darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Spyro the Dragon > Does anyone know where I can find broken/faulty/scratched Spyro discs?
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Does anyone know where I can find broken/faulty/scratched Spyro discs? [CLOSED]
MissBarghest Green Sparx Gems: 333
#1 Posted: 22:08:18 17/07/2012 | Topic Creator
I know it sounds crazy...

Any game except for the PAL Ripto's Rage/Gateway to Glimmer.

I bought a scratched Spyro 2 disc from a charity shop that I was going to resell. I was going to get my money back, when I decided not to and instead to stick it on my bedroom wall as 'art'.

So I'm looking for more scratched Spyro discs to add to my collection.

C'mon it's recycling! smilie Any help is appreciated!
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#2 Posted: 15:05:36 19/07/2012
Oh, good idea! Ohhh, i now seriously regret selling my EtD disc...it was so messed up. GRR! Well, go look in more charity shops, eBay, car boot sales, stuff like that. Oh, preloved.com might help smilie
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#3 Posted: 03:17:47 03/08/2012
eBay and possibly Craigslist.org would probably have them. Why not collect more than one scratched copy and resurface it? Oh, and I have a badly scratched copy of Spyro 3 if you want...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:17:59 07/08/2012 by ThroneOfMalefor
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#4 Posted: 16:00:56 08/08/2012
Epic idea dude! I should try that!
Hello from Seattle

Lateef Green Sparx Gems: 227
#5 Posted: 09:32:04 10/08/2012
Nearly a month old and I don't know if you're still looking, but it's at the top, so I might as well: somewhere around here, I have a copy of NTSC Spyro 2 that only works on an original Playstation. Yes, that's right, my PS2 can't even read it anymore! smilie If you want it I'd be happy to give it to you if I ever find it again, because it was on its last ropes and I doubt by the time I find it it'll be playable anymore.
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#6 Posted: 04:34:34 13/01/2013
No worries, that doesn't sound crazy, that sounds like something I would do. smilie
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