How can anyone forgive me
I couldn’t forgive myself
The wrong’s that I done
The pain I put you through
How could you forgive me
How can I not forgive
You aren’t the black hearted
You’re aren’t the one to blame
The pain is nothing to me
But it hurts me
When you can’t forgive yourself
My life has been surrounded by darkness for so long
How can I not hate myself
This icy heart of my
My sorrow isn’t yours to bare
Why do you help the helpless
You are given a second chance
The darkness in you is gone
The shadows of who you were
Is gone in the wind
Your icy heart will melt
But will you forgive yourself
These wounds are too deep
I can’t escape
My past is always following me
The pain I put you through
My heart can’t bare
I was always so alone
How can you forgive someone like me
The wounds will heal in time
You don’t have to run anymore
We will face it together
Allow me to help you
You don’t have to bare by yourself
You’re not alone anymore
I’m here to help
I forgive you
My heart it’s melting
Your light is so bright
My darkness is fading
I can face my past as long you are here
As long as you are with me
I can forgive myself
I can see
Everything now is so beautiful
It’s not my light that shining in your heart
What you are seeing is what I see in you
You aren’t the evil one
Your heart isn’t made of stone
I forgive you because I love you
I’m not afraid anymore
Because of you I was given another chance
My heart sings when you are near
Without you I’m nothing
Without you I’ll never see the light
I love you