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Google Translate Changes Things! [CLOSED]
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#1 Posted: 09:32:01 06/05/2013 | Topic Creator
I translated an ERB verse into French...
Knock Knock Knock Knock
ce que quelqu'un a dit taches de naissance?
Yo, je suis l'hôte avec le plus
glasnost connards
fait un gâchis et de la guerre froide a
serré la main avec deux Ronalds, reagan et McDonalds ne fait aucun doute
si votre nom se termine avec le temps "en" sortir
j'ai les boules de laisser barikinschnoff danse playa
a démoli le mur comme l'homme de refroidissement aide
vous deux yoga de nécessité
vous avez besoin d'une douche
et vous avez tous besoin d'apprendre à gérer le pouvoir réel

It took me like, half an hour to write that into google translate...

Then I tried translating it back...
Knock Knock Knock Knock
someone said birthmarks?
Yo, I'm the host with the most
glasnost assholes
made a mess and the Cold War
shook hands with two Ronalds, reagan and McDonalds no doubt
if your name ends with the time "to" out
I have the balls to leave barikinschnoff dance playa
demolished the wall as the man using cooling
you need two yoga
you need a shower
and you all need to learn to manage the real power

Était-ce un verset, ou avez-vous juste obtenir le hoquet?
Je suis un prodige, Sonny, et je suis sur le point de frapper une salope!
Ma musique est vieille de 200 ans et c'est toujours excellent!
En deux mois, le monde va oublier votre Skrill-excréments!
Je ne peux pas croire la façon dont vous vous habillez quand vous dubstep sortir de la maison!
Vous êtes comme une odeur de souris morte emo Steve Urkel et vous!
Je suis le plus grand compositeur du monde! Personne ne sait ce que vous êtes
Sauf un petit troll seul qui sait comment appuyer sur une barre d'espace!

Was it a verse, or do you just get the hiccups?
I'm a prodigy, Sonny, and I'm about to hit a *****!
My music is 200 years old and it is always excellent!
In two months, the world will forget your Skrill-dung!
I can not believe how you dress when you dubstep out of the house!
You smell like dead mouse emo Steve Urkel and you!
I am the greatest composer in the world! Nobody knows what you're
Except a small one troll who knows how to press a space bar!
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 09:43:51 06/05/2013 by paddyfitz
Angel220200 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4401
#2 Posted: 11:06:57 06/05/2013
I heard they do translations by hand now because they got sued. They attempted to translate an official document or something.. smilie
dont trust my information.
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5375
#3 Posted: 11:38:14 06/05/2013
im jealous of it's skills.
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#4 Posted: 11:48:01 06/05/2013 | Topic Creator
I know it changes stuff, it's just funny what it changes stuff to...
Tore down that wall like the Kool-Aid Man! -----> Demolished the wall as the man using cooling
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#5 Posted: 13:42:31 06/05/2013
Those aren't exactly the lyrics from Mozart's Erb... I must be addicted to know it all
Big Green Platinum Sparx Gems: 6345
#6 Posted: 14:10:42 06/05/2013
yeah! Google translate sucks, all languages are just the same thing with different words anyway. Google should make its own language already to avoid this problem.
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#7 Posted: 14:31:04 06/05/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: DummyZ
Those aren't exactly the lyrics from Mozart's Erb... I must be addicted to know it all

smilie I know, I typed the original lyrics into it, changed it to French, then changed the French to English, that's what came up, it completely changed it...
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
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