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Your Websites [STICKY]
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#351 Posted: 14:59:10 16/11/2008
I seem to have a lack of traffic to my SpyroRADIO site....
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12702
#352 Posted: 22:00:03 24/11/2008
same with mine. I know the reason, my sites a complete FAIL smilie
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#353 Posted: 22:12:21 24/11/2008
Quote: Doppel
I seem to have a lack of traffic to my SpyroRADIO site....

I enjoyed listening to your radio :>
Dark_Spyro999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4713
#354 Posted: 20:07:04 29/11/2008
me too!
I is ded
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#355 Posted: 00:51:41 06/12/2008
Here's a Spyro fansite for you guys:

It used to be kind of a stupid rebellion-type thing, but we've revamped it so it's just a fan forum, and anyone can join. Check it out if you want.
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#356 Posted: 05:17:41 06/12/2008
Quote: Stormy
Here's a Spyro fansite for you guys:

It used to be kind of a stupid rebellion-type thing, but we've revamped it so it's just a fan forum, and anyone can join. Check it out if you want.

PM me for the copy-paste of Stormy's email on why it was made. smilie
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#357 Posted: 14:33:05 06/12/2008
Oh no you don't. (Wow, best decision of my life trusting you. -____-)
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#358 Posted: 20:27:58 06/12/2008
Quote: Stormy
Oh no you don't. (Wow, best decision of my life trusting you. -____-)

What? smilie

I was joking, you know. smilie
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#359 Posted: 21:25:05 06/12/2008

I repeat, will you please stop stalking me on this website. It's very annoying.
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#360 Posted: 21:33:21 06/12/2008
Quote: Stormy

I repeat, will you please stop stalking me on this website. It's very annoying.

Fine. smilie
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#361 Posted: 21:35:48 06/12/2008
By the way, Yahoo the Storm dragon says Ayumi is in your underwear drawer.

=/ Don't ask me.
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#362 Posted: 06:13:03 07/12/2008
Quote: Doppel
I seem to have a lack of traffic to my SpyroRADIO site....

Bumping up the quality and loading will make me go there more often IF, and ONLY IF, you get rid of those HORRIBLE pop ups that come up every time YOU CLICK ANYTHING. It's worse than Shur'tugal's site!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:13:26 07/12/2008 by Shrazer320
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12702
#363 Posted: 03:28:25 08/12/2008
I've added some new features to my site, such as;
-A ban list
-A shop
-An award system
-Gem System (2 types)
-and I am still adding to it daily

Celestial Spyro Home Page

Forum Page
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#364 Posted: 23:22:36 10/12/2008
Quote: Shrazer320
Bumping up the quality and loading will make me go there more often IF, and ONLY IF, you get rid of those HORRIBLE pop ups that come up every time YOU CLICK ANYTHING. It's worse than Shur'tugal's site!

Pop-Up Ads? Hell no, this wasn't in 07x's terms. I chose an ad-free host. You may be getting PUPs from another site. I will be checking this though.

None complained about the PUP ads.
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12702
#365 Posted: 03:24:34 12/12/2008
I never got any when i went on smilie
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#366 Posted: 06:09:57 14/12/2008
Uh, I made a dinky little forum. It was pretty much made to replace S_r's that got taken down, but I'd appriciate it if you joined it. It's here.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#367 Posted: 00:22:19 22/12/2008
After months of inactive use I've decided to close my forum for good, the site failed (stupid brickshelf) because all the pictures dissapeared and since then no one has done anything on the site. So as of christmas day SecretSpyro is no more smilie
bmah Platinum Sparx Gems: 5669
#368 Posted: 07:28:08 02/01/2009
Quote: Spyroboy

Nice site you've got there. Is it just me, or is the text size you use is HUGE?
I now have a deviantART account! Check me out at
Post a comment if you can. Thanks everyone!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#369 Posted: 20:02:35 05/01/2009
SecretSpyro - Its still in the beginning stages but its ok for now.

BioThrough2809 - My new website for game walkthroughts. Suggest your own game to be submitted (I've got like 3 games so far, all Spyro)
Cerapter Red Sparx Gems: 93
#370 Posted: 20:45:25 05/01/2009
Teh My Room Adventure 2 - a point-and-click adventure with real photos
Teh My Room Adventure III - its sequel

Home - the root of my domain. I don't think you'll find it very interesting

Soundtrack Creator - a much too complicated script for making flash-based albums with music and images.

Typhlosion's Pokéside - a norwegian Pokémon fansite I discontinued 6 years ago

In case you're wondering, I'm actually 21 years old.
Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:47:28 05/01/2009 by Cerapter
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#371 Posted: 20:57:05 05/01/2009
The make a soundtrack button doesn't work
Cerapter Red Sparx Gems: 93
#372 Posted: 22:51:21 05/01/2009
It's supposed to pop up, so I'd guess you're using an ad blocker that doesn't want to comply.
Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#373 Posted: 17:19:11 06/01/2009
I turned it off, it still doesn't work
Cerapter Red Sparx Gems: 93
#374 Posted: 23:01:16 06/01/2009
How about now? I got rid of the popup, now it opens on the same page instead.
Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#375 Posted: 16:44:58 07/01/2009
Its working now, thanks
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12702
#376 Posted: 03:11:54 10/01/2009
I've added a new Photo Gallery to my site. It has images for each game like the ones on here, but there is also a section where members can upload their images. You can also comment and rate images to smilie

See it here

*I'm going to be adding alot more pictures though smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:19:52 12/01/2009 by Spyroboy
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#377 Posted: 12:50:31 10/01/2009
you put in 'img' code on the end
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12702
#378 Posted: 21:19:35 12/01/2009
smilie I feel smart now smilie
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#379 Posted: 10:05:32 25/01/2009
Welll........I don't know how to made my own sitesmilie
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#380 Posted: 21:48:09 03/02/2009
Here's my website, it's a MIDI music website along with a few extra things in it:

There's all sorts of things there: MIDI music (from Mario Bros. to my own original creations), some artwork, and a bunch of little things; you can also meet my dragon adopters dragon...
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
Visit my DA pagesmilie
Cuzzberry Gold Sparx Gems: 2081
#381 Posted: 02:44:53 19/02/2009
Here's my webbie! Although I have no idea how to make it an actual link, but just copy and paste it in the url bar.

Draw your own creations and then send them into me! I haven't had anyone send in art in awhile so please submit some or i'm gonna have to take down the site!!!smilie
Wow... It's been awhile!smilie
spyroluva Green Sparx Gems: 175
#382 Posted: 01:20:15 20/02/2009
cool websites!!!!! hey check out myn;

YAY!!smilie smilie

tell me, am i doing this right?
darksuperspyro Blue Sparx Gems: 988
#383 Posted: 23:17:42 25/02/2009
smilieHello guys yours knows how I found spyro2008?
Why Death Never Comes?
sillyworld Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#384 Posted: 06:18:35 28/02/2009
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#385 Posted: 16:58:55 28/02/2009
Quote: darksuperspyro
smilieHello guys yours knows how I found spyro2008?

SinistersGirl Green Sparx Gems: 161
#386 Posted: 00:14:03 08/03/2009
Heres my site-
Please join if you like Warrior cats smilie
Evil grin smilie
DeviantART account-
If you like Warrior cat then please visit my gallery
Apieceofmeat700 Ripto Gems: 132
#387 Posted: 21:58:44 14/03/2009

If you can't read this.......look down......
black dragon Ripto Gems: 2470
#388 Posted: 05:40:49 22/03/2009
Quote: Stormy
Here's a Spyro fansite for you guys:

It used to be kind of a stupid rebellion-type thing, but we've revamped it so it's just a fan forum, and anyone can join. Check it out if you want.

Cool site .

Quote: apieceofmeat

If you can't read this.......look down......

Is this what you were trying to occomplish or where you trying to post your whole youtube page here?

Quote: Dragginwings
Uh, I made a dinky little forum. It was pretty much made to replace S_r's that got taken down, but I'd appriciate it if you joined it. It's here.

I might join...
sparkz Green Sparx Gems: 342
#389 Posted: 19:23:21 22/03/2009
Um well i made a forum its for crash bandicoot

hello, if you like spyro check out this new forum for crash bandicoot
(same companies made) (sierra) (and that other one)
pelase join today =]

do join it =] hehe
Hunter, Sparx And Spyro Adventures Will End Soon
Spyros_fan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1028
#390 Posted: 22:31:37 31/03/2009
Yay! Check it out!
Visit my dA! (my username is dragonweyrgirl)
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#391 Posted: 01:27:38 06/04/2009
I just made a entirely new message board from SCRATCH.
In my signature.
katara45 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3118
#392 Posted: 01:43:41 14/04/2009
Made a new chat. smilie Anyone can chat ^.^
Time For Cake and Sodomy.
spyro48 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#393 Posted: 18:07:09 16/04/2009
My site.
I'm back from my unaccounced break. Sorry 4 not telling u. Do u like my avi?? It is my aunties dog, Peggy.
spyro fan 8 Ripto Gems: 2948
#394 Posted: 23:12:23 28/04/2009
Hey gaiz! this is my site! the first one i ever made so...JOIN IT OR GTHELL! jk jk jk smilie gaiz,smilie...i needz ya 2 join it so i can...have a site wit pplz on it...smilie its also good cuz if i ever leave darkspyro...ill be on here smilie so join it! smilie on the site it seems like im on crack in the first topic. smilie
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#395 Posted: 18:25:23 30/04/2009
Quote: spyro fan 8

Yes... I shall join this website... *cough*sarcasum*cough*... A bit of advice... On the homepage... Don't beg for members... Or say 'Go to hell'
spyro fan 8 Ripto Gems: 2948
#396 Posted: 20:36:55 30/04/2009
well...........pplz joined so...screw that advice. smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#397 Posted: 21:23:51 01/05/2009
If anyone's an Elora the faun fan...

Just for Faun

And if you want something to joing:

Just for Faun on deviantART
CynderGirl13 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3190
#398 Posted: 02:33:08 02/05/2009 a site for people to put the dragon adoptables
"Keelah se'lai"
poisonthedragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1533
#399 Posted: 02:17:11 05/05/2009
i call'z it poison's lair :D
darkdragon3809 Gold Sparx Gems: 2264
#400 Posted: 03:24:09 05/05/2009
Well here's's not 100% completed yet...

It's cool. I like the chat room.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:34:10 06/05/2009 by darkdragon3809
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