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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Skylanders Starter Pack $38.96 @ Amazon on Thanksgiving Day
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Skylanders Starter Pack $38.96 @ Amazon on Thanksgiving Day [CLOSED]
Dark Gyro Blue Sparx Gems: 656
#1 Posted: 18:30:33 19/11/2012 | Topic Creator
It says Xbox and Wii but other consoles may be included. Sale is from 5:10pm until 9:10pm
keljonezie Green Sparx Gems: 453
#2 Posted: 19:02:23 19/11/2012
Great! Hopefully they'll ship to Canada.

Thanks for the heads up.
Plaag Emerald Sparx Gems: 4339
#3 Posted: 00:06:20 20/11/2012
Note that is Pacific Standard Time.

enderandrew Green Sparx Gems: 108
#4 Posted: 00:31:05 20/11/2012
If they were doing the PS3 version (so I could get Gnarly Tree Rex), then I'd be all for it. I believe WalMart is doing the same price on their bundles on their Thursday pre-Black Friday sale in store.
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#5 Posted: 01:10:23 20/11/2012
Quote: enderandrew
If they were doing the PS3 version (so I could get Gnarly Tree Rex), then I'd be all for it. I believe WalMart is doing the same price on their bundles on their Thursday pre-Black Friday sale in store.

The only way to get Gnarly Tree Rex in america is to buy the Wii console with the starter pack that is included. The PS3 "starter pack" has regular Tree Rex. They sold a PS3 bundle in Europe I do believe that was similar to the Wii.
Hexin_Wishes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1522
#6 Posted: 05:31:17 20/11/2012
It better include the PS3 version!
Dark Gyro Blue Sparx Gems: 656
#7 Posted: 06:32:52 20/11/2012 | Topic Creator
Gnarly Tree Rex is in the Blue Wii (console) bundle. Not a starter pack.

The only version of the starter pack on sale at WalMart is the Wii version.
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#8 Posted: 06:59:29 20/11/2012
Quote: Dark Gyro
Gnarly Tree Rex is in the Blue Wii (console) bundle. Not a starter pack.

The only version of the starter pack on sale at WalMart is the Wii version.

Taking a look at the add it just says the Skylander Giants Starter Pack. It does show the picutre of the Wii starter pack, but it does not say Wii Version only. I do believe all starter packs will be on sale.
Dark Gyro Blue Sparx Gems: 656
#9 Posted: 14:10:20 20/11/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: Bazinga
Quote: Dark Gyro
Gnarly Tree Rex is in the Blue Wii (console) bundle. Not a starter pack.

The only version of the starter pack on sale at WalMart is the Wii version.

Taking a look at the add it just says the Skylander Giants Starter Pack. It does show the picutre of the Wii starter pack, but it does not say Wii Version only. I do believe all starter packs will be on sale.

You can believe what you like (and I certainly hope you're right), however it doesn't state other platforms and these types of ads almost always state the exact platform. The Wii is a dying console and the Wii version of new games are generally being discounted right now. I wouldn't pin my hopes that the WM sale is for all platforms.
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