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i love this tribute song [CLOSED]
darklegend Green Sparx Gems: 455
#1 Posted: 16:56:10 30/07/2008 | Topic Creator
just w8 this 1 and lissen to it hehe

i hope spyro/cynder get along that way smilie


atleast i love this song
spyro your a very special creature with special abilities u can do whatever u like
cynder queen of darkness u take care of spyro
Last edited at 17:17:16 30/07/2008 by darklegend
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#2 Posted: 17:09:06 30/07/2008
o.m.g that is so sweet and the song is sooo cute, i can understand how you love the song lol, i think it is just wonderful right now i am going to listen to it again lol

still sooooo cute
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#3 Posted: 17:11:07 30/07/2008
i'v kniwn that forever, still love it.
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#4 Posted: 17:12:28 30/07/2008
Quote: darklegend
just w8 this 1 and lissen to it hehe

i hope spyro/cynder get along that way smilie

atleast i love this song

I made it into a link for ya!smilie

I love that video!smilie

I LOVE that video!smilie
Last edited at 17:16:14 30/07/2008 by Cynder_Rox
darklegend Green Sparx Gems: 455
#5 Posted: 17:15:17 30/07/2008 | Topic Creator
yeah i heard it for the sfirst time and i though what the hell and i like this song its full of love and something snapped me and my girlfriend have done this on her last school day and we won second price so i had big eye

and thought uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok something isnt right about this
but later i heard it again and i know every word of this song in only 2 times listen

so i hope ppl like this song atleast its 1 of my favorite with genesis invisible touch ofc it also rocks
spyro your a very special creature with special abilities u can do whatever u like
cynder queen of darkness u take care of spyro
darklegend Green Sparx Gems: 455
#6 Posted: 17:15:53 30/07/2008 | Topic Creator
ty m8 i dont know how to do that

but ty m8
spyro your a very special creature with special abilities u can do whatever u like
cynder queen of darkness u take care of spyro
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#7 Posted: 17:18:19 30/07/2008
that song is awsome! smilie
not yr babe
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