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Spelling Error [CLOSED]
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#1 Posted: 22:41:13 19/12/2006 | Topic Creator
In my profile, when you can change your password when you type in your new password in for the second time, it says 'confim' instead of 'confirm' . It doesn't bother me and I don't really care if you fix it sooner or later but I thought I should point that out. smilie
Last edited at 22:43:03 19/12/2006 by Dragginwings
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#2 Posted: 22:44:38 19/12/2006
No it doesn't. What are you talking about?



Thanks. smilie
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#3 Posted: 22:46:24 19/12/2006 | Topic Creator
It doesn't? Huh, when I went to change my password it did.... I'll go check...

EDIT: Oops, sorry, it doesn't. Funny, I THOUGHT it was misspelled... sorry... I'm half asleep today... I'll delete this topic as soon as you respond so you see my EDIT. smilie
Last edited at 23:16:01 19/12/2006 by Dragginwings
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#4 Posted: 00:10:36 20/12/2006
You seem to have missed the last line of my post. smilie
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Volteer Blue Sparx Gems: 566
#5 Posted: 00:26:49 20/12/2006
lol, you were joking about it not being there, hahaha. i missed it too
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#6 Posted: 16:15:04 20/12/2006
same here!
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
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