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Skylanders Fans, a few questions [CLOSED]
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7931
#1 Posted: 15:44:24 28/05/2013 | Topic Creator
I just wanna ask a few questions that I hope you Skylander fans don't mind answering. It'd also help if you're not a Skylander fan but have played it.

1. How much would you rate the games out of 10, with 1 being the ****tiest game ever and 10 being legend?

2. What age group would you recommend Skylanders to?

3. What do you think will happen after Swap Force?

4. Was Giants as good as Adventure? If not, why?

5. Why do you like Skylanders?
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#2 Posted: 16:48:59 28/05/2013
1. SSA 5/10 Giants 9/10
2. Ummm 5+
3. TFB will work on it online and some more
4. They are both the same
5. Bash
dark52 let me change my username you coward
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#3 Posted: 18:53:41 28/05/2013
1. How much would you rate the games out of 10, with 1 being the ****tiest game ever and 10 being legend?

I've only played SSA and I'd give it a 7/10. It's not the best game in the world, but it's fun, engrossing, and has a lot of charm.

2. What age group would you recommend Skylanders to?

Everyone! :) This is a game that can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike (I'm in my early 30s and I loved it). :)

3. What do you think will happen after Swap Force?

Sounds like Toys for Bob is making a fourth game, so I imagine that will come out, followed the next year by a fifth game by the other studio that's making them in tandem. I imagine Skylanders is going to go on for a long time to come.

4. Was Giants as good as Adventure? If not, why?

I can't say since I haven't played it, but I do like the Giants figures more. :)

5. Why do you like Skylanders?

I like the way it took an idea that never really worked before and made it a huge success (toys and games combined). I love that it is, finally, the spiritual successor to the Insomniac games and is introducing a new generation to a creative game world. Of course I like the toys (always wanted Spyro toys :D). And I love seeing kids getting so excited by it, both online and when I'm out looking for Skylanders myself. :)
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#4 Posted: 19:45:39 28/05/2013
1. How much would you rate the games out of 10, with 1 being the ****tiest game ever and 10 being legend?
Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure - 5/10
Skylanders Giants - Haven't Played

2. What age group would you recommend Skylanders to?

3. What do you think will happen after Swap Force?
Skylanders 4, though it's hard to tell.

4. Was Giants as good as Adventure? If not, why?
I don't know. :S

5. Why do you like Skylanders?
I don't, but I will admit it is fun at times, the gameplay surprisingly doesn't get that repetitive and is kinda fun at some points. My favorite part of the game were Heroic Challenges. Though there's ALOT it got wrong, but that's not the question. Oh and also I loved Darklight Crypt, that was cool.
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
huge dotd freak Emerald Sparx Gems: 3354
#5 Posted: 20:03:27 28/05/2013
I wouldn't call myself a 'fan'

1. How much would you rate the games out of 10, with 1 being the ****tiest game ever and 10 being legend? Eh, maybe five.

2. What age group would you recommend Skylanders to? 8-13.

3. What do you think will happen after Swap Force? opefully no more skylanders after that, its just to much.

4. Was Giants as good as Adventure? If not, why? I personally thought it was better then adventure.

5. Why do you like Skylanders? Well, if I consider it a spyro game I get mad and hate it, But if I don't play as spyro and pretend its just any video game its alright.
Do you not like my mouth words?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10259
#6 Posted: 20:52:21 28/05/2013
>Topic asking questions to Skylanders fans
>People who don't like Skylanders answering
I'm won't complain or mention anything but that,but I'll point it out.

1. How much would you rate the games out of 10, with 1 being the ****tiest game ever and 10 being legend?
SSA is 7/10,Giants is 8/10. There's a big way to go for the series to get as good as most plataformers/beat-'em-ups out there,but as of now it's enjoyable enough.

2. What age group would you recommend Skylanders to?
Children mostly,and teenagers/young adults who can look past the childish aspects of the series.I don't feel like recommending this to anyone in the internet because of the bias, but I've had several neighbors of mine to fall in love with the series after some co-op simply because it's a lot of fun.

3. What do you think will happen after Swap Force?
Hopefully,several sub-series focused on a small group of Skylanders each,much like the Mask of Power book series - what Skylanders needs the most is more lore and development of the main characters.Though it's most likely being a fourth game introducing a new storyline or another concept entirely.

4. Was Giants as good as Adventure? If not, why?
Better,in my opinion. Maybe it didn't spark the same hype as the first,but for me,it's the best game;since they fixed most issues from the first game, made the storyline a lot more enjoyable,and made replaying it much more of a possibility,considering the challenges,difficulty modes and the collectibles.

5. Why do you like Skylanders?
In all seriousness? Because it's fun, and it doesn't depend on gaming skills to be so. It's no common plataformer, it's miles away from the Diablo-ish gameplay it got inspiration from,but it brings you back to the time where you just pretended to play with your toys and felt like it was a great adventure. It's hard to explain, but overall, everything seems to be on the right level to be enjoyable in whatever mood you are, expensive or not, and it never feels boring or worthless.Good music,lots of cool character designs and an okay story help a lot as well.
(What I need is never what I want)
HarmHero Green Sparx Gems: 423
#7 Posted: 22:02:33 28/05/2013
1. SSA 7/10, Giants 8/10
2. It's recommended for 8-12 y.o. and I believe that it's indeed the group most suited. But! it's great for adults as well. Being 31 I really like the games and just love the toys! Bit of a difference will be that I don't play with them outside of the game ;-)
3. Saw in a video from SkylanderBoyandGirl that TFB os working in a forth title and the other studio will be making a fifth one. Hope my apps will sell well enough to pay for those oO
4. I like it more than SSA. The game plays better, has bigger levels, a nicer story and even greater humor. Music is much better as well. SSA is great as well, but I started with Giants and bought SSA later.
5. Initially I was really intrigued by the tech they used: the RFID tech to communicate between toy and game. Thought is was ingenious! (still do ;-) ). After I bought the iOS portal set first, I was sold. Love the toys, the quality of them and the shear amount to collect. Soon after that I bought the Wii version of Giants and I'm hooked ever since. Almost got Giants complete and got al the SSA ones who don't have a series 2 version (and even some of those ;-) ). Nice smilie
Skylanders Collection App is available for iPhone and iPod touch!
Check for details :-)
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#8 Posted: 22:02:54 28/05/2013
1. SSA 6/10 SG 8/10
2. 3+
3. Skylanders 4, Skylanders 5 then the downfall.
4. It was much better. Graphics were better. Plot was better. It was better than SSA completely.
5. Because I saw a advert for it, thought it looked cool, bought it, then, after getting every figure, asked myself what I was doing.

*Sigh* The only good thing is that I wouldn't have found darkSpyro with out it...
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#9 Posted: 23:27:07 28/05/2013
1: I'd give it an 8. It's a rather addicting game that has its flaws, but most of which can be overlooked. The real fun is playing with multiple characters.
2: There is no set age group I would recommend this to. I don't recommend it to people who cannot stand cutesyness and play games like Generic Shooter #427 or Generic Shooter #678, but otherwise its an anybody's game.
3: I expect Swap Force sales won't be AS good as past games, but still good enough to warrant a 4th game.
4: Haven't played Giants.
5: I absolutely adore little monster type characters! That's what got me interested in the first place. Eventually I found it cheep somewhere and got it for me and my mom, because both of us are long-time Spyro fans. As well, I like its varied gameplay and charming characters. ...Mostly Kaos, Glumshanks, Hugo, and the Skylanders themselves. Everyone else I could care less about, though.

Quote: Bifrost
>Topic asking questions to Skylanders fans
>People who don't like Skylanders answering
I'm won't complain or mention anything but that,but I'll point it out.

Actually, the topic welcomes those who don't like it as well as those who do.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:29:20 28/05/2013 by MugoUrth
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#10 Posted: 04:36:28 29/05/2013
1. How much would you rate the games out of 10, with 1 being the ****tiest game ever and 10 being legend?

Spyro's Adventure(Wii) 8.9: The game was fun, had just the right length, and just a few glitches here and there. My only complaint was the difficulty of the final boss.

Giants(Wii) 9.4: Improved so much on Spyro's Adventure, wicked soundtrack, greater boss fights, green base Skylander can be used, and funnier dialogue. The only complaint I have was the fact Flynn and Cali took up the whole story.

2. What age group would you recommend Skylanders to?

Everyone whose willing to to try it. It might be targeted toward 5-10 years, but that doesn't mean a teenager or adult can't play it.

3. What do you think will happen after Swap Force?

Toys for Bob will make Skylanders: Kaos Alliance*shot*, more novels in the Mask of Power series will be released, and an animated series will be announced*double shot*.

4. Was Giants as good as Adventure? If not, why?
Read No.2

5. Why do you like Skylanders?

My reason for liking Skylanders was the new idea of combining toys and videos. Furthermore, Spyro finally had another game and it looked like a lot of work was put into the design and story of Skylanders. I'll see myself continuing to play Skylanders in the future, but after Swap Force will be the start of a break( except for the toys).
Star Dragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 5323
#11 Posted: 10:56:00 29/05/2013
1. I'd rate both games a 7. They both have their high and low points. They're also not the greatest games that I've played but I enjoy playing them.

2. The games seems to be aimed at 6-12 year olds but if you like the games style and gameplay, anyone can play.

3. Another Skylander game.

4. Again both games have their high and low points. There was something about Spyro's Adventure that made me enjoy this game slightly more (probably because it was a new concept at the time and I thought it had the better story). Giants had some improvements (like the difficulty level) but I didn't think it was quite as good (shorter game, characters could be annoying at times, Skystones (hated it), green base characters not able to unlock heroic challenges).

5. I guess the reason why I like Skylanders is because the game is almost like a Platformer (my favourite game genre and there's not a lot of Platform games being released these days) just without the jump button (something I'm glad that they are adding to Swap Force). I also like it for the variety of dragons you can play as.
What! Marco sent you here? I've got a restraining order against him! - Rapunzel, Spyro 3
XSparxX Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#12 Posted: 17:49:25 29/05/2013
1. How much would you rate the games out of 10, with 1 being the ****tiest game ever and 10 being legend?
I give SSA a 8/10, it was not perfect, but it is a decent game with good ideas and some not good things. SG gets a 7/10 from me.

2. What age group would you recommend Skylanders to?
For everyone. smilie

3. What do you think will happen after Swap Force?
A lot of more games are coming after Swap Force

4. Was Giants as good as Adventure? If not, why?
No, I think the first half of SSA has the better Levels and Story. Than the Levels get worser at the End of the game. Too much darkness and so...I love the more colorful Levels in SSA,Giants has too much dark levels.

5. Why do you like Skylanders?
Because of Spyro...Don't have much to say. smilie
"If I had any humanity left, I would have been crushed by the guilt by now."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:50:17 29/05/2013 by XSparxX
GamerZack7 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1709
#13 Posted: 14:05:03 02/07/2013
1. Adventure (console): 8/10; Adventure (3DS) 7/10

2. Anybody who is young at heart

3. If future games continue to be innovative then my collection will likely grow, though I'll still try and stick to the boundaries I've set for the number of toys I buy.

4. I haven't played enough of either version of Giants to be sure, but it looks at least as fun.

5. I found the technology behind it captivating, but it was so much deeper than that once I actually played the game. I like how each character feels completely unique to play, offering incentive to level-up every one of them without them feeling like clones of each other. The story is brilliant as well, with a charm all its own and plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. "BOOM!"
smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie | *smilie* | smiliesmilie*smilie*smiliesmilie | smilie | smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
*Currently absent*
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