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Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#25901 Posted: 13:58:48 26/01/2024
I knooooowww ;_ ; something something, youtubers stop being creepy challenge (level impossible)
we were playing along fine with the 'learned about sex at 20' jokes, because it gave a youthful side to the bits. Knowing it was all a lie is disgusting
(What I need is never what I want)
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2733
#25902 Posted: 11:58:07 27/01/2024
Quote: Jaggedstar
omg it’s my birthday

i feel


heeeeeeey happy birthday i hope you had a really cool day!
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25903 Posted: 23:15:24 27/01/2024
hit that yoinky sploinky
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25904 Posted: 01:04:20 29/01/2024
i find the discourse over nepo babies in Hollywood really stupid and silly.

while yes, nepotism in the business world can lead to unfair disadvantages to qualified workers. acting is inherently pay to win and mostly luck. just like singing, dancing, or any creative talent. having parents in the industry with resources will lead to better talent than those born in lower-income families. while this may sound like a clear case of a classist division that is because it is. actors born in families with resources that allow them to have better acting coaches will inherently be better actors. plus just because you're a nepobaby, does not you are treated differently. the girl in stranger things quit the show because of sexual harassment for example.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25905 Posted: 22:08:31 29/01/2024
anyways heres my random analysis of the movie 500 days of summer.

500 days of summer is probably one of my favorite movies and is one I recommend to a lot of people. at first glance it looks like a pretty generic romcom but I think it is one of the smartest movies ever made and is more of a reflection of the directors views on dating rather than telling a love story. in fact the movie literally tells you that it is not a love story in the beginning narration.

however, love is a very interesting subject because as people we are constantly told growing up by media and family members that love is our main goal in life. movies for example always has the guy chasing the girl, and adults are constantly asking teenagers about their love lives for some reason. its just an easy concept to understand. however, the way love is explained this way is super different compared to real life. why? because just like movies, we only see relationships in one pov.

the nice guy is a trope that many people know but also a trope that many people don't realize they are portraying themselves in the real world. the girl they crush on or date is always the perfect person in their eyes as they create a mental image of how people should be and act. however, this way of thinking is inherently not that great when it comes to communication because those mental perceptions we have for people are not always 1 for 1. in fact they may be completely inaccurate. we as humans see ourselves as the main character of our story. everyone around us is either a supporting cast member or a villain. think about this way. when someone breaks your heart or disagrees with your opinion, you kinda just blame them for being a bad guy. never really once considering why they think that way or why they did things to you. its just an easy way to put blame off of yourself for why you might be in the wrong. its easier to blame others than actually blaming yourself.

500 days of summer is one of the most accurate coming of age stories to ever exist in movies in my opinion. why? because after watching this movie, you will either feel 2 ways. tom is the hero and summer is a slut who lead him on. or summer is innocent and tom is a a nice guy. you are more likely gonna feel the former of the statement due to the movie taking place with tom's pov. you only see summer through his eyes. the only time you don't see summer through the lense of tom is the narrator telling you that summer is just an ordinary girl. nothing really special. however, when tom describes summer she is the most perfect human being ever, as he describes her physical appearance to be her most attractive features.

there were many signs in the movie that are clearly put in place to show you the audience that this movie all takes place in tom's pov. for starters, summer constantly mentions that she does not want a serious relationship. she says it many times but tom kinda ignores it. the relationship these two have is very one sided with tom wanting more than summer. which is why when summer breaks up with tom, tom says that he should have a say in it too. but why should one party decide that? summer wasn't really leading him on. summer just didn't see the relationship that tom wanted. which is why tom feels as if she betrayed him and led him on. summer as a person was different to the summer in tom's head. hell, hit girl or tom's sister tells him that it was stupid to fall in love with a girl because their only interest was listening to the smiths.

while the manic pixie dream girl trope is something we make fun of when it appears in movies, such as romana flowers in scott pilgrim. we are all victims of it when it comes to us maturing. we don't really see our crushes or partners as people when we start dating. some people believe that they are lonely because of not having a partner and getting a significant other will help end that feeling. however, most of the time, when these people get into a relationship they stay insecure and don't get everything they want out of it. they never see their partner as another human being. sure every so often they think about how they feel. but what really matters more to them is how they feel. i have seen many people go on about how their partners are acting unfairly and why they were treated wrong. but you never really hear about the person complaining reflect on their actions and why it could have possibly made others upset.

when tom breaks up with summer and goes on a rant about why she sucks, its only the physical appearance of summer he comments on. tom never really cared about summer as a person and her feelings. the expectation and reality scene is iconic because for the first time in the movie, it shows tom's fantasy and real life. this is the first time in the movie where you get to see toms pov and life's pov. I'm sure we all imagine what our imaginary future looks like and being disappointed that it didn't happen. this scene is one of the most relatable scenes in the movie, because we have all witnessed this happen in our lives. it doesn't even have to be in romance. it can be with potential jobs, friends, life altering events, etc. we all fantasize a life where we are the main character.

our struggles aren't real. this may sound hyperbolic but obviously this doesn't reflect those with cancer or actual depression. this is for people who see themselves as the victim of something minor in the grand scheme of things. the point of this movie is that life happens. and its ok to feel sad when you are sad because that's just life. but the way you see life may be different from how others see life. and nothing can change it. so even if you're ex was a **** person, or your friend did something really bad. just move on. just like the movie 500 days of summer. there's no villains in this story. unless its like hitler
movies pretty good go watch it :)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:43:37 29/01/2024 by somePerson
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25906 Posted: 03:44:51 31/01/2024
lets all be real and just say nobody just have billions of dollars, that's just ridiculous.
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9488
#25907 Posted: 21:42:15 01/02/2024
I don’t get why being hungry makes me feel nauseous sometimes. Like, really, body? Your genius plan to tell me you need food is… to give me a feeling that makes me not want to eat anything?
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
#25908 Posted: 09:15:27 02/02/2024
We are so close to being able to live and function entirely at home. The only thing we are missing is building immunity to illness and disease...

I cannot wait for there to be, like, injectable illnesses that one can order off Amazon... lol.
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8244
#25909 Posted: 13:36:19 02/02/2024
i love an avatar change. good for the soul.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2981
#25910 Posted: 21:22:19 02/02/2024
Love seeing some strange Twitter drama between 15 year olds come up on my feed. Gives me huge darkSpyro nostalgia.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25911 Posted: 00:13:12 03/02/2024

Movie analysis exercise
Scene is very blue which was a prevalent hue in the movie whenever I went in scenes that took place in cities. Notice how artificial and neon I am as soon as I see the big giant naked lady. Neon lights can be used to create vibrant and saturated colors that are artificial and manufactured. like how ads that we see in the real world are flashy and loud. wide shot of me looking at a giant naked red woman. she is full of color. i am mostly dark colors of black. cuts to a long shot of literally my face. the front is full of color of pinks and reds. behind me is all black and blue. wide shot of the giant woman on one half of the screen. One side can represent the lies that we live in as we become products for artificial happiness. the other side can represent the truth and how bleak life is. As the lady leaves back to her sign my face loses color. It goes from a bright red hue to a dark blue. The lights were never real. My love was never real. With her I'm just someone pretending to not be lonely. Without her, I am still just as lonely. In fact without the lighting around me starts to get darker and darker as I finally accept how I am alone I am. I start to get more real. The movie then cuts to the sign advertising Joi. She is everything I want and need. But I never had it. I just wanted it.
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25912 Posted: 05:27:43 03/02/2024
girlies is it gay to kiss your homies goodnight right on the lips <3 (it is. do it <3 )
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#25913 Posted: 02:24:31 05/02/2024
Aaaaa I love when listening to the lyrics of a song triggers very specific visuals of a scene I have yet to write in my book, but regardless it slams me right into a writing mood. One day this novel will be complete and I will inflict my angsty characters upon the world! Nobody will stop me!
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25914 Posted: 15:04:33 05/02/2024
ranking edgar wright movies

  1. baby driver
  2. hot fuzz
  3. scott pilgrim
  4. shaun of the dead
  5. the worlds end
  6. last night in soho
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:05:03 05/02/2024 by somePerson
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9488
#25915 Posted: 23:14:46 05/02/2024
The Disney+ Percy Jackson show is pretty okay.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
#25916 Posted: 05:18:52 06/02/2024
Sometimes I look back at my old posts I made here, and... Oh, goodness. I am so sorry for anyone who interacted with me before 2017. Then again, I was pretty bad until ~2020... >w>;
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2981
#25917 Posted: 00:24:05 07/02/2024
When I played Persona 3 eons ago I thought Akihiko was mid but now with the re-release I kind of love him.

Quote: somePerson
ranking edgar wright movies

  1. baby driver
  2. hot fuzz
  3. scott pilgrim
  4. shaun of the dead
  5. the worlds end
  6. last night in soho

Last night in soho was good until the ghosties smilie.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25918 Posted: 14:38:56 07/02/2024
Quote: skylandersfan60
When I played Persona 3 eons ago I thought Akihiko was mid but now with the re-release I kind of love him.

Quote: somePerson
ranking edgar wright movies

  1. baby driver
  2. hot fuzz
  3. scott pilgrim
  4. shaun of the dead
  5. the worlds end
  6. last night in soho

Last night in soho was good until the ghosties smilie.

I love the persona 3 remake so much. I love fuuka so much in this game. Probably bias because I met the VA at a con. I love akihikos va because I use to watch his DBZ videos. But I don't think his deep voice matches akihikos.

Last night on Soho had a cool premise but it was more style or substance. It's falls in the second half because it. Idk I forgot why it got meh. I think it was the cgi zombie ghosts

Poor things is probably one of the best cinematic experience I had ever. The movie is just so weird and freshly absurd that it made me feel both uncomfortable and joy. Each shot of the movie has unique visual and techniques to make you feel drunk or high while the music adds uncomfortable keys that don't sound quite right. It's also a pretty good feminist movie that challenges the ideas of how men control and have a role with women in society. It's like barbie but instead of introducing the patriarchy it actually challenges it.

Anyways here's my analysis from memory of poor things written during my lunch break.
poor things is almovie that challenges the ideas of feminism from a satirical stand point. Sex for example is at first seen as the start of the lost of innocence in a woman. You can see this because the movie is in black and white while Bella is in a childlike stage of development. However the movie brutally cuts to her riding a dick in full color.
The movie than progressively gets more and more saturated the more dicks bella has inside of her.

When bella discovers rubbing her clit she is amazed with the feeling of joy and happiness that comes with it. She shows off this talent to others and is quickly told that it was not polite to do that. This is the start of the introduction of social norms and men declaring the rules that affect women. After this bella meets the hulk and is promised to see the world and escaping the green goblins house. The green goblins agrees that is that time to let bella develop into woman hood on her own. Introducing the next stage of development which is self exploration.

After bella has tons of sex with the hulk she doesn't really see it as a way to connect with others. She only has sex for selfish reasons. For example when the hulk finds out that bella let a dude lick her clit he gets outraged thinking about how she was suppose to be for him and him only. Bella thought nothing of this and didn't really seem to care for hulk having a nervous breakdown. Because the ideas of sex being for connection was foreign to her. Hulk however promised the idea of escapism but in reality just wanted to trap bella with him for sexual pleasures only. This is very similar to most male ppvs when it comes to feminism. Do they really want women to be more free and optimistic? Or just agreeing because they want something in return?

After this bella is kidnapped by hulk and is on a boat with him. Now she can no longer run away from hulk and discover the world like before. Bella learns quite a bit from this exchange such as cynicism and children dying. And just like any college age girl bella feels the need to help them out because suffering is bad. She is also just as helpful when it comes to causes because she blindly agrees to giving all of the hulks money to random dudes who said they will give the money to the poor. We still see this today with literally most charities.

Bella the goes to Paris and this is when she finally has sex that isn't with the hulk. In fact I don't remember them having it in the boat at all. Bella needs to make a living somehow and still sees sex as an experience that can only make people happy. She soon joins a whore house to make money while also doing her favorite thing in the world. This movie sets 2 opinions when it comes to sex work. It can be seen as both a negative and positive view of the profession. Yes it can be empowering towards women as seen with Bella taking advantage of men for her self gain. But then you get a scene of bella finally not liking sex. She starts to not feel as happy compared to having it with the hulk or others. Her pimp then tells bella that sex work is great because it empowers women and encourages her to do it more. For self gain of course because the pump has a child and uses the money to help keep them alive. This is the other point that the movie gives. Sure sex work can be empowering. But who's started this idea and movement? Was it women doing it? Or was it men encouraging the idea for their own gain and sexual pleasure? Do men only support sex work because they can get something out of it?

In fact the movie challenges the idea of being uncomfortable a lot during Bella's prostitution era. She has sex with a father for example who is trying to teach his kids how to please a woman. This scene is played for laughs but it's also quite unsettling. The idea of kids watching sex is very weird but it does happen to most children with Internet access. Hell bella for example is quite literally a child in a grown woman's body. The idea of her having sex is also quite weird and unsettling. Are we uncomfortable because it's natural? Or because we are conditioned to feel this way? Similar to how men make the rules for women in society. Are we suppose to feel empowered because it's natural to feel this way? Or do men only want us to feel empowered because it helps them in the long run?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:38:49 07/02/2024 by somePerson
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25919 Posted: 20:20:01 08/02/2024
i love my neopets so much
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
#25920 Posted: 07:39:26 09/02/2024
holy snap good thing i checked on my dragcave account i would have almost killed a dragon egg ;w;
(i am sick and tired i am not using proper grammar rn apologies this is how i talk literally anywhere else lol;;; )
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25921 Posted: 19:34:06 12/02/2024
self care. what a concept !
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25922 Posted: 19:44:00 12/02/2024
every mr beast

ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#25923 Posted: 14:30:50 17/02/2024
Holy fucjing **** I’m at the start of learning basic html and already I’m looking at the way you link things in here complexly differently holy ****
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25924 Posted: 23:38:30 17/02/2024
Quote: ThunderEgg
Holy fucjing **** I’m at the start of learning basic html and already I’m looking at the way you link things in here complexly differently holy ****

< a >URL here< /a > for url by itself or
< a href="URL here">text here< /a > for url with hyperlink text

you can go kinda crazy if you want and do something dumb like
< a href="URL here" style="color: orange; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">text here< /a >

to make it orange and arial. you can also put it in a table to make it pretty

HTML is basically what we do on darkspyro with bbcode but a little more mature. coding is tedious but now we have technology like chatgpt and github copilot if you need help
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 15:01:17 19/02/2024 by somePerson
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25925 Posted: 18:27:02 19/02/2024
pesona 3 reloaded dropping peak music
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25926 Posted: 21:53:10 19/02/2024
oh good someone who despises mr beast as much as i do :3
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25927 Posted: 03:49:33 21/02/2024
Had the option of watching either amélie or Madame web. Amalie was really good and made me want to be an autistic French girl

overwatch has been out for almost a decade and tank players still don't understand they're not suppose to stay on the payload
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:26:16 22/02/2024 by somePerson
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25928 Posted: 14:48:16 26/02/2024
If you say Corpo outside of the game cyberpunk 2077 you are weird
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25929 Posted: 20:16:35 26/02/2024
new splatoon dlc has me going crazysillyinsane owo
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25930 Posted: 20:39:54 27/02/2024
Yukari is op af in reloaded. She gets a full party charge and heals at a huge discount.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8244
#25931 Posted: 07:19:30 28/02/2024
i can be really funny online (not kissing my own star i’ve been told this many times in many digital places) but why can’t i be like this irl </3
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#25932 Posted: 14:24:35 28/02/2024
Quote: Jaggedstar
i can be really funny online (not kissing my own star i’ve been told this many times in many digital places) but why can’t i be like this irl </3

writing gives buffer for your brain to funny, talking is hard
(What I need is never what I want)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#25933 Posted: 13:46:36 29/02/2024
First time around other transes in a while due to being so busy. Fellow Trans people. I love you
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25934 Posted: 01:23:28 02/03/2024
Hasan whos dad is a billionaire and has had connections to the young Turks complaining about streaming being a sould sucking job whwrw he walks away from a computer to eat while putting up a video he doesn't own
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#25935 Posted: 14:17:34 05/03/2024
I’m either impressed or terriefied that despite the amount of bots on this forum I’ve rarely seen any of them post

Edit: context is I’m on another forum that’s had some bot weirdness and I’ve noticed it in other places
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:18:43 05/03/2024 by ThunderEgg
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2981
#25936 Posted: 03:01:51 06/03/2024
All of our posts are getting scraped by the bots to be analyzed by future generations.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25937 Posted: 03:19:50 06/03/2024
Ok I got into a rabbit hole for persona 3 reloaded and people hating the game for not having the female protag. Here's my strawman to why she wasn't in it

1) continuity: the game was always the blue hair guys story. She's canon in q2 sure. But in the game nobody from sees knows her and they kinda just say that she's just the blue hair guy but like different. And also if you play the game she's from a different universe and the sees in persona q don't know her and reload is the new canon game maybe idk.

2) p3 reloaded is a remake of p3: there's no answer (yet) and no femc. However this remake does include features from the different versions of p3. But only the main campaign. Not the bonuses.

3) budget: this is the main thing really. Why spend money and time on her. It's not just a model swap too. This is how you know persona fans don't play persona. They think a model swap is fine or how the answer was part of the original game. Including the femc would have to have a model, additional anime scenes, voice acting, more voice acting for her new social links, UI changes to have a new aesthetic, music, recreating her visual novel exclusive scenes into cutscenes, getting more lines from other voice actors to say her instead of him, and the worst one... Sacrificing funds for a niche feature. I see people reply with the stupid strawman of "atlus is an indie company stop bootlicking". Atlus has persona 6 and metaphor. Game companies don't work on just one game dummies. it's not sexism because a game doesn't appeal to you

4) if persona 6 has a woman main character that would be pretty cool
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:38:08 06/03/2024 by somePerson
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25938 Posted: 23:54:47 07/03/2024

Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9488
#25939 Posted: 23:59:25 08/03/2024
Whenever I go to sleep for the night, I can feel all the built up soreness in my feet from walking around that day catch up to me. I wish I knew why.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2733
#25940 Posted: 02:43:30 09/03/2024
international womens day today so i drew some cool art my fav female character as normal but this time it came out pretty cool. my art is pretty much always technically professionally done but not always technically cool.
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25941 Posted: 04:44:32 16/03/2024

random super technical persona remix
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25942 Posted: 21:30:14 17/03/2024
i have done mostly nothing during my break which is exactly what i set out to do.
brain has reached full meltage, finally.
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25943 Posted: 21:54:03 17/03/2024
learning logs in my cybersecurity job pretty epic stuff
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25944 Posted: 23:35:59 20/03/2024
i was. not prepared to come back to uni work after the break.
my brain hurts :3 /agony
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25945 Posted: 01:03:08 24/03/2024
burnt out on ff7 rebirth. the open world is just so boring
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8244
#25946 Posted: 01:55:13 24/03/2024
Quote: LeewweewoowheeH
Quote: Jaggedstar
omg it’s my birthday

i feel


heeeeeeey happy birthday i hope you had a really cool day!

Omfg I did not see this I am so sorry smilie thank you ml i actually had a hot day bc I spent it in Australia smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25947 Posted: 00:38:33 27/03/2024
real human bean.............................................
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#25948 Posted: 16:24:34 27/03/2024


my yearly pop-in is successful, i suppose
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:26:45 27/03/2024 by derpyhooves
ArisaArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 680
#25949 Posted: 05:04:31 31/03/2024

top ten things stuck in my head forever
drink water, get some sleep, take care of yourself.
SHE/THEY, sillygoofy, doing my darndest.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9103
#25950 Posted: 16:39:41 31/03/2024
Tomorrow the site dies
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