And, unlike the others where it says "POST TIPS AND TRICKS," you can post tips and tricks if you wish, but I will also be posting tips and tricks in this topic(because the first post isn't big enough). Just make sure: if you are posting a game tip, say you are posting a game tip, put down which game the tip is for, and state the tip. Just so it is easier to separate tip and tricks from the regular comment posts. Note: Tips and tricks can be any sort of glitch/secret/easter egg that dark52 himself did not mention in any of the helpful walkthrough pages shown above this very topic. Also, I'll only be posting what I know myself, so nothing from Skylanders: Giants or from the Spyro handheld games will be in this specific post until I obtain them for myself.
Now, enough with sounding authoritative and smart, it's time for some TIPS AND TRICKS!
Spyro The Dragon
- If you would like to be invincible early on in the game, go to Stone Hill. Get yourself hurt three times. Then, you will be on the last of your health. Go near the dragon at the end of the level. DON'T touch him. And DON'T kill the bull before getting there. Understood? Let the bull ram into you, which will knock you into the dragon statue, thus playing the cutscene and saving your life. Once that's over, you are invincible and can do whatever you want, except fall. If you fall, you will go back to the checkpoint and you can't do the glitch again(unless you didn't save your game), so BE CAREFUL.
The Legend Of Spyro: The Eternal Night
- If you have Ice Element selected and turn into Dark Spyro (either with L3 after beating the 5 dragon challenges or use the cheat code dark52 mentioned) then press X and begin pressing triangle as shown by Lydiadragon here: and if you want to speed up, press R1 + triangle and keep pressing triangle
Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
- If you have 2 of Whirlwind in 2-player mode, both upgraded to at least have "Rainbow Chain," and they shoot Tempest Clouds at each other, once the 2 Tempest Clouds collide, they will each turn into a "Rainbow of Doom," and the higher your Whirlwinds are upgraded, the more rainbows will fly.
- There is a campfire at the beach of The Ruins where the molekins live. The first time you put out the fire, out flies a 100 Gold gem. When you relight the fire afterward, only 1 Gold comes out. There are quite a few methods of getting heaps of money from this(all ways require two controllers):
Have Spyro light the fire and Gill Grunt hose the fire. This takes FOREVER. - If you have PC/PS3 version and you want to play 2-player mode, instead of going out of your way to buy a pair of controllers for the PC/PS3, just find an old pair of PS1/PS2 controllers and buy yourself a pair of converter plugs that let you use PS1/PS2 controllers as PC/PS3 ones. You don't even need a pair, if you have a computer keyboard or a PS3 controller already, then just use one controller + controller converter.
Gill Grunt hose the fire + Sunburn light the fire = HUGE FOUNTAIN OF MONEHZ
Gill Grunt hose the fire + Fire Skylander on the fire = HUGE FOUNTAIN OF MONEHZ
Water Skylander on the fire + Fire Skylander on the fire = Not as big a fountain, but you don't have to hold any buttons
So how about your tricks?