why would you sell your varients you worked hard for them
no offence i know you need the money but your collection is just so amazing
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > why gamemaster why
Green Sparx
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#1 Posted: 04:03:43 17/11/2012 | Topic Creator
everyone spam this now Posted Image: http://cdn.memegenerator.net/i...0x/30597908.jpg or the enderman will kill you avatar by kap |
Yellow Sparx
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#2 Posted: 05:21:16 17/11/2012
He spent so much that he needed to pawn?
cry baby, I am |
Emerald Sparx
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#3 Posted: 15:05:08 17/11/2012
Well, they haven't sold yet. At least the last time I checked.
I've said it before, and I will say it again, I have NEVER considered the treasure hunt variants to be a part of the collection, only things that can be registered and show up ingame (what I and others dub official). I looked at them, and my friends even looked at them, and we all came to the idea that those aren't what make my collection look good. It's the fact I have one of everything at least, even triple packs which are just the same the same characters from single packs, packaged differently. Some of my friends even said the variants are downright ugly. The ONLY variants they thought looked cool, were the clears. To be honest, I think silver and gold are ugly colors. I like vibrance, and most of the variants lack vibrance. But again, my friends told me what makes my collection stand out from the rest, is the fact I have things like 8 copies of the first game, 11 copies (will be 12 tomorrow) of the second game, 4 Nintendo Wii bundles, and I reserved 3 Skylanders Battlegrounds yesterday. That, on top of having 3 of every figure, and they told me that's good enough. Fact is, though, I spent 1250 alone to have 3 Glows and Pearl Hex. That's not really worth the investment, just to have them hanging on my wall. While Activision may know me based on my collection, my collection isn't impressive enough to them, that they're giving this FGTV guy - who couldn't possibly care about Skylanders more than me - an Arbo, while flying him out, where he doesn't even ask the right questions - in my opinion. Not to knock the guy, but I just find it odd. My intent was to never get popular off of Skylanders, anyway, so I could magically have some agenda for Activision to fly me out or whatnot, but for the huge investment I put into this game, I do find it odd that they send some guy figures before they're released, just so he can do an unboxing and hand them to his kids. He also got an Arbo to boot. I know it seems I'm butthurt, but I'm really not. I swear I'm not. Seeing this dude get more lucky not being as big as I am, just helped me come to my senses a bit. What it really boils down to, is that yes, I am a fan of Skylanders, but the variants were too huge of an investment. Some can find them at cost, due to living in countries that aren't full of greedy folks who would slash anyone's throat for a nickel. I paid out of the butt for mine. For them to hang on my wall, for me to have to continually dust these packages so the dust doesn't stick to the bubble, just isn't worth it, when my collection is vast without a mere 20 figures. I could pay off my Wii U, 14 games, plus go on a small vacation with that. Now, had I bought these for a decent price for each, or at least for the price of one of my silvers when it first came out, all would be good, despite my dislike for the colors silver and gold. But, at the cost of what I paid for them, it's simply not worth it to own something I don't even consider to be a part of the main collection.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28 |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:15:31 17/11/2012 by GameMaster78
Yellow Sparx
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#4 Posted: 19:02:39 17/11/2012
Where I am sad to hear that GM has made this decision I understand it.
A collector needs to rule their collection and when it comes to completist thoughts a collection can overtake the individual. I am currently four issues shy of a complete run of the original Uncanny X-men comic series and I had gotten to a point where I was paying unreasonable amounts and making bad deals to complete this collection. The thought of having a perfect set trumped things it should not have. I am sorry that it appears GM had gotten to a similar point. When you get there you begin to feel limits need to be put on a collection to maintain a sense of self. I have the same collector guidelines for skylanders that GM is apparently trying to implement if it does not unlock something in the game I don't need it although I have acquired a hand full of exceptions these exceptions are on a case by case basis and exist because I like them. Although the price is still a little high I think GM may get a buyer soon. I honestly considered buying it myself. Just the history of the collection is worth a couple of bucks. The biggest discouragement for me is that I have no intent on buying a lot of the future variants. This collection just feels like it should go to a completist and it already seems lacking just without the stone figures. Ownership of this collection would seem to require some commitment to its future. There is a reason many collectors like to collect things not in active circulation. I wish GM good luck with the sale and I hope he finds what he feels he needs. |
Emerald Sparx
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#5 Posted: 20:58:17 17/11/2012
Itsjustme took the words right out of my mouth.
I rule my collection, it doesn't rule me. I never - EVER - considered the variants when having a complete collection of Skylanders. If that's the case, TFB would have plastered them all over the poster for each game. For what I spent, it wasn't worth it. At cost, they would be fine, despite some of them being bleh in color and looking non-vibrant on my wall. If I had spent 3000k+ on Skylanders stuff, and it was all at cost, that's fine as well. However, I spent 3k on 14 of these things (I said 15 on Neogaf, but I was in a rush at that moment.) Hardly worth it. This is the ONLY thing I will sell when it comes to my collection, unless I want to have some fun and sell the entire collection for 20k just for fun to see if my neighbors idea that people have more money than sense, is true. ![]() I still consider myself to have an excellent collection without these variants. However, if they don't sell, I will never list them again, and I will hold onto them... I guess.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28 |
Yellow Sparx
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#6 Posted: 16:55:14 18/11/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
100% agree |
Helsing Ripto Gems: 131 |
#7 Posted: 17:33:52 18/11/2012
Here's what I think Gamemaster should do. I think he should sell them individually if he can't sell them as a set.
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Gold Sparx
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#8 Posted: 17:35:18 18/11/2012
Quote: ItsJustMe
I've seen very few Skylander variant collections sell for the kind of money GM is looking for. I think the combination of cost and actual number of people looking to buy a near complete variant collection makes this a difficult sale. Based upon what I've seen on eBay, GM would be better suited to break up the collection into groups of variants. A set of silver, gold, clears, GITD... would stand a much better chance of appealing to a wider range of collector and would not create as big of a sticker shock as the entire collection price. If it were me, I would also use the fact that this is a "famous" collection to my advantage. Post the links to the articles and videos that have featured this collection. This certainly would aid in someone trying to justify spending the kind of money that would be required. People who aren't collectors need to understand that collectors inevitably will reach a point where they will sell things within their collection(s) to further facilitate the purchasing of other collectible items. All too often, the lack of space, money, or interest will lead to the altering of one's collection. I, too, wish GM luck in selling his variants. I'm sure someone out there will decide to pick them up...
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging. |
Yellow Sparx
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#9 Posted: 18:01:30 18/11/2012
when i read between the lines this is what i see ...
Quote: GameMaster69
Yellow Sparx
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#10 Posted: 19:06:11 18/11/2012
FGTV totally shouldn't have arbo, gamemaster and t7gga would be more deserving of something since you guys have such a large amount of variants it shows you like the game a lot...
Favorties ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Blue Sparx
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#11 Posted: 04:37:57 19/11/2012
I like collecting Skylanders too, but I've never been interested in the variants. My motto with Skylanders is "Buy the version the designers intended the most people to buy". That means no store exclusives like gold cannons, legendaries, Granite Crushers and others like it, no treasure hunt variants, and no promotional characters like sidekicks, flocked smash, pearl Hex and so forth. As it is now, I don't even use most of the regular characters I bought, and kind of wish I didn't get most of them since they never get used. So for me I'll consider my Skylanders Giants collection complete when I have the following characters.
All 8 new regular characters (7 out of 8 so far) All 8 Giants (4 out of 8 so far) Series 2: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Though I'll probably still buy lightcore Hex since her figure looks amazing, and Lightcore Chill since I'm a big fan of Chill. Might even buy the legendary Chill if that ever comes out. You're overall doing the right thing. The variants are silly, and are a waste of money. Though if you ask me you should be selling them all individually. It really limits the people who are willing to buy it when you combine them all like that. I think it'd be best if you just sold them all individually.
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Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401 |
#12 Posted: 13:30:23 19/11/2012
Am I the only one here who finds it AMUSING he still lacks any of the Dark Spyro Singles? I don't have anything against 78, he just comes off like he acts as if he has one of the ultimate collections yet didn't buy that because it didn't come to the US... When Glow Rider didn't either. Yeah, totally not hypocritical.
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Emerald Sparx
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#13 Posted: 13:39:31 19/11/2012
I get it that Gamemaster is in charge of his own collection, but I can't understand why he'd prefer to have a bunch of copies of the same toy, or game system, rather than 1 of each varient?
For instance, couldnt you have made back a lot of that money if you'd sold all but one of each Wii pack, PS3 pack, Xbox pack etc? From my own personal experience, I get little joy owning the same product more than once. So I find it interesting that you value and enjoy having 4 or 6 of some of these things. Now, I DO realize that you collected some of these things so each of your kids would have one, but that only applies to characters, in my mind...
For Trade: EyeSmall, Punch Pop Fizz, Lava Barf Eruptor(black): PM to deal! |
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401 |
#14 Posted: 13:40:39 19/11/2012
^ Uh oh. You're encouraging him to explain why he bought so many copies...
... Again... |
DrillSarge Gold Sparx Gems: 2327 |
#15 Posted: 13:48:40 19/11/2012
I'm kind of in the same boat and completely understand. I have double if not triple of all the originals. The Frito lay promotions the game bundles etc. When I dropped 200 on metallic cynder I stopped myself right there on variants. I did get the dark spyro single on eBay BC it was cheap. However, Activision or TFB has not made any variants that are in anyway specially related to the game. Spending hundreds on a figure that just sits in a box? The only reason they are out there is for greed. All the scalpers on eBay will find someone whose collection owns them
With Giants I've.bought the gitd 3ds pack, gnarly wii.bundle and.Xbox bundle but this time. I'm in no rush to get doubles. With the older ones selling for less than retail and all the B1G1 sales that go on its time to be smart about the collecting. I just wish I had a neat and space saving way to store all the new ones. The stack em casesdont work wl hits. I've been looking into ornament storage space savers. For a guy that doesn't want to put them.on.his wall have u come across anything game master that would work well and save space? |
Blue Sparx
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#16 Posted: 16:00:36 19/11/2012
Quote: L-Sunburn
whoa whoa whoa. back up the friggin truck. say what?? they are more deserving b/c they have variants? this shows they like the game a lot? congratulations. we have a winnah. don't think this makes them deserving of anything.
Turrible, just turrible - Sir Charles Barkley |
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401 |
#17 Posted: 16:02:58 19/11/2012
I don't think ANYONE should own any prototypes. They all should stay in the TFB shelf archive. FGTV certainly don't deserve it anyway in my opinion, they already get spoiled with the figures.
Yellow Sparx
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#18 Posted: 16:15:20 19/11/2012
Quote: L-Sunburn
^ This makes little to NO sense whatso ever.
I <3 all Spyro games! ![]() |
Yellow Sparx
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#19 Posted: 16:47:57 19/11/2012
personally i don't think i deserve any special treatment, i don't think anyone does.
as for the fgtv getting arbo it is just another example of kickbacks that are given to journalist who play nice and say nice |
Blue Sparx
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#20 Posted: 16:49:50 19/11/2012
Quote: t7gga
nicely said!
Turrible, just turrible - Sir Charles Barkley |
Kung Fu Man
Gold Sparx
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#21 Posted: 17:06:53 19/11/2012
Will just point out giving special items to collectors on the basis that their collection is 'big enough'/'fanatical enough' would probably lead to infighting in the collector community over people shouting that they deserved it too.
Emerald Sparx
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#22 Posted: 18:28:11 19/11/2012
Quote: t7gga
I totally agree. It just sucks to see us true fans not get something like that, when a journalist could. Quote: Kung Fu Man
I agree. I don't need an Arbo. Would it be cool to own, sure. However, seeing journalists get toys early, only to not really do what they should be doing with them, is kinda pathetic. They might take a pic of do a small write up on them, but had it been me, they would be getting the full treatment. I would do character analysis after beefing them up, reviews of both upgrade paths, pics, a short playthrough of each, etc. Seeing how hard it is for Americans to get the variants just woke me up. That, plus my friends say they're downright ugly on a vibrant wall. Then, there are the convention exclusives, and the fact I see people getting these while not even being true fans to the series and it got me thinking I don't need to go so far in my collecting. The variants really mean nothing to me. It's the actual stuff you can find that do something ingame that matters. This one guy said he was buying them off of me, but... eh. I wish he would hurry, so I can free up some room to rearrange my S:SA wall one last time.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28 |
Kung Fu Man
Gold Sparx
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#23 Posted: 19:12:37 19/11/2012
Actually something else to offer here but...that Arbo figure probably isn't a playable toy. There aren't any files for it in the game that I've found, only those for the Sniper and Debug Minion are unused.
Blue Sparx
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#24 Posted: 19:52:15 19/11/2012
Obviously GM78 you don't understand economics at all. Your whining and complaining only shows your immaturity concerning what you think you deserve, as a child would. No manufacturer would even consider giving you anything because you are so obsessed with collecting that they know you will buy anything they put in a shelf. You are job security to them. Journalist and high up executives are given things to ensure the product gets high reviews and is seen by as many consumers as possible. It's called marketing. Which worked on you better than any other buyer of this product. What's worse is you, by your own posts, have exposed yourself to ridicule by anyone who reads these forums. You don't work, you live with your mother, you have no expenses, you don't pay rent or have a mortgage.....I could go on. If you want to live like you do that's your right. But stop complaining about the position you put yourself in. Stop wasting money on toys for yourself and start realizing what really matters in your life.
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now. |
Blue Sparx
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#25 Posted: 21:18:06 19/11/2012
Quote: finnsllc
This is what every normal adult on these forums thinks. You finally said it. Thank you. You did, however, forget a few things. Which I will gladly bring up. The former model has previously mentioned these: First of all he is going to build a house with his money that he is going to earn from selling a script to a movie studio. Learn to write. If your writing style on these boards is any indication of how you write scripts 'MURICAH is in for a treat! These screenplays are about people who say one thing and then 5 seconds later recant and speak in endless run on sentences about fate. Fate has nothing to do with toys you 34 year old wacko. Remember, this is the dude who had to go out and buy a 2001 pontiac and is making payments on it. He chooses to spend his money on other things. I can respect that. I have no respect for someone who acts like he has a load of money and owns his own business (which he very well might). And then in the next post he tells us his parents have helped him out and he has to go out and buy a 2001 pontiac and make payments on them. Last time I checked 2001 Pontiacs weren't breaking piggy banks in 2011-2012. There are common inconsistencies and random crap with Billy G. Look for them kids. There is no denying GM78 has an epic collection. Its awesome. Its also highly ludicrous when kids say that his collection inspires them. If this is what inspires people then we are screwed as a society. In closing, stop flip-flopping. You constantly talk about how if someone has at least one skylander and they are proud of it then it is just as good as your collection. Therefore your collection is better than nobody. Then you go off on how nobody is as passionate or dedicated to Skylanders than you are. Simply not true. You chose to spend loads of money on this collection of toys. Other people haven't.
Turrible, just turrible - Sir Charles Barkley |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:20:44 19/11/2012 by gamecocksc17
Emerald Sparx
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#26 Posted: 21:57:43 19/11/2012
I don't care if anyone gets anything Skylanders related. The scenarios I mentioned, woke me to the idea that I don't need everything Skylanders related, which is why I SHOULD BE (if the guy doesn't flake out), getting 2000 bucks for my variants. If not, I'm sure they will sell sometime within the next 21 days, when the auction is going to end.
My collection is still just as epic without the variants, which does go back to what I've said before, about people who own even 1 Skylander. ![]() Seeing non-fans get stuff where I think ALL of us fans deserve it, is what made me re-evaluate my stance on what Skylanders items I should collect.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28 |
Yellow Sparx
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#27 Posted: 22:10:00 19/11/2012
With your photostatic memory, and all, I am sure that I do not need to quote but for the sake of the "ordinary people":
While Activision may know me based on my collection, my collection isn't impressive enough to them, that they're giving this FGTV guy - who couldn't possibly care about Skylanders more than me - an Arbo... To recap, Activision gave you a Chrome Sypro when you posted in multiple forums that you could not get one. Avid readers will recall how you expressed yourself back then...
Soylent Green is People! Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7oq1...ers%20List.xlsm |
Yellow Sparx
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#28 Posted: 22:57:49 19/11/2012
GM78 what's your EBay?
Yellow Sparx
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#29 Posted: 23:01:49 19/11/2012
Kung Fu Man
Gold Sparx
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#30 Posted: 00:36:05 20/11/2012
That's...~$120 apiece. I'm sorry but...no just kinda speechless here. Did you actually pay near that much total for them all?
Emerald Sparx
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#31 Posted: 01:17:41 20/11/2012
Quote: Kung Fu Man
Paid more. I have this one guy who keeps saying he is going to pay me for them, but keeps - seemingly - backing down. I told him I'd take 2000 for it, but not over Ebay, since eating fees from Ebay and Paypal on 2k would kill the idea of it all. So, we were going to do the deal outside of Ebay. Anyone wanting to do the deal through Ebay, will have to pay 2500, so I can hope to make off with 2k after shipping and fees. Let's put it this way, I paid 1250.00 for the 3 GITD's plus Pearl Hex. Break down how much that is between 4 figures. 312.50 each? Those buying mine at less than 200 a piece is robbing me blind.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28 |
Blue Sparx
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#32 Posted: 01:24:37 20/11/2012
Quote: GM78
Let's put it this way, I paid 1250.00 for the 3 GITD's plus Pearl Hex. Break down how much that is between 4 figures. 312.50 each? Those buying mine at less than 200 a piece is robbing me blind. Where did my mortgage money go? Oh yea. Now I remember.
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:38:35 20/11/2012 by finnsllc
Yellow Sparx
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#33 Posted: 01:33:30 20/11/2012
Quote: finnsllc
LOL ^ Makes me feel less badly about paying 60 for my GITD Zap...and I thought THAT was even too much...goodness.
I <3 all Spyro games! ![]() |
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401 |
#34 Posted: 02:18:30 20/11/2012
I'm not sure which .gif to go for here. |
Yellow Sparx
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#35 Posted: 02:26:17 20/11/2012
I paid 1250.00 for the 3 GITD's plus Pearl Hex
You passed on paying $300 for Pearl Hex when offered to you and then went on a campaign that you would never get a variant that was not available in USA so there is no logical way that you spent > $300 for it (especially given that they went to less than that relatively soon afterwards, much to my chagrin). That leaves a pretty high number for the GITDs when I found them to be the cheapest and most common on EBay? (I only had to find one for myself as I managed to find two GITD Zaps and a GITD Warnado but I kept a vigilant look out for others at the time).
Soylent Green is People! Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7oq1...ers%20List.xlsm |
Green Sparx
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#36 Posted: 19:39:51 20/11/2012
I don't really care if people sell collections, but considering this particular figure was given to GM78 as a way to recognize him as a big fan struggling to complete the collection at that point it time, it bums me out that this figure specifically is included in the lot. I dunno - maybe it's because every company has fans claiming they are the "biggest" or the "best" and "love this game more than anyone in the world", but when those fans are acknowledged by ways of swag, I know I'd be pretty bummed to see that same fan turn around and sell it. I know it's Activision and they probably don't care because they are a gigantic publisher with millions of "the biggest fans" for their multiple titles - but the fact that said gigantic publisher threw a bone to little old me would also be reason enough for me to keep it. store it in the attic or keep it in a shoebox, or frame it and give it your kids, or something. publisher & developer acknowledgement is the closest we get to video game memorabilia, so why not hold onto it? /morals. |
Emerald Sparx
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#37 Posted: 21:24:29 20/11/2012
Sadly, morals - and responsibility - is why I have to get rid of them. No one bother asking, because I don't care to talk about it.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28 |
Yellow Sparx
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#38 Posted: 22:05:58 20/11/2012
I got my GITD Warnado 3-pack for $20.
Available for trade: NIB Walmart Exclusive Drill Sergeant (Not Red), NIB Granite Crusher. PM if interested. |
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401 |
#39 Posted: 23:12:08 20/11/2012
Quote: kaz409
Didn't he win it with a Facebook giveaway? I believe during a stream (which happened to be going on same time as Nintendo's E3 one) if you posted on their Facebook page or something you would have a chance to win one of five. He just happened to be one of the ones picked. |
Blue Sparx
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#40 Posted: 01:12:30 21/11/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
Quote: GameMaster78
Morality and responsibility. So you're selling one thing due to responsibility then throwing your so called morality out the window by wasting money on THREE starter packs and your SECOND WiiU. You are pathetic, GM78, as well as a horrible example to the young people involved on the forum.
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:13:39 21/11/2012 by finnsllc
Kung Fu Man
Gold Sparx
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#41 Posted: 04:10:34 21/11/2012
I'm with Kaz on this one, and kinda irked now too after you claimed they didn't acknowledge you by not giving you an Arbo. I'm sorry but that's pretty cool that they went out of their way for that.
And I'm going to walk away from this thread without reading the response after getting that off my chest. |
Yellow Sparx
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#42 Posted: 04:34:25 21/11/2012
So...here was another of his auctions....ouch. 300 bucks for those 3... Might we note...to those of you reading between the lines like Tigga does...read the description at the bottom... Will never get how people have bills to pay...then dump dough on things like multiple wii u. Sigh...you would think with all the people scratching their heads over gm78...that he would learn...hope that movie sells...soon. Kids..stop envying the irresponsible and take a lesson from all this silly hooplah
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..." |
Yellow Sparx
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#43 Posted: 05:15:10 21/11/2012
If bills need to be paid, why were 3 copies of battlegrounds bought today? I can't beleive someone puts their life in jeopardy over some toys.
Available for trade: NIB Walmart Exclusive Drill Sergeant (Not Red), NIB Granite Crusher. PM if interested. |
Blue Sparx
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#44 Posted: 05:21:10 21/11/2012
Whats pathetic is there is a topic over this. He is his own man, he can do whatever he wants.
Thumpback & Eyebrawl = Best Giants |
Blue Sparx
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#45 Posted: 05:36:38 21/11/2012
You can do whatever you want, of course. However publicly posting as he does is sure to publicly be responded to. The statement "he is his own man" is true. But I believe the parents here would say " he is a GROWN man".
Quoting his ebay: Toy Fair Cynder can go from anywhere from from 180-200 bucks at times, but I need to pay off some bills, so I have to get rid of these for cheaper than what they would be should you buy them seperately. You don't post as he does unless you are looking to be the center of attention. Always be careful what you wish for....you may get it and not like the results.
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now. |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 12:17:09 21/11/2012 by finnsllc
Blue Sparx
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#46 Posted: 15:49:04 21/11/2012
him selling his stuff is none of anyone's business is what im saying.
Thumpback & Eyebrawl = Best Giants |
Blue Sparx
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#47 Posted: 15:55:59 21/11/2012
Then stop talking about it.
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Emerald Sparx
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#48 Posted: 16:30:00 21/11/2012
Quote: ShroomiBoomi
Drama-queens look to start fights however they can. Perhaps it's due to a lack of having things to do in life. Who knows. I've been sitting here reading this for days, with my popcorn, as these people mudfling while putting the pieces together of a life that's not theirs. That's boredom for ya, I guess. What started as a legit question by the topic creator, spun into a flamebait topic. Maybe I need to buy the mudflingers a REAL puzzle to piece together? ![]() I wonder how they will piece this one together? I can't wait to see the assumptions based on this one. ![]() I'm curious to see how that is over-analyzed. Oh, and here are those 3 Starter Packs, lol. ![]() I love all of you guys, you know that? I especially love the haters. *pats the haters on the head* You guys are so special. You guys know how to cheer up a man when he's down. ![]()
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28 |
Blue Sparx
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#49 Posted: 16:34:34 21/11/2012
Honestly, It's your stuff, your money, do what you want with it. If you want to sell it, then sell it. What people might not realize is that people have stuff going on other than skylanders and things in private life change. Not stating this was your situation GM, but if I was going to lose my car or my house or have my lights shut off, guess what... I would sell some of my stuff. When I lost my job a a couple years back, I had to sell my 360 to make my house payment. I had loaded lots of money into it. My 85,000 house is worth more to me than the xbox was. Or what my GITD WB,Warnado, and Zap are.
Sometimes people just need to be drama llamas. It's your stuff do what ever you want to do with it. |
Blue Sparx
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#50 Posted: 16:35:33 21/11/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
this post and previous post of pics make no sense whatsoever. what a weird little dude. you are selling due to morals and responsibility. example of responsibility: turning around and buying wii u's and battlegrounds starter packs.
Turrible, just turrible - Sir Charles Barkley |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:38:42 21/11/2012 by gamecocksc17
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