Plot: It has been 3 million years since the first attack of Lord Kamwell, better known as Ruler Chaos. He has been wreaking haavoc on small cities, and is finally ready to launch his second attack. Took him long enough right? Well your job is to find him, destroy all of his bases, and defeat him, once and for-all. You will need to use and master your supernatural abilities to defeat Ruler Chaos and his minions. Good luck brave warrior.
Cynderluv8801 and I are the GMs
Swearing is allowed, just don't use it too frequently
You may be any supernatural being you wish, just nothing to god-moddy please
No God-modding
Romance is allowed, actually wanted, but please keep at a PG-13 level(Nothing too graphic please!)
2 characters maximum
Abide by these rules, and you will not get kicked out
Character Sheet:
Age: (Ages 15-18)
Powers: (Limit 4)
Appearance: (credit to artist if picture, or a detailed discription)
Personality: (A few sentances please)
My Characters: (Cynderluv will post hers later)
Name: Isabelle (Izzy, Bella)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Powers: Super speed, black magic, has bat wings to fly
(credit to artist)
Personality: Izzy enjoys talking with people, and is brave. She enjoys exploring the forest, but can get into some trouble while there. She loves, loves, making friends
Other: Is best friends with Emily(Cynderluv's character).