

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Your Websites [STICKY]
LordRattler Ripto Gems: 1058
#751 Posted: 23:13:51 27/05/2011
Quote: semp123

No. No.

No websites, but I do plan on one though...if I can design the correct layout for it at least...been at this for what, 2 years?
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#752 Posted: 23:27:17 27/05/2011
It was obvious sarcasm. smilie
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#753 Posted: 05:56:16 29/05/2011
Here are my current websites.

I don't plan to make anymore. I really didn't plan to make one for Club Penguin either but it needs some kind of forum site rather than cheat sites with blogs and chat. And I just need more attention for Coalite and Monochrome. smilie (and actually, I sent a letter to Disney, and my reply said that my idea for a message service with proper templates is actually in consideration and even my idea of unlocking exclusive items through minigames!
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#754 Posted: 00:41:57 30/05/2011

Set in a realm controlled by an.... Unorthodox system, the wolves of Verona have coats of any color or combination thereof imaginable. Unfortunately for them, it's the vivid colors of their pelts that have caused most of their problems. The hierarchy of the valley is determined by the color of their coats, in an order determined by the rainbow - red wolves live the high life, but violets, and those whose pelts are of neutral hue, are suffering. The dictator who instated this color scheme has disappeared and left his daughter to rule, and now doubts are rising about her ability to keep the regime. We hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

This is not my website, but it's a brand new wolf RPg that I have taken a liking too, currently at four active members, we're already moving pretty strong.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#755 Posted: 00:43:35 30/05/2011
Quote: semp123

Lulz, this topic reminds me of my trolling phase.
spyro crash Blue Sparx Gems: 685
#756 Posted: 12:17:51 03/07/2011
smilie out!
MJ_135 Blue Sparx Gems: 785
#757 Posted: 12:57:55 08/07/2011
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6258
#758 Posted: 06:39:30 15/07/2011
The Myst

My newest website, though I don't plan on making anymore. I think this'll also be my main website, seeing as it is my best. I've also made a monthly poll for it (hopefully it won't end up like dark's) and a Chatbox also. It's about pretty much everything too so yeah.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Salamander Green Sparx Gems: 366
#759 Posted: 20:12:54 20/07/2011

This is one of my friends one and she asked me to ask you guys to join, she said that the forum has six users excluding me and herself.
she would be very happy if you all joined in.
I believe in you Jesus and i will do, ALWAYS for ever. Darastrixi shilta ergriff urcaxa nomeno munthreki shilta ti.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8560
#760 Posted: 21:04:43 22/07/2011
I'm just gonna do some advertising for my website... GO VISIT:

[User Posted Image]

Click the logo above to go straight to our main website. We do other things as well as podcasts such as reviews, videos and the general news articles.

You can visit our YouTube page here:

Follow us on Twitter for direct updates for the website:!/CrassCast

And you can e-mail us at:

Just bare in mind that we don't censor the stuff that we do (that includes podcasts) so it may not be appropriate for a young audience.
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#761 Posted: 01:25:54 14/09/2011
Here's my new forum. :U
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#762 Posted: 01:34:06 14/09/2011
What a name.
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#763 Posted: 02:22:25 14/09/2011
Quote: semp123
What a name.

I couldn't think of one. ;________;
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
SpyroCrazzie Blue Sparx Gems: 837
#764 Posted: 07:39:03 14/09/2011

My spyro site!
I'd rather be dead that cool
Angel220200 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4401
#765 Posted: 07:00:06 22/09/2011

My Kingdom Hearts website, I'm still working on it though, and arceus and I are the only members.
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you.
ccrogers15 Ripto Gems: 248
#766 Posted: 09:21:56 03/10/2011
My site:
My Forum:
My Failed Social Network:

Slapu is my registered trademark.
spyrogems Gold Sparx Gems: 2626
#767 Posted: 22:59:15 23/11/2011
my site
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:01:00 23/11/2011 by spyrogems
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#768 Posted: 21:51:29 05/12/2011

heres mine! plz join smilie
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#769 Posted: 21:30:07 25/12/2011
Spyro's Network, My Spyro website!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:18:05 13/01/2012 by Purple n Spyro
dreamynightmare Gold Sparx Gems: 2139
#770 Posted: 02:10:52 28/12/2011

Not my own websites, but only other websites I'm ever on.
I haven't updated my deviantart in a while, but I hope to take more pictures of my art and upload them this week. I'll probably add more photography ones tonight.
I can't drown my demons they know how to swim
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:12:00 28/12/2011 by dreamynightmare
greenlantern511 Ripto Gems: 270
#771 Posted: 15:51:09 16/01/2012
The Dalek Theorum

All Doctor Who, 24 hours!

We will have it and the podcasts up shortly.
Nicoppalus Yellow Sparx Gems: 1408
#772 Posted: 09:37:02 19/01/2012

Welcome to Gothica.

This is my RP Website. Its not like very Gothic or Depressing I Just like the style.
Hi... I don't use this site anymore.
spyrogems Gold Sparx Gems: 2626
#773 Posted: 13:16:39 13/02/2012
my social networking site :
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#774 Posted: 16:39:43 26/02/2012

Commissions are open. <3
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
Stealth Elf 32 Green Sparx Gems: 176
#775 Posted: 11:26:53 20/03/2012 and and a few more can't remember them all.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I posted! smilie My Other Site, although I rarely use it. I love Godsmack! Its a rock band.
Stealth Elf 32 Green Sparx Gems: 176
#776 Posted: 11:30:56 20/03/2012
Oh, The thing where the skeleton grabs your soul,
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I posted! smilie My Other Site, although I rarely use it. I love Godsmack! Its a rock band.
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#777 Posted: 09:27:44 28/03/2012
Still working on Currently trying to decide if the forums should use phpbb3 software or invision power board 3.
chopchop Blue Sparx Gems: 552
#778 Posted: 19:57:01 28/04/2012
please visit!
This user has died
Kurui Ripto Gems: 191
#779 Posted: 15:38:12 10/05/2012
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:02:25 21/11/2012 by Kurui
chopchop Blue Sparx Gems: 552
#780 Posted: 21:29:59 05/06/2012
Look at my MINECRAFT SERVER'S SITE PLZ!!!!!!!!!!
This user has died
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#781 Posted: 08:31:47 06/06/2012
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Cynder Lover25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2332
#782 Posted: 23:08:39 07/06/2012 theres were im hedding to cuz im leving plus thats my site
Been here since 2012...still a gold sparx
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#783 Posted: 05:11:26 08/06/2012

(I guess this doesn't count as my website but whatever)
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Kirby_rules Ripto Gems: 504
#784 Posted: 05:54:11 19/06/2012
My forum everyone left...
MrW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1356
#785 Posted: 08:48:26 19/06/2012
Quote: Queen_Cynder

With such a selfish theme of the forum it's not really surprising to see people leaving it.
Science, *****!
tehamn Green Sparx Gems: 136
#786 Posted: 03:36:52 29/06/2012
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:07:58 29/06/2012 by tehamn
camo1123 Blue Sparx Gems: 613
#787 Posted: 03:44:00 29/06/2012
Please call me mad jack
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#788 Posted: 05:43:42 08/07/2012

A website for my Spyro collection. Currently no merchandise listed, but they will be coming with pictures very soon.
FFM1994 Blue Sparx Gems: 772
#789 Posted: 18:09:30 08/07/2012

It's all about skylanders
List of all figures & much much more: http://skylandersspyrosadventu...ll-figures.html
3DS Friend Code: 1977-0335-5200
jennacat4 Gold Sparx Gems: 2329
#790 Posted: 01:19:01 18/07/2012
Well I know DarkCynd3r is trying to find members for the warriors trivia wiki (a warrior cats wiki)

Me and her usernames are Redstep and Silversky101 the admin is Shimmercloud.

Edited 3 times - Last edited at 17:25:13 25/07/2012 by jennacat4
crashdragon Green Sparx Gems: 344
#791 Posted: 21:12:14 01/09/2012 Where you can make up fan fics, characters, locations etc. about. Spyro and Crash.
Ignitor101 Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#792 Posted: 20:05:56 04/09/2012
*posts in topic without having any websites*
ObsidianBlaze Green Sparx Gems: 198
#793 Posted: 19:26:10 23/09/2012 , I follow back.
Alone we may be lost, but together we stand tall.
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#794 Posted: 19:38:10 27/10/2012
Its a pretty cool blog
LegendaryFlames Emerald Sparx Gems: 3791
#795 Posted: 09:56:10 11/11/2012
I have YT
smilie@Jetbytes everywhere elsesmilie
FFM1994 Blue Sparx Gems: 772
#796 Posted: 16:01:17 24/11/2012
Lala vvvvvvvvvv It's in my signature
List of all figures & much much more: http://skylandersspyrosadventu...ll-figures.html
3DS Friend Code: 1977-0335-5200
Trexroarr Gold Sparx Gems: 2219
#797 Posted: 06:42:35 26/11/2012
Hey all! Definitely check out my brand new Skylanders fan forum call THE PORTAL!!

Here are a few example of what The Portal has to offer!

- Seperate sections for each of the already exsisting Skylander video games (Spyro's Adventure, Giants, Universe, Cloud Patrol, Lost Islands, Battlegrounds), as well as all future titles.

- The latest up-to-date news on everything Skylanders.

- A section dedicated to everything else Skylanders.

- Forum games and contests for Skylander themed digital prizes (such as avatars and signiture banners) (unfortunately I can't exactly afford to do real life physical prizes, so, sorry about that lol). (Coming Soon)

- Fan collection spotlight section. Fans will be able to post their collections for the rest of the forum to see and once a month, one fan will be selected for our monthly fan spotlight. Their collection will be featured in a special place for the entire month, they will recieve a special avatar and/or signiture banner, and a unique member title.

- Fan creation sections. Here, fans can post anything Skylander-themed which they have created. Everything from a drawing to their own TCG (which I know a few of you have already made).

- Topps Skylanders Trading Cards Trade Center. This one is self-explainatory. Trade cards with your fellow members to try to complete your collections!

- This last one is a BIG MAYBE. Buying/Selling/Trading areas for the figures. The Portal does NOT take responsibility for lost toys/money etc.. If I discover that someone is a definite scalper, they will be banned (just fyi). This idea is, like I said, still a BIG MAYBE. (MAYBE Coming Soon)

I hope to see you all there soon! smilie
Skylanders Collection smilie
78 S1 + 37 S2 + 16 S3 + 1 S4 + 19 LC + 8 Minis + 12 G + 25 SF + 13 TM + 2 EE + 34 Traps + 39 Items = 284 + 11 Chase = 295 Total
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:12:02 28/11/2012 by Trexroarr
spyrobeta Green Sparx Gems: 237
#798 Posted: 11:38:12 06/12/2012
Sorry, but domains are not websites. You OWN website should be

Using freesites. Lol
Spyro Classic Fan forever. I highly despise Activision and Skylanders. Problem? Shove it.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#799 Posted: 12:26:48 06/12/2012
Quote: spyrobeta
Sorry, but domains are not websites. You OWN website should be

Using freesites. Lol

And why are they not? You still create the website.
Wojowu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1415
#800 Posted: 15:05:47 06/12/2012
Quote: LunarDistortion
Quote: spyrobeta
Sorry, but domains are not websites. You OWN website should be

Using freesites. Lol

And why are they not? You still create the website.

Agreed. websites actually ARE websites. What I think spyrobeta meant is domain, but not all .com sites are domains. WordPress, for example, allows you to create sites without their name in address.
Back to the topic, when I'm telling someone what my website is, I'm telling them my Youtube account. I also have Wordpress site, but I have nothing done on it smilie
Any Osu fan here?
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