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spyro dotd screenshot for de wii [CLOSED]
darklegend Green Sparx Gems: 455
#1 Posted: 16:03:15 29/08/2008 | Topic Creator
i wonder if da wii is da same as ps2
or is da wii stronger in graphics but anyway here is da link for screenshots

hope u like them wii owners
spyro your a very special creature with special abilities u can do whatever u like
cynder queen of darkness u take care of spyro
AntauriWolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1248
#2 Posted: 16:07:35 29/08/2008
I'm wondering too if the graphics for DotD for Wii, will be the same, or close to, the ones for the PS2.
Spyrofan_1 Green Sparx Gems: 212
#3 Posted: 16:10:00 29/08/2008
same here i want the grafics to be good
I'm really Coocie2.
Blah Blah Blah
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#4 Posted: 16:46:54 29/08/2008
If you get that HDMI thing for the Wii then the graphics should be the same as the PS3 and Xbox360, but thats only for the Wii smilie. Why don't they make a HDMI cable for the PS2?
Nalemor Ripto Gems: 789
#5 Posted: 17:05:30 29/08/2008
cuz the ps2 was first released in 2002 smilie there was no such thing as High Def. back then smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:07:57 29/08/2008 by Nalemor
Aqua-Dragoness Gold Sparx Gems: 2851
#6 Posted: 17:06:10 29/08/2008
^Actually it was released in 2002.
Nalemor Ripto Gems: 789
#7 Posted: 17:07:37 29/08/2008
oh... oops smilie well still....
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#8 Posted: 18:43:07 29/08/2008
What about Jak and Daxter, Gran-Turismo3? No it was released in fall 2000.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Nalemor Ripto Gems: 789
#9 Posted: 18:48:04 29/08/2008
okay now im confused... my friend had a ps2 in 1998... he said he got it the day it came out
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#10 Posted: 21:00:46 29/08/2008
Why don't they make a HDMI cable for the PS2?

The PS2 can't pump out the data needed to compose an HDMI output. It would take so much of the PS2's processing power and render the game unplayable due to lag.

There is, however, RGB and Component outputs in addition to the standard Composite output of the PS2.

Composite is the yellow-white-red jacks that plug into your TV. You'd got a lot of this by now.

Components are usually 720p, but can pump out at 1080i, which is really, REALLY close to the PS3, which runs at 1080p.

RGB is the best for quality. However, RGB is hard to use.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:02:33 29/08/2008 by Doppel
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#11 Posted: 21:26:41 29/08/2008
Please tell me the Wii will look like this:
[User Posted Image]
Look @ my YouTube channel! PLZ subscribe if you like!
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#12 Posted: 21:30:15 29/08/2008
To me,the graphics for the Wii version don't look that different at all from the Xbox360 version.:/
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#13 Posted: 21:33:50 29/08/2008
That makes me happy.smilie
Look @ my YouTube channel! PLZ subscribe if you like!
spyroblack Gold Sparx Gems: 2961
#14 Posted: 12:31:56 30/08/2008
th wii looks like this:
[User Posted Image]

if u cant see the pic just put previos in the link in the 1 coomment
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:33:41 30/08/2008 by spyroblack
EmeraldDragon Blue Sparx Gems: 881
#15 Posted: 12:48:09 30/08/2008
Well I'll probably like the game for PS2 anyway even the graphics aren't as good as the 360.
It's not just the graphics that make a game good.
Sometimes you have to let go of someone...if they really love you, they'll come back
SpyroGirlCazy Emerald Sparx Gems: 4436
#16 Posted: 13:34:35 30/08/2008
Quote: EmeraldDragon
Well I'll probably like the game for PS2 anyway even the graphics aren't as good as the 360.
It's not just the graphics that make a game good.

That very ture,
I now own an xbox 360 BUT befor i did i was also worried about how the graphics will look for the Ps2 But i dont think there is alot of diffitns (sorry spelling) but, i do think the PS3 and the 360 will be better then the wii and PS" but not alot more smilie
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