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armour thoughts [CLOSED]
Spyrosflame Green Sparx Gems: 277
#1 Posted: 21:16:23 07/07/2008 | Topic Creator
ok what do people think about the armour bonuses, i maen what are they and what should they be???
You can try to tear me down,
Pull me to the ground,
I will see you screaming.
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#2 Posted: 21:20:33 07/07/2008
The armour gives Spyro or Cynder special abilites and extra protection. I think it is cool that we have another collectable! I wonder if the armour can break at any time?
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Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#3 Posted: 16:28:20 08/07/2008
hope not^ i love the idea!
spyroblack Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#4 Posted: 16:45:19 08/07/2008
i think the armours from spyros lair bout i hope they have armous it would be really cool
spiro101 Blue Sparx Gems: 647
#5 Posted: 19:39:13 08/07/2008
thats true it would be coul!!!!!
i am the real spiro 101 and know 1 will take it *ROAR*
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