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How did you find Darkspyro? [STICKY]
black dragon Ripto Gems: 2470
#101 Posted: 04:10:06 22/09/2008
Some people were talking about this site on Gamespot.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:10:45 22/09/2008 by black dragon
gamer900 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1382
#102 Posted: 20:43:57 24/09/2008
i googled spyro and one of the links was for darkspyro, i clicked it and once i saw what it was, i joined it.
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#103 Posted: 20:55:39 24/09/2008
Quote: gamer900
i googled spyro and one of the links was for darkspyro, i clicked it and once i saw what it was, i joined it.

cause its awsome smilie
not yr babe
ThatsSoRaven Yellow Sparx Gems: 1166
#104 Posted: 23:08:12 28/09/2008
I remember there was another topic like this somewhere...

Anyways, I was googling for Spyro guides and maps, and then this site came into the results. I then joined the site and that's how I'm right here today.
"We'll be right back after these messages from Binford Tools." Tim "the Toolman Taylor" or Al "Insert insulting middle name here" Borland
sillyworld Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#105 Posted: 04:40:28 02/10/2008
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214
#106 Posted: 21:00:21 02/10/2008
Google is my best friend! found it and joined!
This old place has changed too much
SpyroGirlCazy Emerald Sparx Gems: 4436
#107 Posted: 12:13:37 04/10/2008
Typing in google spyro and looking for pics of Darkspyro so i typed in dark spyro and WHAM !
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5887
#108 Posted: 14:04:32 04/10/2008
Quote: CynderGirl3

Please don't say that. Anyway, as I found out that the new Spyro was awesome and I couldn't wait for TEN, I was searching for some gameplay and pics I saw the websites name "darkSpyro" on my search and eventually found an interest towards it and joined in.
no i will not write a signature for you
spyro22 Green Sparx Gems: 300
#109 Posted: 15:59:18 06/10/2008
i found the site once previously by typing in spyro then i re found it because i had rememberd i found it
Young dragon all our hope now lies with you When you wake up it will be a different world But know this you are not alone you have allies
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#110 Posted: 01:38:50 07/10/2008
i just goggled spyro found a bunch of stuff checked it all out or at least what sounded intresting i ended up here, got some cheats for TEN and signed up.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Vulpix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3088
#111 Posted: 17:33:16 22/10/2008
I was looking for pics of dark spyro.
Riverclan is Bestsmilie And Princess Luna is best
Somehow made it to Gold Sparx :/
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#112 Posted: 20:17:45 23/10/2008
I was looking for Spyro generally and this site kept popping up so me and my sister started to go on this.
ZarineNas Green Sparx Gems: 307
#113 Posted: 20:50:21 28/10/2008
I was looking at the Spyro movie on wikipedia,until this came up and said who the director was.
Me and Unknown1,always and forever love you. ♥Unknown1♥
dragmundis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5047
#114 Posted: 15:59:51 29/10/2008
I found this site by accident after I finished ANB. I became interested in this site I decided to join it
tye-dye dragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1459
#115 Posted: 19:03:05 02/11/2008
I found it when I was looking for a walk through for ANB.
spyro52 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1746
#116 Posted: 18:33:44 08/11/2008
well i was looking for pics of darkspyro the dragon and forgot to go on images and went on web and went on this website
Portal 2 is brilliant smilie
Rocky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#117 Posted: 20:37:18 12/11/2008
I google'd 'Spyro, Cynder, Ember, Flame,', and found a topic about 'em somehwere...

It took me a while before i joined, but i was guest for a long time! smilie
spyro phantom Green Sparx Gems: 306
#118 Posted: 02:30:09 18/11/2008
looking at spyro stuff and came across it
Fireblader70 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1067
#119 Posted: 16:55:40 25/11/2008
i was desperately searching for a site that had great things to do with spyro. or something like that. i came across this site and decided to join!
I am officially now an 'above average' member. Talk about weird. I suddenly feel SO OLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Cynder_fan Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#120 Posted: 22:15:51 28/11/2008
I just typed in Spyro Movie on google, this poped up, i later came back to it for info on DotD
Local technician who comes up with rediculous ideas
chosen4566 Blue Sparx Gems: 653
#121 Posted: 21:37:34 02/12/2008
Quote: spyroandsparx
OK, it all started when I bought A Hero's Tail. I needed some help with the game, so I went to GameFAQs and I saw dark52's guide. I saw his website in his guide, and POW! I ended up being a member here.

Edit: Heh heh. I mispelled guide. smilie

same thing as me smilie
Night Shade Green Sparx Gems: 166
#122 Posted: 22:57:02 02/12/2008
Someone mentioned it on Spyro Forum.
Dragon-Stone Blue Sparx Gems: 999
#123 Posted: 20:28:57 05/12/2008
I was searching for Spyro stuff, (don't know what :s) and then I just found it smilie
smilie Ride out this storm. And live, to fight another day...
Akame Yellow Sparx Gems: 1584
#124 Posted: 15:49:58 10/12/2008
My cousin told me all 'bout it... me no know how she founds it... you will have to consult her if you want to know that bad... she is okami12...
okami12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2205
#125 Posted: 15:55:24 10/12/2008
Quote: Akame
My cousin told me all 'bout it... me no know how she founds it... you will have to consult her if you want to know that bad... she is okami12...

I type in darkspyro on google
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#126 Posted: 03:22:44 14/12/2008
I have no epic tale. Just searching all things Spyro and came across this website.
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#127 Posted: 01:23:46 15/12/2008
I wanted info on DOTD and I found this site!
Spyroli Ripto Gems: 79
#128 Posted: 12:40:40 15/12/2008
I was sarching create a spyro then i saw it.LOL!! smilie i like creating stuff!!
spyro super fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3096
#129 Posted: 16:30:34 18/12/2008
i wanted to find a spyro fan site and i saw darkspyro and poof i was a member
Kiyoteru Hiyama - "You're engulfed in a sorrowful melody, come and sleep now.
Hereafter, the beginning of a tragedy must be burned into your eyes."
elder volteer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1663
#130 Posted: 21:57:57 18/12/2008
well i was going to draw ignitus and i cliked on a pic of him and it just poffed me here
Brawl!!! Friend meh!
Dark Cynder_27 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6041
#131 Posted: 04:22:08 27/12/2008
Me needed help with TEN so googled TLoS:TEN Cheats and guide then.....
POW here I am
Lukar82394 Green Sparx Gems: 393
#132 Posted: 04:45:36 27/12/2008
I Google'd "Spyro fansite." 'Nuff said, lol.
spyro567 Ripto Gems: 288
#133 Posted: 11:45:50 27/12/2008
well was bored so went to google and put in dark spyro then this site came up and its the best website ever i relly enjoy it


smilie lover
Fire Legend Gold Sparx Gems: 2608
#134 Posted: 21:31:12 27/12/2008
I was looking for a picture of Cynder, and I found a picture AND a fansite, lucky me smilie
Samerz1995 Blue Sparx Gems: 866
#135 Posted: 19:58:32 28/12/2008
My friend.
AW. Look its my dog Maggie. smilie I love her so much.
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#136 Posted: 22:18:27 01/01/2009
I think I was looking for a walkthrough to help me with Shadow Legacy or something, or maybe I was searching for a character.
Cerapter Red Sparx Gems: 93
#137 Posted: 22:57:14 01/01/2009
I've seen the site once before, but never thought of registering until I played DotD and eventually Spyro's Lair. Basically I registered so that I could boast about being on the leaderboard...
Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open.
Night Owl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1942
#138 Posted: 17:43:27 05/01/2009
Lolz. Some you may know me as spyrorocks from the TEN game page. (guest) But it wouldn't let me use that name for a member so here sprung mah user name now.
Back from hibernation.
Dacon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3176
#139 Posted: 17:48:16 10/01/2009
My best friend Garn showed this to me. Thanks Garn!

"I swear that thing has a mind of it's own." - Samius
Furybeetle Green Sparx Gems: 272
#140 Posted: 17:54:18 12/01/2009
I was searching for a walkthrough and then I found this site.
Samius Hunter Gems: 9294
#141 Posted: 18:09:07 12/01/2009
I found this site when i already was a member of spyros lair. I was probably looking for pictures of Cynder and suddenly this site popped out.

By the way, im Samius in Spyros lair too. You may have seen me..
DarkFlame Green Sparx Gems: 115
#142 Posted: 06:02:10 17/01/2009
basically I just googled spyro because I was researching eternal night to see if it was worth getting and I ended up here.
Cloudtail4ever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1818
#143 Posted: 20:47:07 23/01/2009
I was on youtube, watching a fanmade DotD trailer (this September, I believe) and it had someone saying "ssssssppppyyyro!" At the end. So, on the description, it said that was Nalemor's voice from I checked out the site, and...well, here I am, 5 months later (or 4, something)
"Man, if mom could see me now... We'd have zombies on top of everything else."
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#144 Posted: 11:26:42 25/01/2009
I am write Dark Spyro and find darkSpyrosmilie
Cynder_fan Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#145 Posted: 14:13:35 25/01/2009
Irony for you! smilie
Local technician who comes up with rediculous ideas
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#146 Posted: 17:57:18 25/01/2009
Cynder_fan Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#147 Posted: 17:58:18 25/01/2009
Yeah, i already said how and why im here.
Local technician who comes up with rediculous ideas
supermalefor Green Sparx Gems: 148
#148 Posted: 22:10:07 25/01/2009
Clicked on a link.
Spyzilla Yellow Sparx Gems: 1903
#149 Posted: 20:17:51 31/01/2009
Quote: Glass Gryphon
Ditto what S_r said, except that I just Googled Spyro.

me 2
People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people
Super Sonic Ripto Gems: 180
#150 Posted: 19:38:35 01/02/2009
i was stuck on celestial caves in ten so we looked up how to get past it and DING
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