Just do any challenge you can think of... It doesn't even need to be a "hard" challenge. It could be something really silly like needing to beat enemies using only the Disco Roll.
And I'm making a list so we also have a Hall Of Fame!
- Nibelilt: Is going to play through first run with just Sprocket, if she faints, restart level. Normal Difficulty, Not Started
- azz01: Two Skylanders (includes Series Two and LightCore) and one Giant. Normal+ Difficulty, Not Started
- DinoHex: First playthrough using only Crusher and Sprocket, restart the level if both faint. Hard Difficulty, Not Started
- princessluna409: Only using Jet-Vac and Sprocket, if both faint, restart level, can use any NEW Skylander other than Giants in final level. Normal or Hard Difficulty, Not Started
- Henso559: Crusher and Jet-Vac(or any set of a Giant and regular Skylander from opposing Elements). Hard Difficulty, Not Started
- awesomerockets: Fright Rider and Swarm, restart level if both faint. Hard Difficulty, Not Started
I know it's a bit early, but I can't be the only one who wants to set something... Right? Left? Upside down?