

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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How did you find Darkspyro? [STICKY]
hollokit Red Sparx Gems: 46
#651 Posted: 10:51:38 24/09/2017
Long time ago..
I played Spyro for Psx and in my early internet years (200x) i searched "spyro" and "pokemon" stuff.
MechaAshura20 Green Sparx Gems: 409
#652 Posted: 14:49:02 24/12/2017
While watching CrystalBlazier's YouTube videos.
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12272
#653 Posted: 16:16:26 06/06/2018
I found dS through the now-defunct VU Games Community Forums, dark52 used to post there. I think he had a link to dS in his signature.
undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#654 Posted: 15:09:32 07/06/2018
I think my dad found it when I was like 9 or 10? I really liked Skylanders at the time, so... Now it's been 4 years, I don't play skylanders, I have a Wii U and a Switch so I can't play Spyro, and I still go on this site fairly often for some reason.
I probably won't be back for like a year.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#655 Posted: 15:49:21 07/06/2018
Huh, I found it through that old Spyro Forum when I was like eight or nine years old. I got banned from SF for having multiple accounts so I just came here and started again.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#656 Posted: 22:58:35 26/11/2018
My grandparents got an HP tablet (kinda like a knock-off iPad), and I started looking up Spyro stuff. Ran into DS at 10 or 12 years old. Liked looking at the galleries and descriptions for the different games on the site. Discovered the forums later on, but only joined about a month ago. I had a couple of years of not reading the forums at all, but just got into it again when I realized I could participate and actually make an account.
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
SilverDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#657 Posted: 13:27:44 21/12/2018
Like 12 years ago I just found this place by searching for The Legend of Spyro trilogy spoilers or something... And now came back after 8 years of absence just to see how things are! So cool to notice that people are still talking.
Erikatastrophe Green Sparx Gems: 432
#658 Posted: 21:28:11 18/02/2021

Looking for a walkthrough for Dawn of the Dragon?? Waaaay back in 2008. I think. Might have been before that; I forget right now.
"You already said that." - Veruca Salt, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
YoungJest Red Sparx Gems: 48
#659 Posted: 20:19:50 18/04/2021
Daaamn ion even really remember, I must have been looking for cheats or summ
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#660 Posted: 01:07:12 13/09/2021
I trailed my friends after I heard about an RP that had nothing to do with Spyro that they chose to host here and then stuck around because I'm lonely and wanted somewhere to vent.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
WAMBurt1984 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3023
#661 Posted: 02:23:45 10/02/2023
Was searching if Spyro has a forum as I was part of MLP forum and looking if Spyro had one and here I am.
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