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Why don't you like whoever you don't like in the Spyro games? [CLOSED]
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7931
#1 Posted: 18:37:57 17/05/2013 | Topic Creator
Everyone in the Legend series. Too "dark," and Spyro's all, "We must save these guys, we must defeat this dude, yada-****in'-yada!" Cynder is the worst, IMO. Her fanbase of She's always over Spyro lovewise....NO. And she just generally annoys the crap out of me. >:ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:32:15 18/05/2013 by Jaggedstar
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#2 Posted: 19:33:08 17/05/2013
Chill and Hex without a doubt is who I like the least. *Shudders to death* Eugh, the things the "Skypervs" as I call them, ruin for me. -.-
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:34:47 17/05/2013 by Kariana
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#3 Posted: 20:59:53 17/05/2013
^ahh? What? smilie

Anyway, mmm... I don't know, let me think for a moment..
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#4 Posted: 21:04:01 17/05/2013
Quote: SamXala
^ahh? What? smilie

Anyway, mmm... I don't know, let me think for a moment..

Yeah, I have a REALLY bad experience with yeah.... Ever see the creepiness on DA? O.o
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#5 Posted: 21:26:07 17/05/2013
Haha, let me tell you about Ninjini fans... 8D *throws up in mouth again* But I actually still really like her; it's not her fault her fans suck. :D

Now DotD Cynder, on the other hand... Man, I don't even know where to start. The short version is that her personality was gutted in that game (which impressed me because there wasn't much to start with), her design was creepy and painful to look at if you have even the most rudimentary grasp of anatomy, and her fans... D: Oh, her fans. D: It's easy to ignore a small number of gross, perverted, obnoxious, rude people (see: Ninjini fans) but when they comprise a huge majority of the fanbase you encounter it's not so easy to dismiss. I won't go into any details, but I've seen some absolutely vile things done in the name of creepy lolicon Cynder (and I don't just mean gross art, I mean outright unacceptable behavior toward real people because of a not-real cartoon dragon).

Legend Spyro: he's a pathetic excuse for a hero, his voice annoys me, and he's just too whiny at all times for me to like.

Cyril: It's really just because of one line in ANB, otherwise I wouldn't give a toss about him at all. But that one line was grossly inappropriate and someone at Activision still owes me and every other disabled gamer an apology.

Malefore: Lamest. Villain. Ever. Senseless/no motives for his evil, cliche in the worst ways, obnoxiously auto-tuned so you have to turn subtitles on to understand what he's saying, and the easiest boss in the entire trilogy. And I loathe his character design.

Flynn: I don't hate him, but his constant idiotic machismo really bugs me and I hope Cali gets a girlfriend so he'll take a hint and finally leave her alone.
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#6 Posted: 21:30:20 17/05/2013
Oh yeah, you are talking about that blind reference Cyril states in ANB right?
Well, at least someone else realized that Nijini fans are scary too.... Ugh.... Oh the horrors of that side on DA...
NORAYMO6 Green Sparx Gems: 305
#7 Posted: 22:32:32 17/05/2013
Razz the only thing ya forgot to say about Cynder was that she was a spotlight hog!:/

Malefore: in dotd: He looked so scary in TEN and then nothin'.

Moneybags in AHT: He annoys me.

I can't think of a lot! I like most characters.
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#8 Posted: 23:10:08 17/05/2013
Razz the only thing ya forgot to say about Cynder was that she was a spotlight hog!:/

Malefore: in dotd: He looked so scary in TEN and then nothin'.

Moneybags in AHT: He annoys me.

I can't think of a lot! I like most characters.

I'm surprised you are the first to say Moneybags. smilie He is usually the first one to get chosen for stuff like this, heh.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10259
#9 Posted: 23:15:15 17/05/2013
Fans don't ruin characters to me unless the writers try to make the fanon into canon(say,sequel-made Faux Action Girl character of your choice)...With one sole exception.

Étranges Libellules Cynder. Oh god,of all the crap that EL spawned with their sole Spyro title,she was the worst. Razz is right about the abomination that is her design; not to mention as well the not-black tone that just made it obvious that EL wasn't thinking of an Anti-Hero and actually of a chick to pair Spyro with so the fans would shut up. Well,not only that didn't help the fandom at all,it crushed Cynder's developed personality into bits,and they set the bits on fire and used the ashes. And the best part? Fans decide that the fact she's a main character now was enough to let them be as rude as they please with however doesn't like her with Spyro,and to scream how they love her because she's so hot; funny thing that you're probably getting yelled at for assuming they approve that kind of thing,after all she's not a real thing - except to them.

Now,with that out of the way,I could go and say how EL Spyro is also bad,but it's mostly because his development from other games was also destroyed;he'd be a fine bland character if it wasn't for the idiotic thing for Ignitus' death and the stuff involving Cynder and Malefor.

Another character that I really despise is Hermit from SG. Nope,I don't mind at all that that you have a complete jerk in your team,considering Flynn is now way nicer,but not someone with absolutely no good in him. All he does is complain, insist on his conspiracy theories,and be mean. Even worse once it gets to Machine Ghost,which is one of the best characters in the game, and Hermit just treats him badly,even when they join forces to pull that plot hole to save the Skylanders. I hope VV can improve his character if he gets back for Swap Force,because not even the idiots that brag about their Skystones are as bad as him.

Now,no one else that I dislike that much, though I've got to say AHT Spyro is way too close to that. A lot of his dialogue has some sexist stuff or joking about old people, and though I get the wacky black humor,everyone else in that game and Shadow Legacy did it better; I don't want a hero that thinks girls are dumb and the old men that help you are idiots,sorry.
(What I need is never what I want)
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#10 Posted: 23:36:24 17/05/2013
Oh, and also the rest of the Skylanders females like Stealth Elf and Sprocket got ruined by the "Skypervs" to me. -.- But seriously, with Chill and Hex, it is just.... UGH. *Throws up* Don't even ask about it....
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10259
#11 Posted: 00:02:30 18/05/2013
Turn on the mature filter on dA,no need to look at it if you don't like it.
(What I need is never what I want)
NORAYMO6 Green Sparx Gems: 305
#12 Posted: 00:07:43 18/05/2013
Quote: Kariana
Razz the only thing ya forgot to say about Cynder was that she was a spotlight hog!:/

Malefore: in dotd: He looked so scary in TEN and then nothin'.

Moneybags in AHT: He annoys me.

I can't think of a lot! I like most characters.

I'm surprised you are the first to say Moneybags. smilie He is usually the first one to get chosen for stuff like this, heh.

Oh? Was that a taboo then? Only in AHT though he doesn't bother me much in the other games.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#13 Posted: 00:11:24 18/05/2013
Kariana: Yep, it was the line about blind dragons that made me hate Cyril and want to smack whoever wrote it into the script. :D

Noraymo6: I actually hadn't noticed until much later that Sparx had basically been replaced by Cynder, but I had seen him as essentially a non-entity in LoS because he had no role outside of comedic relief. I was also too busy just being totally disappointed by DotD and then Ignitus died in a fire (?!!! D: ) and that kind of stupid just knocked it right out of my brain. XD

re: perverts ruining female characters
Honestly, this is why the Skyladies need more fans. Elsewise they will be reduced to nothing but lust objects for gross fans, which means fewer female characters over time and, thus, fewer role model characters for real little girls to play as. I just don't even look up female Skylanders anymore (every time I did I found something tasteless or gross) and I left all the groups dedicated to them because the mods would permit gross works to be included. I'm quite happy to enjoy a collection of kick-butt fighting lady toys and know that they do the same in-game, no fandom required. :)
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#14 Posted: 00:13:13 18/05/2013
Quote: Bifrost
Turn on the mature filter on dA,no need to look at it if you don't like it.

That doesn't always work, tons of stuff still pops up even when I have the filter on. :C
NORAYMO6 Green Sparx Gems: 305
#15 Posted: 00:20:13 18/05/2013
Quote: Razz
Kariana: Yep, it was the line about blind dragons that made me hate Cyril and want to smack whoever wrote it into the script. smilie

Noraymo6: I actually hadn't noticed until much later that Sparx had basically been replaced by Cynder, but I had seen him as essentially a non-entity in LoS because he had no role outside of comedic relief. I was also too busy just being totally disappointed by DotD and then Ignitus died in a fire (?!!! D: ) and that kind of stupid just knocked it right out of my brain. smilie

re: perverts ruining female characters
Honestly, this is why the Skyladies need more fans. Elsewise they will be reduced to nothing but lust objects for gross fans, which means fewer female characters over time and, thus, fewer role model characters for real little girls to play as. I just don't even look up female Skylanders anymore (every time I did I found something tasteless or gross) and I left all the groups dedicated to them because the mods would permit gross works to be included. I'm quite happy to enjoy a collection of kick-butt fighting lady toys and know that they do the same in-game, no fandom required. smilie

Omg, I can see how that would pass it out!X3 It makes me mad that they had to do that. That relationship was more forced then anything I've ever seen as if subtlety wasn't a word.
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#16 Posted: 00:23:05 18/05/2013
Yeah, that was odd that they just decided to throw Ignitus into the fire like that, oh I don't know, how about flying.....over it?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10259
#17 Posted: 00:30:44 18/05/2013
Quote: Kariana
Yeah, that was odd that they just decided to throw Ignitus into the fire like that, oh I don't know, how about flying.....over it?

Hilarious irony is that Spyro and Cynder later go looking for lifts over the lava to fly to Floating Islands. I think a giant collumn of fire,with all that hot air, can also work as a lift way up.
Burned Lands was just there to kill Ignitus. Damn,he was actually a pretty fine character.
(What I need is never what I want)
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#18 Posted: 01:40:28 18/05/2013
I knew Ignitus was doomed from the opening narration of ANB, but I didn't expect his death to be so...stupid. XD He's a FIRE guardian! Also, Sparx was fine in a volcano, so there was no reason for him not to go through the Burned Lands.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#19 Posted: 01:47:56 18/05/2013
Every character in Dawn of the Dragon for me, whether new or returning. Hunter was completely stripped of all character and became rather generic and serious all the time. Sparx's voice was awful, his model was really off, and most of his lines were corny (except "Let's blow this dam thing up!" that was amazing). The other three guardians were stripped of all character and literally had about 3 lines of dialogue between them. Cyril's line being offensive, Terrador's being boring, and Volteer's being disappointing because of how funny it was to hear him babble in ANB.

Spyro was even more emotionless than Jeff Goldblum in the Jurassic Park movies and had no personality. I didn't honestly want to root for him. Cynder was an obnoxious teenage prick and started up a... bizarre fanbase, for lack of a better word. And Malefor was a generic, uninteresting, and (when it came to his "climactic" boss fight) extremely unoriginal villain and a waste of great voice acting talent. He was a Mundus clone for the fight. The only character who was okay was Ignitus. But that "heroic sacrifice" was just executed so badly it outweighed Gary Oldman's performance. =_=
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:48:38 18/05/2013 by HIR
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#20 Posted: 09:56:28 18/05/2013
Everyone in Shadow Legacy - Spyro's an idiot, Hunter's a jerk, the Dragon Elders are annoying and everyone else is just bland.

Ignitus (A New Beginning) - He takes forever to say nothing. -.-

The Alcamist (Spyro 2) - LEARN TO WALK!

And the worst of them all: Kaos (Skylanders) - Holy ****, this guy is easily the most annoying character in video games... ever. His voice is unbearable, his dialogue is generic and unfunny, his concept is rushed and lame and I quite simply can't stand this guy!

(Yes I actually like Moneybags because he can be hilarious at times and he even helps you out a bit in AHT. And I don't mind Cynder...)
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:57:00 18/05/2013 by TorchSheep
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#21 Posted: 15:25:35 18/05/2013
Heh, I thought I was the only one who thought Moneybags is hilarious. smilie
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#22 Posted: 17:20:57 18/05/2013
Okay, please don't hate me...:

- The NPCs from Spyro 2 and 3: Mmm.... I don't have anything against them but is a bit annoying when you can't beat a challenge and they repeat the SAME instructions again and again (Problem with the Trolley, eh? for example)

- Moneybags in Spyro 3: Okay, the character is okay but there's only 1 thing about this guy that I really hate, when you say "No" to his offer, he will answer you with a very annoying quote and sometimes is not very funny.

- The Sorceress: Ahh, she doesn't have like a "Villain VS Hero" conecction whit Spyro, I mean, they didn't talk each other before the final battle <.<

- The "Secret" Tower, Spyro 3: Yeah, it's annoying me everytime when I Finish this game, it makes feel like I was playing an unfinished game >.<

- Spyro Shadow Legacy Ending: Ehh.. The ending was so "empty"...

Quote: TorchSheep
Everyone in Shadow Legacy - Spyro's an idiot, Hunter's a jerk, the Dragon Elders are annoying and everyone else is just bland.

Ignitus (A New Beginning) - He takes forever to say nothing. -.-

The Alcamist (Spyro 2) - LEARN TO WALK!

And the worst of them all: Kaos (Skylanders) - Holy ****, this guy is easily the most annoying character in video games... ever. His voice is unbearable, his dialogue is generic and unfunny, his concept is rushed and lame and I quite simply can't stand this guy!

(Yes I actually like Moneybags because he can be hilarious at times and he even helps you out a bit in AHT. And I don't mind Cynder...)

Mmm... I don't consider "Skylanders" as part of the Spyro's Franchise but HE IS THE Worst of the Worst of the whole Videogame world >.<
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#23 Posted: 01:16:22 19/05/2013
Quote: Kariana
Heh, I thought I was the only one who thought Moneybags is hilarious. XD

No, I like him a lot in Spyro 2 & 3. Although his "Arabian businessman" persona from A Hero's Tail is a bit weird. @.@
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10445
#24 Posted: 02:24:31 19/05/2013
Quote: HIR
Quote: Kariana
Heh, I thought I was the only one who thought Moneybags is hilarious. smilie

No, I like him a lot in Spyro 2 & 3. Although his "Arabian businessman" persona from A Hero's Tail is a bit weird. @.@

Moneybags is just a guy who wants to make the money to survive! He is the best! smilie
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#25 Posted: 02:25:55 19/05/2013
Speaking of Moneybags....
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#26 Posted: 18:15:01 19/05/2013
I rather like Moneybags, too. He's a magnificent bast**rd and those sorts of characters tend to crack me up. Getting to beat him up at the end of Spyro 3 if you collect all the gems makes up for it all, too. :D He did drive me nuts in AHT, but when compared to Blink, he really wasn't a big deal.

Kaos doesn't bug me (he's actually one of my favorite things about Skylanders), but I'm an old fan of "Invader Zim", so he wouldn't. :D For those not in the know, Richard Horowitz voiced Zim and he is basically playing the same character with Kaos (right down to saying "doom" a lot).

Do the whiny classic and LoS fans who do nothing but complain about Skylanders count as franchise characters we don't like? Because I can't stand any of them. :D
Storm Dragon Green Sparx Gems: 295
#27 Posted: 19:09:26 19/05/2013
I liked Cynder, but really, I HATE CynderxSpyro :/ ..though I did dislike Cynder in DotD
Hero of Time~
Check my profile for where to find me~
CynderFan1309 Gold Sparx Gems: 2235
#28 Posted: 19:28:00 19/05/2013
Quote: Razz
Do the whiny classic and LoS fans who do nothing but complain about Skylanders count as franchise characters we don't like? Because I can't stand any of them. smilie

I like you. You seem pretty cool.
Reminds me of half this section (or maybe I should say site?).

EDIT: No it's not sarcasm.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:04:53 19/05/2013 by CynderFan1309
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#29 Posted: 20:57:13 19/05/2013
Hee, thanks (assuming that's not sarcasm up there; if it is...thanks :D). :)
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#30 Posted: 00:04:55 20/05/2013
Quote: Razz
Kaos doesn't bug me (he's actually one of my favorite things about Skylanders), but I'm an old fan of "Invader Zim", so he wouldn't. :D For those not in the know, Richard Horowitz voiced Zim and he is basically playing the same character with Kaos (right down to saying "doom" a lot).

I'm not the only one who feels this way? Huzzah! It also helps that Lorne Balfe gave Kaos a pretty nice theme tune, that got boss remix varieties in both games. <.<;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#31 Posted: 02:38:39 20/05/2013
I still have my fingers crossed that we'll get a game where he has to team up with the Skylanders because I want a figure of him that badly. XD (I even forced myself to eat at McDonald's in a, alas, vain attempt to get the Kaos toy, but they were out of the Skylanders and all I got was a stomach ache that lasted two days. D: )
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#32 Posted: 11:01:47 20/05/2013
Quote: Razz
Flynn: I don't hate him, but his constant idiotic machismo really bugs me and I hope Cali gets a girlfriend so he'll take a hint and finally leave her alone.

Personally, I can see Flynn getting a partner before Cali does. It'd serve the same purpose anyway.

On a different note, I've forgotten anyone who I hated before. Sure, there are certain Skylanders that don't appeal to me, but that's just indifference. And anyone else that isn't liked is
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10259
#33 Posted: 14:44:37 20/05/2013
Kaos is a pretty cool generic villain,I never got the hate for him(when you don't count Skylanders hate bias,at least);not only he's Zim but way less harmless,he has a pretty okay backstory and is quite competent - The final boss battle at Giants pretty much made that obvious; for someone focused on magitek he knows how to use the good old fistcuffs. He could be a LOT better if the devs decided to develop him more,but as of now he ain't bad at all either.
(What I need is never what I want)
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#34 Posted: 14:54:30 20/05/2013
Quote: Razz
I still have my fingers crossed that we'll get a game where he has to team up with the Skylanders because I want a figure of him that badly. smilie (I even forced myself to eat at McDonald's in a, alas, vain attempt to get the Kaos toy, but they were out of the Skylanders and all I got was a stomach ache that lasted two days. D: )

I hope that too. And two days of a stomach ache from McDonalds? XC My goodness....
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#35 Posted: 18:33:47 20/05/2013
Well, when you go vegan because of food allergies, you can't really go back... :D
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#36 Posted: 19:56:23 20/05/2013
Quote: Razz
Well, when you go vegan because of food allergies, you can't really go back... smilie

Poor you then. XC Heh, sorry ya got sick from it.
Anyways...let's get back on topic. C:
cowpowa23 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4833
#37 Posted: 23:28:11 20/05/2013
Quote: HIR
Cyril's line being offensive,

When did Cyril say anything offensive?
I have no memory of Cyril saying anything offensive...

There aren't really any character's I dislike, but there are some things that I don't like about some characters....
Cynder in DotD was not as good as TEN Cynder. (TEN Cynder was just so much better... ._. )
Sparx in DotD was okay, but I absolutely loved his character in TEN. I think they portrayed Sparx so perfectly in that game, I was hoping he'd be the same in the third game. >.<
I actually like the way Malefor looks in DotD, but it's just his voice that bugs me.
The guardians were fine, but I really don't like the fact that Cyril and Volteer only get one line in the whole game. >.<
I also don't like the fact that they are constantly smiling..
It looks so weird.... e.e
I also agree that Ignitus' death was a bunch of crap.
My first time playing the game, I actually didn't realize that he "Died".
I had no idea, because of how terrible it was...
That's all.
I am a Cow.

Storm Dragon Green Sparx Gems: 295
#38 Posted: 23:39:17 20/05/2013
Ignitus died?...
Huh.. The more you know.
Hero of Time~
Check my profile for where to find me~
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#39 Posted: 23:54:38 20/05/2013
re: Cyril being offensive
I can't remember the exact wording, something like "Even a blind dragon finds his target from time to time", which is extremely crass and rude for anybody with a disability to hear, especially blindness. Only a completely able-bodied individual who's never once in his entire life met someone with a disability would write that.

Yep, Ignitus died. In a fire. The fire guardian died. In a fire. It's pretty much the dumbest Obi Wan death scene I've ever witnessed. D:
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#40 Posted: 00:11:16 21/05/2013
Pretty much what Razz said on the whole offensive line. The first thing I thought when I heard it was that it was (maybe unintentionally) slighting people who are visually impaired. <.<;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#41 Posted: 00:16:41 21/05/2013
It's a line that plays off a lot of negative stereotypes (that are actually quite wrong, but I won't go into that). Given that the disability rights movement is often ignored (despite having been active for more than fifty years), things like this do still happen. But in a game for children? That's pretty unacceptable. It's no better than if Cyril had made a racist or homophobic slur (it is, in fact, the same thing, it's just that the disabled are a lot more marginalized as a group right now so most people don't give it a second thought).
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#42 Posted: 02:52:48 21/05/2013
Never been a big fan of Blink. Not sure why. It might be because of the whole "Freshairaphobia" business, as well as the whole "Kid Spy" deal that doesn't really work for him. Also his voice. ...He does have his moments, though.

"What? You think just cause I'm a mole I have to know every other mole in the world."

Also, they changed his name to Blinky in Spyro Orange.

Quote: Kariana
Chill and Hex without a doubt is who I like the least. *Shudders to death* Eugh, the things the "Skypervs" as I call them, ruin for me. -.-

At least Chill and Hex are humanoids. I don't even wanna look up Whirlwind on DeviantArt. ...At least not without the Mature filter on.

Quote: Bifrost
Kaos is a pretty cool generic villain,I never got the hate for him(when you don't count Skylanders hate bias,at least);not only he's Zim but way less harmless,he has a pretty okay backstory and is quite competent - The final boss battle at Giants pretty much made that obvious; for someone focused on magitek he knows how to use the good old fistcuffs. He could be a LOT better if the devs decided to develop him more,but as of now he ain't bad at all either.

IMO, Kaos is actually more likeable than a lot of the classic Spyro villains. Even in Spyro's Adventure he was a formidable opponent. If you had 8 Skylanders, sure he's not that hard, but if you have less than five, he's no push-over. However, before I actually saw him in game, I didn't like his overall appearance. You kind of have to see him in action.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:58:11 21/05/2013 by MugoUrth
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#43 Posted: 02:58:35 21/05/2013
The worst I've seen for Whirlwind was a weird butt shot. Cynder still gets worse (but don't look any of the Skylanders up on any furry site D: ).

Oh yeah, I forgot about Blink. I kind of hated him for a bit, but now I just find him mildly annoying, the way I find all of the stereotypical cool kid characters.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7931
#44 Posted: 19:07:41 21/05/2013 | Topic Creator
Yeah, Blink's annoying too.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#45 Posted: 14:37:33 22/05/2013
Quote: MugoUrth
Never been a big fan of Blink. Not sure why. It might be because of the whole "Freshairaphobia" business, as well as the whole "Kid Spy" deal that doesn't really work for him. Also his voice. ...He does have his moments, though.

"What? You think just cause I'm a mole I have to know every other mole in the world."

Also, they changed his name to Blinky in Spyro Orange.

Quote: Kariana
Chill and Hex without a doubt is who I like the least. *Shudders to death* Eugh, the things the "Skypervs" as I call them, ruin for me. -.-

At least Chill and Hex are humanoids. I don't even wanna look up Whirlwind on DeviantArt. ...At least not without the Mature filter on.

Quote: Bifrost
Kaos is a pretty cool generic villain,I never got the hate for him(when you don't count Skylanders hate bias,at least);not only he's Zim but way less harmless,he has a pretty okay backstory and is quite competent - The final boss battle at Giants pretty much made that obvious; for someone focused on magitek he knows how to use the good old fistcuffs. He could be a LOT better if the devs decided to develop him more,but as of now he ain't bad at all either.

IMO, Kaos is actually more likeable than a lot of the classic Spyro villains. Even in Spyro's Adventure he was a formidable opponent. If you had 8 Skylanders, sure he's not that hard, but if you have less than five, he's no push-over. However, before I actually saw him in game, I didn't like his overall appearance. You kind of have to see him in action.

Yeah, I know they are humanoids, but I've had the worst possible traumatizing experience with those two from somebody, that's why I choose them as my least favorite, ever.
XSparxX Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752
#46 Posted: 23:18:18 22/05/2013
I really don't like the free flying in DotD...Spyro should jump and glide and not the whole time fly... But this is one of the many problem that the game has...

And I don' like, you can not jump in Skylanders Spyro's Adventure and Giants. =_= I feel me limited in the movement of the characters...
"If I had any humanity left, I would have been crushed by the guilt by now."
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#47 Posted: 14:08:22 23/05/2013
After playing Skylanders a lot, I'm really not liking Persephone. I mean, Flynn is an annoying narcissistic jerk, but he's kind of supposed to be unlikeable. Persephone really annoys me with her whole "Hello extremely, let's partake in happy dance, take happy dance with you, happy happy HAPPY!" business. ...Also, Persephone is butt-ugly. Is that what the people in Skylanders find attractive?
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#48 Posted: 18:11:07 23/05/2013
I want to like Persephone more than I do, it's just that her in-game model scares me. o_o She looks like Chucky... D:
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#49 Posted: 23:08:16 23/05/2013
Tbh I don't like Persephone at all either, she's just too cheery and all for me. Also I don't like her design much either.
I don't like Cynder either (mostly DotD and TEN), for reasons posted. No sense in repeating them.
I never liked Zoe much, especially in AHT. I just thought she was always kind of annoying (not so much in YotD, but definitely in AHT).
Not fond of Blink either, probably for his voice and minigames.
Malefor, I was expecting more due to the climax they were building for him, sorry.
Sparx in LoS, I didn't find him funny after once or twice.
Not a big fan of AHT Spyro's personality, they were shooting for funny I assume and I don't think they got there.
Gnasty Gnorc in AHT (he's fine in StD) really annoyed me with his baby fits and kind of annoying voice.

Some others I could list later.
but i love it all smooth
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:12:15 23/05/2013 by LevanJess
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