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Change visible account name [CLOSED]
Volteer Blue Sparx Gems: 566
#1 Posted: 04:40:18 27/01/2007 | Topic Creator
I know you will say no, but i will ask anyway. I would like to change my account, do I go get a new one? or can we do something to change our account name?
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#2 Posted: 11:14:38 27/01/2007
There's no way to do that right now I'm afraid.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
spyro_lover17 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1398
#3 Posted: 14:39:25 19/05/2007
oh i wish you could aww
Last edited at 14:40:04 19/05/2007 by spyro_lover17
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