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Guardian High School [Open, always accepting] [CLOSED]
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#1 Posted: 21:22:15 23/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Guardian High was a school that was supposedly built over the entrance to Yomi, the underworld. Rumor has it that when the Midnight clock ticks 13 times at midnight during a full moon, the school opens up a corridor leading to Yomi. Yomi is essentially the underworld and the overlord of Yomi is sending out monsters to attack the area's outside of Yomi. The shadows attack everything in sight, but once Yomi disappears until the next Full moon, the shadows fade but the damage dealt to the overworld is noticed. Many people have heard of this rumor but everyone was too scared to actually investigate it. It is your job to investigate it. This only happens on Full moons and lasts for only 1 hour. You must assemble a team of believers and use the power of a Guardian that protects you to find out if Yomi exists and if you have the power to stop to the Overlord and prevent the entrance from returning ever again.

Guardians are creatures that reflect the person's views, thoughts, secrets, power, and intelligance. Those who hold a "POWER" obtain a Guardian through seeing a shadow imitation of themself, by accepting the shadow, (The opposite of what the person really is) A Guardian emerges from their soul, thus granting power to the user of the Guardian. Guardians can evolve into a higher form by reaching a climactic event in their life, such as a death of a loved one or a fierce battle where your life was saved by someone else. Only four (4) characters will hold a Guardian who can evolve a third time.

The Wild Card
One character will achieve the power of the wild card. This power can let the user (Only 1) use the power of 12 different Guardian's at once. The character who holds the wild card can also fuse a Guardian that is the final form of that arcana.

I am the GM
You may have as many characters as you can handle
No Godmodding
Have fun
You must establish relationships with people but keep romance PG-13
Put Guardians on your page to verify you read the rules.

Arcana (credit to Shin Megami Tensei wiki for listing info on Arcanas)
These symbols are what your Guardian's resemble based on Tarot cards, the list is;
0). Fool - represents innocence, divine inspiration, madness, freedom, spontaneity
0 T). Jester - Opposite of Fool
I). Magician - associated with action, initiative, self-confidence, manipulation and power
II). Priestess - symbol of hidden knowledge or other untapped power, wisdom, female mystery and magic
III). Empress - represents prosperity, creativity, sexuality, abundance, fertility and comfort (most often in helping maintain peace)
IV). Emperor - symbolizes the desire to control one's surroundings
V). Hierophant - symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine
VI). Lovers - symbol of love and romantic relationships, although it can also be a symbol of finding agreement with an ordinary friend or even two conflicting elements within
VII). Chariot - symbol of victory, conquest, self-assertion, control, war and command
VIII). Justice - symbolizes a strict allegory of justice, objectivity, rationality and analysis
IX). Hermit - associated with wisdom, introspection, solitude, retreat and philosophical searches
X). Fortune - symbolizes Fate and varying luck, fortunes and opportunities
XI). Strength - symbolizes an imagery beyond the Beast And Beauty, and is associated with the morality about the stronger power of self-control, gentleness, courage and virtue over brute force
XI T). Hunger - It symbolizes the danger of losing control, of being consumed by power. The card also implies strength, but strength which comes through Dominance. It is not true power, but the pure bliss of abusing power.
XII). Hanged (man) -associated with self-sacrifice for the sake of enlightenment, the bindings that makes one free, paradoxes and hanging between heaven and earth
XIII). Death - symbolizes the metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles
XIV). Temperance - symbol of synthesis, prudence, harmony, and the merging of opposites
XV). Devil - represents the urge to do selfish, impulsive, violent things and be slave to ones' own impulse and feelings
XVI). Tower - associated to overly arrogant, prejudiced and authoritarian organization, which walk to their own ironic demise
XVII). Star - associated hope, self-confidence, faith, altruism, luck, generosity, peace and joy
XVIII). Moon - associated with creativity, inspiration, dreams, madness, illusions, fear, fantasy, the subconscious and trickery
XIX). Sun - symbolizes happiness, joy, energy, optimism, and accomplishment
XX). Judgement - associated with a balance of Light and Darkness
XXI). World (Only available to the one who establishes the most relationships with classmates) - representation of the world's totality, the symbol of fulfillment, wholeness, and harmony
XXII). Aeon - associated with the defender and almighty rulers of Light and peace.

Character Sheet
Name :
Age :
Gender :
Arcana :
Guardians : (Include a first form then a second form)
Weapon :
Guardian's Element : (Can have 1, Excepts are for those with Light/Dark Guardians)
Guardian's Weakness(es) : (Elements are Physical(Slash/Strike/Pierce)/Fire/Ice/Wind/Electricity/Earth/Water/Light/Dark/Almighty)
Guardian's Resistance (Only for second forms) :
Appearance :
Backstory (Can be vague) :

My Characters
Name : Serah
Age : 17
Gender : Female
Arcana : Temperance
Guardians : Oceana > Leviathan > Reverie
Weapon : Katana (Slash)
Element : Water
Weakness(es) : Electric, Dark > Dark
Resistance : Water > Water, Fire
Appearance : Will post a pic later.
Backstory : Serah was born in Amberale and lived there and then moved to the town of Inagi and attends Guardian high school. She spends time practicing with her Katana.

Name : Pierce
Age : 17
Gender : Male
Arcana : Moon
Guardians : Formality > Punishment
Weapon : Javelin (Pierce)
Element : Almighty
Weaknesses : Light Wind > Wind
Resistance : None > Dark. Fire
Appearance : Will Post pic later
History : Pierce lived in the outskirts of Inagi and lives in his parents shop which sells gemstones. He participates in the Javelin throw in school and commonly is seen in the gym of the school.

Make sure your Guardian can learn 19-28 skills total
Oceana/Leviathan skills
1). Aqua
2). Rakunda
3). Dia
4). Garu
5). Malaqua
6). Sarukaja
7). Sonic Punch
8). Aques
9). Aqua Boost
10). Media
11). Maguru
12). Tarunda
13). Malaques
14). Garula
15). Diarama
16). Mind Charge
17). Aquadyne
18). Aqua Amp
19). Wind Boost
20). Garudyne
21). Malaquadyne
22). Mediarama
23). Wind Amp
24). Magarudyne
25). Aqual Tide
26). Myriad Arrows*
27). Megidolaon *
28). Aqual Reverie**

*Special Means
**Final Form exclusive

1). Sonic Punch
2). Tarukaja
3). Mudo
4). Dia
5). Swift Strike
6). Power Charge
7). Megi
8). Diarama
9). Mamudo
10). Mudo Boost
11). Mind Charge
12). Mudoon
13). Megido
14). Recarm
15). Rakunda
16) .Megidola
17). Mamudoon
18). Agneyastra
19). Megidolaon
20). Brave Blade*
21). Diarahan*

Final Arcana Guardian
Here is the list of all Guardians the wild card holder can craft by maxing a relationship.
Fool - Loki
Jester - Magatsu
Magician - Magi
Priestess - Archbishop
Empress - Paradigm
Emperor - Odin
Hierophant - Pagemaster
Lovers - Eva
Chariot - Futsunushi
Justice - Sraosha
Hermit - Riao
Fortune - Norn
Strength - Siegfried
Hunger - Osmoso
Hanged. - Attis
Death - Carnation
Temperance - Zodiark
Devil - Beelzebub
Tower - Shiva
Star - Helel
Moon - Lufia
Sun - Asura
Judgement - Messiah
World - Okami
Aeon - Myriad
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Edited 20 times - Last edited at 20:21:18 28/03/2013 by Crescent Wing
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6676
#2 Posted: 21:35:20 23/01/2013
Ooc: no affence, but can you explain this a little more? What do you mean by "Guardians?"
Gay 4 GARcher
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#3 Posted: 21:44:26 23/01/2013 | Topic Creator
I am, I am editing it little by little, so I will explain it, don't worry, I was expecting someone to say that. Dont worry.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6676
#4 Posted: 21:47:22 23/01/2013
Ooc: so like for the sign
I, i would use a magician for my guardian?
Gay 4 GARcher
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#5 Posted: 21:56:42 23/01/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC :You can use whatever you like, if you chose Magician, your guadian would be based around Magic abilites, usually Fire or something like that.

Priestess is commonly based on Supportive. healling skills.
I can make another post about elements and stuff, I will now.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#6 Posted: 22:12:14 23/01/2013 | Topic Creator
This is to talk about Guardian Arcana and there skill attributes. Also lists spell types.
Fool : A Jack of all trades. Uses A specific element of any type but does not excel at any.
Jester: Based on Wind and negative status.
Magician : Based around Fire Spells.
Priestess : Healing and Support
Empress : Normally Ice with little Healing skills and Water
Emperor : Excels at Lightning spells and Physical attacks.
Hierophant : Usually little or no weaknesses, but doesn't excel at any spells or skills.
Lovers : Support-Little healing
Chariot : Mostly Physical attacks with Earth
Justice : Excel with Light based skills
Hermit : Excelling at Ailment skills and Earth skills
Fortune : Excels at Wind
Strength : Proficient in Physical attacks
Hunger: Physical based but has stat negativity and ailment skills
Hanged Man : Survivability based skills.
Death : Dark skills
Temperance : Well Rounded Guardians
Devil : Dark
Tower : Physical attacks. Good with Earth as well.
Star : Good with Ice,
Moon : Physical skills with occasional magic
Sun : Fire and Light
Judgement : Light and Dark
World : Excels at Everything
Aeon : Water and Light

KEY for Phys: Sl = Slash / St = Strike / Pi = Pierce

Fire Spells
Skill - Power - Target
Agi - Light - 1 Foe
Maragi - Light - All enemies
Agilao - Medium - 1
Maragion - Medium - All
Agidyne - Heavy - 1
Maragidyne - Heavy - All
Ragnarok - Severe - 1
Meltdown - Severe - All
Fire Boost ( Passive) 25% Damage increase with Fire
Fire Amp (Passive) 50% Damage increase with Fire

Ice Spells
Bufu - Light - 1
Mabufu - Light - All
Bufula - Medium - 1
Mabufula - Medium - All
Bufudyne - Heavy - 1
Mabufudyne - Heavy - All
Niflheim - Severe - 1
Cocytus Pain - Severe - All
Ice Boost (Passive)
Ice Amp (Passive)

Electric Spells
Zio - Light - 1
Mazio - Light -All
Zionga - Medium - 1
Mazionga - Medium - All
Ziodyne - Heavy - 1
Maziodyne - Heavy - All
Thunder Reign - Severe
Narukami - Severe - All
Electric Boost/Amp

Wind Spells
Garu - Light - 1
Magaru - Light - All
Garula - Medium - 1
Magarula - Medium - All
Garudyne - Heavy - 1
Magarudyne - Heavy - All
Panta Rhei - Severe - 1
Divine Wind - Severe - All
Wind Boost/Amp

Earth Spells
Tera - Light - 1
Matera - Light - All
Terazi - Medium - 1
Materazi - Medium - All
Teradyne - Heavy - 1
Materadyne - Heavy - All
Earthquake - Severe - 1
Ruin - Severe - All
Earth Boost/Amp

Water Spells
Aqua - Light - 1 - 4
Malaqua - Light - All
Aques - Medium - 1
Malaques - Medium - All
Aquadyne - Heavy - 1
Malaquadyne - Heavy - All
Maelstrom - Severe - 1
Aqual Tide - Severe - All
Aqua Boost/Amp

Light Spells
Hama - 40% Chance to kill with light - 1
Mahama - 30% Light - All
Hamaon - 60% Light - 1
Mahamaon - 40% Light - All
God's Judgement - 50% Light damage - 1
Samsara - 90% - All
Hama Boost - Increases Chance of Light spells hit by 20%

Dark Spells
Mudo - 40% Chance to kill with Dark - 1
Mamudo - 30% Dark - All
Mudoon - 60% Dark - 1
Mamudoon - 40% Dark - All
Hell's Judgement - 50% HP Dark damage - 1
Die for Me! - 90% - All
Mudo Boost - Increases Chance of Dark spells hit by 20%

Life Drain - 150 HP - 1 Foe
Spirit Drain - 100 SP - 1 Foe
Stagnant Air - Increases all unit's susceptibility to Ailments
Megi - Light - All
Megido - Medium - All
Megidola - Heavy - All
Megidolaon - Mega - All
Morning Star - Atomic - All
Black Viper - Atomic - 1 Foe
Ghastly Wail - ??? - All (Instant kill to all Fear infested enemies)

Healing/Support Spells
Dia - Light - 1 Ally
Media - Light - All
Diarama - Medium - 1
Mediarama - Medium - All
Diarahan - 100% Recovery - 1
Mediarahan - 100% - All
Salvation -100% Recovery and cures all status- All
Divine Grace(Passive) - Increases Healing spells' effectivness by 75% - Self
Recarm - Revive ally with 50% HP (1 ally)
Samarecarm - Revive Ally with 100% HP (1 ally)
Tarukaja - +Attack - 1 ally
Tarunda - -Attack - 1 Foe
Rakukaja - +Def - 1 ally
Rakunda - -Def - 1 Foe
Sakukaja - +Evade/Accuracy - 1Ally
Sukunda - -Evade/Accuracy - 1 Foe
Matarukaja - +Attack - All Allies
Matarunda - -Attack - All Enemies
Marakukaja - +Def - All Allies
Marakunda - -Def - All Enemies
Masukukaja - +Evade/Accuracy - All Allies
Masukunda - -Evade/Accuracy - All Enemies
Auto-Tarukaja - Begin battle with Tarukaja
Auto-Rakukaja - Begin battle with Rakukaja
Auto-Sukukaja - Begin battle with Sukukaja
Auto-Mataru - Begin battle with Matarukaja
Auto-Maraku - Begin battle with Marakukaja
Auto-Masuku - Begin battle with Masukukaja
Dekaja - Removes all -aja buffs - All Enemies
Dekunda - Removes all -unda debuffs - All Allies
Angelic Grace - Increase Resistance/Evasion VS. All except Light/Dark/Almighty
Power Charge - Increase Power for next Physical attack by 50%
Mind Charge - Increase Magic for next Magic attack by 50%
Poismudi - Cures Poison
Poisma - Causes Poison
Marin Karin - Causes Charm
Charmdi - Cures Charm
Evil Smile - Causes Fear
Energy Shower - Cures Exhaustion/Enervation
Anima Freeze - Causes Exhaustion
Old One - Causes Enervation
Provoke - Causes Rage
Me Patra - Cures Fear/Panic/Rage
Foolish Whisper - Causes Silence
Re Patra - Cures Silence/Dizzy
Tentarafoo - Causes Panic
Amrita - Removes all status ailments
Tetrakarn - Barrier repels Physical once
Makarakarn - Barrier repels Magic once
Fire Break - Penetrates foe's fire resistance
Ice Break - See Fire Break
Red Wall - Increase a partner's Fire Resistance
White Wall - Ice
Blue Wall - Elec
Green Wall - Wind
Turquoise Wall - Water
Garnet Wall - Earth
Survive Light - Revive with 1 HP if killed by Light (1 time)
Survive Dark - ^
Endure - Revive with 1 HP if killed (1 Time)
Enduring Soul - Revive with All HP if killed (1 Time)
Absorb Sl/St/Pi
Absorb Fire
Repel Sl/St/Pi
Repel Fire - Repel Fire spells
Ice - ^
Resist Physical - Reduce (All)physical dmg by 25%
Resist Poison - Reduce chance of poison by 25%
Resist Enervate - ^
Resist Exhaustion
Null Sl/St/Pi - Block Physical attacks
Poison Boost - Increase Poison hit by 25%
Panic Boost - See Poison Boost
Exhaust Boost
Ailment Boost - Increase all Ailments hit by 25%

Physical Skill
Skewer - Light - 1 Foe(Pi)
Bash - Light - 1 Foe(St)
Holy Arrow - Light - 1 Foe (Charm)(Pi)
Skull Cracker - Light - 1 Foe (Can confuse)(St)
Sonic Punch - Light - 1 Foe(St)
Kill Rush - Medium - 1 Foe (Hits 1x-3x)(St)
Poison Skewer - Medium - 1 Foe(Pi)
Double Fangs - Medium - 1 Foe(Hits 1x-2x)(Pi)
Poison Arrow - Medium - 1 Foe (Poison)(Pi)
Cruel Attack - Medium - 1 Foe(Pi)
Fatal End - Medium - 1 Foe(Sl)
Vile Assualt - Heavy - 1 Foe(Pi)
Fatality Strike - Large - 1 Foe (Can be an Instant Kill)(Sl)
Rainy Death - Large - 1 Foe(Sl)
Tempest Slash - Large - 1 Foe (1x-2x)(Sl)
Primal Force - Severe - 1 Foe(Pi)
Gods Hand - Severe - 1 Foe(St)
Brave Blade - Severe - 1 Foe(Sl)
Hassou Tobi - Light - All (Hits 8 Times = Power of a Severe skill)(Sl)
Swift Strike - Light - All(St)
Rampage - Light - All (1x-3x)(St)
Black Spot - Medium - All (1x-2x)(Sl)
Mustard Bomb - Medium - All (Exhaustion)(St)
Heat Wave - Medium - All(St)
Myriad Arrows - Heavy - All (Hits 1x-3x)(Pi)
Vorpal Blade - Heavy - All(Sl)
Blight - Heavy - All (Can poison)(Sl)
Virus Wave - Heavy - All (Poisons)(St)
Akasha Arts - Heavy - All (Hits 1-2 times)(St)
Agneyastra - Heavy - All (Can hit up to 3 times)(St)
Prayala - Severe - All (1x-2x)(Pi)
Wishblade - Massive - All (2x Hits)(Sl)

Effects of Status Ailments
Poison: Poisons someone and reduces their HP for every action
Fear: You can be paralyzed or they may run away
Exhaustion: You take 75% more damage from attacks/ Lose SP for every action
Enervation: Stats are halved
Charm: Can't move/Assists Enemy
Rage: Physical attacks do more dmg/Take more dmg
Silence: Can't use skills
Panic: Can't use Guardian
Dizzy: Hit by weakness twice/on ground and are unable to move
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Edited 15 times - Last edited at 20:31:09 28/03/2013 by Crescent Wing
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6676
#7 Posted: 22:16:50 23/01/2013
Ooc ok well it the guardian that has the powers? And what is the second form
Gay 4 GARcher
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#8 Posted: 22:21:11 23/01/2013
Ooc: Sounds interesting.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#9 Posted: 22:59:40 23/01/2013 | Topic Creator
The second form is when a major event happens and the first form evolves into something else and gains new powers, and loses a weakness. Yes the guardian has the powers.

Example would be
Oceana > Leviathan
Io > Isis
Pentheselia > Artemesia
Palladion > Pallas Athena

Ofc you will think of your own. Also, if your starting out this is what your Guardians skills should be,
Guardians can have up to 8 Skills
Name :
Form :
1). Zio
2). Sukunda
3). Dia
4). Sonic Punch
5). Mazio

Here is a Middle powered Guardian
1). Garula
2). Magaru
3). Wind Boost
4). Media
5). Swift Strike
6). Hama
7). Rakunda

Here is a High powered Guardian
1). Megidolaon
2). Hamaon
3). Mind Charge
4). Agneyastra
5). Mabufudyne
6). Ice Amp
7). Mediarama
8). Power Charge

But, we all start somewhere, so if you want to join, make a char.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#10 Posted: 23:52:46 23/01/2013
I think I understand it all except for this:
Example would be
Oceana > Leviathan
Io > Isis
Pentheselia > Artemesia
Palladion > Pallas Athena

Can I have more explanation for this part please?
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6676
#11 Posted: 23:54:07 23/01/2013
Ooc: no affence but im sorry, i dont get any of this so bye..,
Gay 4 GARcher
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#12 Posted: 23:54:36 23/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Of course. That is the evolution of the Guardian after the event occured.
Oceana had been with Serah when she experienced her climatic event, and it evolved into Leviathan.
Same with Io when it evolved into Isis and so on and so forth.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#13 Posted: 00:17:11 24/01/2013
I think I understand. Help me along with corrections please.

Name : Jacob
Age : 17
Gender : Male
Arcana : Emperor
Guardians : Alexander > Odin
Weapon : Bow+Arrows
Guardian's Element : Electric
Guardian's Weakness(es) : Ice
Guardian's Resistance (Only for second forms) : Electric
Appearance : Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, average size for his age.
Backstory (Can be vague) : Was always teased when he was young, and this is the main thing that lead up to him being shy. Decided to come to Guardian High because his best friend did.

Name :Jericka
Age : 17
Gender : Female
Arcana : Heriophant
Guardians : Fire bird > Phoenix
Weapon : Sword
Guardian's Element : Fire
Guardian's Weakness(es) : Water
Guardian's Resistance (Only for second forms) : Fire
Appearance : Long blonde hair, a little tall for her age.
Backstory (Can be vague) : Practices sword fighting in all of her free time ever since she started at Guardian High.
Edited 12 times - Last edited at 00:33:42 04/02/2013 by weebbby
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#14 Posted: 11:13:33 24/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: weebbby
I think I understand. Help me along with corrections please.

Name : Jacob
Age : 17
Gender : Male
Arcana : Hold on, need to decide still.
Guardians : Help?
Weapon : Any kind right?
Guardian's Element : Dark
Guardian's Weakness(es) : Light.
Guardian's Resistance (Only for second forms) : ?
Appearance : Hold on a sec.
Backstory (Can be vague) : Thinking...

Name :Jericka
Age : 17
Gender : Female
Arcana : Hold on, need to decide still.
Guardians : Help?
Weapon : Any kind right?
Guardian's Element : Dark
Guardian's Weakness(es) : Light
Guardian's Resistance (Only for second forms) : ?
Appearance : Hold on a sec.
Backstory (Can be vague) : Thinking...

Yes, you may use any wepaon.
So you are using 2 Characters with Dark. So, you will want them to be of the Fool, Heirophant, Death, Devil, Tower, or Moon arcana to have a good proficiency with Dark spells. The Resistances are for your main element, so if you're Ice, then you resist Ice, so if you're dark, then you can resist Dark in your Guardian's first form. Lets see if I can think of some good things for Guardians.
If you get your back story, I will help you think of Guardian choices depending on that person. Btw, you might not want 2 people wit Dark spells and weak to light. They would be prone to Hama spells. Maybe do a Fire or Electric or Physical based person?
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#15 Posted: 12:39:17 24/01/2013
OK, now just a little left.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#16 Posted: 22:42:58 24/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Alright, I suggest Jericka being Heriophant or Magician for a Fire Guardian, then we just need to determine your Guardians for your characters.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#17 Posted: 22:47:25 24/01/2013
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#18 Posted: 22:49:57 24/01/2013 | Topic Creator
For Jacob maybe he could have a skeletal warrior? Maybe something along those lines? Or a dark mage or demon?

For Jericka a Fire bird would be a decent one, maybe Phoenix for her second form?

These are some ideas.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#19 Posted: 22:52:11 24/01/2013
I think I understand that part now.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#20 Posted: 22:57:45 24/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Alright, lets see if we can get more people to join and see how that goes : ) If you have questions just PM me.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#21 Posted: 01:24:55 25/01/2013
Ooc: Still thinking for my other character.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#22 Posted: 21:27:12 25/01/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Alrighty : ) Maybe if people will see what the World Arcana Guardian is, they will want to establish more relationships : ) Every powerful skill in the game and 2 charging abilties.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#23 Posted: 21:32:45 25/01/2013 | Topic Creator
What do you think of these movesets for Fire Bird/Phoenix?

1). Agi
2). Dia
3). Makakaja
4). Maragi
5). Sukunda
6). Makanda
7). Media
8). Agilao
9). Recarm
10). Fire Boost
11). Diarama
12). Tarukaja
13). Maragion
14). Mediarama
15). Mind Charge
16). Diarahan
17). Agidyne
18). Samerecarm
19). Amrita
20). Maragidyne
21). Fire Amp
22). Mediarahan
23). Salvation

What do you think?
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#24 Posted: 01:55:16 26/01/2013
Ooc: Sure, and I think I will have Jacob be Electric instead of Death.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#25 Posted: 03:50:55 26/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Alright, you can still have Death Arcana if you want.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#26 Posted: 23:35:44 26/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Your Arcana should be Emperor for Jacob, fits him it seems for an electric Guardian.

Anyway lets start

Serah had been walking home from Guardian High when she noticed it was getting very late.

Pierce came running from behind Serah*

"Hey, Serah. Look at the Moon, it is almost full, I wonder if the school is going to "Change" Tonight or Tomorrow. We had better watch the Moon Phases So we can go investigate this "Yomi" Place alright!?"

"Alright Pierce, but, shouldn't we take a weapon to protect ourselves if we encounter an actual monster?" Serah asked

Pierce gave a determined response, "Yeah, you're good with a Sword, and I have a javelin in my garage from last year's pole vault. I can use that."

Serah Smilled, "Lets get a plan ready alright?"

Pierce nodded.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:20:05 27/01/2013 by Crescent Wing
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#27 Posted: 01:13:30 27/01/2013
Ooc: What would his guardian be? Any ideas?
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#28 Posted: 01:25:09 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC : um lets see, he is Emperor, so maybe :
First form is : Overlord
Then the second could be : Principal or Principality?
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#29 Posted: 03:30:09 27/01/2013
ooc: got mine thanks for the help Crescent

Name : Darkness
Age : 17
Gender : Female
Arcana : Moon
Guardians : Umbra > Seth
Weapon : black bow with purple design with black arrows with red designs
Guardian's Element : dark
Guardian's Weakness(es) : light
Guardian's Resistance (Only for second forms) : dark
Appearance : Posted Image: [User Posted Image]
Backstory (Can be vague) : she was made fun of and treated badly in her hometown so she came to guardian schools

AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:30:39 27/01/2013 by Vikky J
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#30 Posted: 03:31:26 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Okay, we just started and great character, accepted, and you are welcome : )
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#31 Posted: 03:32:01 27/01/2013
ooc: yayz wher do i start?
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#32 Posted: 03:36:39 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC : Well Serah and Pierce are going home but when the school day starts tomorrow you can jump in : )
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#33 Posted: 03:38:31 27/01/2013
ooc: and that is when?
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#34 Posted: 03:41:17 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Right now lol.

Serah and Pierce had gone to the Co-ed Dorm to rest.

The Time is now Morning, and people are walking to the school.

Serah and Pierce see a girl (Darkness)

"Excuse me. Are you the new girl here?" Serah asked while walking on the path to school.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#35 Posted: 03:43:08 27/01/2013
"Uh yeah why?" Darkness said.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#36 Posted: 03:44:19 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
"Nice to meet you, Im Serah, and this is Pierce." Serah said all cheery, "Whats your name?"

"Pleasure." Pierce said smiling at Darkness.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#37 Posted: 03:45:04 27/01/2013
"I'm Darkness" Darkness said
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#38 Posted: 03:47:54 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
"Hey, sorry to bring this up, but have you heard of the rumor of the school transforming into a gate into the underworld?" Serah asked.

Pierce looked at Serah, "It happens every full moon, or so they say. These "Shadows" come out and attack everything in sight, and for some convenient reason, some special Off-side police force seems to cover the damage done by the monsters pretty quickly and easily. Without questions, how convenient."
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#39 Posted: 03:50:22 27/01/2013
"not really I just moved in yesterday" Darkness said
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#40 Posted: 03:53:25 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Serah smiled at Darkness, "That's okay, you will hear a lot about it soon. This school always has rumors about this transformation. Pierce and I are going to investigate, this is out of the blue, but, would you like to come with us and check it out? Pierce here has been paying close attention to the Moon Phases and in two days, there will be a full moon. So it's up to you if you wanna come."

OOC: Also, nobody has acquired there Guardian yet.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#41 Posted: 03:55:43 27/01/2013
"Hey I study moon phases too and sure I'll join you guys" Darkness said

ooc: kk
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#42 Posted: 03:58:50 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Pierce told Darkness about the dangers of the trip, "...You will need some sort of wepaon just incase we encounter any actual monsters. It will be dangerous, but we should be okay."

Serah looked at the giant clock on the corner of the street. "Uh oh, we are gonna be late, lets get going!"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#43 Posted: 04:00:07 27/01/2013
"I know I have a bow at home" Darkness said. She started to run to the school.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#44 Posted: 04:05:17 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Time lapses will be used a lot so, just forewarning you.

It was the end of the school day. Serah and Pierce found Darkness and asked her a question

"This is sudden but, would you like to live with us at our Dorm? There are plenty of rooms and we could always use more company, it is just us and a friend of ours named Saffron." Serah asked. "It won't cost much, only 1600 Yen every two months, (which is about $160 every 60 Days) I mean, it's your call, the headmaster of it can make it work with your parents if you want to. Here is the address though."

Serah hands Darkness a piece of paper with the address and Serah and Pierce's phone numbers.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#45 Posted: 04:06:35 27/01/2013
"Yeah I'll have to get some stuff from my house" Darkness said.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#46 Posted: 04:08:37 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Serah was suprised, "Wow, you want to move in that quick? Alright, I can help you move some stuff if you want?"

Serah started to walk home with Darkness.

Pierce had stayed at the school to practice his spear skills for the upcoming trip to "Yomi"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#47 Posted: 04:09:59 27/01/2013
"Well it won't be a whole lot of stuff but you could help me pack" Darkness said as she unlocked the door to her house and went inside.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#48 Posted: 04:12:30 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Serah had stepped inside and wiped her feet.

"Of course I can help you pack : ) "

Serah had helped Darkness pack. "We should be heading back to the Dorm soon, it is getting pretty late. Do you have everything?"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#49 Posted: 04:13:40 27/01/2013
Name: Raquelle(Rocky)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Arcana: Judgement
Guardians: Jessica > Marianne
Weapon: A dark red sword with a golden dragon engraved in it
Guardians element: Light and Dark
Guardians Weakness(es): Electricity
Guardians Resistance: Light
Appearance: [User Posted Image](credit to artist)
Backstory: Rocky wanted to try something new, so she came to the Guardian Schools, and is new. She likes to make friends, but they always seem to leave her... always

~ Nami One-Trick ~
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:15:50 27/01/2013 by Cynderluv8801
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#50 Posted: 04:16:22 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC : Accpeted, just make sure to add a weapon, and also, nobody has a Guardian yet. You can join tomorrow which starts soon.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
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