darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Idle Chatter > My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Thread!
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450 |
#2051 Posted: 18:19:14 20/04/2014
Good episode!
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539 |
#2052 Posted: 05:42:23 30/04/2014
what next season 5?
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. ( are my collecting skylander) |
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896 |
#2053 Posted: 21:12:33 01/05/2014
Next build a bears!?
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306 |
#2054 Posted: 21:27:14 01/05/2014
holy hell i want that apple bloom
self professed austGAYlian |
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478 |
#2055 Posted: 01:43:49 02/05/2014
Dat Aj doe
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577 |
#2056 Posted: 05:35:49 03/05/2014
@Malefor_Spyro: wow.
i feel so offended.
looks like ive got some things to do... |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:42:25 03/05/2014 by HIR
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533 |
#2057 Posted: 11:56:18 05/05/2014
I finally got watching the Equestria Games episode.
Honestly, some parts with Spike were predictably painful for me to watch such as trying figure out what the Cloudsdale anthem was, not that the episode was a disappointment. From season 2 I think, we hear so much about the Equestria Games and it got bigger and bigger for each episode. It's unfortunate some of the callbacks, like CMC introduction of the Ponyville and Rainbow Dash and her team, were surprisingly short. On the bright-side, I chuckled when Spike tried to move his head like a lighter and some new interesting stuff added to the lore like how security handle magical unicorns and ICE ARROWS! I hope it's an episode focus of it's own! Can't wait for the season finale with a new villain and Twilight's house become a SoulCalibur-esque treehouse-castle-thingy...
Needz more eh-mo-shuns. |
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478 |
#2058 Posted: 01:29:28 06/05/2014
The season finale looks EPIC! Can't wait!
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450 |
#2059 Posted: 06:42:03 06/05/2014
So excited for the finale!
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539 |
#2060 Posted: 06:53:41 10/05/2014
wonder what next plush?
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. ( are my collecting skylander) |
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577 |
#2061 Posted: 15:58:41 10/05/2014
...and they've confirmed season 5 already? I have many mixed feelings about that.
looks like ive got some things to do... |
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533 |
#2062 Posted: 20:55:07 10/05/2014
What a finale. It's hard to still imagine the show's primary demographic is little girls and teaching them friendship and other morals...
...while now them a fight near the same level as Goku vs Frieza. I'm looking forward to season 5 just to see Twilight's new castle more unless something new an exciting happens in the first episode like the first and final episodes (sometimes one, the other or both being two-parters) in every season. For a moment, Twilight was a god.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns. |
popfizzfan4life Ripto Gems: 1471 |
#2063 Posted: 21:24:25 10/05/2014
~~~~~ |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:41:02 11/05/2014 by JCW555
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306 |
#2064 Posted: 22:24:39 10/05/2014
Might be best to spoiler that, popfizz.
I liked it. I'd seen Tirek in G1 when I was a kid, and he was always a favourite villain of mine. Good to see that G4 did him some well deserved justice. Not much else to say, really. Tirek turning against Discord was predictable. Rainbow Power looked a bit dumb with the hair poofiness (barring Twilight, that was good), but then again let the deus ex machina be a deus ex machina. that ****ing fight scene though jesus christ i wasn't expecting something like that. Probably the one thing that disappointed me was all the name-dropping with Scorpan. I at least expected him to make a cameo, maybe during the ending song. Ah well, just a minor tidbit. Maybe he'll appear in S5. Oh, and I liked Discord's character in this. That was good, I'd felt he'd been a bit of a letdown during Princess Twilight Sparkle and Three's a Crowd.
self professed austGAYlian |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:29:12 10/05/2014 by ReshiramForever
Dark_Spyro999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4713 |
#2065 Posted: 23:07:36 10/05/2014
I is ded |
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127 |
#2066 Posted: 01:47:45 11/05/2014
^I-I...I-I d-don't n-need it....
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7587 |
#2067 Posted: 05:44:35 11/05/2014
I just watched the season finale. Wow. Just wow. I really liked it. Even though Discord turning against the ponies and then going back onto their side was kinda predictable, it was a good finale. That chest rainbow power thing was a surprise though. Their designs were interesting. And the three princesses singing that song was a surprise too. AND THAT FIGHT SCENE BETWEEN PRINCESS TWILIGHT AND TIREK OH MY GAWD I KEPT REPLAYING IT COS IT WAS SO EPIC |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:32:33 11/05/2014 by Spyro-Gamer
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450 |
#2068 Posted: 09:44:26 11/05/2014
That finale. WAS THE BEST!
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034 |
#2069 Posted: 14:42:43 11/05/2014
They really announced a season 5? Eh, I guess logical conclusions aren't actually conclusions. <.<;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397 |
#2070 Posted: 17:41:54 11/05/2014
The finale is an episode I've waited a long time to see. I'm still not convinced that a writer from Avatar: The Last Airbender didn't sneak into the studio and switch the script, as this sort of writing is what makes me consider The Last Airbender to be the best animated show to ever exist.
Tirek is a villain where we finally see the threat he poses and the effects it has, rather than simply be told it. Discord caused chaos but we were simply told it was a bad thing. Trixie we never saw anything particularly bad except that she made a force field around a town. Nightmare Moon? Don't even bother. Previously until now Chrysalis was the closest to displaying an actual threat, and even then it was over within two minutes and she was defeated through the power of love and the consequences of long expositions. The fight scene with Tirek feels like something out of Man of Steel (who's fight scenes were the one truly great thing about it). It wasn't something I was expecting in My Little ****ing Pony and I'm really happy it happened. All in all it was as close to a perfect episode as this show has gotten..................BUT.... How does Tirek know that Cadance is a princess when it's implied that all of this happened a very long time ago, and Cadance has been shown to age normally like other ponies? There's no way she was alive when all of this happened. Secondly, the personal conflict with Twilight, while good, is something that bothers me. MLP's writing has matured a lot over this season, and I was really happy for them to confront a conflict like this one. The entire thing seems revolved around Twilight not feeling like her role as a princess means much (also somewhat resolving the issue I've had with this entire season; that she as a princess didn't do ****). The princesses have a really nice song number about how she was chosen for a reason and she will soon have her time. But what about people who weren't chosen? What about other people hoping and waiting to show off their own skills, talents, or attributes but have never gotten the chance that Twilight has gotten? Twilight wondering what her role is as a princess is a good idea for a conflict.........but she's still a ****ing princess. She has been chosen for a very big role and that alone should be testament as to what use she has. Some people have never gotten such a chance and still don't know what use they have in the world, or what their skills could mean. This conflict made me increasingly nervous while viewing about how they would tackle it, if at all. I hope they cover this in season 5, because I do feel like it's something worth exploring into. Twilight's Kingdom is a cherry on top of what I consider to be a hodgepodge of a fourth season. I still don't really know how to feel about this season. The first half was pretty mixed, and Bats! is an abomination that nobody should ever have to see and will very easily be the worst thing that this show will ever produce (and Flutterbat isn't cute). Bats alone was enough for me to write off the entire season as the worst the show has had (it's really that bad). But the second half of the season seems to be where they finally hit their stride and their more mature writing started to show. Rarity Takes Manehattan and For Whom the Sweetie Bell Tolls are really nice episodes with good story arcs, even if they failed to really pull the trigger on certain issues. Simple Ways and Equestria Games are golden episodes, with the former making it fun to watch the show again (why do you think I haven't posted in here often this season?), and the latter tackling a very complicated issue while acknowledging that there may not be a clear answer. And Testing Testing should be required viewing for both teachers and students, as it's the first time I've personally seen a children's show tackle a complex topic such as how different people teach or learn, and how effective it can be. I suppose if I had to I would say that, from an unbiased point of view, season 4 has had the best writing and stands as the best the show has yet had to offer. But while I guess I can write the season off as good overall (mostly due to that second half), I don't know if I could call it better than season 2. That will come in time. |
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539 |
#2071 Posted: 11:36:58 23/05/2014
new season 5 coming soon
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. ( are my collecting skylander) |
Chibilove Green Sparx Gems: 400 |
#2072 Posted: 13:53:01 23/05/2014
Hi! My little pony FIM fan here! Streaming Netflix only has 3 seasons, so thats all ive watched. Ill probably download the other seasons. How many is there? 5?
http://myanimelist.net/animelist/ChibiMadness&sclick=1 Loneliness is a disease that can lead to death They might as well be the same thing |
cowpowa23 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4833 |
#2073 Posted: 16:33:43 23/05/2014
*Le' sigh*
If only I had more opportunities to watch MLP episodes... Oh well. ._.
I am a Cow. "Moo". |
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422 |
#2074 Posted: 17:05:58 23/05/2014
Quote: cowpowa23
Don't worry! Is not like something will happen in which you won't be able to watch the episodes at all! They'll be here as long as you like! |
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398 |
#2075 Posted: 17:39:43 23/05/2014
Good to see there is gonna be a Season 5....
o_0 Yeah.... believe or not... I love MLP FiM and it's fandom too. I just find out that I love MLP FiM a few weeks ago (so much that I made a video saying everything why I like MLP...), but I did like the fandom for a long time (6 months I think, when I played my very first creepypasta game, Luna Game series), so I start liking the fandom first and then the Show. Yesterday I start watching the season 4, I watch the first 9 episodes on a row, so much fun, specially the Bats and Castle Mane-ia episodes *-*. Yeah, I like it's fandom, specially the creepypastas, but that's not important here... So.. Here I am ^-^
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx! |
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422 |
#2076 Posted: 17:46:27 23/05/2014
Welcome! Hope you have fun and remember that Pinkie is best pony!
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398 |
#2077 Posted: 17:55:53 23/05/2014
Quote: wspyro
Thanks! I always have a nice laugh when I saw her !!
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx! |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:32:27 23/05/2014 by SamXala
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034 |
#2078 Posted: 18:17:15 23/05/2014
Quote: wspyro
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398 |
#2079 Posted: 19:29:56 23/05/2014
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx! |
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896 |
#2080 Posted: 21:08:00 23/05/2014
Quote: wspyro
I hate Pinkie Pie and would certainly not be her friend if I knew her IRL. I wouldn't be able to stand being around her, let alone her friend. Come at me. |
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8560 |
#2081 Posted: 21:56:44 23/05/2014
Quote: Ice Dragoness
You. You. I like you. |
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422 |
#2082 Posted: 22:26:28 23/05/2014
Quote: Ice Dragoness
That's too bad! I've had friends with similar personality as her. I also tend to have patience and understanding with many people. So I guess that's why she doesn't seem as annoying to me. |
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398 |
#2083 Posted: 05:36:23 24/05/2014
I think every pony is okay, with good and bad stuff, sometimes creepy stuff.
But if we are talking about Pinkie Pie, well: I just watched Episode 14 (season 4) and I was really impressed how Pinkie Pie was acting and saying all that stuff to FlutterShy, I mean, she's very random but I think that was too much, good thing Twilight and the others were trying to stop her. Pinkie Pie is so random and that's the reason why I like her, but it's not my favorite pony.
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx! |
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039 |
#2084 Posted: 20:30:40 24/05/2014
I kinda want to get a Fluttershy plush, but my Mom will probably think I'm acting REAL childish...
Maybe I can convince her it's a Neopet or pokemon.....
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398 |
#2085 Posted: 03:49:12 25/05/2014
I just watched the season finale, and....
Wow!!! Just wow!!! I think I have heard about this Tirek before, but where? Mmm... Anyway, I couldn't believe Discord had betrayed the ponies, but somehow I did see that coming, it was going to happen soon or later, don't you think?. Well, the part when Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance gave up their magic (and losing their Cutie Marks) to Princess Twilight I started to be a little nervious, but it was the right thing to do... Mmm... what else? Oh yes, THAT FIGHT WAS AWESOME!!! The way how Princess Twilight and Tirek were fighting was EPIC!!! Anyway, I was starting to feel very sad for Discord, I mean, he only wanted absolute freedom, but instead, he lost his powers when Tirek "betrayed" him, poor guy... Glad to see there's a new home for Princess Twilight, since her library was completely gone by Tirek, bastard!! (I was going to cry when that happend, really...) And at the end, I LOVED the part when Discord was asking about his Throne !! But I have a question, how Tirek know that Cadance is a princess/alicorn? I mean, Cadence looks like an adult pony, but not a legendary one like Celestia and Luna so, what just happen? Well, that's all for now, season 4 is officially over. It was really awesome, but I'm not sure if this one is better than season 2 or not. (Season 2 was amazing) Mmm... I don't know
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx! |
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539 |
#2086 Posted: 11:02:06 25/05/2014
how long when season 5 start?
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. ( are my collecting skylander) |
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398 |
#2087 Posted: 20:06:05 25/05/2014
Quote: Spyrobaro
Oh, that makes sense!!
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx! |
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539 |
#2088 Posted: 05:20:23 27/05/2014
wonder what first episode in season 5?
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. ( are my collecting skylander) |
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422 |
#2089 Posted: 15:25:29 27/05/2014
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398 |
#2090 Posted: 02:31:04 31/05/2014
Hey guys!! Did you watch the new animation from Silly Filly Studios? Fall of the Crystal Empire? Looks like a lot of fans were waiting for this one to come out and it's AWESOME!!
Post from Equestria Daily: http://www.equestriadaily.com/...tal-empire.html Well, here is the video if you want to watch it:
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx! |
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539 |
#2091 Posted: 13:45:42 08/06/2014
took a hour to make episode first on season 5.
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. ( are my collecting skylander) |
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398 |
#2092 Posted: 01:59:38 12/06/2014
o_0 Really?
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx! |
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