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The All-Purpose MediEvil Topic [CLOSED]
Winston1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#1 Posted: 03:36:23 30/07/2013 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

I'm a big fan of the MediEvil series, and I didn't see any topic for it on here, so I decided to make one.

Here's some things to kick off with:

  • Which of the games was your favorite?
  • What did you like the most about the game(s)?
  • What would you want to change or improve in the games?
  • What would you want to see in a MediEvil 3?

  • [User Posted Image]
    SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9634
    #2 Posted: 08:46:30 30/07/2013
    MediEvil...what a unique game for it's time.
    I played the demo of it first when I was five years old, it did scare me, but I loved it.
    My Dad later on got the full version, and he really enjoyed it, I just used to sit back and watch.
    There was a promotional poster inside the case that announced a MediEvil 2, and on the other side a level map of the first two or three levels? (Dan's Crypt, The Graveyard and Cemetery Hill, and possibly House of Pain?)

    Anyway, I didn't play the sequel until a lot later, I think I got it in 2010. I didn't like it as much, I thought it had lost it's charm from the first game. But apparently it wasn't the same person who directed it as in the first one, so that's one of the reasons why it wasn't as good, and apparently the original director was going to have you play as a different Fortesque set in the Victorian times. I think that idea sounds much more original.

    MediEvil 1 was the gem, and still lives up today I reckon, I don't like the sequel that much, to be honest, I got bored of it about halfway through.

    I love the overall atmosphere of MediEvil, I still get those wonderous creepy feels everytime I play it. Just goes to show you don't need spectacular graphics to get a great atmosphere.

    Well, from the first one, I must admit, it is really challenging, especially later on, perhaps they could have made it a bit easier? It's near perfect to me so I don't really have a problem with it, the MediEvil 2 however, I have many problems with. It's like a dumbed down version of MediEvil 1, and has seemed to have lost it's originality, and felt like Sony just pushed it out there to gain a few extra bucks.

    In MediEvil 3? The ideas that the original director of MediEvil 1 had for MediEvil 2, it's been mentioned on this forum somewhere already, can't remember where though.

    MediEvil 1 is definitely up there with Spyro, and Tomb Raider in my opinion.

    I must admit the ending cutscene is a bit funny, Sir Dan does ALL of that for the land, and all he does is go back to sleep. smilie
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:04:48 30/07/2013 by SuperSpyroFan
    Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6854
    #3 Posted: 19:15:48 30/07/2013
    I've been a huge fan of Medievil since I was a kid. One of the best games I've ever played. Bit of a combination of Ghosts 'n Goblins, and the Legend of Zelda.

    It's sad that it has been largely forgotten and I believe Sony doesn't think it would be a success if a new game was made. Would be better than the killzone games Sony has the original team making now...

    Also something funny, I'm on the first forum link you posted and was on there when it first started. I was nearly a mod, but responded to the request too late...

    What is great is that the creators love talking about the games and have even answered fan emails quite often. Check that forum for questions that people have asked the creators of the games.

    I actually liked Medievil 2 quite a bit. It improved on some things but the mood did change. The story is more complex as well. It felt like the events of Gallowmere, that have been largely forgotten, come back to remind people that no matter how the world has changed, the events of that adventure changed the world in some ways. I like that it pulls it in to Victorian times. It's also fun to be an undead knight from the dark ages running around with a gatling gun...

    Oh yes, and if anyone wants stuff from the Medievil 2 press kit, let me know. smilie
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:16:29 30/07/2013 by Rendar
    Winston1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
    #4 Posted: 02:04:32 31/07/2013 | Topic Creator
    The original MediEvil stands as my favorite video-game of all.
    I was introduced to both it and MediEvil 2 when I was about 5 or 6. We had a PS1 and my father worked for Sony at the time, so he would sometimes bring home game demo's and a couple of them included MediEvil 1 and 2. I was hooked and thoroughly enjoyed what the demos had to offer. At Christmas time a year later, my parents bought me the full versions of both games.

    I first played MediEvil 1 and I loved it to death. I think part of the reason that made it so amazing to me was because I had never seen anything quite like it before. The idea of a game where you controlled a failed skeleton hero through a gothic, mystical medieval realm to defeat an evil sorcerer and his army of undead, along with pumpkin monsters, giant ants, and demons was one of the most unusual and awe-inspiring concepts I had seen at the time. The atmosphere was what I liked most about the game, how it managed to combine gothic, Tim Burton-like settings with silly, unique looking characters and monsters. Than there were things like the classic battle against the Stain Glass Demon and Dan being shrunk down to the size of an ant to explore a level inspired by a scene from Aliens - memorable stuff that rests among my fondest gaming recollections.

    I started MediEvil 2 when I was almost halfway finished with MediEvil 1. Back when I was little, I thought M2 was a great game in its own right, though even then I thought it wasn't as good as the original. Now, while I still like the sequel, I do acknowledge that it lost a lot of the charm and unique premise that the original had going for it, not to mention that it did a lot of things worse with the gameplay (seriously, WHO thought it was a good idea to not have the health fountains respawn in levels?!). Also, I found the characters to be forgettable and I really did not like Dan's voice-over in that game. I still enjoy killing zombies with the gatling gun, though.

    I bought MediEvil: Resurrection in 2008, and it was the only reason I purchased a PSP. Back then, I also thought it was a very good game. After reflecting on the series as a whole, not so much anymore. Resurrection, to put it simply, is completely different from the original. My main complaint with the game is with its strictly lighthearted, cartoon take on the franchise. The gothic atmosphere was what I liked most about M1, and while M2 lost a lot of it, there were still levels like Wulfrun Hall and Cathedral Spires that had unique gothic and dark settings. Resurrection, however, has nothing but colorful, cartoon levels that look more like something that would fit in an animated Disney film. It's not just the levels, either. The characters are given much more goofy-looking designs and personalities. The games humor is just too puerile for my liking and it tries too hard and too much to be funny. Oh, and Al-Zalam was *horrible* - I think of him as the Jar Jar Binks version of MediEvil.
    Still, I did enjoy Resurrection for a while and completed the game a couple times. I will say that the game actually had pretty impressive content and production values for a PSP launch title, and while I have kind of grown to dislike it, I at least appreciate that it reintroduced the franchise for a little while and provided the basis for Dan's portrayal in PlayStation Allstars. Also, the orchestrated music is amazing.

    There isn't really anything that I'd want to change about MediEvil 1. MediEvil 2, though, I think could benefit from better character development and more forgiving gameplay design, such as making the health fountains respawn and allowing Dan to fall from great heights without risk of dying, like in the original. Also, bring back Jason Wilson to voice Dan, he was sorely missed in MediEvil 2. With Resurrection, I would remove Al-Zalam and make the game's atmosphere much more in-line with the original's.

    For MediEvil 3, I really just want the concept that Chris Sorrell, the creator of the franchise, pitched back in 2003. He had so many amazing ideas for M2 and M3, which, sadly, will probably never see the light of day.

    Also, yes, there is a thread I created on the MediEvil forum where posted a bunch of interviews that I've had with some of the people who worked on the MediEvil development teams (they're all real nice guys!) Check it out if you're interested.
    SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
    #5 Posted: 19:21:45 01/08/2013
    YEAH, A MediEvil topic!! (Ups, off-topic)

    Okay, the first game is my Favorite, I used to play it a lot when I was kid (when I was 6 I think) and I still play it in my PSOne, I don't know, this game has a lot of potential, the OST was okay, the humour was awesome, the gameplay is simple and fun (for me...) and of course, it was challenging, getting every Chalice was a hard task to do, but not impossible (Now I don't have any problems to get everything)

    Well, Like I said before, I like a lot of things about the first and the other games (Humour, gameplay, OST...), including MediEvil 2 controls, it was a bit different from the first game but it's okay, also MediEvil Ressurection (Remake) was a little bit easy...

    Mmm.... I'm not sure, the games are Masterpiece if you ask me but If I'm going to change something, that would be the Camera controls, don't get me wrong, the camera is okay, but is a bit annoying for new players, specially MediEvil 1 and 2, but nothing important (I guess...)

    What I want to see in MediEvil 3? Wow, I'll like to see Sir Daniel again, Sir Dan is one my TOP Heroes in Videogames, I miss his mumbling so much!! Bring the old director back, from the first MediEvil to get that wonderful feeling, it's hard to explain, MediEvil 2 it wasn't the same thing as the first one without the original director...

    Anyway, WE WANT MEDIEVIL 3!!!
    O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
    sky-dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3206
    #6 Posted: 05:28:41 02/08/2013
    since sir daniel got new model in ps all stars they should make medievil 3 for ps3 with that exact new model
    "ryuujin no ken wo kurae!"
    SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
    #7 Posted: 20:38:56 06/08/2013
    Quote: sky-dragon
    since sir daniel got new model in ps all stars they should make medievil 3 for ps3 with that exact new model

    O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
    Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6854
    #8 Posted: 22:10:01 06/08/2013
    A 3 probably won't ever happen
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:10:09 06/08/2013 by Rendar
    Winston1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
    #9 Posted: 02:42:41 07/08/2013 | Topic Creator
    Quote: Rendar
    A 3 probably won't ever happen

    But the people of Gallowmere are depending on Sir Daniel, he just needs to keep his chin up!

    Anyway, with this brought up, I recently spoke with Dominic Cahalin, the lead designer of MediEvil: Resurrection. Among other things, he had this to say:

    Dominic Cahalin - Virtually everyone at the Cambridge Sony Studio wanted to make a PS3 version of Medievil! Resurrection was basically a rushed job, which explained some of its weaknesses. I did a basic design of a Zelda style version of Medievil 3 with free-roaming levels and non-linear gameplay etc. But the senior management team at Sony Europe did not believe in Medievil as a long running franchise, and were even very cynical about the chances of success for Medievil Resurrection. This attitude proved at least partly wrong, as the PSP game went on to sell relatively impressive numbers.

    Read more: http://www.sirdanielfortesque....9#ixzz2bFMfdJLA

    He left Sony in 2006, so it's possible that the senior management has since changed their attitude on the subject. A part of me wants to believe that MediEvil's appearance in PS Allstars is a step in that direction. If not, than it's a shame, but perhaps it is also the right thing to preserve the memory of the franchise.
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:48:37 07/08/2013 by Winston1
    Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6854
    #10 Posted: 22:04:31 09/08/2013
    Don't get me wrong, I would love a Medievil 3. It just seems like nobody higher up at sony has faith in it. That's really why it won't go anywhere.
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:04:42 09/08/2013 by Rendar
    SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9634
    #11 Posted: 11:23:54 10/08/2013
    That's a first, seeing a developer not trusting their own creations. Could either be a good thing or a bad thing, at least it's not like Activision churning out the same games all the time.
    Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
    #12 Posted: 14:06:34 10/08/2013
    Medievil was among the first video games that I ever played, or at least can remember - I have memories of the original two games etched into my head; memories of The Graveyard, Scarecrow Fields, The Ant Caves... ah, good memories. Sadly, I only own the PSP remake right now, so it's been a long time since I last played the other games, though I do plan on getting them sometime soon.

    I was pretty glad and very happy to see Sir Dan return for Playstation All Stars, and that the folks at Sony haven't entirely forgotten all about him, but I would like to see a Medievil 3 at some point in the future, though only if it's any good.
    “The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
    SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
    #13 Posted: 13:38:13 12/08/2013
    Quote: Winston1
    Quote: Rendar
    A 3 probably won't ever happen

    But the people of Gallowmere are depending on Sir Daniel, he just needs to keep his chin up!

    Anyway, with this brought up, I recently spoke with Dominic Cahalin, the lead designer of MediEvil: Resurrection. Among other things, he had this to say:

    Dominic Cahalin - Virtually everyone at the Cambridge Sony Studio wanted to make a PS3 version of Medievil! Resurrection was basically a rushed job, which explained some of its weaknesses. I did a basic design of a Zelda style version of Medievil 3 with free-roaming levels and non-linear gameplay etc. But the senior management team at Sony Europe did not believe in Medievil as a long running franchise, and were even very cynical about the chances of success for Medievil Resurrection. This attitude proved at least partly wrong, as the PSP game went on to sell relatively impressive numbers.

    Read more: http://www.sirdanielfortesque....9#ixzz2bFMfdJLA

    He left Sony in 2006, so it's possible that the senior management has since changed their attitude on the subject. A part of me wants to believe that MediEvil's appearance in PS Allstars is a step in that direction. If not, than it's a shame, but perhaps it is also the right thing to preserve the memory of the franchise.

    I think I read something like this months ago after PSASBR release date...
    O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
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