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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Thread!
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#2251 Posted: 04:04:19 24/11/2015
I'm really excited for the finale.

Starlight Glimmer can go step on a Lego, though.
Reverse0456 Gold Sparx Gems: 2453
#2252 Posted: 11:44:48 24/11/2015

Yep I'm ready.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2253 Posted: 20:26:30 24/11/2015
Hells yeah, far too excited for Starlight to come back and
save the day
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#2254 Posted: 00:55:30 25/11/2015
Honestly, can we please just have one episode where someone has an old friend, and that old friend isn't being manipulated, or under a magical trance, how about the friend just changes? How about we have an episode where there is nothing the ponies can do, because their old friend, who they were once really close to, changed? And then they go their separate ways. I really think this would be a good lesson, and one that kids need to learn.

This is why I really didn't like Apple Jack's episode. :\

I also think It's just time I finally say it; It's been a really nice run, however, I haven't enjoyed this season as much as the others, and I really think this season would be good to end on, but alas, there is at least one more season Hasbro can squeeze out of pastel colored ponies. I..guess..I'm leaving the fandom. It..just doesn't interest me anymore. :\
looks like ive got some things to do...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:02:27 25/11/2015 by parisruelz12
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2255 Posted: 18:33:40 25/11/2015
Quote: parisruelz12
Honestly, can we please just have one episode where someone has an old friend, and that old friend isn't being manipulated, or under a magical trance, how about the friend just changes?

...Uhh... Amending Fences.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#2256 Posted: 02:20:10 26/11/2015
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: parisruelz12
Honestly, can we please just have one episode where someone has an old friend, and that old friend isn't being manipulated, or under a magical trance, how about the friend just changes?

...Uhh... Amending Fences.

Yes, but didn't they still end up friends in the end? I don't remember. :\
looks like ive got some things to do...
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2257 Posted: 18:39:01 26/11/2015
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: parisruelz12
Honestly, can we please just have one episode where someone has an old friend, and that old friend isn't being manipulated, or under a magical trance, how about the friend just changes?

...Uhh... Amending Fences.

Yes, but didn't they still end up friends in the end? I don't remember. smilie

Kind of, it's a tad more complicated than that though. Besides, that wasn't what you said. You said you wanted to see an episode where an old friend had just changed, not because they were manipulated or under some spell and that is a perfect example.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#2258 Posted: 22:13:03 26/11/2015
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: bionicle2809

...Uhh... Amending Fences.

Yes, but didn't they still end up friends in the end? I don't remember. smilie

Kind of, it's a tad more complicated than that though. Besides, that wasn't what you said. You said you wanted to see an episode where an old friend had just changed, not because they were manipulated or under some spell and that is a perfect example.

That's true, I did say that.
looks like ive got some things to do...
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#2259 Posted: 00:08:03 27/11/2015
technically rarity takes manehattan as well - isn't it mentioned that suri used to live in ponyville and was an acquaintance of rarity's before moving the manehattan?
self professed austGAYlian
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2260 Posted: 19:42:36 27/11/2015
Quote: ReshiramForever
technically rarity takes manehattan as well - isn't it mentioned that suri used to live in ponyville and was an acquaintance of rarity's before moving the manehattan?

I think they used to know each other, not a whole lot more. But obviously enough where she trusted her so I agree; didn't think of that one either.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2261 Posted: 17:02:33 28/11/2015
I've never posted in this thread before because lurking but I really need to take this somewhere, I'm sorry in advance. Finale spoilers obv.

How can Season 5 go from amazing to crap in 40 minutes? Starlight Glimmer and everyone having their intelligence halved,that's how.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 17:03:43 28/11/2015 by Bifrost
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#2262 Posted: 19:20:50 28/11/2015
Quote: Bifrost
I've never posted in this thread before because lurking but I really need to take this somewhere, I'm sorry in advance. Finale spoilers obv.

How can Season 5 go from amazing to crap in 40 minutes? Starlight Glimmer and everyone having their intelligence halved,that's how.

Starlight's backstory was boring and underwhelming. I expected something much more deep.
She loses one friend and then suddenly she wants to take over the world? Give me a break.
Her redemption was too fast, and I honestly wish it hadn't happened at all. If she had to be redeemed, I wish she would of at least been a rival for Twilight, since she's basically her equal.

The time traveling was cool, and I enjoyed seeing all the different futures, but they led up to nothing. Perhaps they should of had them connect at the end to create one massive world with all of the villains. I don't know, it ended so abruptly and didn't have a pay off.

Also, is Starlight now part of the "Mane 7"? I always hoped that if a new member were to join the group, it would be Sunset Shimmer, but oh well. Maybe Starlight isn't even actually joining them and it was all hyped up for nothing.

Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2263 Posted: 19:31:54 28/11/2015
Soo much all of it.

I actually like Starlight EVEN LESS after the backstory. She has no reason to be so powerful,and now she has no good reason to be such a petty childish person. Maybe if her entire class got cutie marks or something,like a dark version of the CMC, but just this random pony we don't care about and apparently neither does she just paints her as a womanchild.
Her redemption makes Discord's look reasonable. He actually got given a reason to care and is still doing baby steps,she was just 'oh maybe I shouldn't be so cold,time to do a 180° and be the best person to everyone, even who betrayed me'.

Time traveling was awesome,but it depended SO MUCH on Twilight and the others being stupid to the point of OOC it felt like fanservice and fanservice alone. Some like Chrysalis' and Tirek's make no sense whatsoever, some aren't solved because someone was too stupid or because the plot says ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ELSE can ever be as friends as the Mane 6(apparently Cadance is even more useless without having foalsitted anyone). The lack of 'dark-present' Twilight in any of them also makes it much worse since she still had the potential to great powers having passed the test or not,since Celestia planned that from looong ago.

Starlight joining the cast is just the icing on the dumb cake. I can't care about her one bit,now I have to see her regularly? I think I'll start picking and choosing episodes that only have the characters I like and have to give up on surprising myself by avoiding previews,which I loved to do.

What makes me the most enraged is that most people ALSO did a 180° on Starlight Glimmer just because of that 1-minute backstory. She's no less one-dimensional. She's no less a recolor. She's no less petty and might throw a temper tantrum over lesser things with that unexplained power of her if the plot didn't tell her no.

Argh,for once I actually WANT the hiatus to forget this ever happened. The first finale I almost ragequitted out of frustration,even Season 3 and the first part of Season 4 premiere I could handle.
(What I need is never what I want)
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2264 Posted: 19:34:07 28/11/2015
Stay mad, pony folks (^:

Starlight is best pony

Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:34:35 28/11/2015 by bionicle2809
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2265 Posted: 19:43:12 28/11/2015
I'd honestly have no problem with her if she had more than one dimension, her colors are cool and the animators go crazy with her expressions, the villain things that happen are cool and she pushes the stakes high. But 'omg I boast about how better I am and how I'm jealous that you're happy' doesn't make a character, it makes a walking talking plot device.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:43:23 28/11/2015 by Bifrost
Reverse0456 Gold Sparx Gems: 2453
#2266 Posted: 19:54:09 28/11/2015
Yeah that was....underwhelming.....I mean I did find some parts Intresting but not to satisfying....just real underwhelmed.

I mean losing one friend that's just a huge exaggeration not a really meaningful motive and backstory and what stop her from visiting that one friend after she got her cutie mark. I also wished they out more focus on these alternate realitys there could have been way more to satisfy the viewers like while they explain how Sombra took over there was not so much history on the others could have shine more little on the other 2. Finally the redemption kind of bland wished they out more of a twist as it's not as meaningful they should have pulled a twist to make her redeemable or any kind of twist of her defeat. Also TIMBERWOLFS!!!
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2267 Posted: 20:14:54 28/11/2015
I just hope the reaction to this isn't going to make Larson think he has to sacrifice character and coherence for the sake of fanservice in following seasons. You can only give me two fan favorite characters battling/ a certain villain returning/ some meme being brought up before I feel like being fooled into forgiving contrivance,and Slice of Life crossed that threshold long ago.
Seriously,you could give me a Celestia episode, or every villain up against each other; if the plot tells them they all have to be immensely stupid or (un)lucky to get to that situation,I'll dislike it all the same, because I can read fanfics for cool situations,but I watch the show for good writing.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:15:17 28/11/2015 by Bifrost
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2268 Posted: 00:19:47 29/11/2015
What's this got to do with Larson? He didn't have any involvement in the episode.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2269 Posted: 00:27:23 29/11/2015
He didn't? Really sorry for mentioning him,then, I swore he always wrote the finales.

OH. OH. It's the guy that does the Equestria Girls movies. This explains so much. Same guy who thinks that normal people continue a sports competition despite giant portals with monster attacking the students would think some of the dumb crap that happens in The Cutie Re-Mark is totally fine, not to mention the overuse of fanservice. Guess I was too hopeful they wouldn't repeat the same mistake as whenever Merriwether Williams wrote an episode after she left.
It's also his first episode this season. Wow, who HAD this idea again to make someone start in a finale? Even if,looking up now, Castle Mane-ia and Simple Ways were alright, so what went wrong?

...Can Hasbro keep this guy? I really would like him to stay off of the Skylanders TV series now.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 00:47:59 29/11/2015 by Bifrost
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#2270 Posted: 00:57:19 29/11/2015
and i'm just sitting here thinking 'hella cool finale nice time loop **** pls return starlight shlimmer be my one-dimensional wife'
self professed austGAYlian
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2271 Posted: 01:08:45 29/11/2015
Quote: Bifrost
OH. OH. It's the guy that does the Equestria Girls movies. This explains so much. Same guy who thinks that normal people continue a sports competition despite giant portals with monster attacking the students would think some of the dumb crap that happens in The Cutie Re-Mark is totally fine, not to mention the overuse of fanservice. Guess I was too hopeful they wouldn't repeat the same mistake as whenever Merriwether Williams wrote an episode after she left.
It's also his first episode this season. Wow, who HAD this idea again to make someone start in a finale? Even if,looking up now, Castle Mane-ia and Simple Ways were alright, so what went wrong?

He only wrote the most recent Equestria Girls, not them all.

And it wasn't his first episode this season, he wrote Bloom and Gloom and he wrote a couple of season 4 episodes too.

You seem to have some really strange biased towards writers without considering that there are so many factors that play into an episode's story before we see it. Larson still has the writing credit for Magical Mystery Cure but what aired wasn't anything like what he wrote. On the flip side, he "wrote" The Cutie Map but actually only stepped in half way through writing because it had a "troubled" production, most of the story was already there when he began and most people don't give Scott Sonneborn enough credit for what he wrote.

And then there's the story editing process too, Meghan was story editor for these two episodes and could have easily had a part in play in changing the episode from what Josh had originally written. The directors and producers have a part to play in the writing process too and could have easily made tweaks themselves.

This isn't to excuse poor writing or anything but there's no point in getting hung up about "oh, this writer is bad and this writer is good" because there are so many things that are out of the writers control.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2272 Posted: 01:19:07 29/11/2015
I definately don't have that opinion on the writers anymore though I do admit I used to be negatively biased towards Merriwether Williams, but I was going by the writing credits on the wiki and he's not really listed for any this season but the finale, so no idea he even did Bloom and Gloom. From what I was looking at,it's a whole break from Simple Ways until here - and 7(8?) months doing another project then suddenly writing a finale seems rushed in my eyes.
The Cutie Map also lists like 3 different writers, none of them this guy, though if you're right then the wiki is really skipping important stuff.

He did the most recent Equestria Girls and that's the one with the sudden OOC moments for the sake of a cool scene, so that was where I was basing my opinion on.

But alright,maybe this guy isn't a lost cause and didn't actually write all of the episode - still worried that putting fanservice ahead of everything then suddenly solving the character development in the last 6 minutes is a really bad attitude to take for someone at that position. I don't know if it's his opinion or someone else's on the team, but with Skylanders basing itself so much on having the crazy situations happen to start the plot, I don't know if this will be a fun risk to take.
(What I need is never what I want)
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7629
#2273 Posted: 06:17:43 29/11/2015
Time for my input.

Despite Starlight Glimmer's backstory being, well, what is was, I liked the episode. I liked seeing the different futures and what they were like.

Starlight Glimmer 'joining' the mane 6 at the end got me thinking. So, we don't know for sure if she's going to join them, but there's kinda an explanation if she does.
I watched a few mlp theory videos around a week ago. A few of them talked about Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer and the Equestria Girls universe. Twilight Sparkle is the Princess of Friendship in MLP, and the element of Magic in EQ (also in MLP, but yeah). And then Sunset Shimmer is the element of Friendship in EQ. But, for the two worlds to be equal (aha, that's funny considering the finale), there'd need to be another pony in the MLP universe. And then Starlight Glimmer comes in and has more magic than Twilight. Could she be the new 'element' of Magic, alongside Twilight, since Twilight now has a new title, which is the Princess of Friendship? And is she stepping into the spot of the pony Sunset Shimmer, who is now a human in EQ? And, with Starlight Glimmer being with the mane 6, it sets the balance of 2 of each race in the group, now that Twilight is an alicorn.

But, anyway, really liked the episodes.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2274 Posted: 21:32:29 29/11/2015
God, and I probably just hate myself or something but going on Equestria Daily to read the reviews because I'm clearly missing something from Part 2... Nope,don't get it at all.

Apparently it's super sad and sympathetic that Glimmer lost her friend and everyone should agree she had reasons to do what she did. Well damn, I wish I got destructive magic powers when I got upset at so many great friends(can count five at the top of my head) that moved on without me to bigger cities and better lives, and I'm insensitive for thinking she's being a womanchild for throwing a tantrum over a single lost friend.

Also Spyro-Gamer, your theory makes so much sense, even if I don't like what it implies.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:32:47 29/11/2015 by Bifrost
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2275 Posted: 23:25:05 29/11/2015
I don't think what Starlight did is so unreasonable to believe to be honest. She's a very smart horse, but when she comes across a problem that she doesn't understand that isn't really the fault of anyone (it's no one's fault that Sunburst left) she can't handle that. There has to be a reason, so she just finds a scapegoat. It's not justified if you are a rational, sane person but it's clear that Starlight is neither of those things. She's smart, but she's not wise. There is a difference between the two traits.

I don't think anyone is justifying Starlight's actions, the whole point of the episode is that she went about it very clearly the wrong way, the thing people are justifying is that from a narrative point of view it's pretty sound. There isn't much fault in it when you take the example into the context we're given.

Of course you can apply it to your own experiences, but Starlight is not you (aside from being a fictional character in a fictional universe of course). She's doesn't act the same way as you, and to expect that every character in a TV show respond the same way to a conflict as the audience watching is unreasonable because:

A) you can never cover the entire spectrum of people watching
B) the characters wouldn't be as diverse as they are

Now, on the flip side, I've seen people who know what Starlight went through. Who know what it's like to just be left alone without anyone to confide in and understand that it makes you a tad angry. These people have never gone to the extremes of Starlight (duh) but that's not to say that it doesn't happen either. To some other extremes that would perhaps be more reasonable in the world we live in, not magical.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:25:18 29/11/2015 by bionicle2809
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2276 Posted: 00:01:03 30/11/2015
I don't know how the spoilers work in the thread,so I'm just going to be in the safe side and spoiler tag everything.

People were literally justifying her actions and going out of their way to call people who said it was too extreme insensitive and you should totally feel bad for her. I'm all for a moral where you have to put the characters' faults aside so things can get better for everyone,but you can't change someone's petty attitude with a sentence,that's unrealistic even of this show because Discord's around doing rookie mistakes despite having two episodes to redeem himself.

I've been left alone and pretty much with no friends or people in the same level as me(always older, wealthier, etc etc) tons of times before, I probably know what it's like to the point I just shut down when people reject me over nothing, but it's just mentally disturbed to make a lifetime grudge which you didn't even bother to fix - and if it is actual insanity, a speech would've just made her feel even more rejected and threatened. Probably because it hits so personal that I'm this upset at the situation; it's made too much light of and in the end it feels like we're supposed to care about a temper tantrum and not about people actually being rejected over the shiny new thing and suffering for it. They covered that perfectly with Amending Fences despite still being in a small timeframe and not really realistic,then in here it's done and gone in less than 5 minutes like it never happened.

It did the exact opposite of making me sympathize, in short. Having her be OP to the point it got disgusting didn't help me care either because,once again,it was like a plot device designed to make Twilight's magic ineffective and nothing else.

If it really sounds unreasonable and salty to barge in the thread just to vent, I'm really sorry, again, I just needed to discuss this somewhere. I really want to understand any good in the episode,but aside from the fanservice, I can't see it or find any hint of something to love over the other season finales.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:04:17 30/11/2015 by Bifrost
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#2277 Posted: 05:27:31 04/01/2016
In every music of all episode a month.
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7629
#2278 Posted: 10:50:37 23/01/2016
Apparently there's a MLP movie coming out in 2017, and it's not related to Equestria Girls.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2279 Posted: 23:12:58 23/01/2016
Quote: Spyro-Gamer
Apparently there's a MLP movie coming out in 2017, and it's not related to Equestria Girls.

Welcome to October 2014, glad you could join us (^:
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7629
#2280 Posted: 02:23:56 24/01/2016
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: Spyro-Gamer
Apparently there's a MLP movie coming out in 2017, and it's not related to Equestria Girls.

Welcome to October 2014, glad you could join us (^:

Yeah, I realized it was announced then. I didn't hear about it though. And I didn't think it had been posted in this topic.


Also, I found these videos a few days ago.

IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#2281 Posted: 03:06:23 24/01/2016
I just realized I never posted my thoughts on the Season 5 finale. Oops.

I liked it, despite some issues, but right now I don't feel like writing down a paragraph of my thoughts.

Looking forward to the movie, though. I hope they don't just make it an 'extended episode' like Transformers Prime: Predacons Rising was (and I loved that 'movie').
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#2282 Posted: 20:45:10 28/01/2016
oh boy
self professed austGAYlian
G2nt Yellow Sparx Gems: 1130
#2283 Posted: 20:49:39 28/01/2016
Quote: ReshiramForever

[User Posted Image]
GarbageMemes101 Ripto Gems: 670
#2284 Posted: 20:50:16 28/01/2016
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2285 Posted: 21:28:20 28/01/2016
Please tell me that promo is about the new baby and not anything Starlight Glimmer related. Can't currently watch with the internet I've got >:I

Because honestly, I was fine with Cadance having a baby, unless it ends up being the TOTALLY GREAT NEW CAST MEMBER YOU HAVE TO SEE EVERY OTHER EPISODE. But,the other option, I've voiced my thoughts enough in the matter.
(What I need is never what I want)
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#2286 Posted: 23:32:37 28/01/2016
spoiler'd because paranoia

holy crap those wings are huge

and a baby alicorn? i can only imagine how the fanbase is reacting right now...

me? "Okay then."
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#2287 Posted: 01:12:54 29/01/2016
IDK why they're freaking out about the baby being an alicorn.
like holy **** there are 4 alicorns in the same room?

is it because and alicorn has never been successfully bred before?


looks like ive got some things to do...
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#2288 Posted: 06:39:29 29/01/2016
This is just messed up on so many levels.

1. Cadance's baby has giant eyes compared to Pound and Pumpkin Cake, who were legitimately adorable. I'm not sure whether or not the new foal is already developed enough to have big eyes like Apple Bloom and the others.

2. Those wings are too big. Not only as a new foal but even as an Alicorn, which is technically a god in Equestria lore.

3. This doesn't boast confidence for what's in store for a new MLP:FiM movie (which is supposedly on a bigger scale than the Equestria Girls series) in 2017 if this Filly or Fluffy Heart is gonna be in it.

It finally took this long for the series to go off-the-rails.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2289 Posted: 11:13:56 29/01/2016
I still think they can save it (we had plenty of toy tie-ins that barely took too much time), but it's riskier than the last few times. If they fail in this season, Magical Mystery Cure won't have nothing on this.
(What I need is never what I want)
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#2290 Posted: 12:27:08 29/01/2016
Please, please please let this be the last season. I love this show and all but I feel like they're beating a dead horse by this point. *No pun intended.
looks like ive got some things to do...
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2291 Posted: 20:56:15 29/01/2016
No chance. With a movie late next year that leaves time for another season after this one and before the movie this is not going to be the last season. But why is that a bad thing?

The show is still good right? You said it yourself, you love it. Why end it now? End it when it's ****.

This notion of something having gone on too long so it needs to end is ridiculous. It's a notion that has spawned from years of people who grew up on the Simpsons or Spongebob seeing them go to **** and forgetting that doesn't happen to every TV show.

Maybe if you think a show, video game series, movie series, book series etc. should end maybe it's time to just step back from it and accept that you don't want to see it go any further. And I'm not saying that to say "**** off, don't come back, get out of my fandom" etc. I'm saying that because I know how that feels and if this upcoming season is bad that'll probably be it for me. But at the moment, I enjoyed season 5 and it's too early to make assumptions about the future quality of the show.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2292 Posted: 01:55:15 06/03/2016
Promos for the season premiere are already up, as are the descriptions.

Starlight Glimmer is going to meet up with that backstory guy-- nope nope nope I'm skipping this thank you
(What I need is never what I want)
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#2293 Posted: 01:29:24 09/03/2016
[User Posted Image]

just gonna leave this here
night bomb guy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1538
#2294 Posted: 02:13:20 19/03/2016
I can't wait for My Little Pony to end. They better not come up with some bullcrap reboot or I'll scream!
This account has been closed in favor of a new account name.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2295 Posted: 12:17:38 25/03/2016
Quote: night bomb guy
I can't wait for My Little Pony to end. They better not come up with some bullcrap reboot or I'll scream!

You honestly don't think that after FiM ends they won't do another TV series? They've been doing them since the franchise began, why would they stop now? Especially after its most profitable iteration?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:17:47 25/03/2016 by bionicle2809
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2296 Posted: 20:29:51 26/03/2016
Well, didn't want to risk another Cutie Remark this time, just looked up a summary of the episode and overall impressions. Unfortunately... Not sold. Apparently it fixes SOME of the issues, but nothing on it even starts interesting me, and between this and going to watch some other show I want from now on... Yeah, the attachment is entirely gone.
It was a good run though. Ended in a sour note, but don't regret watching MLP all these years. Could I stick for another few episodes and see if anything happens? Maybe, but at this point I feel like I'm wasting time.

Starlight being part of the main cast probably closed the case for me. Was she fixed? From the looks of it,mostly, but you can't erase a first impression. I was expecting her to stay supporting role and would've been fine with it, but spotlight three episodes in? Nooo thank you.

Also I dislike having to keep harping on about Josh Haber but did he really just become head writer having only the movies and episodes that you can count with one hand? I don't know if the others just turned it down or what, but having so LITTLE experience with the main show makes this look like a bad decision.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:37:31 26/03/2016 by Bifrost
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#2297 Posted: 16:06:37 27/03/2016
Josh is the most senior writer on the show now, having written more than anyone else on the current writing staff, so it makes sense that he's story editor. Hard to believe but everyone else who works on it now joined during or after season 4.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2298 Posted: 16:19:24 27/03/2016
Wow, it is hard to believe, my mind is still on the old group that'd tweet all the time to play with the fandom and whatnot. Still not feeling like it's a good decision since he's also the head writer for Skylanders Academy as far as that announcement was concerned. Putting that amount of work on a single guy for two "mainstream" shows could lead to trouble, unless in the latter case he'll share leadership with the games' writers since lore and characters matter even more when your playable cast is over a hundred.

But uh, back to episode since it doesn't seem like anyone really talks in this topic about them anymore, seems like it was very slice of life-y and only introduced that new concept in the spoiler. Really strange that we had a similar case to Best Night Ever five seasons later, a two parter, no less. Some people also criticized that since this kind of plot would've passed as single episode previously.
(What I need is never what I want)
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#2299 Posted: 00:33:06 28/03/2016
Did not like the season 6 premiere at all. In fact, I found it to be the second worst premiere of the whole series (number one slot going to the first season's).
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#2300 Posted: 02:02:47 28/03/2016
I'm not even gonna bother with season 6 tbh.
looks like ive got some things to do...
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