

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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pokemon anime petition!!!!!!! [CLOSED]
shroom boom Emerald Sparx Gems: 3133
#1 Posted: 05:30:58 21/04/2013 | Topic Creator

I think that is is a freally good idea cause there should be an more mature anime for older fans what do ya think????
103 skylanders in total SSA:31/32 SG:26/30 SSF:39/56
Blayze Gold Sparx Gems: 2299
#2 Posted: 05:36:33 21/04/2013
He looks funny!
I'm wearing lots of belts..... for no reason at all ~Jinx
porsche9000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2213
#3 Posted: 23:57:19 01/05/2013
I think they should do something like this with the original Pokemon group
pretty obvious but... yeah I'm not active here anymore
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