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I'm probably the only one who thinks this... [CLOSED]
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#1 Posted: 21:37:26 25/11/2012 | Topic Creator
But I think that TEN was the best out of the trilogy and the 2nd best Spyro game overall. I highly doubt anyone else thinks that. smilie
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#2 Posted: 22:12:18 25/11/2012

1. Spyro the dragon
2. Spyro: Year of the Dragon
3. Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
4. Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly
5. Spyro: A Heros Tail

Not in my top five I'm afraid. It's number.. 8 through 11 I believe. Though I think I know someone who agrees.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#3 Posted: 20:17:27 26/11/2012
Nope. I hold the opinion that the trilogy got worse with each iteration. <.<
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spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#4 Posted: 21:56:20 07/12/2012
Quote: Metallo
But I think that TEN was the best out of the trilogy and the 2nd best Spyro game overall. I highly doubt anyone else thinks that. smilie

I agree but I also think it's the best Spyro game overall.
Wojowu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1415
#5 Posted: 22:13:24 07/12/2012
IMO DotD was best of trilogy, but it isn't easily comparible to ANB and TEN. It's completely another concept. Different atmosphere. Different developer makes grand change. That's also why it is such gap between YotD/EtD. Check Six tried. And failed. But it's not place for it. Just random thoughts smilie
Any Osu fan here?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#6 Posted: 17:41:51 08/12/2012
Same for me,except TEN is actually my very favorite :U I don't know,which such the rush of edgy games and stuff,Eternal Night got the mood just right. The gameplay was kind of strange,but being so used to ANB made me enjoy it a lot, even more with the abuse of Dragon Time. The story was great,and you could see the buildup to the now-scrapped Darkest Hour. And considering it was the time I started to follow the Spyro series from the announcement of games to their release(before I just remembered now and then that it existed), all the hype for TEN was worth it for me.
This game needs some real good remake,much like all others,though ewe compared to stuff that released at the same time,it was on par with the gameplay and graphics,but it didn't take more than a few months to get outdated.The Gameboy Version,my favorite,however,was pretty advanced for one of the last games released for the GBA...
(What I need is never what I want)
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#7 Posted: 19:14:55 08/12/2012
The GBA version was an excellent Metroidvania game with Spyro slapped on it. <.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#8 Posted: 18:49:49 09/12/2012
Quote: HIR
The GBA version was an excellent Metroidvania game with Spyro slapped on it. <.>

Exactly.What's not to like? xD
Well,okay,it's mediocre compared to normal games,specially since it's so darn short.But when it comes to Spyro games,specially the LOS series,at least it had the combat done right and a plot that made more sense than the console version.
(Can't say it didn't have some ridiculous artificial difficulty,of course.The Ice Avatar on hard was so cheap I stayed hours abusing savestates to do timed jumps to escape some really annoying attacks)
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:50:32 09/12/2012 by Bifrost
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#9 Posted: 21:12:05 09/12/2012
It reminded me a LOT of Mega Man Zero... actually. Sans the rocking soundtrack and characters screaming in Japanese. ^.^;
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SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#10 Posted: 21:46:47 09/12/2012
I believe that this is the worst Spyro game in the LoS trilogy.
A New Beginning is okay, and Dawn of the Dragon starts off fine, and then gradually gets worse and becomes like The Eternal Night.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5375
#11 Posted: 10:29:16 10/12/2012
It is my favourite out of the legend trilogy, but not near my list of favourites.
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#12 Posted: 20:50:25 10/12/2012
Actually, the GBA version of TEN it's AWESOME. I'm not kidding, it's my number 4 of my top 10 Spyro games, I found it very interesting and awesome, specially the combat Style and the fact when you can go back and explore any level again to get new upgrades smilie
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
Cynder_fan Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#13 Posted: 15:35:09 11/01/2013
I just started replaying and for one the voice acting... god
Local technician who comes up with rediculous ideas
cowpowa23 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4833
#14 Posted: 16:05:24 11/01/2013
TEN is also my favorite.
It's so dark and intense...
And just plain awesome. e.e
I am a Cow.

Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10345
#15 Posted: 00:25:38 13/01/2013
Well you are not alone with that opinion of yours. I also consider this game the best of the trilogy. And here's why.

Well... this game has practically the same gameplay as ANB but the new sub-features of the gameplay such as Dragon Time make this better than ANB. DotD is IMO the weakest of the trilogy but let us not concentrate on that.

This game also stands out from the trilogy because of its crucial meaning in the story. ANB's story is nice and well done but it has more of an introduction-like meaning (okay... well... A New Beginning is quite logical to have introduction factor) but TEN's story actually gives more deep details about the whole big picture of the Legend. And I think that the strong storytelling with fantastic gloomy atmosphere makes this game quite good.

All in all I think that TEN has everything quite well-played from the moment it begins. The story and its themes are well programmed and visualized with the progression of the game. And TEN has the best soundtrack of the trilogy.
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5375
#16 Posted: 11:46:55 22/01/2013
Quote: Project_Unnamed
Well you are not alone with that opinion of yours. I also consider this game the best of the trilogy. And here's why.

Well... this game has practically the same gameplay as ANB but the new sub-features of the gameplay such as Dragon Time make this better than ANB. DotD is IMO the weakest of the trilogy but let us not concentrate on that.

This game also stands out from the trilogy because of its crucial meaning in the story. ANB's story is nice and well done but it has more of an introduction-like meaning (okay... well... A New Beginning is quite logical to have introduction factor) but TEN's story actually gives more deep details about the whole big picture of the Legend. And I think that the strong storytelling with fantastic gloomy atmosphere makes this game quite good.

All in all I think that TEN has everything quite well-played from the moment it begins. The story and its themes are well programmed and visualized with the progression of the game. And TEN has the best soundtrack of the trilogy.

[User Posted Image]

lolwhut Emerald Sparx Gems: 4156
#17 Posted: 02:35:00 23/01/2013
This game was in my top five, but it's only number four. I loved Fellmuth Arena though, complex airships was really the way to go.
DeviantArt: ThatSketchyDragon
Cynder_fan Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#18 Posted: 23:05:06 30/01/2013
If TEN didn't irritate me enough to make me ignore it for months I'd say it's a good game, but prefer DotD better.
Local technician who comes up with rediculous ideas
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#19 Posted: 08:50:07 01/02/2013
Quote: crystalhero37
Quote: Project_Unnamed
Well you are not alone with that opinion of yours. I also consider this game the best of the trilogy. And here's why.

Well... this game has practically the same gameplay as ANB but the new sub-features of the gameplay such as Dragon Time make this better than ANB. DotD is IMO the weakest of the trilogy but let us not concentrate on that.

This game also stands out from the trilogy because of its crucial meaning in the story. ANB's story is nice and well done but it has more of an introduction-like meaning (okay... well... A New Beginning is quite logical to have introduction factor) but TEN's story actually gives more deep details about the whole big picture of the Legend. And I think that the strong storytelling with fantastic gloomy atmosphere makes this game quite good.

All in all I think that TEN has everything quite well-played from the moment it begins. The story and its themes are well programmed and visualized with the progression of the game. And TEN has the best soundtrack of the trilogy.

[User Posted Image]


DOTD is the weakest of the trilogy through the storyline, but not through the gameplay; I still reckon that TEN is the worst for the gameplay, and from watching the rest of it on YouTube, I say that the story isn't even that great either.

I can understand ANB coming across as an introduction to the series, and yes, the new direction of story is interesting for Spyro, in a sense, the way the story sets itself up in that game feels like a classic title, but it seems to go more in depth about training.

I really don't agree with anything that has been stated about TEN, the story just feels so random to me, it's like they've ran out of ideas and are just plucking things out from thin air, like the pirate ship for instance, were they thinking of Pirates of the Caribbean? lol. And I honestly think that the environments are so dull, and the soundtrack even makes up for that; by being dull.

And don't forget that corny soundtrack at the end of the game too, and you even get yet another corny one at the end of DOTD, what a nice reward!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:50:55 01/02/2013 by SuperSpyroFan
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#20 Posted: 14:48:35 01/02/2013
Wow, someone else thinks this!*Throws confetti*
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#21 Posted: 02:22:39 02/02/2013
I still recommend the GBA Version ^-^
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
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