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Your Websites [STICKY]
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#201 Posted: 01:04:19 27/08/2008
Quote: Spyroboy
I've added some downloadable soundtracks to my site from the Spyro games, i will be adding more, but heres what i got so far: Click here

You know hosting music online is ILLEGAL SpyroBoy.
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#202 Posted: 01:45:08 27/08/2008
I have made my site more Spyro like, and the page isn't full of crap anymore smilie

I have done alot of work on my site so now its easier to scroll down, i got rid of alot of stuff that wasn't needed. And i've made the site more Spyro like, so you guys should check it out at: []The Legend of Spyro Forums[url]
CynderGirl13 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3190
#203 Posted: 01:46:06 27/08/2008
hey anyone wanna go on my site
"Keelah se'lai"
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#204 Posted: 01:46:25 27/08/2008
Quote: Spyro2008
Quote: Spyroboy
I've added some downloadable soundtracks to my site from the Spyro games, i will be adding more, but heres what i got so far: Click here

You know hosting music online is ILLEGAL SpyroBoy.

i know, but i recorded these myself with my mp3 player
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#205 Posted: 01:47:55 27/08/2008
It's still illegal ya know.
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#206 Posted: 01:51:05 27/08/2008
i realize that, but so many people do it that its not even funny, plus i have it hosted on a file sharing website, i just have it link to the url so people can download it
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#207 Posted: 01:51:47 27/08/2008
Alright, just don't go crying when your site gets deleted. xD
CynderGirl13 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3190
#208 Posted: 01:52:47 27/08/2008
what do you mean S2008 about it getting you know
"Keelah se'lai"
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#209 Posted: 01:54:56 27/08/2008
? Hosting music online is copyrighted and illegal. You can get your site deleted by it.
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#210 Posted: 01:57:41 27/08/2008

Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#211 Posted: 01:59:27 27/08/2008
smilie Hope your site go's well. I'm making one soon! *Using photoshop and hosting it*.

Also, I found a cool Zero site.
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#212 Posted: 02:06:24 27/08/2008
the Celestial Spyro one is more a Spyro Site directory, but i might add some stuff such as a photo gallery, but first i'll have to set up the coding for it, make image thumbnails, upload the pictures i want and get it to work. I'll probably work on it tommorow after work.

By the way i can ad your sites to the directories, even if there not spyro related, i have a section for that, if u want me to add them just pm me the title of your site, a description of it and the url for it smilie, thats if u want me to add it though smilie
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#213 Posted: 02:07:54 27/08/2008
Alright, but my site isn't going to start for a while. We get to make websites in Technology this year! Man... 7 more days until school... WE EVEN GET TO MAKE FLASH! YES!
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#214 Posted: 02:12:07 27/08/2008
i've learned how to make websites from alot of sources, such as school, friends, online tuturials, i find it very easy to make them, thats why i started making websites from scratch rather than using something like invasion power board. I could make a site like this one, but it would take so long to set up the forums, and have it so people can register, cause the forum has so many php files involved, and u have to set up a database on a slq server, i set one up once, but it took so long and theres really no point making one cause i like going here, and i dont have alot of time to maintane it cause i'm still in school and i have a parttime job
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#215 Posted: 02:18:42 27/08/2008
Yeah, I'm studying CSS, and in Technology we're making sites using photoshop which is a whole lot nicer than CSS.
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#216 Posted: 02:30:45 27/08/2008
i have to agree with your there smilie
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#217 Posted: 00:57:27 28/08/2008
I'll put my site+forum+blog when they're ready. I already know what domains I'm buying.

Easy as pie and I will use bluehost. $6.95 a month.
IcelectricSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2002
#218 Posted: 16:17:14 28/08/2008
The one from deviantART...
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#219 Posted: 16:16:08 29/08/2008
I just added a forum to my site:
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#220 Posted: 16:56:19 29/08/2008
i haz a website for dragon cave lulz
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#221 Posted: 17:39:56 29/08/2008

Error: Your post is too short.
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#222 Posted: 22:05:10 29/08/2008
Quote: Spyroboy

Error: Your post is too short.

xD ._. i wish i didn't feel so bad
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
shadowmaster Green Sparx Gems: 100
#223 Posted: 18:44:18 30/08/2008
Shadow Domain
Those who cannot remember the past will spend a lot of time looking for their cars in mall parking lots.
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#224 Posted: 18:47:03 31/08/2008
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#225 Posted: 21:17:32 31/08/2008
Click the Image

[User Posted Image]
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#226 Posted: 18:18:30 01/09/2008
Quote: Spyro2008
Quote: Spyroboy
I've added some downloadable soundtracks to my site from the Spyro games, i will be adding more, but heres what i got so far: Click here

You know hosting music online is ILLEGAL SpyroBoy.

Streaming music online is somewhat legal, just like streaming video Youtube.
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#227 Posted: 18:40:33 01/09/2008
Quote: hannah1997

hannah plz close ur other site before D52 bans u..
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
hannah1997 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1227
#228 Posted: 18:42:35 01/09/2008
heres mine http://darkspyroandlightcynder...dex.php?CODE=01
Kaito Shion = best vocaloid ever
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:45:42 01/09/2008 by hannah1997
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#229 Posted: 18:43:12 01/09/2008
Quote: hannah1997

omg man i so wanna join ur site it l00ks so awesome join man.
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#230 Posted: 18:43:58 01/09/2008
Quote: Spyro2008
Quote: hannah1997

omg man i so wanna join ur site it l00ks so awesome join man.

i know so cool dude
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#231 Posted: 18:45:22 01/09/2008
yah i think im gonna register it l00ks so awesome.
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#232 Posted: 18:46:46 01/09/2008
Quote: Spyro2008
yah i think im gonna register it l00ks so awesome.

omg im joining to.
hannah1997 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1227
#233 Posted: 18:47:49 01/09/2008
cool,awsome,and also radical
Kaito Shion = best vocaloid ever
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#234 Posted: 18:48:17 01/09/2008
lol man i cant register
Cloudtail4ever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1818
#235 Posted: 22:03:17 01/09/2008

My friend made that. It's a Kingdom Hearts rp site. It'll explain how things work on there. Please join!!
"Man, if mom could see me now... We'd have zombies on top of everything else."
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#236 Posted: 23:56:13 01/09/2008
Someone actually made a board not on IPBfree or cheesy! Hooray! I'll join later, it looks awesome.
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#237 Posted: 01:47:50 02/09/2008
Quote: Spyro2008
Someone actually made a board not on IPBfree or cheesy! Hooray! I'll join later, it looks awesome.

who was the one who did that?
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#238 Posted: 01:13:12 03/09/2008
IPBFree is really cheesy and a rip off I.P.B. 1.3 that costs money to use.
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#239 Posted: 01:35:11 05/09/2008
Quote: Spyro2008
IPBFree is really cheesy and a rip off I.P.B. 1.3 that costs money to use.

i know smilie inverson bored is good but it dosen't have a IPBstore an arcade or an army system ._. on well
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#240 Posted: 01:36:42 05/09/2008
i didnt like any ipbfree that much, thats why i made my own real spyro site, i even added a game onto it
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#241 Posted: 01:37:27 05/09/2008
yeah *sighs* well i have a back up site just in case smilie
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#242 Posted: 02:01:10 05/09/2008
thats good smilie
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#243 Posted: 03:02:52 05/09/2008
Eh... My website *Actual website* should be up soon. It's a four part site now. A Mario site, Spyro site, The World Ends With You FanSite, and Mega man fansite.
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#244 Posted: 16:06:55 06/09/2008
Quote: Spyroboy
Click the Image

[User Posted Image]

I added some new stuff to my site, such as ranks (They're like the sparx ranks here) and stuff.

Also, i am looking for some new mods on my site, i only need about 2 or so, so if u are interest just pm me here or on my site
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:26:04 06/09/2008 by Spyroboy
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#245 Posted: 17:58:46 07/09/2008
Quote: Spyroboy
Quote: Spyroboy
Click the Image

[User Posted Image]

I added some new stuff to my site, such as ranks (They're like the sparx ranks here) and stuff.

Also, i am looking for some new mods on my site, i only need about 2 or so, so if u are interest just pm me here or on my site

what about me xD
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#246 Posted: 20:29:42 07/09/2008
Quote: alexis1213
Quote: Spyroboy
Quote: Spyroboy
Click the Image

[User Posted Image]

Also, i am looking for some new mods on my site, i only need about 2 or so, so if u are interest just pm me here or on my site

what about me xD

I added some new stuff to my site, such as ranks (They're like the sparx ranks here) and stuff.

sure smilie, next time u check you will be a mod smilie
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#247 Posted: 23:38:53 07/09/2008
YAY!!! lulz sry OOC
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#248 Posted: 23:24:32 08/09/2008
I'm constructing my own Video website, just like Youtube...

A bit hard... smilie
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#249 Posted: 02:12:52 09/09/2008
Quote: Doppel
I'm constructing my own Video website, just like Youtube...

A bit hard... smilie

it's pretty hard. I'm looking how to construct a video. *I can make them, but like to pause and play movies.*
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#250 Posted: 22:23:00 09/09/2008
I made a chatroom website!!!

It's the second link on my signature.
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