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Skylanders Black Friday (consolidated topic) [CLOSED]
ViDeOmAnCiNi Platinum Sparx Gems: 7292
#1 Posted: 00:26:00 12/11/2012 | Topic Creator
I thought I might make a consolidated topic on the sales going on for Skylanders merchandise on Black Friday. Using this search:

You can find all of the current stuff from all of the currently released adverts on the Black Friday site.

Walmart is going to have a great deal on S:G starter packs at $38.96, Best Buy will literally be dumping the old S:SA figures at $2.99, TRU will have the large $25 talking plushies for $14.99 and S:G triple packs for $19.99 and Legendary Stealth Elf for $9.99. K-Mart will have all S:G triple packs for $19.99 as well.

I am not entirely sure what the "exclusive" version of the TRU Skylanders Battle Arena is vs the model that Gamestop or Target sells. TRU is including an exclusive "Coliseum Display" with the arena on BF for $39.99 (which seems to be regular price...)

As more adverts are added to the web site, the above search will work to search them all. I will attempt to keep this first post updated with any outstanding S:SA or S:G merchandise as I see it come available in adverts. Feel free to add anything that I missed or anything from local stores in your area (or outside of the USA which I would not be privy to.)

One last thing is that you definitely do NOT have to stand in front of stores to get most deals. I did more than 95% of my BF shopping last year online. I lost some sleep, but I was able to procure all items that I wanted via web site sales and have them shipped or do a site-to-store type deal. The Facebook page is a great place to watch for stuff becoming available on store sites. People will post immediately when the stuff comes up. Within 30 seconds or less most times. The Firefox auto-refresh add-on is your friend. smilie


♫ "Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold" ♫

Shroomy_Boomy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#2 Posted: 02:21:12 12/11/2012
Walmart is also having the Xbox/S:SA/Green Gill Grunt exclusive as well as an exclusive GITD Sonic Boom! smilie
67/67+GITD:smiliesmiliesmilieAEsmilie ROCKsmilie&smilieGLITTERsmilie&smilieSNOWsmilie

37/37+All Sidekix~WERDS~Blusmilie~Flockedsmilie~GITDsmilie~GREENsmilie~CLEARsmilie~CHROMEsmilie
Osbor Blue Sparx Gems: 710
#3 Posted: 18:04:59 20/11/2012
best buy has a deal where all the series one skylanders at $3 a pop
the only thing they lose in giants is that wow-pow power that the series 2 figures have, and the ability to switch between skillsets at will (instead of only having one per character).
although i'm not sure if the series one figures unlock heroic challenges
Plaag Emerald Sparx Gems: 4339
#4 Posted: 19:31:13 20/11/2012
Series 1 do not unlock heroic challenges.

ArkeyanForce Green Sparx Gems: 402
#5 Posted: 19:59:23 20/11/2012
Yeah, we know and there already have a black Friday topic, put it on there, we don't need two black Friday topics. MAKE SURE THAT YOU MAKE SURE THAT THERE'S NOT ALREADY A TOPIC LIKE THAT BEFORE YOU CREATE ONE.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:02:55 20/11/2012 by ArkeyanForce
PlayableMoogle Gold Sparx Gems: 2446
#6 Posted: 21:24:55 20/11/2012
Does anyone know whether that Walmart Starter deal for $38.96 includes all systems? Specifically, I wonder about the Wii U.
ArkeyanForce Green Sparx Gems: 402
#7 Posted: 23:27:02 20/11/2012
I don't think it counts WiiU smilie sorry
Grizztof Green Sparx Gems: 239
#8 Posted: 00:22:57 21/11/2012
Thanks for this. I forgot stores had $20 three packs. I don't think I can pass up the Sonic Boom/Stump Smash/Sprocket triple pack at $20. I'm also going to Best Buy in case they received a good mix of S1 characters.
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