

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Personal Thoughts [STICKY]
Beautiful Heart Blue Sparx Gems: 763
#301 Posted: 01:54:44 29/09/2012
[i]Beautiful Heart ♪[/¡]
SpyraArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 609
#302 Posted: 01:55:48 29/09/2012
stop worrying about

skylandsmaster Green Sparx Gems: 462
#303 Posted: 02:51:14 29/09/2012
Sad about Steve Irwin. "Gooday mates!"~ Steve "It's OK girl it's OK."~Steve "What a beauty!"~ Steve. I loved him. Best guy ever.(< MY OPINION!)
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#304 Posted: 01:18:11 30/09/2012
I'm not as much of an attention whore as many people may believe.

Truth is that I hate attention in real life, and I hide in the corner when I become the center of it. I always prefer to be left alone when I get dragged into the middle of things I feel uncomfortable and shy.

The only reason I'm ok with any attention I get here is because it's through a computer, and nobody is directly staring at me as if I did something wrong.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#305 Posted: 01:22:59 30/09/2012
^I'm exactly the same, I NEVER want to be in the lime light, I get paranoid and stuff up.
I am so shy I never speak in class, and some people make fun of me because I am shy.
like, NEVER talk-*shot*

I also hate dirrect contact, when people look straight at me or my face,
I start to feel stressed.
I'm such a stresser, but I'm trying to get better, trying smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#306 Posted: 01:25:29 30/09/2012
I rarely ever look people in the eye, and when I speak to them, it's often mumbling. I'm afraid to speak up when there's something wrong, and the few times I do I always feel like I did something wrong since everyone casts those judging eyes on me.

You can see how this contrasts with how I am on here.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:26:09 30/09/2012 by CAV
Beautiful Heart Blue Sparx Gems: 763
#307 Posted: 01:25:48 30/09/2012
I hunt with Cato, I rest on Cato, I cuddle in the same bed with him when we sleep, AND HE LEAVES ME THERE TO DIE!
[i]Beautiful Heart ♪[/¡]
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#308 Posted: 01:30:21 30/09/2012
wow CAV, same here once again.
I always look down so people don't see my face, i am also really sensitive.
and when someone says something that is nasty in front of everyone, I pretend they said nothing.
I also always look on both sides of things, so people won't think I'm a bad person or stupid, or they think my opinion is dumb.
I've noticed I'm a lot like a lot of people here, my whole class are nothing like me.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:30:57 30/09/2012 by crystalhero37
Pylorian Gnorc Gems: 115
#309 Posted: 01:37:17 30/09/2012
Quote: crystalhero37
^I'm exactly the same, I NEVER want to be in the lime light, I get paranoid and stuff up.
I am so shy I never speak in class, and some people make fun of me because I am shy.
like, NEVER talk-*shot*

I also hate dirrect contact, when people look straight at me or my face,
I start to feel stressed.
I'm such a stresser, but I'm trying to get better, trying smilie

Quote: crystalhero37
wow CAV, same here once again.
I always look down so people don't see my face, i am also really sensitive.
and when someone says something that is nasty in front of everyone, I pretend they said nothing.
I also always look on both sides of things, so people won't think I'm a bad person or stupid, or they think my opinion is dumb.
I've noticed I'm a lot like a lot of people here, my whole class are nothing like me.

These describe me exactly, to the word this is me.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#310 Posted: 01:42:17 30/09/2012
Pylorian: woah, then we have alot in common!
I never really knew that some people were like me, it's good to know people understand.
BigBoom Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#311 Posted: 01:43:16 30/09/2012
Smashing, blargagrgal.
this user has died. written on a note was their darkspyro login. they say hello from beyond the grave.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#312 Posted: 01:44:27 30/09/2012
nigel thornberry meme has crawled into this topic nao.
Pylorian Gnorc Gems: 115
#313 Posted: 01:47:14 30/09/2012
Quote: crystalhero37
Pylorian: woah, then we have alot in common!
I never really knew that some people were like me, it's good to know people understand.

Dittah! I've never met anyone who is this much like me.smilie
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#314 Posted: 01:48:58 30/09/2012
hooray! smilie
it's awesome and sweet.
well, not our problems but we can understand eachother smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:51:00 30/09/2012 by crystalhero37
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#315 Posted: 01:53:28 30/09/2012
That's one of the beautiful things about the internet.

Despite this, sometimes there are more around like you than you think. They're just insanely more difficult to find.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8275
#316 Posted: 20:27:20 02/10/2012
I'm sosososososososo sorry, and I have to put this in my sig and here because you wont talk to me. Im such a bad person smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#317 Posted: 20:32:39 02/10/2012
You keep talking back when you already know that you've been proven wrong. Just stop it. You'll look better if you admit your mistake.
DarkCynder10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3346
#318 Posted: 20:40:00 02/10/2012
Why do you always give ME the nasty jobs?
( ૭ ಠ___ಠ)૭
Dmcrocks Gold Sparx Gems: 2182
#319 Posted: 20:44:17 02/10/2012
I'm tired of the being the "smart kid". Just because I'm gifted, doesn't mean that I should do all the work while you go off and play and talk dirty. Why do my stupid teachers pair me with the lazy people? I wish I wasn't smart...
if you're looking to get in contact with me, please go through
Dr Strangelove Ripto Gems: 0
#320 Posted: 21:09:54 02/10/2012
And don’t try to lose a condom in me tonight. My vagina is not a storage compartment where you can just leave something and try and use it again later in the week.
BigBoom Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#321 Posted: 21:32:00 02/10/2012
You know I can't handle it, in the spur of the very pleasuring moment I release too quickly and with too much power, so it just slips inside and I can't get it out without 'getting in there' again!
this user has died. written on a note was their darkspyro login. they say hello from beyond the grave.
Beautiful Heart Blue Sparx Gems: 763
#322 Posted: 21:34:25 02/10/2012
A man saw a ball of gold in the sky;
He climbed for it,
And eventually he achieved it --
It was clay.

Now this is the strange part:
When the man went to the earth
And looked again,
Lo, there was a ball of gold.
Now this is the strange part:
It was a ball of gold.
Ay, by the heavens, it was a ball of gold.

by: Stephen Crane
[i]Beautiful Heart ♪[/¡]
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#323 Posted: 00:46:47 03/10/2012
I don't have a sense of humour anymore....

Rand O M Gold Sparx Gems: 2223
#324 Posted: 04:13:10 04/10/2012
Homework just sucks. Takes to much time to do.

Other Thought: I know when I went up to you it was awkward, but like we never see or talk to each other anymore........... I just be near you. All those damn people in relationships make me feel bad. And I think about you every day. Just one glance and you make my day...... I must know if you feels my feels... Most likely not though.....
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#325 Posted: 04:56:35 04/10/2012
I'm not who I once was.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#326 Posted: 07:15:54 04/10/2012
I feel like I am more negative now, I used to tripple check my posts now I just glance at them, I try my best to be nice and think in the most positive way.
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8752
#327 Posted: 10:01:18 04/10/2012
Quote: Spyrobaro
Why can't God strike me dead? Why can't a lightning bolt suddenly appear from the sky to put me out of my misery?

They're going to be taken away from me. I know they are. And they expect me to go to school and deal with the fact that I have no one to talk to? The fact that they're yelling and screaming and scaring each other? To the point where one of them locks herself in the bathroom out of fear? And then he has the guts to say that he won't pay the internet bill anymore. I won't be able to talk to anyone. I'll be trapped, stuck, lost. Lost forever. And I'll be forgotten. Gone like a gust of wind during a heavy thunderstorm.

They're taking them away. They're locking me away. They make me sick. I'm going to go insane if I can't do anything. They baby me. They basically are telling me "you're too stupid for this" in the nicest way possible. I know I'm stupid. Don't ****ing remind me of it.

I thought I had faced all my fears and finally toughened up and built a shield that would protect me from every bad thing. A sword to fend off these things with if they broke my shield. Thought that I would win those battles against the world. But I was wrong.

I feel like holes are being dug in every vital organ in my body. I feel like something has slapped me backwards and trapped me somewhere. Trapped me where I can't find my way back. It's so much easier to be a coward and hide away and give up than it is to fight out there. It's so much easier to go back to where I was. To just give up and stay alone. It's so much easier.

But.......I can't. It's not worth it to give up. It's not worth it to hide away and never make anything out of yourself. Sure, it's way easier, but taking the easy way isn't going to cut it. If I give up, I'll get worse. I'll lose them by my own will instead of by his. And what's worse? Losing your friends because you're being a pathetic coward, or losing them because someone took you from them? The second one is better. I feel like I tried to reach my limit, but I fell and stumbled back down. But I'll excel. I won't let it keep me down. I'll shake it right off and keep on moving. I don't care what anyone says. I'll reach my limit, and go even higher.


*clap clap clap*

That's how you should always think. I'm so proud of you.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8275
#328 Posted: 17:56:09 04/10/2012
this site....i might get gnorc'd
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#329 Posted: 10:41:37 05/10/2012
I think I am diagnosed with "I am such an idiot - itis"
I feel so clumsy and urgh smilie
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8275
#330 Posted: 18:12:07 05/10/2012
Quote: crystalhero37
I think I am diagnosed with "I am such an idiot - itis"
I feel so clumsy and urgh smilie

Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#331 Posted: 20:15:52 05/10/2012
Sorry for leaving you in the hallway but if you're going to talk to every person I don't know, I'm going to keep walking. Not like I'd expect you to care.
but i love it all smooth
Rand O M Gold Sparx Gems: 2223
#332 Posted: 22:12:21 05/10/2012
So I guess you like another guy......Well that's good for you. Hope you know my heart just shattered. I hope you and Brandon have a good life.
FattenksDbz69 Ripto Gems: 26
#333 Posted: 03:39:10 06/10/2012
no onw has proven for sure that humans can not shoot energy blasts with they hands
Rand O M Gold Sparx Gems: 2223
#334 Posted: 03:41:57 06/10/2012
You are too...... Beautiful why must you put a spell on me!
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#335 Posted: 04:12:26 06/10/2012
This is like reading a madman's diary.
Adria Emerald Sparx Gems: 4196
#336 Posted: 04:16:57 06/10/2012
I have a feeling I will regret that later...
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8275
#337 Posted: 10:50:03 06/10/2012

Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#338 Posted: 10:52:58 06/10/2012
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: crystalhero37
I think I am diagnosed with "I am such an idiot - itis"
I feel so clumsy and urgh smilie


tanks you c:
I just feel sometimes I am annoying and clummsy, WHY DO I HAVE TO LET IT OUT ON THIS TOPIC, WHY.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8275
#339 Posted: 10:57:43 06/10/2012
Quote: crystalhero37
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: crystalhero37
I think I am diagnosed with "I am such an idiot - itis"
I feel so clumsy and urgh smilie


tanks you c:
I just feel sometimes I am annoying and clummsy, WHY DO I HAVE TO LET IT OUT ON THIS TOPIC, WHY.

You're not annoying to me! I feel xactly the same, but hey, we're RARE. we're RANDOM. smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#340 Posted: 11:39:02 06/10/2012
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: crystalhero37
Quote: Jaggedstar


tanks you c:
I just feel sometimes I am annoying and clummsy, WHY DO I HAVE TO LET IT OUT ON THIS TOPIC, WHY.

You're not annoying to me! I feel xactly the same, but hey, we're RARE. we're RANDOM. smilie

aww, thank you, and yeah! *le high fives*
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8275
#341 Posted: 14:19:46 06/10/2012
Quote: crystalhero37
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: crystalhero37

tanks you c:
I just feel sometimes I am annoying and clummsy, WHY DO I HAVE TO LET IT OUT ON THIS TOPIC, WHY.

You're not annoying to me! I feel xactly the same, but hey, we're RARE. we're RANDOM. smilie

aww, thank you, and yeah! *le high fives*

Yaaaay! Wish there were more people like you at my school smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12747
#342 Posted: 14:43:08 06/10/2012
you may be dead but YOU WERE PRETTY GOOD LOOKING
FattenksDbz69 Ripto Gems: 26
#343 Posted: 16:42:49 06/10/2012
it is shame to think how villains such as Buu could make a difference if they use their power for good instead of trying to destroy a planet
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8275
#344 Posted: 16:43:44 06/10/2012
Why her, Hunter, why her....
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#345 Posted: 16:49:11 06/10/2012
why must I murder my headphones
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8275
#346 Posted: 16:51:23 06/10/2012
Everybody, move your feet and feel united! Oh oh oh! Come on everyone! smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#347 Posted: 16:52:02 06/10/2012
Quit running!!
BigBoom Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#348 Posted: 17:01:35 06/10/2012
No, I will not join Facebook just to watch people talk about useless crap and to see messages of you posting how much you love your "perefect byfrend xoxoxoxo" every second, and then when you break up talk about how all men are horrible pigs because you're cheating, which I know you are. ._.
this user has died. written on a note was their darkspyro login. they say hello from beyond the grave.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#349 Posted: 17:02:41 06/10/2012
You ask me to go to the park...You tell me not to put myself down...You give me small compliments....Now our other friends are telling me you want to go out with me...Well..Do you?
looks like ive got some things to do...
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