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HOT TOY ALERT: Ninjini wide release at ToysRUs! [CLOSED]
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1 Posted: 20:21:46 26/02/2013 | Topic Creator
I called ToysRUs, and got confirmation from the manager that there will be a Hot Toy alert featuring Ninjini! Stores will be getting a few boxes of her in, along with some regular Giants.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#2 Posted: 20:22:28 26/02/2013
Old news, yo. smilie

Wave 4 case breaks down as -

2 Ninjini
2 Thumpback
1 Eye Brawl
1 Crusher
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:23:01 26/02/2013 by GameMaster78
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#3 Posted: 20:23:14 26/02/2013
*Cough* inB4 it is in the wave 4 speculation topic.... *Cough*

Yep... I am hoping to get her tomorrow!

Ninja'd by GM.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:26:52 26/02/2013 by Bazinga
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#4 Posted: 20:27:00 26/02/2013 | Topic Creator
I just wanted to share with those who didn't read the topic.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
spoons10696 Gold Sparx Gems: 2525
#5 Posted: 20:31:45 26/02/2013
So you are creating a topic for people to read incase they didnt read the other one?...what if they dont read this one?....will we have to create another?....seriously people!
Dxtra30 Blue Sparx Gems: 691
#6 Posted: 20:33:06 26/02/2013
Thanks for the post!.. Wondering if it pops online tomorrow as well? Might be easier for some people instead of tracking one down. With gas prices rising again, hell I'll just pay for shipping at this point and wait..
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:36:18 26/02/2013 by Dxtra30
Kevinvert Gold Sparx Gems: 2146
#7 Posted: 20:33:23 26/02/2013
whats hot toy alert?
Team Hot Dog!
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#8 Posted: 20:34:34 26/02/2013
Quote: Dxtra30
Thanks for the post!.. Wondering if it pops online tomorrow as well? Might be easier for some people instead of tracking one down. With gas prices rising again, hell I'll just for shipping and wait..

I doubt it. They usually wait awhile before releasing it for sale on-line.
Dxtra30 Blue Sparx Gems: 691
#9 Posted: 20:37:55 26/02/2013
Wonder if Gamestop will be getting them as well ? Or is this a timed exclusive for TRU?
Skylandscaper Emerald Sparx Gems: 3966
#10 Posted: 20:42:19 26/02/2013
Thanks for the info. I HATE all the speculation on here so I never check topics with speculation in the title.
WANTED: regular Chompie Mage. Can be loose. We will open and play with it like all of our Skylanders.
boomer has it Green Sparx Gems: 304
#11 Posted: 20:44:08 26/02/2013
When is she coming in? I mean hitting the stores.
credit to kappa for my avatar
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#12 Posted: 20:44:48 26/02/2013
Tomorrow for TRU, I would say within the next week and a half everywhere else.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#13 Posted: 20:47:14 26/02/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: Skylandscaper
Thanks for the info. I HATE all the speculation on here so I never check topics with speculation in the title.

Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Kevinvert Gold Sparx Gems: 2146
#14 Posted: 20:47:41 26/02/2013
Quote: GameMaster78
Tomorrow for TRU, I would say within the next week and a half everywhere else.

ima confused!
Team Hot Dog!
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#15 Posted: 20:47:57 26/02/2013
I understand... I was just messing with you Matteomax. smilie
kjames360 Green Sparx Gems: 322
#16 Posted: 21:06:34 26/02/2013
Hows the Toys R Us HTAs usually go for Skylanders do they get rights to the figures for a few days, or is it possible we can start seeing her at Gamestop and other places the same day or week?
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#17 Posted: 21:20:44 26/02/2013
Quote: Bazinga
Quote: Dxtra30
Thanks for the post!.. Wondering if it pops online tomorrow as well? Might be easier for some people instead of tracking one down. With gas prices rising again, hell I'll just for shipping and wait..

I doubt it. They usually wait awhile before releasing it for sale on-line.

Legendary Stealth Elf, LC Shroom Boom, Lightning Rod, Eruptor, Stealth Elf, Prism Break were all available on line the day of TRU release so it is not without precedent Ninjini will be also but I'll be in line anyway.
Eric-K Gold Sparx Gems: 2211
#18 Posted: 21:21:45 26/02/2013
Could someone please post a link or picture of the alert? Thanks
NinjiniXO Green Sparx Gems: 184
#19 Posted: 21:23:22 26/02/2013
Its Ninjini coming to Canada too , tomorrow ? or its just the , usa ? -__-
smilie s Page ----> & Also add me as friends on activate: NinjiniWish
BahamutBreaker Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#20 Posted: 21:24:07 26/02/2013
Not to be a downer, but unless I signed up for the wrong "Hot Toy Alert" feed earlier today, I still haven't seen any official email announcement from Toys R Us.
There's still a couple hours left in the workday, depending on your time zone, though ... do these Hot Toy Alert things typically get announced after 6:00 PM Eastern?
"Who was harmed here---some six year olds who went to bed crying because there's no Enchanted Trap Shadow?"
kjames360 Green Sparx Gems: 322
#21 Posted: 21:25:16 26/02/2013
Called a TRU 4 hours away and they said its not just Ninjini its other w4 characters as well so she heard, and she confirmed one was Legendary LC Chill.

its about to get interesting

Quote: BahamutBreaker
Not to be a downer, but unless I signed up for the wrong "Hot Toy Alert" feed earlier today, I still haven't seen any official email announcement from Toys R Us.
There's still a couple hours left in the workday, depending on your time zone, though ... do these Hot Toy Alert things typically get announced after 6:00 PM Eastern?

Just call TRU and tell em you heard they were getting Ninjini tomorrow morning and they will confirm it.

They will even tell you how many they have (example one I called said 35 total) and limiting it to one per customer.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:26:40 26/02/2013 by kjames360
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#22 Posted: 21:28:26 26/02/2013
Giants are a bit of a different creature as far as being available on-line. They maybe posted as being visible online, but will not be able to be ordered. I still doubt she will be available on-line.

Kjames360... I have heard from multiple people on other threads that it is just Ninjini. Nothing as far as anything else.
ShinkenRed Gold Sparx Gems: 2651
#23 Posted: 21:30:49 26/02/2013
I can't wait to deal with this headache tomorrow at work tomorrow. Hopefully we get plenty to go around.
Unique Character roster:
S:SA: 32/32, S:G: 16/16, S:SF: 32/32, S:TT: 36/36
DutRank Blue Sparx Gems: 800
#24 Posted: 21:35:30 26/02/2013
So how does everyone know its tomorrow? If it for sure is ill definitely get up in the morning to stand in the short line that they will probably have.
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#25 Posted: 21:36:16 26/02/2013
Hot Toy Alert should come out in the next hour or so. Or call a local TRU and see.
kjames360 Green Sparx Gems: 322
#26 Posted: 21:39:19 26/02/2013
Quote: Bazinga

Kjames360... I have heard from multiple people on other threads that it is just Ninjini. Nothing as far as anything else.

Could be right, I called a different TRU and they said they get a truck Friday that is wave 4.

so I keep getting mixed messages, one TRU didn't even have their Ninjinis yet and said call back after 6pm to make sure their delivery came.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:39:35 26/02/2013 by kjames360
ShinkenRed Gold Sparx Gems: 2651
#27 Posted: 21:41:09 26/02/2013
The TRU I work at just got back to me. Ninjini tomorrow morning. My individual store has 8 cases. 16 Ninjini's up for grabs.
Unique Character roster:
S:SA: 32/32, S:G: 16/16, S:SF: 32/32, S:TT: 36/36
Jimmy Blue Sparx Gems: 662
#28 Posted: 22:20:52 26/02/2013
Anyone know when toysrus is getting in the rest of the figures?
i just called my local one and they are only getting in the giant
jpawlik8 Blue Sparx Gems: 729
#29 Posted: 23:17:17 26/02/2013
When you sign up for the alerts what category do you select?
Have: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie S2: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#30 Posted: 23:25:37 26/02/2013
So today was eventful so far, now if I can only find Molten Hot Dog I'll be complete again

[User Posted Image]
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#31 Posted: 23:27:24 26/02/2013 | Topic Creator
^ !!!!!!!!!!!!

WHOLLY CARP! She's out! How many did they have?
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Shroomy_Boomy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#32 Posted: 23:28:18 26/02/2013
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: Skylandscaper
Thanks for the info. I HATE all the speculation on here so I never check topics with speculation in the title.


DITTO!!! I stopped opening topics with "speculation" some time ago!! lol Thank you MatteoMax!!! smilie
67/67+GITD:smiliesmiliesmilieAEsmilie ROCKsmilie&smilieGLITTERsmilie&smilieSNOWsmilie

37/37+All Sidekix~WERDS~Blusmilie~Flockedsmilie~GITDsmilie~GREENsmilie~CLEARsmilie~CHROMEsmilie
czs716 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1440
#33 Posted: 23:28:51 26/02/2013
^Why would you not price match?
Available for trade: NIB Walmart Exclusive Drill Sergeant (Not Red), NIB Granite Crusher. PM if interested.
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#34 Posted: 23:29:58 26/02/2013
4 boxes, so 8 now 7 for tomorrow
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#35 Posted: 23:31:21 26/02/2013
Quote: czs716
^Why would you not price match?

I was hooked up in getting it today, and honestly its $1
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:32:13 26/02/2013 by NinjaHarley
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#36 Posted: 23:32:59 26/02/2013
Quote: NinjaHarley
So today was eventful so far, now if I can only find Molten Hot Dog I'll be complete again

[User Posted Image]

Tell me about it. One of my local toys r us stores sold me 2 early. Just need 1 more for my youngest daughter tomorrow. 4 down 1 to go.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#37 Posted: 23:35:26 26/02/2013
Quote: GameMaster78
Quote: NinjaHarley
So today was eventful so far, now if I can only find Molten Hot Dog I'll be complete again

[User Posted Image]

Tell me about it. One of my local toys r us stores sold me 2 early. Just need 1 more for my youngest daughter tomorrow. 4 down 1 to go.

The local manager here always looks out for me I was able to get wave 3 a few days early as well, along with LSE before black friday. I work 24 hour 48 off shifts so I'm not always able to go to their events so he hooks me up whenever he can.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#38 Posted: 23:40:52 26/02/2013 | Topic Creator
Lucky! I'll have to call my less-scalped ToysRUs. Who know Brick, NJ was such a hotbed of eBayers?
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
skylander13 Green Sparx Gems: 428
#39 Posted: 23:45:54 26/02/2013
Pisses me off that all of these noobish scalpers are getting them a day early and blowing up ebay.....

Oh well...I'll be in line tomorrow morning for sure. I've gotta get up at I should be first in line.
Rand O M Gold Sparx Gems: 2223
#40 Posted: 23:45:55 26/02/2013
When are they releasi this hot toy alert??
Shroomy_Boomy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#41 Posted: 23:53:59 26/02/2013
I work for a living, so it kinda sucks they're releasing her on a Wednesday at 10am... I can't be there! lol Oh well, she'll be all over soon enough and she's my least fav Giant, so it's no biggie, just kind of a weird release date... who are they catering to, housewives??? lol Kids are at school and the career-folk are working... I'll swing by on my way home just in case there's still a couple left, but I won't hold my breath (I'm supposed to pick one up for a friend out of the country, so I'd love to at least get one for her on release day)!! lol Very glad I found Molten HD today after work tho, I just love cats and dogs, Hot Dog is such a cutie!! smilie
67/67+GITD:smiliesmiliesmilieAEsmilie ROCKsmilie&smilieGLITTERsmilie&smilieSNOWsmilie

37/37+All Sidekix~WERDS~Blusmilie~Flockedsmilie~GITDsmilie~GREENsmilie~CLEARsmilie~CHROMEsmilie
YOLOrenzo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1073
#42 Posted: 00:04:59 27/02/2013
I just called my local TRU in So-Cal and just confirmed the same thing - Ninjini tomorrow morning, 1 per customer, expect a line out the door and no word on any other figure.
S0MBRE Yellow Sparx Gems: 1660
#43 Posted: 00:06:32 27/02/2013
Just called my toysrus and they had no idea what i was talking aboutsmilie
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#44 Posted: 00:14:49 27/02/2013
This is too much...
jstewie23 Blue Sparx Gems: 967
#45 Posted: 00:17:55 27/02/2013
Quote: S0MBRE
Just called my toysrus and they had no idea what i was talking aboutsmilie

Yep. Called 3 in NJ and none of them had a clue.
Have extra Amazon FS, GITD FR, Pumpkin FR, Jade FW, Molten HD, TF Chop Chop, Scarlet Ninjini, QDRS
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#46 Posted: 00:19:13 27/02/2013
So any word on why no email... which might be a good thing for some of us.
lordexodus Gold Sparx Gems: 2508
#47 Posted: 00:32:29 27/02/2013
Which local So-Cal TRU, YOLOrenzo? Be specific...
Need accurate & evident release info on Skylanders Imaginators...
JerryPants Green Sparx Gems: 234
#48 Posted: 00:39:04 27/02/2013
I feel like this release tomorrow morning is a California and west-coast thing.... Like Eye Brawl and Thumpback showing up over there before everywhere else...
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#49 Posted: 00:40:38 27/02/2013
I have called both of my TRU in the Mid-West and they have some. Also, have people on the East Coast saying they are getting them tomorrow.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#50 Posted: 00:44:19 27/02/2013
Jerry, I am in Oklahoma. Every TRU has them here, but can't sell them until tomorrow. It's not just a west coast thing.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
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