Plot: 10,00 years into the future. Earth is a place without war and poverty. Everyone has a special power in this new Earth But some people want to change that. A roup called the Blood Lovers wants to turn Earth into a place with poor people and a never ending war zone. The only thing stopping the Blood Lovers are the Power squad . They are an eleite team of humans who's mission it is to stop the Blood Lovers. The Power Squad must go through rigorous training to become a member of the Power Squad. Every member of The Power Squad is also aided by an animal who they form a bopund with quickly and who helps them fight the Blood Lovers.
I'm GM.
Three characters max.
No godmod
Keep romance PG-13
Try to make your posts more than one sentance. I have trouble with this, so please try. I will try.
Put Power in your sheet so I've know you've read all this.
Your power may be to use an element or something entirely different.
Your animal may be Aa mythical creature or a creature living on this earth now.
Character sheet
Human's appearance:
Name of creature:
Type of animal creature is:
Creature apearance:
My C.S.
Name: Blaze
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Power: electricity
Human's apearance:
Name of creature: Flame
Type of animal creature is: Dragon
Creature apearance:
History: Blaze joined the Power Squad to gert revenge on the Blood Lovers. When he was just five, the Blood Lovers came into his home and killed his mom and dad. The Power Squad found him and flame fighting Blkood Lovers on the street when he was 17.
Other: Blaze's brother is the leader of the Blood Lovers, Ben.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > The Power Squad(Supernatural RP)
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