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A few questions I have about the DM [CLOSED]
spyro_lover17 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1398
#1 Posted: 13:04:23 02/07/2008 | Topic Creator
1. why did the DM need a dragon when he was a dragon him self
2. who is the DM
3. what was the DM like when he was Spyros age and what made him be so evil
4. if the DM created the well of souls then why is he stuck in it and trying to escape
5. why was hunter randomly put in the last game

hopefully someone can answer these questions becasue if i have answers i think i can figure out what will happen in DOTD
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#2 Posted: 15:17:24 02/07/2008
why do you wan't to? surpirises are good!
AntauriWolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1248
#3 Posted: 16:11:59 02/07/2008
Well I think I can answer these questions. I think most of them were answered in The Eternal Night though.

1. The DM needed a dragon that was born in the year of the dragon so it could open the portal of Convexity. He couldn't use Spyro because Ignitus had already taken him away to protect his egg. The Dark Master wanted all the dragon eggs to be smashed (I don't know why), but he saved one so he could use it for his own schemes, and he picked Cynder.

2. This question is pretty easy...he's a purple dragon!

3. I'm guessing the DM was a little like Spyro when he was his age. But probably a little more proud of his powers. I think he became evil because he felt very powerful with the abilities he had. He wanted to do more than just use the powers for good deeds I guess. Maybe he just wanted to rule. But whatever the reason, it caused him to use the powers foolishly. The Dragon Elders casted him into exile when he would not stop doing that.

4. This I've wondered about as well. I think his urge to do evil and cast out darkness to the dragon was to great and ended up getting trapped in it all. Or maybe, it will be revealed in Dawn of the theory is that there was a battle between Malefor and the Dragon Elders just a little after he created the Mountain of Malefor. The Dragon Elders couldn't let Malefor do his work and had to stop him. They succeded in trapping him in the mountain, but he was still able to do evil. But of course, it's just a theory.

5. I wouldn't call it random. He was put there for a reason you know.
spiro101 Blue Sparx Gems: 647
#4 Posted: 17:37:34 02/07/2008
wait...... how do u know that malefor is a purple dragon?
i am the real spiro 101 and know 1 will take it *ROAR*
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#5 Posted: 18:34:38 02/07/2008
Bang Boom Bang thud! Do you guys ever listen to what any of the characters say.

1. the eggs were smashed, because he didn't want to risk the chance of an army of dragons to destroy him. Also not risking the purple dragon being on their side, infact. Malefor didn't want there to be anoither purple dragon at all.

2. Malefor the evil purple dragon that wants to rule the world.

3. I'd say that Malefor was attacked mentally by another evil that litteraly wanted to turn the world to darkness. That means more spyro games.

4. I think that Malefor is getting Information from another evil as well as getting more of the power to escape.

5. That we're going to have to find out.

Uh spiro101, incase you don't have the game they mentioned lots of things about Malefor in Los TEN

Every question answered that you can think of about Malefor? smilie
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Last edited at 19:33:24 02/07/2008 by Forgotten World
Anonymous Fodder
#6 Posted: 18:58:32 02/07/2008
thanks everyone
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#7 Posted: 21:58:12 02/07/2008
1.He was trapped and unable to do his bidding.
2.Evil dragon trying to destroy the dragon race.
3.I agree with Forgotten World, partially. He may have simply been corrupt by all the power, or just lost it.
4.The well was created by his evil and malice; the earth below him cracked and caved and I think he fell in.
5.Hunter sent a letter to Spyro in TEN when they were on the pirate ship.

Speaking of corruption, I remember reading a Q&A article that said that players could get really powerful if they chose to. I wonder if there will be alternate endings; if you become super powerful Spyro is corrupt by the power, if you stay a little weaker you stay good. Or you could choose your destiny, be good or evil.
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matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#8 Posted: 07:44:09 03/07/2008
3. He thinks he save tha world, but, it do it by same way as Light Yagami in Death Note (tj. evil genious, what have to create new world. But: He do it by murders and lot of evil things, thinking to save the world ( Is thins understable?(Hooray for bracessmilie)))
4. He only trying, what he can do. Well of souls can be prototype for something biggersmilie.
Keep smile
SilverDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#9 Posted: 18:53:57 03/07/2008
Quote: spiro101
wait...... how do u know that malefor is a purple dragon?

The Chronicler said that in TEN, to Spyro. He was the first purple dragon, actually smilie
DARK CINDER Ripto Gems: 1062
#10 Posted: 19:36:11 03/07/2008
5. well i guss that well u have allys i dobt that it would show ignites there caz that would just be BOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING we needs hunter
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#11 Posted: 08:40:50 04/07/2008
1.Like AntauriWolf said, he was trapped in the Portal of Convexity, and he needed a dragon which, for some reason, needed to be born in the Year of the Dragon to free him, or his spirit at the very least (main point of TEN smilie).
2. The first purple dragon to exist. His true name is Malefor, hence the name of the mountain.
3. Not too sure, but he seemed to be revered when it was discovered what he could do, and became so powerful, affecting everything, that he was exiled. And from there his resentment grew. Maybe being trapped in Convexity for as long as he was on top of all that twisted his mind...
4. He was sealed away, and it was only when Cynder freed his spirit from Convexity that he was pulled to the Well of Souls as the spirirts of the dead are supposed to. Then he escaped in TEN.
5. Don't know, but it wasn't random.
To DARK CINDER: Nooo! Ignitus pwns Hunter! smilie
You kicked who in the what now?
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#12 Posted: 15:35:02 04/07/2008
ok, i think people can stop anwering them now.
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