Now if you mean the lessons that you learned last year, then the teachers will likely briefly go over what was learned last year to sort of refresh your memory. That's what they normally do, anyway." She explained, glancing back and forth between Red and Aretis. "I can show you around, if you like. I've been attending the school for a few years, so I'm used to it."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:17:36 16/08/2013 by Cynder09
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#23 Posted: 05:36:52 16/08/2013
Aretis blinked. "I er.....I forgot....and I can't.....find locker....." He stammered again, backing up a bit and accidentally bumping into someone.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Stealthelfrocks Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#24 Posted: 05:37:50 16/08/2013
Name: Heiwa cutterblade
Gender: female
Age: 60
Elements: fire, fear, shadow, and electricity
Personality: when first met, she tends to be quiet, but The more she is talked to, the more she will open up. First impression is everything for her, and depending on the way she is treated at first, will either be very open to the dragon, or hold a grudge. when she shows her true colors, she is philosophical, intellectual, and curious. That curiosity, mixed with her adventurous attitude, makes her research anything new she discovers and wants to learn more about, mostly about elemental control and legends. She has the tendency to be very short tempered and stubborn, not backing down without a fight. Honest and extremely loyal, she will stand up for any dragon. Highly competitive, in competition, she will never think about cheating. She doesn't want enemies, and will view everyone as a friend, even if it's someone she has a grudge against.
Appearance: very slim yet still athletic dragon, her scales are red with brown underbelly and swirled markings along her body. Her spiked horns are black along with her claws and bony tail spikes. Her eyes are a bright blue. SHe is rather large too
Other: this is her first year at the school, her best would be magic. along with flight, gym, biology, and chorus. They are all also her favourite classes. In the past, she was bullied by other dragons, such moved to this school.

Is this alright?
well guys..... took me a while.... but i might still hang around.... dont know..... but.... I loved the moment while it lasted smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:43:20 16/08/2013 by Stealthelfrocks
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#25 Posted: 06:02:42 16/08/2013 | Topic Creator
ooc: That's fine. Accepted.

"Hey, watch it!" A male dragon growled. "Stupid kid needs to watch where he's going..." He muttered to himself as he walked off. Firefly watched him for a moment and huffed. Then she turned to Aretis with a soft smile.
"Well, I can help you find your locker. And as far as your class goes, don't worry about it. No teacher is strict with rules on the first day. We might have the same class, though. I have History with Mr. Branch Leafstorm first."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#26 Posted: 06:15:22 16/08/2013
Aretis shrunk down into a small little ball and shivered in fear. His heart beat pulsed at a thousand miles an hour and he found it hard to hear with all the well...commotion.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#27 Posted: 06:21:20 16/08/2013
Ooc: Btw in the plot you said that only young dragons have gymnastics and flight, where goes the "line", because
those are the only things which my character is interested in so i just want to know :-D

" Welk i guess i mean that" Red said with bit confused voice. " Open house? Must have forgot that one, well if it is okey to you two i come with you and hope that i have the same class, I have been here two years now so i know the old theachers pretty well so i hope that there is not much chances, but the map would be great, i have never learned to navigate in here at the two years time".
Cogito, ergo sum.
Stealthelfrocks Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#28 Posted: 06:31:46 16/08/2013
Heiwa sighed. It was the first year, first day, of her third or so school. She nervously turned her head around the corridors as she looked at the many different dragons scattered about, finding their lockers or going to first period. Okay Heiwa Cutterblade, just breath deeply and relax, she told herself, doing exactly as thought. The red dragon looked at her schedule, then at the map. She already found her locker, now it's just first period, biology. Oh where is it? she thought, worried. She never liked being late for class
well guys..... took me a while.... but i might still hang around.... dont know..... but.... I loved the moment while it lasted smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:33:16 16/08/2013 by Stealthelfrocks
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#29 Posted: 13:05:19 16/08/2013
The young dragon nodded. "I just got scared... Is all..."
"Who did this to you? What did this other dragon look like?" Ru asked.
"He was as big as you, but with black scales, dark green where your blue colors are." Said the dragon.
"Felakkan." Ru said.
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#30 Posted: 14:18:58 16/08/2013
Calla Lily walked down the crowed halls and took a deep breath, smiling. She always loved coming back to school. It was almost like an adventure. She could catch up with all her old friends and make new ones. This year, particularly, she'd have to make new friends. Her two closest friends, who were siblings, moved away, and now they could only keep in touch through writing. She hoped to visit them next summer, but right now, she had to focus on school and her studies. Her other good friend had died from disease over the summer. That one was the hardest. There was no way to keep in touch with him anymore. Still, she knew he was in a better place and somehow found the strength to keep going on. School wouldn't be the same without any of them, but she loved making new friends, so this year would be an even greater adventure. She found her way to the English classroom and moved inside. Mr. Coal Nightdoom was sitting at his desk with his nose buried in a book. She liked him. He was one of her favorite teachers, though she wasn't quite sure why. He was always so grumpy! She smiled at him even though he wasn't looking. "Good morning, Mr. Nightdoom," she said as she turned to find a seat. She saw an empty one next to a black dragon with silver horns and tail spikes. He, too, was reading. She sat down next to him and smiled. "Hello," she said, "I'm Calla Lily. What's your name?"
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:44:57 17/08/2013 by RumpleLover
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#31 Posted: 17:55:40 16/08/2013 | Topic Creator
ooc: Well, only young dragons are required to take flight and gym. Young dragons need to learn how to fly and learn the basics of like melee fighting and survival, etc. They get easy stuff starting out, but they don't have to keep taking the classes after the first year or two. Older dragons can take more advanced stuff, getting more hardcore training and lessons, learning how to make due more with physical capabilities, rather than magic. You can also take advanced magic classes and become a powerful elemental dragon, rather than being more of a physical one. Dragons can pretty much attend or leave the school at any age, they aren't forced into attending, and they don't have to stay very long to learn at least the basics of what they need. But the longer you stay, the more you can learn.

Firefly looked at Aretis, seeing how frightened he was. Then she turned to Red.
"Well, I have a map that I'm not using. I don't need it since I know my way around. I have History class first, but I don't mind being late to help out you two. Do either of you have a schedule? Do you know what your first period class is?" She asked.

"Oh, dear." Isis Snowflake whispered silently. "Well, if I find that dragon, I assure you I will give him a serious talking to. Bullying is not allowed in this school."

ooc: RumpleLover, Coal Nightdoom teaches English, not History. Branch Leafstorm teaches History.

Mr. Nightdoom looked up from his novel once more, after hearing his name. Why did all the students insist on talking to him all of a sudden? Could they not tell he was reading? He huffed and looked at the student that had just walked in.
"Erm, yes, morning to you as well." He muttered, grumpy as usual. Then he simply went back to reading. He would likely be reading until the bell rang.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#32 Posted: 18:03:37 16/08/2013
Theo kept on reading, oblivious to the others that came in. He was ready for class to start, and he was looking forward to it. He had been wanting to go to this school for 4 years, and was ready to learn whatever was required.

Nero looked up from his textbook and said, "Oh, hi. I'm Nero. Nice to meet you, Calia Lily."
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#33 Posted: 19:05:39 16/08/2013
"" Aretis managed to get out. Is this really where I'm supposed to be? He thought to himself.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#34 Posted: 20:15:26 16/08/2013 | Topic Creator
"Your schedule is in your locker?" Firefly asked Aretis. "Well, do you know what number your locker is? I could help you find it, but you'll need the combination to open it. Well, I guess there are other ways, but using the combination would probably be better."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#35 Posted: 21:03:24 16/08/2013
Occ: Ou now i see, sorry i did understand the plot incorrectly at first.

" Ou thanks that map would be great, and i have to have my schedule somewhere because i have learned by my heart all of my flying and gym classes, only thing what i have made clear in here is that i want to continue with those even if i would not have to. And so now only thing that i can really remember is that my first class is not flying or gym." Red said to Firefly, then he turned his head to Aretis " is everything alright, it almost looks like that you have seen a ghost"
Cogito, ergo sum.
amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
#36 Posted: 21:15:03 16/08/2013
Theo put his book down for a moment and got out a pencil. He watched as Mrs. Dewdrop tended to her plants for a moment, then settled down to read his book again. No one seemed too overly enthused about the start of school, but then again, he hadn't met everybody yet.
Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4495
#37 Posted: 21:41:27 16/08/2013
OOC: what happened?
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#38 Posted: 22:17:31 16/08/2013
"2.......7.......6" Aretis closed his eyes and slowly sat up a little straighter.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#39 Posted: 23:37:08 16/08/2013
Name: Starz
Gender: Female
Age: 40
Elements: Light, Electricity
Personality: Starz is quite a shy dragon when she first meets someone, but she opens up soon enough. She's a friendly dragon, and she's usually happy most of the time, but she can get angry if someone teases her or annoys her. She's loyal, pretty smart, and loves to have fun with her friends, and help them if they need it.
Appearance: Yellow dragon with blue eyes, small curved white horns, black back spikes, dark blue and light yellow wings, star mark on her chest. (I may post a picture later.)
Other: Starz is a new student at the school. She hopes to make friends and discover her future.
Stealthelfrocks Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#40 Posted: 23:42:49 16/08/2013
Heiwa wondered about the school for a moment, while looking at her map, to find the biology room. Once she found the room, she poked her head inside, looking around. The teacher was tending to the plants, and there was a smaller green dragon in the room. She didn't want to be in the wrong room, so she approached the other student. "Um... Escuse me," she began, "is this the biology room?"
well guys..... took me a while.... but i might still hang around.... dont know..... but.... I loved the moment while it lasted smilie
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#41 Posted: 00:04:42 17/08/2013
Name: Kiarae
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Elements: Light, Wind
Personality: Cheerful and optimistic even when things go bad. She has an infectious laughter and has an air of charisma around her that just makes her seem sweet and likable. Very dainty.
Appearance: Her scales are white with a slight pinkish hue to them and her wings are that translucent clear color that can shine many colors depending on where the sun hits—almost like a dragonfly's wings. Her horns are curved upward, tan colored. Her underbelly is a more yellowish color. Her frame is actually average sized despite her older brother. Moderately decent proportions and everything seems to where it should be. However, there's a nasty scar that cuts from the base of her neck to her collar bone and to the left shoulder. It sort of...mar's her beauty and is a sad reminder of what happened.
Other: Aretis is her brother. They both share a difficult past.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#42 Posted: 01:55:29 17/08/2013
"He's my brother. I know where he is. He's in Mrs. Dewdrop's class." Ru said.

Felakkan sat there at his desk, bored out of his mind. How he loathed school.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#43 Posted: 03:16:25 17/08/2013 | Topic Creator
ooc: All accepted.

@Eevee88: You haven't missed too much. A bell rang to signal students to get ready for their first period class. So just choose a class to start the day with and either make your way there, or find someone to talk to until class starts.

@Cyndego: That's fine. I don't mind explaining things. The main plot has more to do with the new principal taking over and wanting to corrupt the school, rather than just going through a normal year of school. The new principal will make an announcement when first period starts, and the new textbooks will be passed out.

Firefly looked at Aretis.
"Your locker number is 276? Well, that will be easy to find. My locker isn't far from there, actually." She smiled a bit. Then she turned to Red. "Well, you're allowed to take advanced classes, that's what I'm doing. We might even have the same gym and flight class. But if you don't already have gym and flight on your schedule, then you can go talk to the counselor to get it changed. Her office is in the main office where the principal's office is, at the front of the school."

"Well, then I'll just go have a talk with him right now. Have a good day, children." Isis said. Then she walked off.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#44 Posted: 03:17:18 17/08/2013
OOC: Oh, right, I knew that. Sorry, I was rushing... I'll go edit it. smilie

"Likewise," Lily replied. She turned her attention to the book Nero was reading. "What are you reading?"


Rodu ambled into the classroom, unhappily. He hated school. The only reason he was here was for bettering himself in magic. But biology? Ugh! He hated it! Even more then he hated English. He instinctively moved to the back of the room and sat down in an empty seat. Bored, he scanned his surroundings. A dragon here, a dragon there, blah, blah, blah.... His eyes caught on a small green dragon with dull yellow horns. Rodu grinned. Easy target, he thought to himself.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#45 Posted: 03:33:17 17/08/2013
Ru looked at the young dragon. "You going to be alright?"
He nodded. "Yeah, thanks for helping me."
"You're welcome. Do you need some help getting to class?" Ru asked.
"Yes, please. I have Mrs. Rainbowwind." Said the young dragon.
"Oh, Mrs. R's really nice. You're gonna love her. Come on, let's go find your class." Ru said and took the lead down the hall.

Felakkan noticed a dragon with an unmistakeable look of mischief on his face, he smirked and wanted to know where all this will lead to.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#46 Posted: 03:40:18 17/08/2013
Starz was standing outside the english classroom. English wasn't her next class, but she had no idea where the heck she was. She was lost.
She stood there awkwardly, looking down at her schedule and then down the hall, and then back at her schedule again. She wanted to ask someone to help, but she was too shy. She was usually a friendly loved meeting new people, but being at this school with a whole bunch of other dragons was just...scary.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4495
#47 Posted: 05:17:12 17/08/2013
Maria walks to english class fast because she was late
"oh my am I so late" said Maria as she flew in her class room "sorry i am late."
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#48 Posted: 05:48:57 17/08/2013 | Topic Creator
ooc: Eevee, you can't be late to class. The bell to start class hasn't even rung yet. Plus, it's only the first day. It's not like you'll get in trouble.

The English teacher, Mr. Coal Nightdoom, grunted as he put down his book and turned to the door. That was the third time his moment of peace had been interrupted. Darn these kids and their annoying chatter. Why couldn't they just be quiet and read a book while they wait for class to start?

"You're not late. In fact, you're early, and you're interrupting my peace and quiet." He grumbled. He got up from his desk and walked over to Maria, looking down at her. "I don't care if you're early, on time or late, you do not rush into my class making noise and disturbing my peace. You walk in slowly and quietly. You politely take your seat and wait for class to start, preferably without talking to me while I'm trying to read." He said to her. Then he noticed Starz.

"And you there. Yes, you, little yellow dragon. Don't dawdle and stand around like a bump on a log. Are you coming in or is your class elsewhere? Perhaps you even have no idea where you're supposed to be. Well, I could point you in the right direction so that you'll stop wasting my time. I was just getting to the good part of my story."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:49:24 17/08/2013 by Cynder09
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4495
#49 Posted: 05:50:24 17/08/2013
"sorry sir" said maria as she sat down and read percy dragon
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#50 Posted: 07:27:42 17/08/2013
"Yes yes i know, in fact everything that includes gym or flight is very clear in my mind, i have examined all the stuff so that i know what is coming from those. And i have those in my schedule because i remember all of my gym and flight class times, but i can not remember anything else from there. And Yea maybe we do have the same class, i would not mind that. But the fact that i have seen my schedule makes me think where have i put it because it has to be somewhere" Red said trying to remember where has he put the schedule. After few seconds Red turned to Aretis " You really should try to relax, there really is no reason to panic at all" Red say with a smile
Cogito, ergo sum.
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