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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > The Legend of Zelda: The Dispersal of Figures [ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]
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The Legend of Zelda: The Dispersal of Figures [ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE] [CLOSED]
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#1 Posted: 05:51:51 24/02/2013 | Topic Creator
The Legend of Zelda: The Dispersal of Figures by redwes & BlinktheCookie

Plot: Once upon a time, there was an era known as the "The Era of the Hero of Time" aka Ocarina of time. This acts as the back-story to my character. Finding Zora's Domain completely frozen, Link quickly rides towards the castle to inform Princess Zelda. He rides fast only to find that Hyrule Castle was attacked in his absence. Princess Zelda flees and Link proceeds to open the door of time. It begins to open, despite Link lacking the third spiritual stone, and he starts heading towards the master sword. Ganondorf interrupts, however, and throws a strange crystal into his forehead. This somehow causes the temple to malfunction and he finds himself in the Twilight Era. This also screws with his mind and causes him to no remember his name. At some point, he begins to go by Ganim. Meanwhile, Hyrule is at peace. Secretly, however, Ganondorf has returned and is planning his sweet sweet revenge. Little does he know that this time now has an additional hero. The fate of both times now rests in Ganim's hands. He won't be alone, however, and will receive help from others.

Though it involves both eras, this RP takes place primarly in the Twilight Era. The anniversary of Zelda's rise to power is soon and Hyrule's Castle Town is having a week long celebration.

1. No God-Modding
2. No scripting and please try to use at least two sentences
3. No controlling other users' characters
4. No mature language
5. No taking of other users' characters without their permission
6. Keep romance to a PG-13 level
7. Both me and BlinktheCookie are joint GMs.

STATUS: This RP is currently ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. If you wish to join, you may post your character sheets if/when it returns. You will then be subject to approval by Blink and then myself.

For information concerning characters, please see the post below.


My Character(s):

Name: Ganim [Link]
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Elemental Attack: n/a
Physical Attack/Weapon(s): Teeth & claws [Ordon Sword & Hylian Shield]
Story: Ganim (formally Link) is an alternate version of the "Hero of Time" form the OoT Hyrule. His story is similar, yet different. [See the plot] In the Twilight Era, he finds himself imprisoned within one of the dungeon cells. Due to the crystal, he appears as the Golden Wolf. He's the young version, however, and has yet to lose an eye. He's unfamiliar with the concept of twilight and it may take time for his memories to return.
Appearance: He'll most likely be cursed in his wolf form.
Wolf Form - Young version of the Golden Wolf [Generator-based image]
Human Form - Similar to Young Link, but with a red tunic
Species: Wolf [Human]
Alignment: Good
Other: brackets = alternate form [Human]
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 26 times - Last edited at 23:20:41 29/09/2013 by redwes
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#2 Posted: 06:16:59 24/02/2013
Canon Characters:
Link - controlled by SpyroD
Princess Zelda - controlled by BlinktheCookie
Ganondorf - controlled by LunarDistortion
Zant - controlled by LunarDistortion

Other Characters:
Ganim- redwes
Thatch, Farley, Homba- Me
Soron- Spyroconvexity
Xaronec- SpyroD
Maro- LunarDistortion

Character Sheet:
Elemental Attack:
Physical Attack/Weapon(s):
Species: (hylian, human, any other race in The Legend of Zelda, wolf, anthro, etc.)
Alignment: Good/Evil/Flip-flopper/neutral
[If something doesn't apply to your character... n/a]

My Character(s):

Name: Farley
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Elemental Attack: N/A
Physical Attack/Weapon(s): The Axe of the Fire Tribe- a silver battleaxe adorned with crimson jewels that can only be wielded by a descentdant of Farley's tribe. It may or may not be able to produce or control fire.
Story: Farley is the last living descendant of a tribe of unusually strong hylians who were rumoured to live with the gorons of Death Mountain before their near-extinction. Few actually believe this tale. The goron elders, who have seen her wield the sacred battleaxe, do believe her, but agknowledge that she's a reckless slacker and therefore do not care.
Appearance: Almost six feet tall, and very muscular as far as females go, although not terribly masculine. Farley posseses the genetic traits of her tribe, which are pale skin, coal-black hair (hers is very long) and icy blue eyes. She wears shining crimson armor, as was likely customary for her tribe.
Species: Hylian
Alignment: Good

Name: Homba
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Elemental Attack: Whatever she can mix up
Physical Attack/Weapon: Her fox form, if not she has a stick to hit people with...
Story: Homba was born to nomadic peasant family that migrated across Hyrule's plains and apprenticed to an apothicary at a young age. Her master died when she was fourteen, and since she has been traveling about Hyrule, selling her potions and elixers. She only knows one incantation, which transforms her into a white fox with light-grey markings.
Appearance: A scrawny girl with long, pulled-back, mouse- brown hair, wearing a simple purple peasant's dress and a few satchels which she keeps potions and ingrediants in.
Species: Hylian
Alignment: Neutral

Name: Thatch
Gender: Female
Age: Adolescent
Elemental Attack: She produces fog
Physical Attack/Weapon: Her hair.
Story: Thatch guarded the Sacred Grove alongside Skull Kid for the longest time before growing curious about the rest of Hyrule and leaving the Grove, entrusting it to Skull Kid. As compensation fer her absence, she left the purple, sleep-inducing fog that covers the Faron Woods. Thatch is an avid explorer and very knowledgable about many of Hyrule's secret passages.
Appearance: A grey-purple imp, shorter than Midna and slightly less curvacous. She has only one eye, which is a bright magenta color. Her body is covered in small, black vine markings. Her hair is white, very long, and incredibly voluminous.
Species: Forest Imp
Alignment: Neutral
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:30:58 05/03/2013 by BlinktheCookie
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#3 Posted: 02:44:12 25/02/2013
Name: Soron
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown.
Elemental Attack: Fire (Breathes blue fire)
Physical Attack/Weapon: Claws, spiked tail, spiked wings, and head lash.
Story: He came across a great power when he was young that turned him evil. He destroyed many villages and has spread fear across Hyrule. Anyone that spoke his name was striken with fear. He serves his master Ganondorf but his greed for power is starting to take over and wants Ganondorf's power.
Appearance: Mostly a rockey color but has red eyes, claws and wing membranes. His spines are Night blue color, he has two horns are curved pointing forward on both sides of his face and two that are slightly curved pointing back. He also has spikes on his tail and on the side of his face. He has armor covering his entire body. His helmet has acient writing on it giving him even more power.
Species: Great Mountain Dragon.
Alignment: Mix of evil and good.

ooc: You said to put this to let you know I've been invited.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 19:15:14 17/03/2013 by Spyroconvexity
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#4 Posted: 03:16:47 25/02/2013
Seems reasonable smilie I'll tell redwes to review this for acceptance smilie
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#5 Posted: 03:25:16 25/02/2013 | Topic Creator
*walks in* There's no need... smilie You're accepted!
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#6 Posted: 03:25:42 25/02/2013
ooc: Ok. Oh who's going to be Ganondorf?
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#7 Posted: 03:35:25 25/02/2013
We're going to split the presets if they're not taken by the time we're ready to start.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#8 Posted: 03:52:26 25/02/2013
ooc: ok. When we going to start?
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#9 Posted: 03:57:23 25/02/2013
When we both feel that there are enough people. We'd prefer to wait until the presets are taken, but that takes too long we'll just split them up and start.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#10 Posted: 11:19:54 25/02/2013
ooc: ok.
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#11 Posted: 10:36:48 03/03/2013
I can take Link, plus I need to know his current items and if it is possible to gain more.

Other char.:

Name: Xaronec (Za-roo-nic)
Age: 46
Elemental attach: Shadow(emitted from a magical glove on his left hand)- can send a wave of energy, or act as a form of grabing things from a distance, max range is seven yards.
Physical: A sword with a bright glow and the ability to set what ever it touches a blaze(if accepted sword, I will post a picture of the base for this sword). The pointed ends of his gauntlets and finger tips of his armored gloves. Usually incorporates a few kicks into his fighting.
Story: Born in the twilight realm, banished to Hyrule for dark deeds. He squired his thick dark purple armor from the magic of the glove on his left hand. It was taken from the ruins of a once great temple beyond the deserts. Rides back to Hyrule a feared adversary and menace, but does not kill just anyone unless provoked. Xaronec has sided himself with Ganondorf, but freelances without much attention to orders because he could care less about doing what he is told. He currently rides the open fields on the back of a horse influenced by the glove, increasing its strength to carry the heavily suited warior of darkness.
Appearance: Single, forward, spiked helmet that is usually closed, with a suit that is equally dark and dressed in curved spikes. There seem to be no openings in the armor except around the glove/gauntlets. Dual spikes on each knee(vertically), and a blue glow where his eyes would be in the helmets mask.
Species: Twilight dweller, but since sent to Hylrule, his skin would be brighter(if he wasn't wearing armor, not often seen)
Side: Evil
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#12 Posted: 23:09:04 03/03/2013
Accepted by me. You'll have to ask redwes about Link's items.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#13 Posted: 01:40:52 04/03/2013 | Topic Creator
You're accepted by me as well. smilie Link will start out with the following items: Bomb Bag (90 regular bombs, 45 water bombs or 30 Bombling), Bottle (x2), Double Clawshot, Fishing Rod, Gale Boomerang, Hero's Bow, Horse Call (summon Epona), Lantern, Master Sword, Hylian Shield, Hero's Clothes (Link's tunic), Wallet (holds 1000 Rupees), & Quiver (holds 30 arrows). If such opportunities occur, it will be possible for Link to receive more items.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:41:48 04/03/2013 by redwes
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#14 Posted: 04:59:38 04/03/2013
Cool, hope I can remember all that... Ok I'll get the pic. up.... Now:
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:01:53 04/03/2013 by SpyroD
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#15 Posted: 22:33:01 04/03/2013
OOC: It's the Dawnbreaker! smilie
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#16 Posted: 22:47:43 04/03/2013
ooc: can we start soon?
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#17 Posted: 22:53:00 04/03/2013
OOC: Probably. Like always, we'll have to wait for redwes's approval first smilie
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#18 Posted: 22:58:05 04/03/2013
ooc: I'm starting to get egey. smilie (sorry if I spelled it wrong.)
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#19 Posted: 23:44:29 04/03/2013 | Topic Creator
To be honest, I was kinda hoping for more people. [User Posted Image] The past is the past though (referring to Hunter's 'ol RP) and I am probably quite unlikely to get what I desire. I suppose we can start it and split the canon characters. Link has already been taken and I'll let Blink take care of the rest. If I need to, I am (somewhat) willing to take one. When I'm ready, I'll post the starting post and Blink can take it from there.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:01:14 05/03/2013 by redwes
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#20 Posted: 00:01:07 05/03/2013
I could take Zant and Zelda. I'm not as good at playing major villains, so you might have to handle Gannon.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#21 Posted: 00:05:05 05/03/2013 | Topic Creator
I'm going to wait and see if Spyroconvexity is willing to take him. If he isn't... I'll take him.

P.S. The [User Posted Image] smiley does not appear to work. DS littery deletes second character involved. --> :
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 00:06:24 05/03/2013 by redwes
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#22 Posted: 00:10:20 05/03/2013
It just did. MINDSECKS!
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#23 Posted: 00:12:33 05/03/2013 | Topic Creator
I used the img code. [User Posted Image]

<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:12:53 05/03/2013 by redwes
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#24 Posted: 00:15:51 05/03/2013
I'll send a message to SpyroD to tell him the RP is beginning and ask if he'd like to take any cannons. Also, you might want to just put [OPEN] instead of [PRIVATE] so we can gain more entrants.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#25 Posted: 00:18:38 05/03/2013 | Topic Creator
The flood gates are now wide open. Let's hope it works... smilie We still reserve the right to reject an user.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:21:46 05/03/2013 by redwes
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#26 Posted: 00:22:28 05/03/2013
Yes. Them thar undesirables wit they po' granners n' whatnot. smilie
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#27 Posted: 02:03:53 05/03/2013
Can I take Ganondorf?

Name: Maro
Elemental Attack: Time
Physical Attack/Weapon(s): 2 blades.
Story: Nobody knows where he came from.
Appearance: Mix between a Zora and Ghirahim.
Species: Demon
Alignment: Evil
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:09:47 28/03/2013 by LunarDistortion
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#28 Posted: 02:17:08 05/03/2013 | Topic Creator
If Blink approves of you, then I'll think about it. smilie
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#29 Posted: 02:53:06 05/03/2013
No problem! Hell, take Zelda and Zant too if you want. But only if you want to. smilie Are we gonna start or what?
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#30 Posted: 03:16:04 05/03/2013 | Topic Creator
After we get the canon characters sorted out, we are ready to begin. smilie Give me time and I'll post the starting post when ready.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#31 Posted: 03:25:57 05/03/2013
I'll take Zant.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#32 Posted: 05:15:35 05/03/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Blink, you may want to update the character post. smilie Link will be controlled by SpyroD, Princess Zelda is currently controlled by you, and the other two will be controlled by LunarDistortion. If you can't tell, LunarDistortion, you have been accepted. Welcome to the RP and I hope you enjoy yourself! Being our first true GM moments, I just hope this RP goes well. This RP WILL stay alive... or else!

STARTING POST: "Come all, to Hyrule's Castle Town!," The messenger exclaims. "This upcoming week will mark the anniversary of Princess Zelda's rise to power and all are invited! We'll be hosting a massive week long celebration with food, parties, and drink. Come, citizens, and enjoy the festivities! Come, royalty and important figures, and receive gifts from the princess herself! We invite everyone, regardless of rank, status, or race!" Crowds have gathered around the royal messenger and all are excited. Messengers, just like this one, have been sent out to all the provinces as well as any nearby kingdoms. Regardless of where you are, you are certain to know about the upcoming festivities. The celebration may be soon, but you still have time to get there. If you're a foe or villian, this may also represent a perfect opportunity. The Hyrule Folk are mostly careless and nobody feels at risk.

Meanwhile, a strange wolf with no memories has suddenly appeared in one of the dungeons cells. Those who know magic may be able to feel the disturbance and a strange fog has begun to seep out of the dungeons. Furthermore, Ganondorf is alive and planning his revenge. Though Hyrule may currently be in a festive state, unknown dangers lurk ahead. Tread carefully, my friends and foes.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 6 times - Last edited at 02:10:38 12/03/2013 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#33 Posted: 05:28:34 05/03/2013
Unknown to the others Soron the evil dragon also heard of this festival. "Well it seems like Zelda has a celebration. It's time for me to put fear into those pathatic people and children in Castle Town." He got up and walked out of his cave in the mountains. Soron then climed to the top and sent a very frightening roar echoing down to Castle Town. Soron then took off into the air and flew towards Castle Town.
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#34 Posted: 23:03:37 05/03/2013
When the news had reached the Gorons of Death Mountain, it had reached Farley too.
A rambuntious young "lady," if you could call her that, Farley stood at least six feet tall and was surprisingly muscled for a girl her age, or a girl at all, really. Her hair was long and black as coal, her skin pale, and her eyes an icy blue that betrayed her hot temper.


Homba, who was already in the Lanayru province, had heard of the festival soon enough to be entering the gates of Hyrule Castle Town as soon as the messanger was sent out.
This might be a great chance to sell off those extra potions, she thought.


Meanwhile, in the forest, all was silent. A small, smoky purple imp scampered silently about, listening for disturbances in her ecosystem. A rather loud one, in the shape of a strange mail carrier, soon marched his way into the Faron Woods, carrying with him the news of celebration. A rather curious creature, the imp had to investigate the commotion.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#35 Posted: 23:27:21 05/03/2013
Maro had heard of this celebration as well, he started to leave his home on Death Mountain, He planned to find his Master, Ganondorf, and bring him back to full power.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#36 Posted: 01:01:04 06/03/2013
Soron reached Castle Town and breathed his blue fire on to the homes and shops of Castle Town. "This town shall burn in a great fire and fear me for all eternity!!!" Soron then breathed more of his blue fire.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#37 Posted: 01:11:17 06/03/2013 | Topic Creator
"Dragon!!!," one of the guards yelled. Guards began pouring out of the guardhouse(s) and began sending arrows at the attacking dragon. Those without bows quickly rushed to find one and the townsfolk panicked. As the houses caught fire, civilians screamed and ran out. Some citizens ran towards intact buildings, some ran for the castle, some attempted to get out, and some attempted to find those their loved ones. A few civilian archers attempted to aim at the dragon, but quickly perished. Some guards were caught off-guard and weren't sure what to do, "A dragon?! Since when did we have dragons?" "How are we supposed to defend castle town against that?!," another guard said in panick.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#38 Posted: 01:25:43 06/03/2013
The arows just broke apon hitting Soron's thick mettal armor, while some arows stuck in some of his exposed skin. A arow nearly hit his eye but luckly he moved his head and the arow hit his helmat bounceing off in another direction. "Who dairs shoot that arow at my eye?!?" Soron said furiuously.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#39 Posted: 01:34:04 06/03/2013
Maro walked into Castle Town, not even the dragon made his lose his focus, he started walking to where the Princess was.
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#40 Posted: 03:51:40 06/03/2013
Upon seeing the dragon, Homba clutched the stone that hung around her neck. Immediately, her form shifted from a scrawny peasant to that of a lithe white fox. Knowing that she was not enough to take on a dragon, she turned her attention to the next serious issue: The man approaching the Princess.

Princess Zelda stared down at her burning kingdom in despair, not caring to notice Maro in the midst of her suffering people. The touched the triforce mark that adorned her hand adimately, pleading to the goddesses for aid.


Meanwhile, two more visitors were nearing the town, blissfully unaware of it's state. They were entering the Lanaryu province at the exact moment.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#41 Posted: 05:00:55 06/03/2013 | Topic Creator
At that precise moment, the strange wolf wakes up without a single memory. What the?... Where am I?... Who am I?... As he gets up, he hears the sound of a chain and looks back at his left hind leg. The chain extends from his leg to the floor near the back of the cell. He looks up at his surrounding and finds himself in a decent-sized cell. Suddenly, he hears a strange voice in his head... "Wake up, golden beast. Through no fault of the goddesses, you are no longer your former self and have been displaced. Soon, you will find a troubled kingdom in dire need. Help this kingdom and you will reclaim what you have lost... in due time." With that, the voice ceased and left him even more confused. ...former self? ...displaced? He found that he could remember nothing... not even his own name. He proceeds to pace back and forth, trying to remember anything and/or figure out that cryptic message. He was unaware of his past, of how he got here, or even that he used to be human. He noticed the thick fog that seemed to fill his cell, but thought nothing of it.

OOC: @Blink: To avoid this being an exact duplicate, I'm changing things up a bit. Could Ganim's name by given to him by one of your characters... rather then himself?
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 02:15:04 12/03/2013 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#42 Posted: 05:22:16 06/03/2013
A distant explosion (from Soron's rampage) outside the wolf's cell made the ground shake and the celling drop some dust and rocks.


Soron then landed with a thud causing the ground to shake with every step from his size and weight. He then saw Zelda's castle. He gave a evil grin. "This will be too easy." He said with a cockey tone. He then proceded towards Zelda's castle.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8722
#43 Posted: 05:26:40 06/03/2013 | Topic Creator
The strange wolf looked at the ceiling with worry, What is going on out there?... He tries to pull at his chain, but it doesn't budge.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:13:39 10/03/2013 by redwes
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#44 Posted: 12:09:26 06/03/2013
Maro went up to the Princess, "Hello, Princess..." He said with a dark voice.
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#45 Posted: 17:02:43 06/03/2013
A sudden strike of an explosive arrow hit the dragon from below on the castle wall. Link stood there with a smirk from the shot. Knowing he got the dragon's attention with the shot, he put the bow away to retrieve one of the clawshots.(time for Link to make an epic entrance!)(PS. Love the Dawnbreaker!)
Xaronec rode toward the castle, but stopped on a hill at the sight of fire, "Someone seems to be crashing the party without me. Not very nice." he kicked his horse for it to start a full sprint for the castle gates.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#46 Posted: 20:05:05 06/03/2013
He stopped time. Moving from place to place around the Princess to look as if he were teleporting.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#47 Posted: 23:03:23 06/03/2013
"Who dairs?!" Soron then looked down to see Link. Soron then jumped down landing with a thunderous thud. "Well you are the one who shot that arrow at me. Heh, heh, heh!! Very cleaver attacking me from behind but not cleaver enough!!" Soron then breathed his blue fire at Link. "YOU SHALL DIE!!!"
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#48 Posted: 04:21:06 07/03/2013
Shooting the claw shot out at Soron's head in an attempt to close his mouth. If failed he had his shield ready in his other hand.

Xaronec halted before the castle town bridge. The fire was much easier to see from here, "Ah, fire. You have been good to me for quite some time." he patted the sword that was tied to the horses saddle.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#49 Posted: 05:11:51 07/03/2013
The claw got hold of his mouth. A loud screatch like sound came from Soron. "Heh, heh, heh, I do not need my fire to squash your punney head!" Soron said under his clamped mouth. He then used his spiked armored tail to swipe Link.
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#50 Posted: 06:40:37 08/03/2013
Dodging with a quick back flip, "You won't squash me with anything." he clung to the clawshot handle to keep it locked on Soron. Sticking the shield behind him, he pulled out the Gale boomerang. Dropping a bomb on its way out, it lit when it touched the ground. Link quickly threw the boomerang to pick up the bomb and carry it toward Soron, being sure to distract the dragon by jumping over the ledge of the wall. Removing the other clawshot, he locked onto metallic target set on a tower nearby.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
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