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could this game be... [CLOSED]
spyroblack Gold Sparx Gems: 2961
#1 Posted: 00:41:01 26/07/2008 | Topic Creator
AWSOME THE GREATEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spyroblack Gold Sparx Gems: 2961
#2 Posted: 00:41:21 26/07/2008 | Topic Creator
Axel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1975
#3 Posted: 02:07:12 26/07/2008
Wanna go for a ride?
dark_fury912 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3836
#4 Posted: 02:30:44 26/07/2008
Gonna be the first awsome game on my list smilie
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#5 Posted: 04:20:31 26/07/2008
You tricked me with the title smilie. I thought it was gonna be something about the rating. But yes, I do!
You kicked who in the what now?
AntauriWolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1248
#6 Posted: 04:46:07 26/07/2008
I do believe that this game will be the most popular in the Spyro series, aside from the original series.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#7 Posted: 05:02:27 26/07/2008
I hope it will be released around the first of October in the US like ANB and TEN.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Last edited at 05:02:56 26/07/2008 by Aura24
AntauriWolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1248
#8 Posted: 05:31:27 26/07/2008
As long as it's released in October, then I'm fine. Even though I'm not going to get the game as soon as its released, I'll be happy having the thought that the coolest Spyro game ever was released on my birth month.
Last edited at 05:32:38 26/07/2008 by AntauriWolf
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#9 Posted: 06:21:40 26/07/2008
I'll probably get it a month later than you guys smilie. Worst thing about living down-under!
You kicked who in the what now?
Phantom 69 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1624
#10 Posted: 11:36:10 26/07/2008
Between Insomniac's, A Hero's Tail, and this one. Those will be the greatest Spyro games.
T.E.O.M.E.I.M.F.: The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend.
Dark_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1723
#11 Posted: 13:19:34 26/07/2008
I'm sure this game is going to the best of ALL of the 13 Spyro games and their versions! I so excited about Cynder being a Playeble character! And most of all, Flying anywhere and anytime you want! I always wished, that this ability would appear is the Spyro series.
I'll probably get it on my Birthday, if it'll be released in October smilie
Axel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1975
#12 Posted: 15:16:33 26/07/2008
Wanna go for a ride?
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#13 Posted: 16:02:00 26/07/2008
I don't think any future Spyro games will ever be better than the first three.Like they say,you can't beat the originals.

My opinion?This game does look awesome.I'm pretty sure I'll love it.smilie
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Rexy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1313
#14 Posted: 16:22:13 26/07/2008
Mewnaphy has a point - there's no way that any future title would potentially blow Insomniac's foundations out of the water. But I'm telling you now, the titles since then have improved on each other bit by bit since the plunge with Enter the Dragonfly smilie
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#15 Posted: 16:25:03 26/07/2008
^Yep.I'm actaully one of the few people who likes EtD.X)AHT is Ok(the dialog wasn't very good....>>).Shadow Legacy wasn't bad,just...seemed a bit rushed.ANB and TEN are the best games since the first three.
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#16 Posted: 16:29:28 26/07/2008
This game might get poor ratings, if you are intrested in what I think.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#17 Posted: 16:33:56 26/07/2008
if your going to be like that then your a negitive person and i don't really want to hear what you think. be positive! smilie
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#18 Posted: 17:49:08 26/07/2008
This is going to be the best Spyro game in history. smilie
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#19 Posted: 18:01:10 26/07/2008
Trust me, I've seen better.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#20 Posted: 20:35:57 26/07/2008
and? do we want to hear you complain about it when lots are looking forward to this?
spyroking16 Blue Sparx Gems: 776
#21 Posted: 23:25:29 26/07/2008
I don't.
Embrace The Darkness
HyperShadow Red Sparx Gems: 74
#22 Posted: 23:26:13 26/07/2008
Quote: Aang
I'll probably get it a month later than you guys smilie. Worst thing about living down-under!

I do too, so I know how you feel.

Though I'm quite happy coz my b-day is in November
help my dragons hatch?
(I don't know how to make it a click-url, plz tell me if you know smilie )
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#23 Posted: 23:31:17 26/07/2008
Quote: Tango
and? do we want to hear you complain about it when lots are looking forward to this?

Well,try not to get too hyped up for it,just in case if it somehow turns out a disappointment.I'm not saying it will be,but there could be a chance.
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Bromtherider Ripto Gems: 32
#24 Posted: 03:12:55 27/07/2008
I actually think those who "complain" do so because they genuinely love Spyro and want to better the franchise beyond what it currently is.

The best game ever? Hardly so. Spyro is light fluff; to call it anything but would be like comparing Inheritance to Lord of the Rings. In my mind, there are a few key elements from three very popular franchises that, combined, could make Spyro a titan in the video gaming world. The franchises I have in mind are Halo, Metal Gear Solid, and God of War.
Halo: this game is a smorgasbord for fans of co-op gameplay and it features a fairly simplistic storyline. The multiple maps (nerd talk for areas) provide a wide array of terrains for “capture the flag” type multiplayer action.

God of War: one of the most gratuitously violent games I have ever seen, and that I think is the appeal here. Blood and gore + scantily clad women + larger-than-life bosses (Hydra, for example) = unforgettable gaming experience.

Metal Gear: purely storyline driven, this series has recently come to its conclusion with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Here we have a widely varied cast and a new threat in each videogame with a single underlying storyline. The use of several themes, such as pacifism and the dangers of nuclear weapons as well as the futility of war, which helps give each game a strong focus.

Now what does Dawn of the Dragon need to take the title? It has variety in spades judging from the screenshots plus the gameplay from the Elijah Wood interview. The answer is simple: variety. The horrendous monotony of head butting and torching ape after ape after ape with fire, lightning, ice, or earth eventually causes one to developed a glazed over look in the eye until the next cutscene. There’s got to be more species and or races in Spyro’s world than simple apes. You say, “But Brom, look, Metal Gear has a consistent enemy: the metal gears!” Yes, true, but there are multiple variations of metal gears, some more android-like while others have a more organic-looking design. There’s a large number of creatures in Spyro’s world (I’m sure) that could serve as enemies.

At least The Eternal Night introduced the hounds and A New Beginning had the occasional elementals. But when you get right down to it, these are merely inhabitants of the world where the game takes place, not truly minions of the Dark Master. Now let us look to the Covenant, those aliens from the Halo series. Their cause seems to be a reflection of the religious jihads the Muslims are/were waging against the United States after September 11th. This allows for the development of a deep, complex background and hierarchy. Yet we have none of this for the apes; we’re expected to believe them “teh ebul” and kill them on sight. We know nothing of their customs, beliefs, or traditions. In short, they’re fodder when a well-developed history could make them a unique and interesting enemy.

We can apply the same argument to the Kings we faced in A New Beginning. As for the enemies Dawn of the Dragon introduces, I will remain silent and give my jurisdiction after playing the game. Yet another of the prerequisites it appears that Dawn of the Dragon will have is the larger-than-life boss battles akin to God of War, again as seen from the Elijah Wood interview. There are even button command prompts, which is also a positive sign and a nod to God of War.

Character depth is again another essential for an intriguing game. Cynder herself is a goldmine of possibilities: What led her to serve the Dark Master’s purpose? Does she feel welcome around the Elders and Spyro? Does her knowledge that she served the game’s “ultimate ebul” prevent her from actually feeling welcomed and accepted by her dragon kindred? Why isn’t she harboring any overtly violent sentiments toward Malefor for using her? We don’t know. Again, I call it lazy storytelling on Vivendi/Sierra’s part. And Spyro: why doesn’t he question his abandonment as an egg prior to learning he was hidden for his safety? Why doesn’t he feel as if he’s being manipulated by the Elders to serve their purpose, the death of a creature—Malefor—whose evil he has no concrete evidence of in the beginning of A New Beginning? Again, lazy storytelling.

Now let’s look at Malefor. His/her mountain is certainly intimidating. But what kind of evil is Malefor responsible for? Why is Malefor evil? What is Malefor’s long term goal? To cause evil? Boring and so steeped in Saturday morning cartoons that it makes me sick. And finally, why do the Elders oppose Malefor? If they know something truly horrendous about our Dark Master, I, as a gamer and lover of good storylines, sure as heck would like to know.

Next, I would like to discuss the ramifications of the game’s original/rumored title of “Darkest Hour.” This implies that Malefor’s side is winning. As such, I would expect our trio to emerge from the crystal to find their world shattered. Literally. The dragon temple vandalized and defaced with either all or the majority of the Elders dead, their bodies hung and vandalized by Malefor’s debaucherous minions. This would solidify the threat Spyro faces, despite the momentous folly the former developers made in crafting an essentially two dimensional black and white world.

A subject of many fanfictions is the Spyro/Cynder pairing which, and this is quite frankly sad to say, is much better done in fanfictions than in the actually games. Being that Spyro and Cynder have matured during their time in the crystal, I hope their mannerisms reflect their aging. Spyro needs to show a greater interest in Cynder, perhaps even a nuzzling, snuggling, or kiss alluding to something more by the game’s end. He needs to think back to his time as Dark Spyro and be genuinely concerned for Cynder’s safety, perhaps wondering if she’d not be better off with Hunter as a friend and protector rather than Spyro himself.

You may call me out with the usual “but they’re made for each other!” Well to you I say that the above thoughts would be totally realistic if he really loved Cynder. He would be concerned enough about her wellbeing and carrying enough to distance himself from her if need be.

The only thing I have yet to touch on is co-op and scantily clad women. There’s ridiculously untapped potential for co-op. Look at all the characters: Spyro, Cynder, Kane, Mole-Yair, Hunter, Sparx. That’s enough to create some fun capture the flag type games with the varied environments of the game series that is sadly unexploited. Finally, the scantily clad women.

There is NO place in a Spyro game for them. However, an interesting venue for Malefor would be for him to be a glutton for things like food and pleasure, rather than straight Darth Sidious evil. The evil of excess, if you will. This is the only way I could see this element incorporated from God of War. If it were, an implication would be sufficient. They are children’s games at heart. Yet Jak and Daxter was a children’s game that took a more mature turn in its sequels, which is something I feel Spyro desperately needs.

Thank you,

Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#25 Posted: 03:15:47 27/07/2008
Well Sierra is trying to make it a like God of War...
Bromtherider Ripto Gems: 32
#26 Posted: 03:21:34 27/07/2008
That's good for gameplay, but the storyline should be tweaked to be of Metal Gear calibur. God of War, while a fun game, exchanged deep story for gore and women.
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#27 Posted: 03:48:17 27/07/2008
"Metal Gear Calibur?"
Axel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1975
#28 Posted: 04:40:53 27/07/2008
that sounds funny! smilie METAL GEAR CALIBUR!
Wanna go for a ride?
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#29 Posted: 12:37:42 27/07/2008
Quote: Bromtherider
I actually think those who "complain" do so because they genuinely love Spyro and want to better the franchise beyond what it currently is.

The best game ever? Hardly so. Spyro is light fluff; to call it anything but would be like comparing Inheritance to Lord of the Rings. In my mind, there are a few key elements from three very popular franchises that, combined, could make Spyro a titan in the video gaming world. The franchises I have in mind are Halo, Metal Gear Solid, and God of War.
Halo: this game is a smorgasbord for fans of co-op gameplay and it features a fairly simplistic storyline. The multiple maps (nerd talk for areas) provide a wide array of terrains for “capture the flag” type multiplayer action.

God of War: one of the most gratuitously violent games I have ever seen, and that I think is the appeal here. Blood and gore + scantily clad women + larger-than-life bosses (Hydra, for example) = unforgettable gaming experience.

Metal Gear: purely storyline driven, this series has recently come to its conclusion with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Here we have a widely varied cast and a new threat in each videogame with a single underlying storyline. The use of several themes, such as pacifism and the dangers of nuclear weapons as well as the futility of war, which helps give each game a strong focus.

Now what does Dawn of the Dragon need to take the title? It has variety in spades judging from the screenshots plus the gameplay from the Elijah Wood interview. The answer is simple: variety. The horrendous monotony of head butting and torching ape after ape after ape with fire, lightning, ice, or earth eventually causes one to developed a glazed over look in the eye until the next cutscene. There’s got to be more species and or races in Spyro’s world than simple apes. You say, “But Brom, look, Metal Gear has a consistent enemy: the metal gears!” Yes, true, but there are multiple variations of metal gears, some more android-like while others have a more organic-looking design. There’s a large number of creatures in Spyro’s world (I’m sure) that could serve as enemies.

At least The Eternal Night introduced the hounds and A New Beginning had the occasional elementals. But when you get right down to it, these are merely inhabitants of the world where the game takes place, not truly minions of the Dark Master. Now let us look to the Covenant, those aliens from the Halo series. Their cause seems to be a reflection of the religious jihads the Muslims are/were waging against the United States after September 11th. This allows for the development of a deep, complex background and hierarchy. Yet we have none of this for the apes; we’re expected to believe them “teh ebul” and kill them on sight. We know nothing of their customs, beliefs, or traditions. In short, they’re fodder when a well-developed history could make them a unique and interesting enemy.

We can apply the same argument to the Kings we faced in A New Beginning. As for the enemies Dawn of the Dragon introduces, I will remain silent and give my jurisdiction after playing the game. Yet another of the prerequisites it appears that Dawn of the Dragon will have is the larger-than-life boss battles akin to God of War, again as seen from the Elijah Wood interview. There are even button command prompts, which is also a positive sign and a nod to God of War.

Character depth is again another essential for an intriguing game. Cynder herself is a goldmine of possibilities: What led her to serve the Dark Master’s purpose? Does she feel welcome around the Elders and Spyro? Does her knowledge that she served the game’s “ultimate ebul” prevent her from actually feeling welcomed and accepted by her dragon kindred? Why isn’t she harboring any overtly violent sentiments toward Malefor for using her? We don’t know. Again, I call it lazy storytelling on Vivendi/Sierra’s part. And Spyro: why doesn’t he question his abandonment as an egg prior to learning he was hidden for his safety? Why doesn’t he feel as if he’s being manipulated by the Elders to serve their purpose, the death of a creature—Malefor—whose evil he has no concrete evidence of in the beginning of A New Beginning? Again, lazy storytelling.

Now let’s look at Malefor. His/her mountain is certainly intimidating. But what kind of evil is Malefor responsible for? Why is Malefor evil? What is Malefor’s long term goal? To cause evil? Boring and so steeped in Saturday morning cartoons that it makes me sick. And finally, why do the Elders oppose Malefor? If they know something truly horrendous about our Dark Master, I, as a gamer and lover of good storylines, sure as heck would like to know.

Next, I would like to discuss the ramifications of the game’s original/rumored title of “Darkest Hour.” This implies that Malefor’s side is winning. As such, I would expect our trio to emerge from the crystal to find their world shattered. Literally. The dragon temple vandalized and defaced with either all or the majority of the Elders dead, their bodies hung and vandalized by Malefor’s debaucherous minions. This would solidify the threat Spyro faces, despite the momentous folly the former developers made in crafting an essentially two dimensional black and white world.

A subject of many fanfictions is the Spyro/Cynder pairing which, and this is quite frankly sad to say, is much better done in fanfictions than in the actually games. Being that Spyro and Cynder have matured during their time in the crystal, I hope their mannerisms reflect their aging. Spyro needs to show a greater interest in Cynder, perhaps even a nuzzling, snuggling, or kiss alluding to something more by the game’s end. He needs to think back to his time as Dark Spyro and be genuinely concerned for Cynder’s safety, perhaps wondering if she’d not be better off with Hunter as a friend and protector rather than Spyro himself.

You may call me out with the usual “but they’re made for each other!” Well to you I say that the above thoughts would be totally realistic if he really loved Cynder. He would be concerned enough about her wellbeing and carrying enough to distance himself from her if need be.

The only thing I have yet to touch on is co-op and scantily clad women. There’s ridiculously untapped potential for co-op. Look at all the characters: Spyro, Cynder, Kane, Mole-Yair, Hunter, Sparx. That’s enough to create some fun capture the flag type games with the varied environments of the game series that is sadly unexploited. Finally, the scantily clad women.

There is NO place in a Spyro game for them. However, an interesting venue for Malefor would be for him to be a glutton for things like food and pleasure, rather than straight Darth Sidious evil. The evil of excess, if you will. This is the only way I could see this element incorporated from God of War. If it were, an implication would be sufficient. They are children’s games at heart. Yet Jak and Daxter was a children’s game that took a more mature turn in its sequels, which is something I feel Spyro desperately needs.

Thank you,


you are REALLY negative, but you have a point. but i still belive that this new game will fix up the story line, there's no good in saying this won't make it because the others didn't.
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5918
#30 Posted: 12:41:12 27/07/2008
Quote: Bromtherider
I actually think those who "complain" do so because they genuinely love Spyro and want to better the franchise beyond what it currently is.

The best game ever? Hardly so. Spyro is light fluff; to call it anything but would be like comparing Inheritance to Lord of the Rings. In my mind, there are a few key elements from three very popular franchises that, combined, could make Spyro a titan in the video gaming world. The franchises I have in mind are Halo, Metal Gear Solid, and God of War.
Halo: this game is a smorgasbord for fans of co-op gameplay and it features a fairly simplistic storyline. The multiple maps (nerd talk for areas) provide a wide array of terrains for “capture the flag” type multiplayer action.

God of War: one of the most gratuitously violent games I have ever seen, and that I think is the appeal here. Blood and gore + scantily clad women + larger-than-life bosses (Hydra, for example) = unforgettable gaming experience.

Metal Gear: purely storyline driven, this series has recently come to its conclusion with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Here we have a widely varied cast and a new threat in each videogame with a single underlying storyline. The use of several themes, such as pacifism and the dangers of nuclear weapons as well as the futility of war, which helps give each game a strong focus.

Now what does Dawn of the Dragon need to take the title? It has variety in spades judging from the screenshots plus the gameplay from the Elijah Wood interview. The answer is simple: variety. The horrendous monotony of head butting and torching ape after ape after ape with fire, lightning, ice, or earth eventually causes one to developed a glazed over look in the eye until the next cutscene. There’s got to be more species and or races in Spyro’s world than simple apes. You say, “But Brom, look, Metal Gear has a consistent enemy: the metal gears!” Yes, true, but there are multiple variations of metal gears, some more android-like while others have a more organic-looking design. There’s a large number of creatures in Spyro’s world (I’m sure) that could serve as enemies.

At least The Eternal Night introduced the hounds and A New Beginning had the occasional elementals. But when you get right down to it, these are merely inhabitants of the world where the game takes place, not truly minions of the Dark Master. Now let us look to the Covenant, those aliens from the Halo series. Their cause seems to be a reflection of the religious jihads the Muslims are/were waging against the United States after September 11th. This allows for the development of a deep, complex background and hierarchy. Yet we have none of this for the apes; we’re expected to believe them “teh ebul” and kill them on sight. We know nothing of their customs, beliefs, or traditions. In short, they’re fodder when a well-developed history could make them a unique and interesting enemy.

We can apply the same argument to the Kings we faced in A New Beginning. As for the enemies Dawn of the Dragon introduces, I will remain silent and give my jurisdiction after playing the game. Yet another of the prerequisites it appears that Dawn of the Dragon will have is the larger-than-life boss battles akin to God of War, again as seen from the Elijah Wood interview. There are even button command prompts, which is also a positive sign and a nod to God of War.

Character depth is again another essential for an intriguing game. Cynder herself is a goldmine of possibilities: What led her to serve the Dark Master’s purpose? Does she feel welcome around the Elders and Spyro? Does her knowledge that she served the game’s “ultimate ebul” prevent her from actually feeling welcomed and accepted by her dragon kindred? Why isn’t she harboring any overtly violent sentiments toward Malefor for using her? We don’t know. Again, I call it lazy storytelling on Vivendi/Sierra’s part. And Spyro: why doesn’t he question his abandonment as an egg prior to learning he was hidden for his safety? Why doesn’t he feel as if he’s being manipulated by the Elders to serve their purpose, the death of a creature—Malefor—whose evil he has no concrete evidence of in the beginning of A New Beginning? Again, lazy storytelling.

Now let’s look at Malefor. His/her mountain is certainly intimidating. But what kind of evil is Malefor responsible for? Why is Malefor evil? What is Malefor’s long term goal? To cause evil? Boring and so steeped in Saturday morning cartoons that it makes me sick. And finally, why do the Elders oppose Malefor? If they know something truly horrendous about our Dark Master, I, as a gamer and lover of good storylines, sure as heck would like to know.

Next, I would like to discuss the ramifications of the game’s original/rumored title of “Darkest Hour.” This implies that Malefor’s side is winning. As such, I would expect our trio to emerge from the crystal to find their world shattered. Literally. The dragon temple vandalized and defaced with either all or the majority of the Elders dead, their bodies hung and vandalized by Malefor’s debaucherous minions. This would solidify the threat Spyro faces, despite the momentous folly the former developers made in crafting an essentially two dimensional black and white world.

A subject of many fanfictions is the Spyro/Cynder pairing which, and this is quite frankly sad to say, is much better done in fanfictions than in the actually games. Being that Spyro and Cynder have matured during their time in the crystal, I hope their mannerisms reflect their aging. Spyro needs to show a greater interest in Cynder, perhaps even a nuzzling, snuggling, or kiss alluding to something more by the game’s end. He needs to think back to his time as Dark Spyro and be genuinely concerned for Cynder’s safety, perhaps wondering if she’d not be better off with Hunter as a friend and protector rather than Spyro himself.

You may call me out with the usual “but they’re made for each other!” Well to you I say that the above thoughts would be totally realistic if he really loved Cynder. He would be concerned enough about her wellbeing and carrying enough to distance himself from her if need be.

The only thing I have yet to touch on is co-op and scantily clad women. There’s ridiculously untapped potential for co-op. Look at all the characters: Spyro, Cynder, Kane, Mole-Yair, Hunter, Sparx. That’s enough to create some fun capture the flag type games with the varied environments of the game series that is sadly unexploited. Finally, the scantily clad women.

There is NO place in a Spyro game for them. However, an interesting venue for Malefor would be for him to be a glutton for things like food and pleasure, rather than straight Darth Sidious evil. The evil of excess, if you will. This is the only way I could see this element incorporated from God of War. If it were, an implication would be sufficient. They are children’s games at heart. Yet Jak and Daxter was a children’s game that took a more mature turn in its sequels, which is something I feel Spyro desperately needs.

Thank you,


Why don't you write a fan-fic on how long it is?
no i will not write a signature for you
Red Acolyte Ripto Gems: 180
#31 Posted: 15:56:10 28/07/2008
Metal Gear calibur? You mean like a gun or like story quality? smilie

Hey, let me write it for you! I really like your ideas, Brom. I'll send you a PM and we can talk about it or something.
spyroking16 Blue Sparx Gems: 776
#32 Posted: 19:46:34 28/07/2008
You think this game will have good Saving Points?
Embrace The Darkness
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#33 Posted: 14:51:40 29/07/2008
not yr babe
Cuzzberry Gold Sparx Gems: 2081
#34 Posted: 17:19:30 29/07/2008
I agree, it will be a great game. I hope it will be so great that lots of ppl will buy it, then the creators will want to make more so they can get more money. Cuz I don't want this game to end or i'll be very sad, i'll ball my eyes out. Since that i've been playing these games since i was 6 or 7.
Wow... It's been awhile!smilie
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#35 Posted: 17:47:30 30/07/2008
Quote: Cuzzberry
I agree, it will be a great game. I hope it will be so great that lots of ppl will buy it, then the creators will want to make more so they can get more money. Cuz I don't want this game to end or i'll be very sad, i'll ball my eyes out. Since that i've been playing these games since i was 6 or 7.

i know me too
not yr babe
EstonianDragon Red Sparx Gems: 80
#36 Posted: 18:15:05 31/07/2008
DotD should come out in 8th October... my birthday smiliesmilie
Life is beautiful, when you can live right!
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#37 Posted: 23:31:48 31/07/2008
DOTD is the best game created in the history of forever
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#38 Posted: 13:09:30 01/08/2008
Metal Gear solid pwns Spyro's ass.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#39 Posted: 14:02:22 01/08/2008
why do you bother saying that? it only makes people angry.
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#40 Posted: 14:17:00 01/08/2008
Well its the truth ;P
AntauriWolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1248
#41 Posted: 14:47:15 01/08/2008
If that's what you think the fine. But there's no need to say it in a forum full of Spyro fans.
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#42 Posted: 15:07:23 01/08/2008
Quote: AntauriWolf
If that's what you think the fine. But there's no need to say it in a forum full of Spyro fans.

I consider myself as a Spyro fan but I just like other games better than Spyro.
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#43 Posted: 15:12:49 01/08/2008
not yr babe
SkyeTheDragon Green Sparx Gems: 469
#44 Posted: 17:22:58 01/08/2008
smilie ..
my Spyro comics!
I'm back! For now smilie
jamieque Blue Sparx Gems: 766
#45 Posted: 17:49:28 01/08/2008
I whole heartedly agree with your statement, Bromtherider. I have found myself also somewhat disappointed in the 'reboot' idea that wasn't really necessary to begin with. While I have kept the new games after buying them and beating them I have not felt like replaying them again once I win. The replay value, for me, is seriously lacking.

And considering that like you, I hate the old 'good vs. evil with no middle ground' thing. There is no such thing as purely evil and good characters or people in real life so it irritates the hell out of me to see it done in a game even if the game is about about a fictional purple hero dragon name Spyro. When I played 'Eternal Night' I wanted to see Cynder's side of the story aka play her but did they do that... nope! The old 'he/she is evil for the sake of being evil' premise is so damn tired and boring now that it makes my head ache. Whoever the story writer is for this trilogy I hope he/she gets some help for the next games because so far I am not that impressed with what I have seen so far.

The final game in trilogy I hope will address some of these mistakes but I am not going kid myself. These are same people who screwed up the original Spyro so my expectations for what they do to his quote 'new aka alterverse counterpart' are somewhat on the low scale of hope. What that means is that I will buy the game DotD but that doesn't mean I will end up liking it in the end. Either way, if they screw this up it will make no difference to me since I already have developed ideas for the future Spyro projects I am working on. As far as I am concern whatever happens in DotD will not change the events of what I have planned for my Dragon of Destiny series or any of its spinoffs - present or future and the Legacy of Ages prequels.

Thank you bromtherider for pointing out the flaws in the games.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#46 Posted: 17:52:21 01/08/2008
whatever, i don't need to see negitive comment's right now.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#47 Posted: 18:43:31 01/08/2008
Quote: jamieque
And considering that like you, I hate the old 'good vs. evil with no middle ground' thing. There is no such thing as purely evil and good characters or people in real life so it irritates the hell out of me to see it done in a game even if the game is about about a fictional purple hero dragon name Spyro.

Be realistic, who in real life ever thinks that they are not right and the other side is?

Quote: jamieque
When I played 'Eternal Night' I wanted to see Cynder's side of the story aka play her but did they do that... nope! The old 'he/she is evil for the sake of being evil' premise is so damn tired and boring now that it makes my head ache.

It did show her side, she was under the control of another being.

Quote: jamieque
The final game in trilogy I hope will address some of these mistakes but I am not going kid myself. These are same people who screwed up the original Spyro so my expectations for what they do to his quote 'new aka alterverse counterpart' are somewhat on the low scale of hope. What that means is that I will buy the game DotD but that doesn't mean I will end up liking it in the end. Either way, if they screw this up it will make no difference to me since I already have developed ideas for the future Spyro projects I am working on. As far as I am concern whatever happens in DotD will not change the events of what I have planned for my Dragon of Destiny series or any of its spinoffs - present or future and the Legacy of Ages prequels.

You might have liked had you not assumed that things were not there just because they were not directly stated.
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#48 Posted: 18:49:22 01/08/2008
Quote: Tango
whatever, i don't need to see negitive comment's right now.

Well,if there is a topic about a game being the best ever,you know there's going to be disagreements.
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#49 Posted: 19:03:01 01/08/2008
Quote: Tango
whatever, i don't need to see negitive comment's right now.

People have a right to there own opinion, like it or not.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#50 Posted: 19:07:29 01/08/2008
Quote: Bromtherider
Now what does Dawn of the Dragon need to take the title? It has variety in spades judging from the screenshots plus the gameplay from the Elijah Wood interview. The answer is simple: variety. The horrendous monotony of head butting and torching ape after ape after ape with fire, lightning, ice, or earth eventually causes one to developed a glazed over look in the eye until the next cutscene. There’s got to be more species and or races in Spyro’s world than simple apes. You say, “But Brom, look, Metal Gear has a consistent enemy: the metal gears!” Yes, true, but there are multiple variations of metal gears, some more android-like while others have a more organic-looking design. There’s a large number of creatures in Spyro’s world (I’m sure) that could serve as enemies. At least The Eternal Night introduced the hounds and A New Beginning had the occasional elementals. But when you get right down to it, these are merely inhabitants of the world where the game takes place, not truly minions of the Dark Master.

There are and you do fight some of them. The apes were what had been Malefor's army before and thus were the enemy. Now they are gone and he has something new. Up to this point he has not had much chance to get something better, being both dead and locked up.

Quote: Bromtherider
Now let us look to the Covenant, those aliens from the Halo series. Their cause seems to be a reflection of the religious jihads the Muslims are/were waging against the United States after September 11th. This allows for the development of a deep, complex background and hierarchy. Yet we have none of this for the apes; we’re expected to believe them “teh ebul” and kill them on sight. We know nothing of their customs, beliefs, or traditions. In short, they’re fodder when a well-developed history could make them a unique and interesting enemy.

And if something was trying to kill you, would you stand around and ask why?

Quote: Bromtherider
We can apply the same argument to the Kings we faced in A New Beginning. As for the enemies Dawn of the Dragon introduces, I will remain silent and give my jurisdiction after playing the game. Yet another of the prerequisites it appears that Dawn of the Dragon will have is the larger-than-life boss battles akin to God of War, again as seen from the Elijah Wood interview. There are even button command prompts, which is also a positive sign and a nod to God of War.

...or that was just for the demo. We do not know.

Quote: Bromtherider
Character depth is again another essential for an intriguing game. Cynder herself is a goldmine of possibilities: What led her to serve the Dark Master’s purpose? Does she feel welcome around the Elders and Spyro? Does her knowledge that she served the game’s “ultimate ebul” prevent her from actually feeling welcomed and accepted by her dragon kindred? Why isn’t she harboring any overtly violent sentiments toward Malefor for using her? We don’t know. Again, I call it lazy storytelling on Vivendi/Sierra’s part. And Spyro: why doesn’t he question his abandonment as an egg prior to learning he was hidden for his safety? Why doesn’t he feel as if he’s being manipulated by the Elders to serve their purpose, the death of a creature—Malefor—whose evil he has no concrete evidence of in the beginning of A New Beginning? Again, lazy storytelling.

Maybe now that she is around, but when she was off somewhere that was not possible. There is more than was in the game, there just was not a good time for it.

Quote: Bromtherider
Now let’s look at Malefor. His/her mountain is certainly intimidating. But what kind of evil is Malefor responsible for? Why is Malefor evil? What is Malefor’s long term goal? To cause evil? Boring and so steeped in Saturday morning cartoons that it makes me sick. And finally, why do the Elders oppose Malefor? If they know something truly horrendous about our Dark Master, I, as a gamer and lover of good storylines, sure as heck would like to know.

He trying to kill them is a good reason to oppose him. As to reasons for him, that was very long ago and for gotten, most likely, by all but the Chronicler. Infact, he is the only one who knows anything about purple dragons, it having been so long since the last one. And he is unlikely to tell much, as he seems like the type to not tell you more than you must know. And as to his current intent, Malefor intends to destroy the world. Why? The idea is the very reasonable assumsion given the amount of knowledge on the subject that being dead and imprisoned in a not very nice place can have negative effects on the mind.

Quote: Bromtherider
Next, I would like to discuss the ramifications of the game’s original/rumored title of “Darkest Hour.” This implies that Malefor’s side is winning. As such, I would expect our trio to emerge from the crystal to find their world shattered. Literally. The dragon temple vandalized and defaced with either all or the majority of the Elders dead, their bodies hung and vandalized by Malefor’s debaucherous minions. This would solidify the threat Spyro faces, despite the momentous folly the former developers made in crafting an essentially two dimensional black and white world.

Unless Malefor had better things to do, like destroy the world. And the title had no meaning other than something to call it while it was being worked on.

Quote: Bromtherider
The only thing I have yet to touch on is co-op and scantily clad women. There’s ridiculously untapped potential for co-op. Look at all the characters: Spyro, Cynder, Kane, Mole-Yair, Hunter, Sparx. That’s enough to create some fun capture the flag type games with the varied environments of the game series that is sadly unexploited.

It is only Cynder for this game.
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