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for what can be fear and wind in the game? [CLOSED]
spyroblack Gold Sparx Gems: 2961
#1 Posted: 14:37:53 30/07/2008 | Topic Creator
what r does breaths for?
Last edited at 11:48:31 01/08/2008 by dark52
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#2 Posted: 14:41:42 30/07/2008
maybe fear chases the enimies away or makes them shiver and imobilized so you can hit them
wind could be a speed boost for fying? or maybe it knocks enimies away?
just a thought
not yr babe
spyroblack Gold Sparx Gems: 2961
#3 Posted: 14:42:12 30/07/2008 | Topic Creator
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#4 Posted: 14:43:34 30/07/2008
Quote: spyroblack

ur welcome! smilie
not yr babe
EmeraldDragon Blue Sparx Gems: 881
#5 Posted: 11:31:09 01/08/2008
Fear might be a really loud growl or something hat scares enemies and they run and jump off a cliff. Sorry got a bit carried away lol
Wind could be some sort of tornado thing maybe and lift enemies out of the way.
Just some random thoughts.
Sometimes you have to let go of someone...if they really love you, they'll come back
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#6 Posted: 23:15:48 01/08/2008
well maybe fear is kinda like ice for spyro ya know when he freezes ennimes well maybe fear scares them and they spot and shiver lol
but i can't think of another way to describe wind as EmeraldDragon has came up with a perfect reason.
spyro rocks foreva
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