Question: Are the new sidekicks going to be playable as normal skylanders characters? They look about the same size as them.
Idea: SKylanders 3 maybe... Skylanders minis or Smallanders where u can play as trigger snappy or terrabite
BTW i got my terrabite today, dissapointed all he does is follow u
BashIsInMyHeart that is what I was thinking the other day as I completed my sidekick colection (woohoo!) and the that was wat I was exactly what I was thinking!
The current sidekicks (including giants) wouldn't be able to be playable in three. Just like s1 can't wow pow. S2 of sidekicks or a new line of small landers might work but seems like a cheaper move than tfb would pull for the new game. Could be wrong tho. I'm wondering if well see new/s2 giants next round. More lc? I'd like an lc sidekick (even if they're still vanity pets).