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S2 Eruptor and Prism Break on Amazon [CLOSED]
johnnyb771 Blue Sparx Gems: 865
#1 Posted: 06:27:19 31/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Didn't see this posted anywhere. Amazon now has the S2 Prism Break and Eruptor up for sale 9.99 with prime shipping. The posts are a little strange though as the pic is of the poster. I'm sure these go by SQU numbers though and they will be the correct item. The Wave 3 stuff has not shown up in my area yet, Gamestop is expecting them Monday or Tuesday, but I have been able to get everything except the Lightcore ShroomBoom on Amazon which is awesome. My TRU is about 45 min to an hour away and it is just not worth the trip especially now with the higher prices. Hopefully LC ShroomBoom will show up this week at Gamestop, Target, or somewhere. Hope this helps out. Happy Hunting and Happy New Year!

Johnny B
DocCroc Yellow Sparx Gems: 1668
#2 Posted: 07:07:55 31/12/2012
Here's the links:


Prism Break:
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