

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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How did you find Darkspyro? [STICKY]
Solister Gold Sparx Gems: 2478
#351 Posted: 23:15:38 28/08/2010
I was searching on google pictures of Dark Spyro and this came up. Glad I became a member smilie
Heavy: MEDIC!
Medic: NO!
EnaShadoes Red Sparx Gems: 23
#352 Posted: 22:20:15 06/09/2010
Spyros Dagger asked me sign on because he wanted at least one irl friend on darkSpyro...
Spyros Dagger Yellow Sparx Gems: 1495
#353 Posted: 22:27:18 06/09/2010
I need to invite moar peeps! smilie
EnaShadoes Red Sparx Gems: 23
#354 Posted: 22:38:05 06/09/2010
That or you just need a life! smilie
Spyros Dagger Yellow Sparx Gems: 1495
#355 Posted: 22:39:03 06/09/2010
I'm a gamer, I have LOTS of lives! smilie
Lila-the-dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 762
#356 Posted: 12:49:15 08/09/2010
Im not entirely sure how, but i think i was searching spyro or spyro websites and i found this.
lord spyro Red Sparx Gems: 89
#357 Posted: 10:10:53 11/09/2010
i just scarch spyro the dragon & thats how i get here now.

best thing i ever did...
everybodey ALWAYS has a beter one of these than me.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:13:31 11/09/2010 by lord spyro
SpyroFanatic101 Blue Sparx Gems: 851
#358 Posted: 23:12:14 30/09/2010
i searched awesome and this came up smilie
I completely agree with the statement above...
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#359 Posted: 01:44:54 03/10/2010
i was searching something on google (idk what i searched)
then ds game up but i didnt register till like a few weeks ago...
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#360 Posted: 19:15:43 09/10/2010
I knew about the site for a while, and it seemed like a cool site so I joined.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
KawaiiQueenElli Green Sparx Gems: 104
#361 Posted: 03:32:11 12/11/2010
I found this site through my friends ^-^
I practically live on Cloud nine~
DarkCynder10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3346
#362 Posted: 03:49:01 12/11/2010
^Welcome! ^.^
( ૭ ಠ___ಠ)૭
waytodawn96 Green Sparx Gems: 399
#363 Posted: 02:08:04 13/11/2010
I was originaly looking for a DOtD walkthrough i am
Is it possable to go to bed dead and wake up alive???! smilie I'm Random and proud of it!
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#364 Posted: 06:25:58 13/11/2010
I got lost
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Phantom Platinum Sparx Gems: 5241
#365 Posted: 06:46:39 13/11/2010
Quote: Spyros Dagger
I'm a gamer, I have LOTS of lives! smilie

smilie lol!!!
Falling Chandeliers
spyro14ever Green Sparx Gems: 374
#366 Posted: 22:40:22 22/12/2010
I was looking for Spyro stuff and randomly found it. smilie
Dawn of the Dragon is the best Spyro game since the original trilogy.
Better? No.
Awesome? Yes.
rasigar_dragon2 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1754
#367 Posted: 10:24:07 12/01/2011
When i search spyro on wikipedia ifound the article spyro movie no more and i found this site
[RYUSEI: My reflexes are honed by years of gaming!]
josipbabok2 Green Sparx Gems: 356
#368 Posted: 16:50:10 17/01/2011
i was searching on youtube for The Legend Of Spyro 3D when in description was info about movie so i ended up here smilie
just trying to make friends smilie
Spyrothedragon4 Green Sparx Gems: 400
#369 Posted: 00:14:40 31/01/2011
i found this site when i needed help with a new beginning for some reason so i found this and i thought awesome and now i use it all the time
Smirf991 Green Sparx Gems: 441
#370 Posted: 21:52:26 06/02/2011
I honestly don't know how I got to the site.
AlKorKrus Blue Sparx Gems: 898
#371 Posted: 22:20:28 06/02/2011
spyrocynderfan7 led me to the site in RL.
You stupid good Dôji, I could kill you 100 different ways. ~Vice
jessieburger Gold Sparx Gems: 2034
#372 Posted: 20:56:51 08/02/2011 friend told me about it....ive never actually played a spyro game before.....heh heh :]
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#373 Posted: 02:02:46 09/02/2011
Beat the game on DOTD and wanted to get all the extra armor and stuff. Found website. Few months later got bored. Found Role Plays on DS. Decided to join. The end.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
ElectricDragons Ripto Gems: 1138
#374 Posted: 07:22:34 09/02/2011
Dragon-Outcast invited me. smilie
Shadomew Green Sparx Gems: 115
#375 Posted: 20:50:57 11/02/2011
Hehe. I found dS first a few years ago, before I'd ever played any non-PS1 Spyro games. I had been looking through fanfics based on Spyro and kept seeing references to a character named Ember. Google brought me here... and I immediately bought a copy of A Hero's Tail. smilie Freaking awesome game. I came back more recently for the Eternal Night walkthrough. smilie That one is blisteringly difficult compared to, uh... every other Spyro game. Except Enter the Dragonfly. I couldn't even figure out what the *omgcensorz* was going on in that one...
Cynder_17 Green Sparx Gems: 179
#376 Posted: 02:57:13 25/02/2011
I needed help with Dawn of the Dragon, thw Twilight Woods level. I didnt know how to beat the elite enemy yet! So i was looking up websites that could teach me how to beat it... and this popped up on Google [:
SpyroXCynder... just sayin smilie
Persian is my favorite Pokemon... but nobody seems to remember him. Add this to your status if you never forgot d:
Sukia Green Sparx Gems: 281
#377 Posted: 04:10:37 26/02/2011
I'm not quite sure how I found this place. It was either because I was looking for cheat codes, or I was looking for that TEN dragon creator that they used to have at Spyro's Lair. I liked that generator better - it had way more choices than the one for DotD. smilie
SpyroGuy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1592
#378 Posted: 19:54:42 06/03/2011
I don't remember......
It just happened. smilie
"Breathe, Sparx old boy...go to your happy place."
(Steam, Skype: SpyroGuy; Youtube: Sonic06FanReturns)
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#379 Posted: 05:55:27 07/03/2011
i found this site something like 5 months ago and now i decided to join i first found here when i was looking from google some spyro things
Cogito, ergo sum.
Cynder985 Ripto Gems: 425
#380 Posted: 00:46:23 26/03/2011
Back when the Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night was first announced, I was looking for some pictures of the game. Came across this site and decided to keep checking it for some updates. But sometime last year, I went ahead and joined. smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#381 Posted: 00:56:35 26/03/2011
I was visiting the site every now and then. Eventually I decided to join. Months passed without me visiting, and when I finally did in December, I seemed to have remembered my password.
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#382 Posted: 02:04:30 26/03/2011
I looked up some cheat codes for Spyro: Year of the Dragon and stumped apon this site. I thought it was useful so I explored the forum and decieded to join.
AsylumSuicidal Green Sparx Gems: 155
#383 Posted: 13:43:13 28/03/2011
I was trying to find a place to Spyro rp. I usually just stick to finding fandom roleplaying on DeviantART but every Spyro rp chatroom there never has any activity.

So I typed Spyro Roleplay into the google search bar above me to see if I could find a Roleplay site. I ended up finding your website.

Though I've yet to rp here... I'm not really into the whole forum rp. I like being able to post a reply and not have to keep refreshing the page waiting to get a reply back. Much easier to rp in a chatroom.
Oliver: Fear me for I breathe fire!

Even though you can barely see it, my avatar was made using a dragon maker on DeviantART.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7357
#384 Posted: 06:20:13 06/04/2011
I was looking up some cheats for Spyro 1 and then found some hints for DoTD and saw on Google the darkSpyro forum site. And then I joined obviously XD
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:20:52 06/04/2011 by Spyro-Gamer
SpyroSC Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#385 Posted: 04:52:09 26/04/2011
Hmm...this is a tough one. Oh yes! I was searching it and I came here. At fist I thought it was boring.

Edited 4 times - Last edited at 08:12:54 27/04/2011 by SpyroSC
secatha Red Sparx Gems: 10
#386 Posted: 00:46:24 28/04/2011
A friend and I were talking about spyro and how they liked this one site. Plus I played some of the games too.
Sparky5 Blue Sparx Gems: 809
#387 Posted: 20:14:18 03/05/2011
I just typed in Google, 'Spyro walkthroughs' or something like that and DarkSpyro came up
spyrocynderfan7 Ripto Gems: 783
#388 Posted: 00:28:23 19/05/2011
I was researching the movie after I heard about it on wikipedia (found while researching Dawn of the Dragon).

And this popped up. I visited it (not as a member) for a couple of months, seeing what everything was on here...then I said "screw it." and joined...

...I'm glad I did.
sparxlover8 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1339
#389 Posted: 20:29:05 24/05/2011
My BFF...... She showed me to this website........
Matrilwood Ripto Gems: 108
#390 Posted: 16:13:12 25/05/2011
An old friend of mine, Gondana might ring some bells around here. We were just chatting about life the universe and everything, then the subject of forums came up and he mentioned DarkSpyro (Among many other things). That was last year, when I was reminiscing on it I thought it might be fun to come along and join you guys.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#391 Posted: 23:25:30 26/05/2011
Quote: spyrocynderfan7
I was researching the movie after I heard about it on wikipedia (found while researching Dawn of the Dragon).

And this popped up. I visited it (not as a member) for a couple of months, seeing what everything was on here...then I said "screw it." and joined...

...I'm glad I did.

And then he got trolled.
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#392 Posted: 18:36:38 02/06/2011
I found a link to DarkSpyro years ago on another fansite. I found it before it even had a forum.
Salamander Green Sparx Gems: 366
#393 Posted: 21:01:23 02/06/2011
I found DarkSpyro from Fireball he said for me to join so i did and here i am posting this post.
I believe in you Jesus and i will do, ALWAYS for ever. Darastrixi shilta ergriff urcaxa nomeno munthreki shilta ti.
MaleforFangirl Red Sparx Gems: 32
#394 Posted: 00:57:33 25/06/2011
Hehe, got stuck in the Catacombs in DOtD and looked up some tutorials and found this place! smilie

I'm known as MaleforFangirl also on DeviantART and YouTube smilie
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#395 Posted: 07:38:11 26/06/2011
google search for: Spyro games
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Angel220200 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4401
#396 Posted: 06:12:34 06/07/2011
arceustheprime and Shayminsky suggested it to me so I had a look, and here I am.
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you.
JeremyTheDragon Green Sparx Gems: 317
#397 Posted: 17:28:32 10/07/2011
One of my friends on YouTube was part of it. And I tried to find a great fanbase. And I chose this.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#398 Posted: 19:32:34 10/07/2011
Noticed how my last post was not really answering the question:

Last Summer, I started playing Spyro 1 and 2 again, and beat them 100%. Couldn't find Spyro 3, unfortunately. I then started looking up Spyro related things, as my love for the franchise had been rekindled. I then found out about LoS, and how it was a reboot. During my little bit of research, I ended up here. I read some of the debates and stuff, and looked at the game pages, but didn't join. I came back at a later point in time, after playing through TEN and DotD, and thought I would join in on the discussions.

One of the best decisions I ever made, but also one of the worst. Take that for the paradox it is.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
MJ_135 Blue Sparx Gems: 785
#399 Posted: 22:59:40 10/07/2011
My sis asked me if i can join here and i said ok
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#400 Posted: 23:58:10 13/07/2011
Quote: ElectricDragons
Dragon-Outcast invited me. smilie

How does that work?
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