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Skylanders Universe being cancelled [CLOSED]
KiDFass65 Gold Sparx Gems: 2922
#51 Posted: 18:27:08 31/03/2013
Quote: LunarDistortion
Quote: Trigger Fizz
Sooo, are they going to stop packing codes with the figures now?

No, they still have the Iphone games.

True. But how many in the games target demographic are walking around with iPhones??
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#52 Posted: 18:31:05 31/03/2013
Quote: KiDFass65
Quote: LunarDistortion
Quote: Trigger Fizz
Sooo, are they going to stop packing codes with the figures now?

No, they still have the Iphone games.

True. But how many in the games target demographic are walking around with iPhones??

They are not going to shut down all 3 Iphone games just because the computer game closed.
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#53 Posted: 21:11:43 31/03/2013
We can immortalise the power level. But the only topic about this is now closed //
imanirox890 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1424
#54 Posted: 20:06:09 05/04/2013
Quote: GamingMaster_76
Well, I'm off to sell all of my Giants stuff now. I'm bloody mad about this. I loved Skylanders Universe. It had so much potential. Above all it was just a good time waster. I'm sure Acti make more than enough money to have had it stay up. This just shows how lazy they're being, since they aren't even bothering to fix their biggest online component, and delete it instead. One should try to fix what's broken, not destroy it.

I remember when they said Giants would have more integration with Universe... Pff, yeah right.

Then again, tomorrow is April Fool's. But I doubt this is a joke. Nobody ever even gave the game a chance.

Think of it this way. Skylanders Universe was still in the beta phase, had too many glitches to keep track of, and didn't have a lot of users. It would be a waste of money to keep a website that that up. But I feel for you. We spend all of our time on this site waiting for a full experience only to be told it is being replaced for a minigames website? I say make the most of the time you have left, use the money they gave you, play some games and brace for that empty feeling you'll get when they shut it off. Reminds me of Millsberry and Dizzywood but Dizzywood shut down because they claimed they had no idea how to keep a popular website going
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:07:16 05/04/2013 by imanirox890
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#55 Posted: 20:26:34 05/04/2013
Quote: KiDFass65
Quote: LunarDistortion
Quote: Trigger Fizz
Sooo, are they going to stop packing codes with the figures now?

No, they still have the Iphone games.

True. But how many in the games target demographic are walking around with iPhones??

Not many, but most kids have access to their parents iOS devices and use those.
TerraFizz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1484
#56 Posted: 00:03:14 06/04/2013
Quote: KiDFass65
True. But how many in the games target demographic are walking around with iPhones??

You'd be surprised. iPhones and other iOS devices rank high on kid's Christmas wish lists, over other high demand stuff like game systems and the like.
smilie Pop Fizz's Theme Song: smilie
sniper52 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1306
#57 Posted: 14:10:58 06/04/2013
Activision is doing the stupidest thing ever. First they make swap force all gadgety and now they replace SU with minigames. I demand that skylanders gets moved to a different publisher!
LloydDXZX Yellow Sparx Gems: 1637
#58 Posted: 15:29:40 06/04/2013
When I saw the post of S.U. closing...

<<Oh, God... Why???>>
Imaginators is making it revive.
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#59 Posted: 04:30:09 08/04/2013
Please, I need to know, do Skylanders you buy/rent count towards expansions?
Thank you.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#60 Posted: 15:47:59 09/04/2013
yes but only for 8
SpyroDragonstar Green Sparx Gems: 196
#61 Posted: 19:37:53 11/04/2013
What!!?? The game is closing? I should of played longer...
WHY ARE YOU READING THIS??? Turn away. Go. smilie smilie
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#62 Posted: 01:15:24 12/04/2013
I've bought almost everything!
And rented all the variants.
Rents don't count towards your total, but they do add new plants it would seem.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
happy81555 Green Sparx Gems: 175
#63 Posted: 13:03:58 13/04/2013
oh great. smilie first they take away the lair and now the game itself! not fair smilie
im randon, deal with it! smilie
smilievolts and lightning!smilie smilie
DashFire61 Green Sparx Gems: 140
#64 Posted: 09:12:46 15/04/2013
Never trust Activsion is what it comes down to, if they have a beta for something don't spend any money until its finished and the losses from dropping would be more than keeping the service going.
LloydDXZX Yellow Sparx Gems: 1637
#65 Posted: 10:16:32 15/04/2013
Yeah I spend a lot of month and probably a year or 2 in this game!!! And now they're closing??? D:
Imaginators is making it revive.
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#66 Posted: 05:14:02 22/04/2013
Quote: sniper52
Activision is doing the stupidest thing ever. First they make swap force all gadgety and now they replace SU with minigames. I demand that skylanders gets moved to a different publisher!

Swap Force isn't too bad, the only thing can currently "hate on" is the movement gates requiring us to get 8 more figs to get everything (unless, miracle of miracles, characters with similar abilities can use them, like flight). Also, VV did not directly close down SU.
If they do get moved to a new publisher (not on your life, but dream on), I'm hoping for Square Eenix (assuming they keep the e10 rating and don't add demonic stuff) or Nintendo.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6113
#67 Posted: 16:42:05 22/04/2013
Quote: Doomslicer
Quote: sniper52
Activision is doing the stupidest thing ever. First they make swap force all gadgety and now they replace SU with minigames. I demand that skylanders gets moved to a different publisher!

Swap Force isn't too bad, the only thing can currently "hate on" is the movement gates requiring us to get 8 more figs to get everything (unless, miracle of miracles, characters with similar abilities can use them, like flight). Also, VV did not directly close down SU.
If they do get moved to a new publisher (not on your life, but dream on), I'm hoping for Square Eenix (assuming they keep the e10 rating and don't add demonic stuff) or Nintendo.

While I love Square Enix myself, to me it wouldn't be right having a Square Enix game that doesn't include their signature intense japanese RPG style of gaming; somethign Skylanders can do without. I will agree that Activision isn't going about alot of things the right way and could do a better job. If we're making suggestions of who we think could do the job better, I'd say someone maybe like Insomniac.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
JCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1540
#68 Posted: 23:28:27 26/04/2013
Quote: Sickboy1138
Insomniac would be decent but they arent a publisher. On a related note... They are making a Ratchet and Clank movie!&?

I didnt know they were that popular

I would love to see them do a decent RPG with them... Level 5 could make a nice one.. Been playing
Ni No Kuni and am loving it

^ That's like completely off topic...

Anyways, I just got on it today after expireiencing a problem.. apprently I accidently created a 2nd account... anyways. I'm on it and I saw the increase in coins. I thought maybe it was another glitch. But after seeing this here... I'm a little sad. They could improve on alot of things but I actually liked Skylanders Universe. Maybe they'll come up with a beter version of it in the future.
Main Team: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#69 Posted: 01:34:08 27/04/2013
Didnt the landers have a stat for online minigames? their hero level or something? what are we gonna do if we want to max that stat?
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
RADspyro77 Green Sparx Gems: 423
#70 Posted: 07:25:06 30/07/2013
WTH I DIDNT GET 9999999999 COINS AND I AM A MEMEBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smilie smilie smiliesmilie MUST LOVE THEM ALL ! smilieSKYLANDERS RULE !
u gotta have them all !!!smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
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