

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Beyond Belief [CLOSED]
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#1 Posted: 06:34:26 22/07/2013 | Topic Creator
I would like to apologise in advance, to anyone genuinely interested in this role play, for the length of the beginning post.

On the news they talk about some kind of "monsters" that have been attacking people across the world. Suddenly you recieve an invitation to a camp for "unnatural" kids, so they can learn to defend themselves. To get to the romote island where this camp resides you must board an unmarked ship called "Unity." By the time you make it to the training camp, it is evident that these monster attacks aren't random. It is a dark army joined together to enslave mankind. You must find your place in the camp and try to discover a way to stop the evil horde from taking over the world.

There are six branches to the main camp, each with their own specialities and training/teaching methods. You must join one of these "teams", (Unless you are already part of one) and develop your skills. Once in one of the branches you recieve a custom item of your choice to give you the ability to understand all languages.


神道 (Shinto): Started by Mushi Yuri of Japan, this branch specializes in ranged combat. From sniper rifles to bows, they excell in all forms of distant combat. they use several magic and technologic enhancements to increase combat effectiveness.

Current headmaster: Onoki Nagatama- She is a strict but kind leader. She believes in tactics over talent, stating that "The perfect plan will always take down the strongest enemy." Onoki has a unique ability to make fake holograms of herself at any given time.

Campground: The Shinto campground is like modern day Japan with a little of the olden days architectural influence.
будущее (budushcheye): Started by Demitri Demochev of Russia, this branch holds the highest technologic advancements in the world. Almost like it was straight from science fiction, they have access to several mechs and futuristic weapons to keep the edge in battle. Though it is a very new branch, it has gained the respect of the other branches.

Current headmaster: Demitri Demochev- Happy-go-lucky and warm hearted, Demitri is a mechanic that can manipulate machines with his mind. He is almost always smiling and is very father-like to his students.

Campground: Budushcheye grounds look like a futuristic hotel filled with dorms, cafeterias, training facilities, and testing facilities. It even has free high speed wifi, who can top that!?
Red: Started by Henry Jones, from northern U.S.A. The Red branch is trained like special operations soldiers. There tough, gritty, and don't take any job without success. These comandos specialize in modern warfare and frontline tatics. They are fearless and ready for anything.

Current headmaster: Jacob Dawks- He is a proud and courageous man, who doesn't back down from any challenge. He is a master at comando tactics and has pride in all of his students. He has superhuman durability and strength and can detect life from a mile in every direction. He believes actions define you, not what you look like or where your from.

Campground: The Red branch campground is your average hardcore training facility, carving true warriors out of any kid.
Pantera: Started by Enrique Marquis from Mexico. The Pantera branch are stealthy assassins that dispatch their enemies with fine detail and deathly silence. They are calm and patient, and wait for the perfect moment to strike.

Current headmaster: Lilly Marquis- The decendant of Enrique Marquis, she is quiet and humble. Ironically, she is also very clumsy when she's not out assassinating. Her powers make her invisible, silent, and odorless.

Campground: This branches camp is like a tropical beach with tribal huts that are integrated with modern technology.
Croí laoch ar: Started by Sigurd the dragon slayer from Norway, this branch is made for melee combat. It sticks to a strict code of honor and traditional combat. It teaches almost all martial arts and has deep roots in mythology and magic.

Current headmaster: Sigurd- He is silent and rarely talks, but is very wise. He is immortal and has great strength and speed. He has been said to have defeated King Arthur and Sir Lance-a-lot while unarmed.

Campground: Sigurd had the campground made to be like a college, with the exception of a colossal arena in the middle of it. Each "school room" is a converted dojo where they learn martial arts, save for a few tactics classes.
龙的气息 (Lóng de qìxí): This branch was started by Huo Yuanjia, and specializes in magic and soccery. It uses all forms of magic, from summoning to elements, they do it all.

Current headmaster: Xi Lauwan- She is a strict, forceful woman who dominates almost anyone she comes in contact with. She can move in a bolt of lightning and can use all forms of magic.

Campground: The Long de qixi branch's camp is basically 1700's China, with a few modern touches here and there.

-Character sheet-
Communication item:


No mary sue-ing
No Killing another role players character without permission
Violence and romance can go as far as you want, just put "OCC: WARNING- MATURE CONTENT" above post.
I am Game Master and if you want to introduce a plot line, just ask me.
There is a high probability that this won't be suited for children.
Any romance between characters must be allowed by the role players who own the characters
If your character looks like or IS a character from a show, movie, or book tell me the name of it
Put "Destiny" on your character sheet so I can verify you read this.
Turtle Power.
Edited 9 times - Last edited at 07:26:55 15/06/2014 by HerrMythology
Deidara Blue Sparx Gems: 647
#2 Posted: 07:33:18 22/07/2013
Name: Grisha dracovich
Nationality: Russian
appearance:[User Posted Image]
powers: He has incredible sensory abilities
personality:he's nice but can get aggressive when provoked or when defending others
History: His father was a Russian prison worker who got stabbed in the stomach by inmates. He lived with his mother until he turned old enough to leave
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Communication item: has a necklace that translates the languages instantly.
Weapons: Uses hand to hand
Let the darkness lead the fight!
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#3 Posted: 07:37:30 22/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OCC: Great character! Accepted!
Turtle Power.
Deidara Blue Sparx Gems: 647
#4 Posted: 07:40:44 22/07/2013
Let the darkness lead the fight!
KilaIesha Blue Sparx Gems: 676
#5 Posted: 22:09:38 24/07/2013
Name: Sunao Onoki
Nationality: japanese
Branch: Pantera
Appearance: black hair, black eyes, slightly tan, fairly muscular, slim
Powers: shapeshifting, ninja master
personality: kind-hearted, very quiet, very intelligent, has a soft spot for kids
history: she was abandoned and brought to the camp as a baby. Headmaster Onoki raised her and is like her mother, she joined Pantera after her demonstration of her shapeshifting.
age: 17
communication item: black choker
Weapons: ninja tools
Gender: female
Knowing what it feels to be in pain, is exactly why we try to be kind to others.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:27:10 25/07/2013 by KilaIesha
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#6 Posted: 22:36:58 24/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OCC: Accepted.
Turtle Power.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#7 Posted: 01:20:14 25/07/2013 | Topic Creator
Name: Valistain Freymond Lokison (Nicknamed "V")
Nationality: Irish
Team/Branch: Croi laoch ar
appearance: (6'2 tall)
powers: Master Blacksmith, He can enchant items. great strength and speed (Mainly to help in Blacksmithing)
personality: He hates fighting, he's Hardy, believes in Norse mythology, hates bullies and people who insult his beliefs.
History: He lived with his dad in southwest Ireland, in windy hillsides and valleys. He was tought the old Norse ways by his father and lived his life as a gaelic clansman. He rarely saw any people besides his father and clan, though he only saw the other clansmen at gatherings. He hasn't seen many females and he is a freshman in the camp and just joined, so it's a strange experience for him.
Gender: male
Age: 16
Communication item: A golden Kenaz (Rune of Loki, shaped like "<") on his left hand.
weapon: A 7 ft. long with an enlongated axe-head that is enchanted to be extremely heavy and never break, and a bottomless magical pouch that is filled with silver dust that forms into spears (But they are easily broken.)
Turtle Power.
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 09:39:57 25/07/2013 by HerrMythology
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#8 Posted: 02:47:19 25/07/2013
Name: Cassidy "Curly" Bliot[bleye-ott]
Nationality: American(northern)
Team/Branch: Red
appearance: I'm bad at drawing humans, I'm sorry.
She stands five(5) foot ten(10) inches tall, and has a muscular build. She's neither thin nor fat, having a healthy weight and diet.
powers: Her skin and bones are unnaturally strong, making what would be a gash in a normal person a small cut. She's also slightly more physically powerful than the average woman, though this could just be caused by intense training.
personality: Curly is a fairly energetic woman, who is quite playful and positive. She is very affectionate, considering any friends of hers to be like her family and treating them as such. She enjoys tackling work and puzzles, but will usually accept failure if it's obvious she can't complete the task given. It's fairly clear that Curly is a hard worker, but once she's drained of energy she's not one for doing anything but laying around and sleeping. She quite likes dogs, foxes, snakes, and candy. Especially candy. More specifically, hard candies like lollipops and jolly ranchers, though caramel is just as good in her eyes.
Curly, however, does tend to be quite rude to people she doesn't like, and can sometimes get into fights because of this. She is also quite violent, considering she can't get hurt very easily, and most of the time she won't realize how rough she's being, and could possibly hurt someone of lesser strength. She also has a fear of fire, keeping a great distance if it's around and backing up if fire gets within six feet of her.
History: Curly grew up with her mother, father, and three brothers. She went through the standard American education, and she took an interest in fencing and martial arts at a young age. However, due to her unusual resistance to pain and damage, she eventually got the feeling she was a bit different and stopped due to insecurity. Obviously, when she got the letter she had already guessed there was something weird going on, so she went ahead and left for the camp.
Gender: Female
Age: seventeen(17) years[funfact-when i first created her this was her age!]
Communication item: Gold necklace(see image)
Weapons: She quite likes messing around with knives
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:27:36 25/07/2013 by CinderLover
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#9 Posted: 03:17:20 25/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OCC: Lovely character, accepted! but lower the age a little please.
Turtle Power.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:22:23 25/07/2013 by HerrMythology
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#10 Posted: 03:27:56 25/07/2013
Done. And thank you. She also says thanks for calling her lovely.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#11 Posted: 03:35:42 25/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OCC: Your welcome. your character really is a very original and creative one. Your drawing as also great.
Turtle Power.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#12 Posted: 03:45:02 25/07/2013
You're too kind. Thank you very much. I also quite like your character, he seems interesting. ^^ I look forward to the start of the RP.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#13 Posted: 03:55:21 25/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OCC: If it's okay with you, I plan on starting friday.
Turtle Power.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#14 Posted: 04:14:06 25/07/2013
That's just fine with me.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#15 Posted: 04:23:08 25/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OCC: awesome!
Turtle Power.
Deidara Blue Sparx Gems: 647
#16 Posted: 04:27:01 25/07/2013
OOC: Yay! People joined! THE NORMAL FOLK DON't SHUN US!
Let the darkness lead the fight!
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#17 Posted: 20:16:17 26/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OCC: anybody ready?
Turtle Power.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#18 Posted: 20:17:23 26/07/2013
I'm certainly looking forward to it, so I suppose so.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#19 Posted: 20:19:42 26/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OCC: that's good, i'm flattered.
Turtle Power.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#20 Posted: 20:29:34 26/07/2013
Any time you're ready, then. owo;
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#21 Posted: 20:37:42 26/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OCC: We just need one more person.
Turtle Power.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#22 Posted: 22:52:45 27/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: If your ready cinderlover, i'll just go ahead and start.
Turtle Power.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#23 Posted: 06:39:28 30/07/2013 | Topic Creator
OCC: I guess i'll start, everyone else fall in.

A loud speaker at each branch goes off with the camp's headmaster speaking, "good morning. Today there will be demonstrations on each students powers. This exercise is to help the new students feel that they are not alone, as well as to class each student in power level." Valistain hears the announcement and heads to the main camp. When he reaches main camp he joins the group of croi laoch ar students at the edge of an arena.
Turtle Power.
Deidara Blue Sparx Gems: 647
#24 Posted: 20:13:00 11/10/2013
Grisha walks into the camp and stretches "So, what's this about?" and sits down. "Well damn..."I don't have my coffee..."
Let the darkness lead the fight!
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#25 Posted: 09:18:32 08/01/2014 | Topic Creator
The headmaster booms over the Microphone, "The beginning matches are beginning in a few minutes. The first round will be a fight between red and budushcheye."
Turtle Power.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#26 Posted: 09:56:43 08/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OCC: Bump.
Turtle Power.
Spyzilla Yellow Sparx Gems: 1903
#27 Posted: 12:03:40 08/01/2014
Name: Balcomb-X. "X" for short. Doesn't tell anybody his real name
Nationality: American
Team/Branch: Croí laoch ar
appearance: Tall but skinny, war-torn, long brown hair, dark brown eyes, always wears a leather jacket with a rasta colored element beanie, or a Batman snapback worn backwards. Wears band tees or Batman tees, skinny jeans or dress pants, and chuck t's or dress pants. Smokes cigarettes
powers: Highly developed senses so he can tell when an enemies approaching, has the element of surprise constantly on his side, extraordinary stealthy and flexible
personality: Stubborn, persistent, strong-willed, addicted to cigarettes, stoner. Has the heart of a warrior, and his family.
History: Lost his first-born to the cruel world we live in, never met his father, once killed a man over drugs, lost his mother and 2 of his brothers to the monsters attacking
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Communication item: Messenger hawk or manipulation of elements
Weapons: Pocket knife, dagger, katana, saber, machete, staff
People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#28 Posted: 13:04:15 08/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OCC: Accepted, Though your characters powers suit Pantera more.
Turtle Power.
Spyzilla Yellow Sparx Gems: 1903
#29 Posted: 13:06:43 08/01/2014
OOC: But then again, martial arts follows a similar concept
People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#30 Posted: 13:13:56 08/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OCC: When it said "Martial Arts" it meant, "arts of war." They don't necessarily study many actual Kung Fu-type martial arts, more like battle field tactics and sword play. Though I guess Either Pantera, Croi laoch ar, or red would have kung fu like fighters.
Turtle Power.
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