

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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STONE ZOOK FOR 84.00 on amazon [CLOSED]
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3345
#1 Posted: 03:39:39 18/11/2012 | Topic Creator
title sez it alls
dark52 let me change my username you coward
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#2 Posted: 03:44:07 18/11/2012
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Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3345
#3 Posted: 03:50:29 18/11/2012 | Topic Creator
What nibelilt you tried to order it?
dark52 let me change my username you coward
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#4 Posted: 05:04:09 18/11/2012
Nibelilt, you were saved from yourself. Just ask GM if the variants are worth paying a premium for them.
RAakaFerrari Green Sparx Gems: 185
#5 Posted: 05:34:27 18/11/2012
eBay, ~ $30-50
In need of Clear/Rock Variants/GITD Fright Rider.
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#6 Posted: 05:49:31 18/11/2012

Looks like a lot more than 30-50, US dollars that is. Not sure what currency you are talking.
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#7 Posted: 05:51:32 18/11/2012
Quote: Himewad
Nibelilt, you were saved from yourself. Just ask GM if the variants are worth paying a premium for them.

Actually, this time I want them because they register as Special and add onto the list. In the long run it would certainly add up cheaper than petrol money wated on driving around. And I've literally never seen a chase variant on the shelves in my stores.
RAakaFerrari Green Sparx Gems: 185
#8 Posted: 05:52:50 18/11/2012
Hmm it has spiked again, hasn't it? Saw a few last month go for the $30-50 range. Not too many, but there are some. Just gotta watch. And check Craigslist.
In need of Clear/Rock Variants/GITD Fright Rider.
WUMBOSIMPSON Yellow Sparx Gems: 1424
#9 Posted: 05:53:55 18/11/2012
Quote: Himewad
Nibelilt, you were saved from yourself. Just ask GM if the variants are worth paying a premium for them.

That's because this GameMaster is obsessed. He put his family in danger over a game. Nibelilt needs no saving. I will supply Nibelilt with whatever her royalty needs.
cry baby, I am
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#10 Posted: 15:03:41 18/11/2012
I got them on day 1! I saw about 3 Stone Whirlwinds and 2 Rock Zooks!
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Reaganag Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#11 Posted: 15:28:03 18/11/2012
I hate you......
Awesome avatar by nintendofan92!
Have waves 1,2,3, and 4
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#12 Posted: 15:36:18 18/11/2012

Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Reaganag Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#13 Posted: 15:38:25 18/11/2012
Sorry,I was kidding. I should have put that in my post.
Awesome avatar by nintendofan92!
Have waves 1,2,3, and 4
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:39:57 18/11/2012 by Reaganag
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#14 Posted: 15:39:55 18/11/2012
I know..

They were common on day 1, but now, they're VERY rare, about 1 in every 50 boxes..
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
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