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Anyone else? [CLOSED]
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#1 Posted: 15:04:53 28/07/2012 | Topic Creator
Am I the only one who has TEN as their favorite Spyro game? anyone else?
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#2 Posted: 15:43:57 28/07/2012
It was my favorite for a bit of time when I was crazy about the Legend trilogy. Right now, Night is my second favorite in the trilogy, though VERY close to Beginning. The GBA version is one of my favorite handheld titles of all time and my second favorite Spyro game. The console version is probably lying solidly at somewhere around 7-11 in my Spyro games. The DS version, however, is my least favorite of all the DS Spyro games and one of my least favorite Spyro games ever(it's horrendously glitchy for how simple it is and the combat and graphics are mediocre).
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#3 Posted: 14:15:42 30/07/2012
Mmmm.... TEN For GBA It's one of my TOP Five Spyro Games
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
JetH7 Blue Sparx Gems: 827
#4 Posted: 03:30:54 03/08/2012
Hmm... No, I may love it but DotD and StD both beat it.
I am the ghostly watermelon!!
Aconx5 Blue Sparx Gems: 517
#5 Posted: 14:58:23 03/08/2012
Well, its my least fav. Legend game, because it has too many bosses. But i like the story
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