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Hey I figured something out! [CLOSED]
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#1 Posted: 21:56:02 27/08/2008 | Topic Creator
The first level is Where you fight the enemies and the huge golem thing. All in this cavern, forteress, lavalike backround. The second level is the forest at night, then you go into this cave where enemies attack everyone. The third level is Avalar, you know, that beautiful forest that has all this grass and flowers and tress. It also has some videos of spyro flying all over it. Then you go into this secret cave where you meet up with the soldiers going to war. Then the fourth level is you going into war, the fith level is you saving the city from the enemies. The sixth level is of you fighting the enemies and saving the gate. Then you fight the destroyer and try to save the gate and city itself. Then you fall into the seventh level where you see this twisted flaming rock formation and this element is darkness and fire.
This is pretty much how far I got, hope you enjoy this. Also this imformation is probabily 80-90% acurite.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
dragonlover11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1679
#2 Posted: 21:57:52 27/08/2008
"What is a man but the sum of his memories? We are the stories we live! The tales we tell ourselves!"
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#3 Posted: 21:58:05 27/08/2008
Where did you find this?
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#4 Posted: 22:04:09 27/08/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Dragonhope
Where did you find this?

I found this while looking at almost everything, including minor spoilers. Then combined everything together that made sence, made the plot go in the right direction. After that, I closed this with photos and videos. Oh man I can't wait for this game.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#5 Posted: 22:07:46 27/08/2008
Oh okay.
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#6 Posted: 22:15:54 27/08/2008
cool but id rather find out on my own
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#7 Posted: 22:19:07 27/08/2008 | Topic Creator
I wander if dark52 can make this one sticky?
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:19:24 27/08/2008 by Forgotten World
dragonlover11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1679
#8 Posted: 22:27:40 27/08/2008
does sticky topics stay at the top?
"What is a man but the sum of his memories? We are the stories we live! The tales we tell ourselves!"
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#9 Posted: 01:14:03 28/08/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: dragonlover11
does sticky topics stay at the top?

I've been gone for quite a while.
Yes they do stay at the top of the list.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Wolf Red Sparx Gems: 42
#10 Posted: 01:15:16 28/08/2008
Thats pretty cool, that may be the case! Way to think smilie
Invader Zarra Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#11 Posted: 05:25:06 28/08/2008
Sweet! smilie
xD I'm leaving DarkSpyro... Sorry guys I've been too inactive on this website... If you know where to find me, find me there.
Spyrofan_1 Green Sparx Gems: 212
#12 Posted: 05:45:36 28/08/2008
cool! smilie
I'm really Coocie2.
Blah Blah Blah
Spyrosflame Green Sparx Gems: 277
#13 Posted: 05:59:16 28/08/2008
wait... i was told avalar shall NOT reapear in this game, it is a reboot and they wanted to bring spyro to the mainland of the tlos universe, were avalar is distant.
You can try to tear me down,
Pull me to the ground,
I will see you screaming.
Spyrofan_1 Green Sparx Gems: 212
#14 Posted: 06:08:48 28/08/2008
Quote: Spyrosflame
wait... i was told avalar shall NOT reapear in this game, it is a reboot and they wanted to bring spyro to the mainland of the tlos universe, were avalar is distant.

I'm really Coocie2.
Blah Blah Blah
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#15 Posted: 09:13:22 28/08/2008
Quote: Forgotten World
I wander if dark52 can make this one sticky?

why would he do that?
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#16 Posted: 15:01:07 28/08/2008
Quote: Spyrosflame
wait... i was told avalar shall NOT reapear in this game, it is a reboot and they wanted to bring spyro to the mainland of the tlos universe, were avalar is distant.
It's the Valley of Avalar. The valley is probably the way to world Avalar.
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
Spyrofan_1 Green Sparx Gems: 212
#17 Posted: 15:04:57 28/08/2008
Quote: Dragonhope
Quote: Spyrosflame
wait... i was told avalar shall NOT reapear in this game, it is a reboot and they wanted to bring spyro to the mainland of the tlos universe, were avalar is distant.
It's the Valley of Avalar. The valley is probably the way to world Avalar.

really? cool!
I'm really Coocie2.
Blah Blah Blah
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5949
#18 Posted: 15:17:54 28/08/2008
Quote: Forgotten World
Quote: Dragonhope
Where did you find this?

I found this while looking at almost everything, including minor spoilers. Then combined everything together that made sence, made the plot go in the right direction. After that, I closed this with photos and videos. Oh man I can't wait for this game.

Where did you find the videos?
no i will not write a signature for you
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#19 Posted: 18:41:06 28/08/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Robo-Spyro
Quote: Forgotten World
Quote: Dragonhope
Where did you find this?

I found this while looking at almost everything, including minor spoilers. Then combined everything together that made sence, made the plot go in the right direction. After that, I closed this with photos and videos. Oh man I can't wait for this game.

Where did you find the videos?

Ah you probabily found these videos as well.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#20 Posted: 17:36:37 30/08/2008
Nice job, Forgotten World!
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#21 Posted: 17:41:16 30/08/2008
Quote: Cynder_Rox
Nice job, Forgotten World!

yes smilie
not yr babe
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#22 Posted: 18:00:24 30/08/2008 | Topic Creator
Thanks a lot, I was able to figure out which goes where. smilie smilie
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#23 Posted: 18:02:07 30/08/2008
Quote: Forgotten World
Thanks a lot, I was able to figure out which goes where. smilie smilie

thx smilie
not yr babe
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#24 Posted: 15:50:56 31/08/2008
I would have to say I cannot take this information to heart. I do know that the lava monster (might be this "Destroyer" guy) does make a reappearance in the city (possibly in Avalar) as shown toward the end of the trailer. He is incredibly easy when you face him in the training level (all you have to do is destroy is hand or something like that). <.<;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#25 Posted: 15:54:38 31/08/2008
That's the Lava Golem.
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
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